Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 89 The eldest senior brother of Qixuan Peak?

Indeed, when Zhang Qingshan took those material treasures down the mountain to sell on the black market, Ye Han did ask that if he encountered a treasure that was suitable for him and could afford it, he would let Zhang Qingshan buy it for him.

Of course, the most important thing is the various cultivation elixirs. If you can buy them, buy as many as you can.

After all, he has a purple tripod, a treasure that can absorb the essence of elixirs, which is of great benefit to his cultivation.

Moreover, he felt that directly using the purple tripod to absorb the elixir was much better than absorbing other things that could absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, such as spiritual stones, which had very average effects.

However, Ye Han still hasn't figured out what the purple tripod is, and it will take a long time to figure out how to use the purple tripod.

Because he felt that this thing shouldn't be that simple.

However, Ye Han did not ask Zhang Qingshan to bring him body-refining treasures because he felt that he should be almost ready for practicing blood-based exercises.

Seeing the hesitation on Ye Han's face, Zhang Qingshan explained: "Junior brother Ye! I have told you before! It is understandable that monks focus on magical cultivation, but the physical strength will not be enough for you to fight in the future and hunt monsters. There are great benefits to both advancing and passing the level. You are still young, and it will be of great benefit to you to advance both."

After a pause in his voice, he looked at Ye Han sincerely and said, "Although blood training can help you refine your body, when you reach the next level, you will need the assistance of body training pills! You have to believe that senior brother will not harm you. "

Ye Han then nodded and said, "I understand, senior brother! I will practice hard."

After thinking for a while, he took the initiative and said: "By the way, senior brother! I have another good news to tell you."

Zhang Qingshan looked at Ye Han and said, "What's the good news?"

Ye Han took the initiative and said, "Not long after senior brother left me, I met the seventh elder, who accepted me as a registered disciple."

After hearing this, Zhang Qingshan looked at Ye Han in disbelief and said, "What? The Seventh Elder has accepted you as a registered disciple? The Seventh Elder has not accepted a disciple for more than ten years! Even if it is a registered disciple!"

At this point, Zhang Qingshan patted Ye Han's shoulder with envy and said, "Junior brother, you are so lucky! With the support of the Seventh Elder, you will be safe and sound in Qixuan Peak. Not many disciples dare to do anything to you. That way, I can feel much more at ease when I go to the Dark Forbidden Land.”

Ye Han scratched the back of his head and said sheepishly: "I don't know why the seventh elder fell in love with me. Maybe I am more pleasing to the eye, right?"

In fact, Ye Han was really a little confused as to why the seventh elder accepted him as a registered disciple. He was an elder at the golden elixir level.

Even the monks in the foundation-building stage are rushing to become their disciples.

Zhang Qingshan laughed and said: "The first time I saw my junior brother, I thought he was extraordinary. I thought you were the disciple of the Seventh Elder, otherwise he wouldn't have given you this cave to practice, even if you exchanged it for the Foundation Establishment Pill. of!"

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Ye Han's heart moved, and he remembered that Fairy Qingfeng talked about this cave, and it turned out that the owner had a strange expression.

The Seventh Elder also said that part of the reason why he accepted him as his disciple was because of the original owner of this cave...

So Ye Han asked: "By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, who is the original owner of this cave?"

He was indeed very curious about this matter, partly because of Fairy Qingfeng, and partly because both Fairy Qingfeng and the Seventh Elder missed this master very much...

He didn't ask Zhang Qingshan before because he was afraid of exposing his flaws and didn't know what he really thought about him. Now that he is the registered disciple of the Seventh Elder, even Zhang Qingshan doesn't dare to do anything to him.

After hearing this, Zhang Qingshan said: "I have only heard of this. This cave was the original training place of the Qixuanfeng Senior Brother. I heard that the Senior Brother was the first of the Seven Peaks of Qingxuan Sect. He later fell down for unknown reasons. Since then, this cave has been taken back by the seventh elder, and it has always been empty."

Speaking of this, Zhang Qingshan explained: "I don't know the details, because when I started, the senior brother had already fallen. I only heard that when the senior brother of Qixuanfeng was here, that At that time, Qixuan Peak was the most prestigious among the seven peaks, so it was normal for the group to treat other senior brothers so well. "

Having said this, he said to Ye Han: "I really congratulate you! Junior brother!"

Seeing Zhang Qingshan sincerely congratulate him, Ye Han was also quite happy. Just as Zhang Qingshan said, Zhang Qingshan was about to attend the Immortal Meeting in the Dark Forbidden Land and would definitely have to leave for a long time.

Zhang Qingshan told him that it would take at least several months to participate in the Immortal Meeting in the Dark Forbidden Land.

During this period, no one guided Ye Han's cultivation. Zhang Qingshan was still a little worried. Now that he was the registered disciple of the Seventh Elder, his status was unusual, so naturally there was nothing to worry about.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qingshan said: "Junior brother Ye! I want to sort out the things I got this time, and then sign up for the Immortal Association. I'm going to retreat."

Ye Han nodded and said, "Okay!"

But Zhang Qingshan suddenly remembered something and said: "By the way, I bought you three blood escape talismans. In the future, when you go out to kill monsters and collect treasures, you can use them to escape when you encounter danger. These are used to save your life." , remember, although this thing is expensive, your life is more important, you still need to use it when you need it.”

As he spoke, he walked towards the practice room.

Ye Han nodded and said nothing more.

However, Zhang Qingshan did not say what he bought with the more than 5,000 spirit stones. However, since he was participating in a very dangerous competition, he must have bought a lot of things with more than 5,000 spirit stones.

No wonder Zhang Qingshan attached so much importance to it and exchanged almost all of his spirit stones for things to save his life. After all, this time, one more life-saving thing means one more chance of success.

Ye Han did not blame Zhang Qingshan for anything. After all, he still hoped that a good senior brother like Zhang Qingshan could live longer. If he really needed Zhang Qingshan's help in the future, he would definitely help him. This is the real "lover" in the law, wealth and land!

Ye Han opened the storage bag that Zhang Qingshan gave him, and with a move of his spiritual consciousness, all the verbs were taken out.

This is something worth nearly 3,000 spirit stones, which dazzled Ye Han.

There are three types of Qi Refining Pills, including upper, middle and lower grades. As he thought, the Qi Refining Pill that Fairy Qingfeng gave him last time was indeed a high-grade Qi Refining Pill. He compared them everywhere and they were exactly the same.

However, Zhang Qingshan only bought five high-grade Qi-refining pills.

He was most interested in the blood escape talismans. In fact, he had seen this talisman before. The two villains of Qinshan used this talisman to escape, but they didn't have time. There was only one reason. They hesitated when they used it.

Ye Han caught the moment of their hesitation.

However, when he saw the other basic spells, he saw what he wanted...

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