Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 87 The Power of the Bracelet

When Ye Han chanted a few words, pinched the magic formula, and dropped this drop of blood on the thorny ring.

The thorny ring actually absorbed this drop of blood into the bracelet, and the spiritual light runes on the bracelet surged, and the vines and thorns on it began to slowly rotate...

It seemed to come alive.

As the spiritual light runes slowly rotated, Ye Han felt that he had a special spiritual connection with the thorny ring, and the thorny ring seemed to be controlled freely by himself.

He pinched his fingers and pointed at the thorny ring: "Go!"

The thorny ring trembled, and the green light runes surged. The vines on the thorny ring twisted and spread out like living things, growing rapidly, and instantly turned into four or five vines, each thicker than a thumb, dancing in the air...

But it only lasted for two or three breaths, and Ye Han felt that his mana was consumed by at least one-third.

This thing really consumes mana!

Of course, more importantly, he had not yet completely refined this thorny ring. Although it could be used, it consumed more mana and its power was greatly weakened.

On the other hand, he had not yet completely mastered the method of controlling this thorny ring.

Ye Han did not waste mana. He changed the spell in his hand and waved his hand, saying, "Come!"

As his spell changed, the thorny ring twisted and recovered again, turning into a ray of spiritual light and falling into Ye Han's wrist.

In addition to being able to entangle the enemy, this thorny ring can also increase his training speed and the power of casting wood-based spells.

He is now in his own cave, so there is naturally no problem wearing it on his hand.

He then chanted a spell and pinched the spell, pointed his finger forward, and shouted, "Vine Soul Technique."

As Ye Han's mana was running, his finger pointed forward.

A wave of mana runes swirled on the ground ahead, and a wave of vines spread out, forming several vines curling in the air...

Now he released a vine, which was as thick as three fingers, and he consumed very little mana, and it lasted for a long time.

He directed the vines of the vine soul technique to dance there, as if his arm was controlling it.

After controlling it for two breaths, he felt that he had only consumed one-tenth of his mana.

Less than the thorn ring?

Of course, this cannot be compared. Although both of them released vine-like attacks, it is obvious that the thorn ring is a vine transformed from a bracelet, a kind of thorn called Tianling Thorn.

The thorns of Tianling Thorn are a natural treasure, quite rare. The vines that are transformed into vines can entangle the enemy. They are the thorns of Tianling Thorn. Ordinary magic weapons are difficult to hurt. Once the enemy or monster is trapped, it is difficult for the opponent to break free, unless the opponent is far more powerful than him, or has a special treasure to escape.

The Vine Soul Technique he released was a spell released with mana, and it was supported entirely by mana...

It would be easy to break it with ordinary magic weapons, or it could be broken by someone with a higher cultivation level than Ye Han...

The two look very similar, but their functions are completely different.

One is to trap the enemy, and the other is to disrupt the enemy unexpectedly.

If the two interact with each other, Ye Han feels that he can fully confuse the enemy, which is one of the reasons why he did not hesitate to exchange for this thorny ring.

However, he has not started to practice the spells and formulas that come with the thorny ring, so he took it out and read it carefully to see if he could comprehend the spells that come with the thorny ring.

As for the Qingxuan swordsmanship, it is better to practice and learn the basic swordsmanship first, and then comprehend it.

And he can also read more books about the swordsmanship of immortal cultivators. Although these books do not describe spells or cultivation experience, you can comprehend what the swordsmanship of immortal cultivators is like from them?

Increase your initial understanding of the swordsmanship of immortal cultivators, and then it will be more effective to comprehend and practice the Qingxuan swordsmanship by yourself...

Otherwise, with your current understanding of the swordsmanship of immortal cultivators, it would be strange if you could practice it.

Because he had seen similar examples when reading books, for the magic system that he didn't understand very well, he should first have a general understanding, with a big framework, he would have a direction to work hard.

Blindly comprehending some immortal methods and skills will only make you get stuck in a dead end, and even make yourself fall into a state of confusion, and it is common to go astray.

So Ye Han still thinks that he is very suitable for immortal cultivation, at least his mind is calmer and more stable than ordinary people.

Just like learning literature and calligraphy with Mr. Lan Qing in Qingniu Village, other children are rote memorization, or simply fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, and sometimes they don't come at all.

But Ye Han can always draw inferences from one example, and his learning speed is much faster than that of ordinary children.

This is what makes Ye Han different from other children.

Now he judges that the reason why Mr. Lan Qing pointed out his way to immortal cultivation is, on the one hand, because the silk he gave him was a treasure.

On the other hand, it was because Mr. Lan Qing still thought highly of him and was willing to show him a smooth path and establish a good relationship.

Ye Han was immersed in the magic of comprehending the thorny ring, and kept trying.

From time to time, a circle of magic power would burst out from his cave...

Diligent and tireless!

Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

Ye Han was in the cave, comprehending the fairy magic of the thorny ring...

He made hand gestures and chanted spells with very fast hand speed. The thorn ring kept changing in front of his eyes, turning into circles of vines that kept waving...

He pointed his finger and shouted: "Go!"

The thorn ring instantly split into countless rune light spots and disappeared into the air.

At the same time.

Around a stone bench in the distance, a rune light spot flashed, and the vines instantly surrounded the stone bench.

In an instant.

The vines rolled up the stone bench, surrounded it tightly in circles.

Then an amazing scene appeared.

The stone bench weighing more than 200 kilograms cracked in an instant, and instantly turned into a piece of rubble scattered...

Seeing this scene, Ye Han's eyes lit up.

Sure enough, the power of the thorn ring is far greater than the power of the vines of the vine soul technique. The vine soul technique can roll this stone bench tightly, but to break it, Ye Han still needs to use all his strength...

But the thorn ring, he can break this stone bench with just a thought.

As expected, the power of the two is very different.

But he was about to continue to control the thorny ring...


"Junior Brother Ye, are you there?"

A familiar voice came from outside...

Ye Han's heart moved, and his hanging heart was relieved, because Zhang Qingshan was back, and he didn't know what happened to the treasures he went out to take...

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