Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 781: Predecessors suffer after fighting

Hehe, a man from the Three Kingdoms.

When he entered the Lung Mountain (now Nanshan), he was instructed to perform Qi service, and later he entered the Xicheng Mountain to be a king and get the secret of the road. Seeing the wall for three years, I can see "Taiqing Shendanfang", "Three Emperors Astronomy" and "Taiqing Zhongjing" books.

Xunhe founded the Xunjiadao in Luoyang, and later spread to Jiangnan.

However, due to his great reputation, many people preached in the north under the pretense of entrustment, and at one time was not small. Later, the Tao Family Road gradually weakened, part of it disappeared, and part of it merged into the Qing dynasty.

Therefore, it is difficult to discern the true and false of the Tao Family Road, which has always been very confusing. According to some classics, "The Taoist Taoist Family is also known as the Customary God Prayer, that is, worshipping the common gods, sacrificing blood and blood as a sacrifice, practicing alchemy with alchemy service, and calling for disgust."

On the Taoism alone, the key is the context behind Zhang Shouyang and Xu Kongtu.

It's a long story:

During Emperor Hanshun, Zhang Daoling and his two disciples, Wang Chang and Zhao Sheng, established the famous Tianshi Taoism. Zhang Daoling divides twenty-four rules and sets up twenty-four sacrifice wine management. Under the sacrifice wine are ghost officials, treacherous orders, and ghost puppets. Three meetings are also set up as religious activities for heavenly masters.

It is also stipulated that the Heavenly Master must be inherited by the descendants of the Zhang family.

After Zhang Daoling soared, the heavenly master was inherited by his son Zhang Heng, and after Zhang Heng's death, he was inherited by Zhang Lu.

Zhang Lu's qualifications are blunt, he ca n’t practice, but he has a hand in politics. He first killed Zhang Xiu, who is also the leader of Heavenly Masters, and then reformed the organization so that he ruled in Hanzhong for nearly thirty years.

After the chaos of the Three Kingdoms, the battle was endless.

After Zhang Lu's death, he had seven sons and ten daughters, but none of them had the prestige of his father. Therefore, the masters of the Heavenly Masters had no heads, and the small bosses had their own policies.

This confusion continued until the establishment of the Western Jin Dynasty, and even Sima Ruinan fled to establish the Eastern Jin Dynasty. At that time, the north was ruled by ethnic minorities, and Tianshidao was divided into north and south factions.

After the Northern Wei Xianbei Tuoba entered the North, in order to consolidate the rule and strengthen the Hanization, he attached great importance to the Heavenly Master. One Taoist named Kou Qianzhi, with the support of the emperor, radically reformed Tianshidao.

First of all, rice is no longer paid by admission. The second is the hereditary and private teaching of Taoist officials. Changing to Taoist officials also requires inspection and examination.

More importantly, Kou Qianzhi advocated the "three Zhangs", that is, the abolition of some road rules of Zhang Daoling, Zhang Heng, and Zhang Lu, which had a great influence in the north, and there were millions of believers.

Therefore, in history, the Taoist monks of Kou Qianzhi were collectively called Xintianshidao, or Beitianshidao. Even when the emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty came to power, they would go to their altars to accept their orders.

Besides South.

The Heavenly Masters who moved south also received the support of the Liu and Song dynasties. The leader was Lu Jingxiu, and Shi Yuliang, one of Kou Qian.

Lu Jingxiu also reformed Tianshi Taoism, prohibiting private teaching by Taoist officials, and restored the rule of promotion by rank during the Zhang Lu period. It is also strictly required that believers must register at the division's government office on the last day of the three meetings each year. At the same time, a complete set of Taoist ordinances and ceremonial ceremonies have been formulated, which have affected the present.

Like the present ceremonial ceremonies, they were basically born from that time.

Lu Jingxiu's abbot, which is called Nantian. The core difference between the North and the South is the "three sheets" of the North, while the South maintains the "three sheets" orthodoxy, but corrects some wrong regulations.

So the two are deadly from the root.

Later, Kou Qianzhi and Lu Jingxiu feathered and soared, and the world once again fell into war. After Yang Jian unified the whole country, after more than one hundred years of division, the North and South Tianshi Road finally came back to one, continued to the middle and late Tang Dynasty, and was replaced by Dragon Tiger Sect.

The original Heavenly Master Tao Tianshi became Long Tiger Mountain Zhang Tianshi, which is the current specification system.

North and South Tianshi Tao, at that time crowned the gate, countless attachments. Shejiadao is one of them.

They called themselves the new Tao, called Kou Qianzhi as the Heavenly Master, and called Lu Jingxiu and the "Three Zhangs" as the old Tao. They were fighting endlessly, and of course they were very hostile to the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master Tao that had been returned to the Zhang family.

Daoyuan, interior hall.

You said it to me, and after thoroughly sorting things out, everyone finally understood the ins and outs.

No wonder the opponent has to start with Zhang Shouyang, because he is a dragon and tiger mountain pass, or a fairy. Once promoted to earth fairy, it must be classified as the old way.

It's no wonder that there are only two people in the other party, and they dare to enter the country to kill unscrupulously, because there is a fairy in the back-Kou Qianzhi.

Now all parties have reached an understanding. Those who have established sects and established great achievements have influenced the dynasty. At first glance, they are very powerful.

Therefore, the number of ground immortals is probably clear at a glance, and the deviation is not large.

Not sure is Tianxian, and there are some idle people. For example, Zhang Guolao, who didn't know how long he lived, claimed to be the waiter of the Emperor Yao Dynasty. By the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, he had lived more than three thousand years.

Do you dare to believe this thing? But dare not believe it.

It ’s harder to tell that he is a fairy, and he seems to be a bit worse, that he is a fairy, and there is nothing to prove.


In the hall, everyone was silent and digesting information.

In fact, no one thought that a triumphant technique would pull out the family path, even the dispute between the new and the old. Those big brothers are too far away, and they are a little bit upset when their predecessors fight afterwards.

Lu Yuanqing, Zhang Shouyang, Wu Kongtu, Zhang Wumeng, Si Kongchan, He He are six gods. If you look at me, I slap you, or Lu Yuanqing said: "This is a simple matter. Go forward or backward, what's your opinion? "

"If you retreat, you will tolerate, if you advance, you will be leveled, and you will be bullied on our heads. The counterattack will be!" He He was the youngest and spoke first.

"What about the support from the ground fairy? The ground fairy can't get down again, at most, send some running dogs to fight in the lower realm." Wu Kongtu shouted.

"But when we go further, it must be involved, and the follow-up impact will be far-reaching." Zhang Wumeng was more cautious.

"But once we concede, we are indifferent. Those people need to get in on the ground, and we must remove the roots." Si Kongchan said.

A few people discussed briefly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ still decided to take the initiative to kill the two guys in one fell swoop.

"Immortals are hard to kill, not to mention that they are not in the territory and there are many changes, and we need to be prepared."

Lu Yuanqing thought for a moment and said, "My brother has been poisoned once, and the other party may be alert, otherwise it would be a good idea to sacrifice himself as a bait and lead a snake out of a hole ..."

He paused and asked: "Kunlun has said that there may be ancestors of the Xianxian who are not good for us?"

"Exactly." Zhang Shouyang said.

The words were clear, and before others spoke, He He asked himself, "I would like to lead them out!"

"Oh, don't worry, the opponent's strength is good, or there is a magic weapon to protect the earth, you need to exercise caution."

Lu Yuanqing expressed his comfort. With a wave of his sleeve, he sent two rounds of messengers, "Gu Gushi and Long Jushi came to discuss the matter. Be sure to punish and eradicate evil, and wipe them out."

(Historically, Qiangjiadao was close to Nantianshidao, and the text was changed. There is no need to test it.)

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