Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 88 Eight thousand three hundred and five spirit stones

When Zhang Qingshan left Qixuan Peak, he told Ye Han that he would come back as soon as possible.

After all, Zhang Qingshan went to the so-called black market with so many good things.

Although Ye Han didn't know what was going on there, immortal cultivators were killing people and grabbing treasures everywhere, competing for cultivation resources.

Wealth cannot be revealed, and treasure cannot be shown to others.

Of course he was worried that something would happen if Zhang Qingshan went out so honestly?

In other words, Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan might pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, take all these things and never come back.

But based on Ye Han's understanding of Zhang Qingshan, Zhang Qingshan would definitely not do this.

It's just that he is a little worried about Zhang Qingshan's safety.

After all, the Immortal Meeting will be held in five or six days, and Zhang Qingshan said that he will be back in these few days.

I don’t know how many treasures Zhang Qingshan took away and exchanged for useful things for their cultivation.

Thinking of this, Ye Han put the thorn ring into his storage bag and swept it away, and a breeze whistled.

The pile of exploding stones from the stone bench was swept aside.

After those few days of reading, he knew that the role of mana was not just in fighting, using spells, etc., but could also be used in all aspects of life.

This will help you control your spells...

As soon as Ye Han opened the cave, Zhang Qingshan slipped in like a thief and said to Ye Han: "Quick, quick, quick! Close the door."

Ye Han was stunned and closed the door of the cave directly.

Seeing Zhang Qingshan's nervous look, those who didn't know thought he was going to be a thief.

Seeing Ye Han closing the door of the cave, Zhang Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted to sit on the stone bench where he usually sat, but found that the stone bench was missing and saw a pile of stones on the side. A trace of mana fluctuation.

So he said in surprise: "Junior brother Ye, your spell practice is pretty good!"

Ye Han nodded and asked: "Senior Brother Zhang! You have returned to Qingxuan Sect, why are you still so nervous?"

Yes, as long as you return to Qingxuan Sect, how can anyone dare to do anything to Qingxuan Sect disciples in Qingxuan Sect?

Zhang Qingshan smiled bitterly and said: "Junior Brother Ye! You don't know. I also sailed the Ten Thousand Years Ship carefully to get rid of them. I am a disciple of another peak!"

After hearing this, Ye Han frowned and asked, "What? Disciples from other peaks? What's going on?"

Zhang Qingshan explained casually: "I ran into some trouble when I went to the black market. My identity was almost discovered. They followed me all the way. I felt that they were also disciples of Qingxuan Sect. They knew my true identity. Chengxianhui I'll be in trouble inside."

After hearing this, Ye Han nodded, but he understood Zhang Qingshan's worry. Maybe their harvest this time was too great.

Although becoming an immortal is a competition between disciples of several sects, the treasure is touching people's hearts.

If it were known that Zhang Qingshan was a disciple of his own sect who sold a large amount of treasures and materials...

A place like the Chengxian Association is a good place to start.

Because the Immortal Meeting is held in an ancient secret realm called the Dark Forbidden Land, where a large amount of heavenly materials and earthly treasures are produced for making foundation-building pills, monks from several sects in the Qi Refining Period will enter to compete for them.

Although the disciples of our sect should be united, if they know that the other party has a large amount of treasures, some disciples with ulterior motives will take action against the disciples of our sect.

In a closed secret realm, no one knows who did this, so it is certainly a good place to start.

We can also see how dangerous it is to become an immortal in a dark state.

Zhang Qingshan didn't say anything more on this topic. He took out a storage bag from his arms and said with a half-smile. Said: "Junior Brother Ye! After I sold all the materials, do you know how many spiritual stones I sold?"

Looking at Zhang Qingshan's expression of surprise, he certainly knew that the harvest this time might far exceed his expectations.

Ye Han said, "Senior Brother Zhang! Stop showing off! Junior Brother, I don't understand this. As long as Senior Brother can come back safely, it will be fine."

Zhang Qingshan was slightly touched after hearing Ye Han's warm words. In this Qixuan Peak, the inner disciples compete with each other and are on guard against each other. How many of them have true friendship?

So Zhang Qingshan didn't show off, and said to Ye Han with some excitement: "We sold these things for a total of 8,305 spirit stones! Junior Brother Ye, we made a lot of money this time!"

After a pause in his voice, he said with great emotion: "No wonder so many people in the world of cultivating immortals kill people to seize treasures. It's really a huge profit."

However, at this point, Zhang Qingshan's face became serious again, and he said to Ye Han: "But Junior Brother Ye, we can't do this kind of murder and treasure grabbing!"

Seeing Zhang Qingshan's pedantic words, Ye Han asked, "Why?"

Zhang Qingshan hesitated to speak, but did not say the reason, and said directly: "In short, I still can't do it, just believe me."

Seeing Zhang Qingshan's mysterious look, Ye Han couldn't figure out what he was thinking, but he still nodded and said: "I understand!"

However, Zhang Qingshan said a little embarrassedly: "But Junior Brother Ye, I used 5,632 spiritual stones to buy these spiritual stones. I need something to save my life when I go to the dark realm this time. Kill The enemy's thing!"

Then he handed the storage bag to Ye Han and said: "With the remaining spirit stones, I have prepared for you the Qi Refining Pill, Spiritual Energy Pill, Body Refining Pill, Bigu Pill, basic cultivation method, and three blood There are only more than two hundred spiritual stones left for the escape talisman."

After speaking, he handed the storage bag to Ye Han, paused, and promised: "Junior Brother Ye! If I can return safely from the dark realm, I will compensate you."

Ye Han shook his head and said: "Junior Brother Zhang, I am very grateful to you for giving me so many spiritual stones. We cultivators cannot be greedy."

He glanced at the storage bag with his spiritual sense. There were indeed many pills in it, including three bottles of Qi Refining Pills, and other pills.

The point is that Zhang Qingshan had told him long ago that he should not use pills, and he should not take the same pill all the time, otherwise he would develop drug resistance and the effect would be very poor.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Qingshan also prepared a body refining pill for him.

Although the pills in the sect are much cheaper than those outside, there are strict regulations for buying pills in the sect. You can only take them yourself, and there is a limit on the amount.

It is to prevent the disciples in the sect from buying pills in the sect and selling them to make a profit.

So the pills bought in the sect are only enough for daily use.

However, with these things, Ye Han had a lot of confidence in improving his cultivation.

But he didn't understand why Zhang Qingshan bought him Qi Refining Pills?

So he asked: "Brother Zhang! Why did you buy so many Qi Refining Pills for me?"

Zhang Qingshan immediately said: "Brother Ye! Qi Refining Pills are very important for your future cultivation, so Brother Ye took the initiative and didn't prepare a magic weapon for you."

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