Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 90 Basic Swordsmanship

Ye Han picked up a secret book from the pile of books and jade slips he had taken out. It was the method of practicing basic swordsmanship...

Zhang Qingshan was his senior brother, although he looked like he was a bit stupid and too honest. He really didn't look like a person from the world of immortal cultivation.

However, on the other hand, he was also very careful and always took him into consideration. The reason why he bought the basic swordsmanship for him was probably because he wanted to practice the use of the Feilin dagger himself...

After all, using daggers, swords, and similar magic tools, relying on the object-driving technique alone can only basically attack the enemy.

However, if you use swordsmanship, the magic power and sword intent are integrated into it, and the attack power of the magic tool released will also increase dramatically.

Moreover, some swordsmanship requires specific magic tools to use, such as his Qingxuan swordsmanship. If the Qingxuan sword is forged and used in conjunction, the power is even more powerful.

Of course, with Ye Han's current swordsmanship, he hasn't even touched the entry level, so it's a bit too early to think about other things.

Immediately, Ye Han took out the formula of the basic swordsmanship and read it carefully.

Carefully comprehend the formulas and the methods of cultivation.

Basic swordsmanship is much simpler than Qingxuan swordsmanship, and swordsmanship and formulas are also within his understanding.

And there are many specific swordsmanship expressions, which are described in the basic swordsmanship.

For example, in Qingxuan swordsmanship, there is a formula: "Sword communication and spiritual consciousness communication with sword spirit".

Ye Han could not understand the meaning of this formula.

In the basic swordsmanship, there are the methods of practicing sword communication, the explanation of what sword communication is, and communication with sword spirit, which does not mean the spiritual consciousness of the sword, but actually means that the mind locks the target...

Therefore, the reason why Ye Han could not understand this Qingxuan swordsmanship is mainly because it involves a lot of basic swordsmanship.

However, in addition to this, there are also places in Qingxuan swordsmanship that are mutually verified with Qingxuan Gong.

Sure enough, from nothing to something, this foundation is the most difficult.

Because Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan was in his cave, Ye Han did not dare to take out the purple tripod to absorb the aura of those pills.

However, Zhang Qingshan will not stay in the cave for long. He will leave for the Immortal Ceremony in three days.

At that time, he will be the only one in the cave, so he will not have so many concerns about what to do next.

Even if Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan treats him very well, he will never tell him his biggest secret.

Thinking of this, Ye Han continued to practice basic swordsmanship while refining the thorny ring.

When he was tired of practicing, he would look at the basic spells that Zhang Qingshan brought back for him. Some simple spells were recorded. Basically, he could read them a few times with his cultivation.

However, to use these basic spells skillfully and well, he still had to spend a lot of time practicing and figuring out...

Diligent and tireless, hard work and research.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and Zhang Qingshan had never left the door of the training room.

Ye Han was in the cave, tapping his fingers continuously, and a cold light kept flying in the air. As Ye Han's fingers directed, the cold light flew in the air, emitting cold rays from time to time, and suddenly changing the direction to attack.

Yes, this is the training method that Ye Han has comprehended after practicing basic swordsmanship. He uses the art of driving objects to continuously control the flying scale dagger to attack and defend...

At this moment.

The door of the secret room of the training room opened.

Zhang Qingshan walked out from inside.

Seeing Zhang Qingshan coming out, Ye Han shouted: "Brother Zhang! Take it!"

After that, he quickly pinched his fingers and pointed his finger: "Go!"


The flying scale dagger spun in the air, turned into a cold arc, and shot towards Zhang Qingshan.

Zhang Qingshan's eyes moved, chanted a spell, and his fingers trembled with golden light, and pointed at the flying scale dagger.


Zhang Qingshan pointed, and the golden light directly touched the back of the flying scale dagger. The dagger swayed for a while and was bounced out.

Ye Han's face changed. He didn't expect that his flying sword would be sent flying by Zhang Qingshan's finger. His mana surged, his fingers fell rapidly, and he moved his mind and made a series of gestures with his fingers...


The flying scale dagger that was bounced away, the sword light trembled, flew back in the air, turned into a cold light, and flew towards Zhang Qingshan at an increased speed...

When it was about to hit Zhang Qingshan, its speed suddenly increased, and it turned into a cold light and stabbed Zhang Qingshan.

Seeing this, Zhang Qingshan reacted very quickly, moved his body slightly, and pointed his finger.


The flying scale dagger was hit on the back of the sword again and was bounced away.

Ye Han didn't give up. His fingers continuously released mana, and the flying scale dagger drew several cold lights and continued to attack Zhang Qingshan.

But they were all deflected by the golden light of Zhang Qingshan's fingers...

While deflecting the Feilin dagger controlled by Ye Han, Zhang Qingshan pointed out: "Junior Brother Ye, you have just started the basic swordsmanship, but when you attack, your consciousness, mana, and Feilin dagger are not connected as one. Although your attack is sharp, it only has form, and you don't really control the attack!"

The voice paused, and he said with a serious face: "But the most important thing is that your swordsmanship does not have killing intent! I suggest that you kill more beasts when you have the chance! When your cultivation level improves, kill monsters and improve your actual combat ability."

The two of them exchanged for a while. Ye Han's cultivation level was poor, and Zhang Qingshan had too many. Of course, he could not be his opponent. However, under Zhang Qingshan's actual combat guidance, he also pointed out many of his shortcomings, which could be improved and corrected in the subsequent practice.

After fighting for dozens of moves, Ye Han's swordsmanship has improved a little.

Zhang Qingshan stopped and said, "Junior Brother Ye! I can't fight with you anymore. I'm going to sign up for the Immortal Cultivation Meeting!"

Ye Han also took back the Feilin Dagger. This Feilin Dagger was a mid-grade magic weapon. He was still a little struggling to control it because he hadn't completely refined it.

He said to Zhang Qingshan, "Junior Brother Zhang! I wish you success. I'll wait for you in Dongpu."

Zhang Qingshan said, "When I'm not around, you should practice diligently, make more friends, and ask for teachers! This will be good for your cultivation! Cultivation is not about working behind closed doors!"

Zhang Qingshan gave Ye Han some instructions and left.

Looking at Zhang Qingshan's departing back, Ye Han's eyes showed a trace of solemnity. No matter how Zhang Qingshan performed in the Immortal Cultivation Meeting, he said that it would take at least several months for him to come out.

However, Zhang Qingshan was no longer in his cave, so he could use the purple cauldron to absorb the aura of the pills...

So, after Ye Han returned, he closed the cave, activated the restrictions, and took out the pills.

He only took out the middle-grade and low-grade Qi-refining pills, and also took out two body-refining pills and put them together...

He wanted to try, in addition to being able to absorb Qi-refining pills, whether he could also absorb body-refining pills.

Then he placed the purple cauldron in the middle of the pills to see if it could absorb them?

Sure enough, a quarter of an hour later, the purple cauldron began to form a vortex and began to absorb the medicinal power of these pills...

But Ye Han discovered a strange situation.

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