Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 91 The Secret of Qingniu Village

Ye Han clearly saw that those mid-grade and low-grade Qi-refining pills were released, and a trace of spiritual light flowed into the purple cauldron.

But the two body-refining pills on the other side did not react at all.

This made Ye Han feel strange.

Could it be that the purple cauldron could absorb any pill?

But the last time he was in the nest of the water dragon beast, he put all the pills they seized from Zhang Sanlei and Qin Shan together, and they were all absorbed.

Because some of the pills were obviously not pills for cultivating mana, Ye Han didn't know what they were used for.

But the purple cauldron still absorbed all the auras of these pills, and those pills were all condensed, without any medicinal properties, and turned into ashes.

However, the two body-refining pills did not react at all.

This made Ye Han feel strange. Was it that the purple cauldron could not absorb the medicinal properties of the two body-refining pills, or was there something wrong with the two body-refining pills?

This time, he placed 100 low-grade Qi-refining pills and 100 medium-grade Qi-refining pills.

This time, the purple cauldron absorbed the medicinal power several times longer than the time he absorbed the medicinal power from the water dragon beast before.

Moreover, the purple cauldron, like the five high-grade Qi-refining pills it absorbed last time, gradually turned into a complete substance, and the color was a little deeper.

It seems that the purple cauldron absorbed a lot of aura after taking so many pills.

And the reason why Ye Han didn't take out those high-grade Qi-refining pills and spirit stones was that he felt it was unnecessary.

The purple cauldron absorbed so many pills, enough for him to practice for a long time. Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan told him that the high-grade Qi-refining pills can be used when he breaks through the bottleneck. It is best to use low-grade and medium-grade pills for practice.

Don't even take the medium-grade pills first. Take the low-grade pills first. When a certain drug resistance appears and the cultivation level breaks through to the eighth level, take the medium-grade pills...

However, Zhang Qingshan didn't know that Ye Han had such a magical treasure as the purple cauldron.

Who knew that Ye Han took out all these pills at once, and only kept five top-grade pills and spirit stones.

As for spirit stones, he felt that it was unnecessary to let Zi Ding absorb them, because he could now move freely in the sect, and spirit stones could allow him to buy a lot of other things he needed, such as practicing exercises, or other places that needed spirit stones.

It was not as embarrassing as before, and he had to cheat Jin Feng for two spirit stones.

It is worth mentioning that since Jin Feng was driven away by Fairy Qingfeng last time, he has never come to trouble him again.

This made Ye Han feel strange. With Jin Feng's personality and cultivation, how could he let him go?

Or this guy went there to complete the task, maybe you guys are also going to participate in the Immortal Cultivation Meeting.

After Zi Ding absorbed the aura of these pills, it turned out that the medicinal properties of the two body-refining pills did not reduce at all.

It seems that Zi Ding cannot absorb the medicinal properties of these two pills. It seems that the only way to practice body refining is to take pills by yourself.

Thinking of this, Ye Han cleaned up the elixir residue and put away the two body-refining pills. He couldn't figure out why the purple cauldron couldn't absorb the medicinal properties of the body-refining pills.

In fact, he felt puzzled about many things about the purple cauldron.

For example, most magic tools can basically recognize their owners by dripping blood, but Ye Han tried it, and there was no reaction when the blood dripped on it, but it wasted a bit of blood.

It seems that this purple cauldron can't recognize its owner by dripping blood.

On the other hand, he was worried that the purple cauldron would absorb the aura of the spiritual stones and natural treasures if it was placed in the storage bag with the spiritual stones or natural treasures...

As a result, he specially used a storage bag, put a few spiritual stones and the purple cauldron in the same storage bag, and this didn't happen.

He remembered that every time the purple cauldron wanted to absorb something, it had to wait for a while, for example, every time he had to wait for about a quarter of an hour before he started to absorb the pills he took out.

That is to say, only when the purple tripod is taken out and placed outside can it absorb the aura of the elixir...

In short, there are still many things he can't figure out about the purple tripod.

Only by truly understanding what kind of treasure this purple tripod is and where it comes from can we fully know the origin of this thing.

However, during this period of time, he also recalled the cave where he got this purple tripod because of you.

He remembered very clearly that in that cave, in addition to the purple tripod, there was also a piece of silk, twenty taels of silver, and Qingxuan Order.

The piece of silk was taken away by Mr. Lan Qing. According to Mr. Lan Qing's expression and attitude at the time, Ye Han felt that the piece of silk was definitely not an ordinary thing, otherwise how could Mr. Lan Qing, a cultivator, attach so much importance to the piece of silk?

But according to his guess, what kind of cultivation is Mr. Lan Qing?

At least he is not a cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage.

And Fairy Qingfeng also went to Qingniu Village and scared Mr. Lanqing away...

That is to say, Mr. Lanqing's cultivation may be slightly inferior to Fairy Qingfeng, or Fairy Qingfeng's cultivation is about the same as his.

The reason why Mr. Lanqing avoided was that he didn't want to be discovered in Qingniu Village.

He always felt that his discovery of the purple tripod was not a complete coincidence.

After the purple tripod turned into stone, it had no breath at all, and Mr. Lanqing did not take the purple tripod away.

He felt that it was probably because Mr. Lanqing was completely attracted by the silk and ignored the purple tripod.

The reason why he felt that he did not get this purple tripod by coincidence was that such a powerful monster appeared in this small Qingniu Village. He felt that the monster was at least a fourth-level beast.

It must be much stronger than the water dragon beast. After all, the size alone was several times different.

In a small Qingniu Village, there were actually two cultivators in the foundation-building period. The Qingxuan Order found in the cave was also a good evidence.

The previous owner of this purple tripod was completely possible to be a disciple of Qingxuan Sect...

Or a cultivator with a very important relationship with Qingxuan Sect.

Otherwise, a Qingxuan Order would not be found on him.

And it was also very strange that such a powerful monster and cultivator suddenly appeared in Qingniu Village. Maybe Qingniu Village had some secrets.

It was a pity that he could not go back now. When he had a chance in the future, he would go back and take a look.

Thinking of this, Ye Han felt that this purple tripod must not be discovered by the cultivators of Qingxuan Sect...

Maybe this purple tripod was originally a treasure of Qingxuan Sect.

When the time comes, they will find out. If these high-ranking elders and the head of the sect investigate, he will not be able to explain it at all.

After putting away the purple tripod, Ye Han decided to improve his cultivation again.

He entered the training room, took out the purple tripod, placed it in front of himself, and began to practice.

I don’t know how much I can improve my cultivation this time by using the purple tripod again!

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