Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 84: Senior Brother Instructs Junior Sister When He Has Free Time

After hearing what this female disciple said, Ye Han looked at her strangely and said, "Why is this sword technique not suitable for me to practice?"

Saying this, Ye Han looked at the introduction of Qingxuan Sword Technique again, Qingxuan Sword Technique! Wood-type swordsmanship requires the refining of multiple spiritual swords and the use of Qingxuan Gong to drive the power to double.

After looking twice and then at the expression of the female disciple, Ye Han replied calmly: "If you don't practice, how do you know if I am suitable? Just change to this Qingxuan Sword Technique."

Yes, Ye Han could see that the female disciple felt that she had not practiced Qingxuan Kung Fu and that the power of Qingxuan Sword Technique was average, so she said so, right?

Seeing Ye Han's insistence, the female disciple persuaded: "Brother, do you really plan to change this sword technique? You must know that the reason why this sword technique is placed in the intermediate magic is mainly because most monks and disciples can practice it. Swordsmanship, improve your swordsmanship, but to truly use this swordsmanship, you not only need to practice Qingxuan Gong, but also need to be powerful. You must drive at least three flying swords at the same time to be able to exert its power!"

After listening to the female disciple's words, Ye Han immediately understood. As he thought, he felt that he had not practiced Qingxuan Gong and was unable to exert the power of Qingxuan Sword Technique...

There are also three flying swords...

Although Ye Han does not have three flying sword magic weapons, he has three flying scale daggers that should be almost the same...

Even if he is unable to exert the power of Qingxuan Sword Technique now, he can still start practicing it and use it when his cultivation level is high.

What's more, he is even less sure about other spells. After all, Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan is not with him, and there are few people who can give him guidance. Such a Qingxuan Sword Technique is already very suitable for him.

There is no need to choose again.

Of course, Ye Han did not tell anyone about his practice of Qingxuan Gong, but he casually said: "I mainly practice swordsmanship, and I am interested in all kinds of swordsmanship. I have never practiced this swordsmanship, so Let’s take a look.”

Listening to Ye Han's calm words, he had a nonchalant expression on his face.

The female disciple suddenly realized that she was a bit nosy. Ye Han was the disciple of the seventh elder of the peak master. Was he the master who lacked magic skills?

I just happen to like this sword technique.

It's so frustrating that people are so different from each other. When I first started, when I was choosing basic exercises and basic spells, I went back and forth and it took me a long time to choose one that might suit me.

People are just interested in this swordsmanship.

Then the female disciple suddenly understood, showing a hint of admiration for Ye Han, but she concealed it, and asked a little embarrassedly: "By the way, it's senior brother! What is your name? My name is Ye Lingzhi !”

Ye Lingzhi looked at Ye Han with burning eyes as he spoke.

He is the disciple of the seventh elder of the peak master, how could he like him?

Ye Han replied unhurriedly: "My dear, Ye Han, I have the same surname as my senior sister. It seems that we might have been a family five hundred years ago."

Seeing what Ye Han said, Ye Lingzhi felt happy and immediately said, "Yes! Maybe we will still be a family after five hundred years."

Having said this, she continued: "Senior Brother Ye, I will give you the sword technique!"

After saying that, she took out a token, chanted a spell over it, and saw a gleam of light coming from the token, and she drilled into a hole behind the counter...

Waited for about three breaths.


A small door behind the counter opened automatically, and a crystal clear jade slip was placed there.

Ye Lingzhi took the jade slip, handed it to Ye Han and said, "Senior Brother Ye, this is your swordsmanship."

Ye Han took it and nodded: "Thank you!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

Ye Lingzhi stopped Ye Han and said, "Senior Brother Ye! Wait a moment!"

Ye Han looked back at her and said, "Is there anything else?"

After listening to Ye Han's words, Ye Lingzhi's eyes moved slightly, his face suddenly turned red, his ears were red, and he whispered: "Senior brother Ye! Junior sister has encountered some puzzles in her practice recently. I would like to ask you when you are free. Give me some pointers, junior sister!”

After Ye Han heard this, his eyes were stunned. He was still half full of water. He didn't know many things in the world of immortality. He didn't have the cultivation level in the late stage of Qi refining...

Could it be that I just pretended to be too similar?

not good! It's misleading.

However, Ye Han didn't want to offend anyone, so he nodded and said, "If there is a chance! Let's discuss and exchange our cultivation experiences!"

Ye Lingzhi smiled with joy on his face: "Okay! Thank you, senior brother!"

Ye Han nodded and smiled slightly: "Let's go."

"Brother, please!"

Ye Lingzhi looked at Ye Han's leaving figure with a look of envy in his eyes. When will he be able to become a disciple of a Jindan monk?

After Ye Han left the counter, he did not go back to the cave directly to see the Thorn Ring and Qingxuan Sword Technique that he had obtained.

These two things are already lying in their storage bags. Whether it is the refining of the thorn ring or the cultivation of the Qingxuan sword technique, they cannot be mastered in a short time...

Anyway, he has already come to the library, and he is very interested in the free books in this place.

He is a person who loves reading very much. When he was in Qingniu Village, even when Mr. Lan Qing was not teaching, Ye Han would often go to Mr. Lan Qing's place...

Because there are many, many books in Mr. Lan Qing's home, although Mr. Lan Qing doesn't let him read very much...

But as long as he washes clothes, cooks, and cleans properly for Mr. Lan Qing...

If Mr. Lan Qing is happy, he can lend him a book to read.

It can be said that the reason why Ye Han has a bookish air is because he has read a lot of books and learned a lot from Mr. Lan Qing...

Now he can read these books for free, and he doesn't have to wash clothes, cook, clean, and fetch water for Mr. Lan Qing...

Ye Han took a look and found that the layout of this library was divided into four areas. Among them, there were four areas that required spirit stones. The cheaper ones all said that one spirit stone was required for reading for one hour.

The most expensive one actually required one hundred spirit stones for reading for one hour.

I didn't expect that it would take so many spirit stones to read a book once. It reminded him of a sentence he had read before, that literature is worth a thousand gold!

However, the area that he could read for free was one spirit stone.

He walked towards this area. There was a cultivator disciple who charged fees at the door. When he saw a group of people coming, he said, "One spirit stone for entering!"

But Ye Han ignored him and walked directly into the area.

The disciple looked at Ye Han and ignored him, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes. How could he barge in here randomly?

Be careful, the isolation formation will be activated soon, and this kid will be in trouble...

But this kid looks really unfamiliar, is he new here?

No wonder he doesn't know the rules.

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