Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 85: Cram School

This gatekeeper disciple was thinking about making fun of Ye Han. After all, this isolation forbidden formation would be activated if he broke into it.

Although it would not cost the life of this mountain disciple, the general punishment was still inevitable...

It was enough to make Ye Han embarrassed.

Who told Ye Han to ignore him?

A newcomer is a newcomer. He doesn't know any rules. Seeing his senior brother without even saying hello, it's better to let him suffer a little.

This guarding disciple looked like he was watching a good show and watched Ye Han walk towards the door.

As a result, Ye Han stepped on the isolation forbidden formation, and a piece of spiritual runes automatically emerged from his body.

The isolation forbidden formation immediately automatically restrained the restriction, and Ye Han went in directly.

Seeing this scene, the gatekeeper disciple opened his eyes wide in disbelief. This kid's cultivation was lower than his own, and he actually had the permission to read for free and unlimited?

Who is this kid?

Who gave him the permission?

Is he a disciple of that family? Or a disciple of some elder?

Each inner disciple who has this permission is not simple. They are either from a very good family or the disciple of the elder...

But he has never seen this guy before. This guy must be here for the first time.

Damn! You can read unlimited books once you come here. This is too enviable.

Although the books inside are not cultivation methods, spells, etc., they record the knowledge needed by countless cultivators, such as the types of various natural treasures, rare flowers and plants, the appearance, characteristics, weaknesses, and living habits of various monsters, etc.

There are also many travel notes written by cultivators, insights, etc.

In short, the more books you read, the greater the benefit to yourself.

I didn't expect that Ye Han actually had this permission.

The disciples who have this permission are either foundation-building cultivators, disciples of some elders, or from a big family with a token given by the family...

I really didn't expect this inconspicuous boy...

Of course, Ye Han ignored this gatekeeper disciple. He was determined to come in to read books and make up for his lack of knowledge needed by cultivators.

After entering this area, Ye Han found that this space was much larger than he had imagined. Rows of bookshelves, neatly arranged books of all kinds, were endless at a glance. A rough look may have millions of books.

What is this concept?

If you read one book after another, one book for one hour, it will take more than two hundred years...

However, to Ye Han's surprise, he thought there would be many disciples inside.

As a result, he found that there was no one inside, only him.

When Ye Han saw this situation, he understood that charging one spirit stone for one hour was too expensive...

Many disciples knew much more knowledge than Ye Han, so they didn't need to come in to check.

Of course, if he also had to pay to come in, the twenty spirit stones he had would be gone in just two days...

No wonder when he first met Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan, he was so poor that he didn't have any spirit stones. It turns out that in the sect, no matter what he does, he needs spirit stones everywhere...

Even if he lives frugally, he can't avoid spending spirit stones to buy the cultivation resources, secret manuals, magic tools and treasures he needs...

However, this is still within the sect.

If he were a casual cultivator, he would have to spend more spirit stones to get something.

Ye Han cherished this hard-won opportunity very much. He looked around and found that these books were placed in several areas according to classification.

For example, the texts on exotic flowers and plants were placed in one area, and the travel notes of cultivators were placed in another area.

The works of literary masters were placed in one area...

It was quite orderly.

The first books Ye Han read were about treasures and antiques.

The reason why he read this first was that he wanted to find some records about the purple tripod. After all, he didn't fully know how the purple tripod was used.

He just kept trying. If he could find a detailed description of the purple tripod and how to use it, it would be a great help to his future cultivation...

When Ye Han came out of the library.

It was already the third day.

If he was very hungry, Ye Han would not have planned to come out. In these three days, he read at least hundreds of books and learned a lot.

For example, he had some knowledge of the elixirs, natural treasures, monsters, and even some magical tools commonly used by immortal cultivators.

He also read a lot of travel notes of immortal cultivators and read their insights on immortal cultivation...

It really benefited him a lot.

At least for him now, he would no longer be confused and know nothing when he went to any dangerous place to look for natural treasures...

Ye Han went to the food shop to buy some food and went back to the cave.

Although he still wanted to read those books, three days had passed, and maybe Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan would come back.

Maybe he would bring back a lot of useful cultivation pills and the like...

After all, Zhang Qingshan told him when he left that in order to participate in the Immortal Cultivation Conference, he needed spirit stones to buy some treasures and pills, and he needed to use more. If he really became a foundation-building cultivator, he would compensate Ye Han.

Of course, Ye Han knew the benefits of Zhang Qingshan becoming a foundation-building cultivator, and most of these things were actually won by Zhang Qingshan desperately.

However, Ye Han returned to the cave. Now there was no password in the cave. As long as he moved his mind, he could open the cave door and go in. Now the restrictions of the cave were completely under his control.

Zhang Qingshan did not come back, and Ye Han did not go out either. Anyway, Zhang Qingshan should be back in the next two days.

He took out the thorn ring and looked at it. From a close distance, it looked like there were some thorns on it. He recognized that the main material of this thorn ring was made of a thorn called Tianling Thorn, and it was at least two or three hundred years old.

Then he put the jade slip that came with the thorn ring on his forehead, and his consciousness flowed into the jade slip to check the contents of the jade slip.

This method of using consciousness to check the contents of the jade slip is a method that only cultivators have.

Because the contents of this jade slip will be lost automatically soon after reading it...

After reading the contents, Ye Han's eyes showed surprise. Han Yuwan really didn't lie to him. For him who practices wood-based skills, this thorny ring will have a lot of advantages when fighting, and it can also increase the power of wood-based spells. However, it still takes a long time to practice the method inside and control and refine it.

But if he successfully practices Qingxuan Sword Skill, wouldn't it be a big increase in the power of Qingxuan Sword Skill with the help of the thorny ring?

So, Ye Han immediately took out the secret book of Qingxuan Sword Skill...

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