Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 86 Refining Treasures

Ye Han slowly put down the Qingxuan Sword Technique and sighed. Just as Ye Lingzhi said, this Qingxuan Sword Technique is not so easy to practice.

It is also a spell of the intermediate level of Qi Refining Period. The comprehension and practice of the Vine Soul Technique is not too complicated, and Zhang Qingshan explained the difficulty of the spell to him.

So it was not too difficult for Ye Han to succeed in the initial stage of practicing the Vine Soul Technique, and this Vine Soul Technique played a key role in his fight against Qinshan Er Xiong and the two clawed beasts in the Black Demon Forest.

The Vine Soul Technique controls the wood magic power through magic to form vines, which can trap and entangle the enemy, and have many other magical effects.

Of course, how to use the spell well depends on how you use it.

For example, Ye Han used the Vine Soul Technique at an extremely subtle time. Both times were exactly right, trapping Qinshan Er Xiong who wanted to escape, and giving Zhang Qingshan enough time to take action...

It can be seen that the timing of the use of this Vine Soul Technique is really too important.

However, Ye Han was not born with this ability. He was alone in Qingniu Village, without parents or relatives to protect him. There were children and even adults who bullied him.

Ye Han did not care on the surface, but he often made them feel uncomfortable behind their backs. Moreover, when he often fought with others, it seemed that others had the advantage, but in the end, they were always injured, and he was only slightly injured, which did not look serious.

It was because every time he fought with others, he would seize the opportunity to give his opponent a fatal blow, or lead him into his own trap.

If it really didn't work, he would run away.

After all, in the village, his body was relatively weak for his age, and once he was sick or injured, he had no money to treat it, so he could only endure it...

So when Ye Han fought with others, he relied on his brain and cleverness to trap the opponent...

This vine soul technique is indeed a very useful spell, and he has to practice it more and strive to succeed in the intermediate level as soon as possible.

However, Ye Han almost completely did not understand the formula of this sword technique, as well as the role of the moves, which is also the intermediate Qingxuan sword technique.

Because this sword technique, in addition to the support and drive of Qingxuan Gong, also requires the learning of sword techniques and sword intentions, the use of the art of driving objects, and a certain understanding of the basic formation.

The point is that it also requires a certain foundation of sword techniques and spells, which may be much better.

But Ye Han had never practiced sword techniques before, so he has no clue until now.

However, what is completely different from the past is that he is now the registered disciple of the Seventh Elder.

Even if the damn Fifth Elder wants to continue to embarrass him and want to retaliate against him, he has to think about it.

More importantly, through his visit to the Seventh Profound Palace, the Treasure Pavilion, and the Book Pavilion, he met those disciples, and after knowing that he was the disciple of the Seventh Elder, their attitude towards him was not ordinary good.

So he is now active in the Seventh Profound Peak, that is completely free, and it should not be too difficult to learn these things.

Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan also told him that it is extremely difficult for a cultivator to cultivate immortality and gain the Tao. Diligence and hard work in seclusion are the norm for cultivators.

So Ye Han is not in a hurry.

It is worth mentioning that the swordsmanship of immortal cultivators is completely different from that of secular warriors. The swordsmanship of immortal cultivators mainly uses magic power to drive flying swords to attack, defend, etc. ...

Ye Han saw the works written by immortal cultivators in the library, and saw that the flying swords of immortal cultivators can take the heads of enemies thousands of miles away, although there is an exaggeration.

Let him see the attack of Zhang Sanlei and the other two using the flying scale dagger...

And the knife attack of one of the two Qinshan villains, all of which are controlled by immortal arts and long-range attacks.

This is much more powerful than secular martial arts.

Like ordinary martial arts masters, when you get close, their flying swords have already flown to you, and the flying swords of immortal cultivators are so sharp that they can kill the opponent at first sight.

And the magic weapons of immortal cultivators are not ordinary iron. They are made of many rare materials and are tempered by earth fire or true fire. Each one is equivalent to a mysterious weapon.

And when the weapon refiners refine these magic weapons, they will put some magic formulas, or formations, or special driving materials into the magic weapons.

It greatly increases the power of magic tools and maximizes the power of the magic of the cultivators.

Many of these things are to be read while reading in the library.

In the three days in the library, he read hundreds of books. Now he has a certain understanding and accumulation of some necessary basic knowledge of cultivators.

However, the world of cultivators is so complicated, and there are so many books in the library. Ye Han only read a small part. If he was not hungry, he would not come out.

It is a pity that Ye Han specially flipped through some books about treasures, but did not see any record about the purple tripod in his storage bag.

When he read a few books about the travel notes of cultivators, he occasionally mentioned that some cultivators met excellent cultivators, encountered excellent opportunities when cultivating, and obtained some treasures that can promote cultivation.

Some can promote the rapid growth of spiritual herbs and spiritual medicines, so that cultivators do not have to worry about the lack of spiritual herbs and spiritual herbs, and the cultivation speed is extremely fast, and later they fly to the immortal world...

Some can improve the physical and spiritual roots of cultivators.

There are even treasures that can allow mortals without spiritual roots to cultivate immortality...

These contents really interested Ye Han, and he was fascinated by them in the library.

It reminded him that Zhang Qingshan occasionally mentioned that he had encountered some opportunities, especially the axe treasure, which was so sharp that it was definitely not an ordinary magic weapon. It might be a spiritual weapon!

Otherwise, the water dragon beast could not be dismembered so easily by him.

However, Ye Han did not intend to take this treasure for himself at the beginning. It would be a crime to possess a treasure. Unless he killed Zhang Qingshan, how could he keep this treasure?

Ye Han put down the jade slip of Qingxuan Sword Technique and picked up the Thorn Thorn Ring. He had not yet refined this treasure with his spiritual consciousness and mana, and dripped blood to recognize the owner...

Because this treasure was taken out of the treasure pavilion, there was no spiritual consciousness mark of any cultivator on it, and there was also a dripping blood breath...

So it should be much faster to refine than the Feilin Dagger and the Cold Iron Shield. He has not yet successfully refined these treasures.

Because these treasures have been used by others, it takes at least several months to wipe off the spiritual consciousness mark and the dripping blood breath on them and slowly refine them.

Of course, the speed of refining time is also closely related to the strength of the cultivator's cultivation...

If Ye Han's cultivation is far superior, the original owner of the Flying Scale Dagger and Cold Iron Shield will save at least half of the refining time.

This thorny ring will be very fast.

He bit his finger and used his magic power to force a drop of blood to drip into the thorny ring...

A magical scene appeared.

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