Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 782: Snake out of the hole

South of Xia Kingdom, Taicheng.

After more than ten years of development, people and monsters have continued to be mixed. This place has grown into a large city with a population of millions, complete fields, and exceptionally prosperous trade.

Humans came from the north, looking for opportunities, taking risks, and rushing for gold; demons came from the south, and they were new to society, curious, and detached.

The two communities completed a wonderful fusion and quickly established a set of regulations that are most suitable for the local environment. More and more demons work for humans, even become friends, or in turn hire human monks.

As a result, in recent years, there has been a phenomenon of intermarriage between humans and monsters.

A demon is a transformational demon, and people are strange, from ordinary people to immortal masters. I have to sigh, the power of love is great!

In fact, it's not right. You want a human to marry an undeformed monster?

Alas, maybe humans and beasts are quite common in reality.

On that day, it was sunny.

The residents of Taicheng were busy every day, and suddenly they felt a terrible coercion. They looked up and saw a stream of light coming from the north, submerged into a magnificent building-that is the guardian residence.

"Who is the visitor who has a stronger momentum than Renxian, isn't the immortal powerful?"

"Why did the gods come here? What happened?"

"Maybe a passing ..."

Talking and talking, but no one was panic. Through so many years of indoctrination and assimilation, the two communities have a sense of "harmonious and beautiful here, working together to resist foreign enemies and create homes together".

Before they could say three or four or five, the streamer flew out again and continued southward.

Immediately after, the engineering team across the city received a notice and set off tomorrow and rushed to the South Coast!

The south coast refers to the seafront where the demon clan gathers, probably in the southernmost part of the former Vietnam. There is a sea area sandwiched between Vietnam, the Philippines and Malaysia.

After the rejuvenation, it became a natural separation zone between the mainland and the South Ocean.

The monsters were unknown, but they did not dare to disobey. In the early morning, all the construction workers and vehicles in the city drove out of the city like a long line of Wuyangyang.

After walking for three days, I finally reached the South Coast.

This place is in full swing and has become a large construction site. Countless demons are moving bricks and stones, and building ports and docks. Several other ships came from the East China Sea, carrying experts and machinery, and seemed to be doing a lot of work.

It was not until then that they understood their mission.

It was a sea monkey playing in the water, and accidentally touched a piece of ore, and brought it back for the elders to check. The elders felt that the ore was strange, and reported it to Taicheng, which in turn reported it to Beijing.

As soon as all parties studied, it was found that this ore has a characteristic, hard! Its hardness exceeds all known spirit and non-spirit minerals.

Serious good things, no matter if they are made in a refiner or in industry, can come in handy. After a rough exploration, the deep-sea reserves were quite abundant, so it was decided to mine it and named it celestite.

At the same time, due to the breeding and terror of the demons, the habitat gradually shrinks, and the elders have to ask for help.

The human side has repeatedly researched and found that the living environment of the virgin forest is too wasteful of space, and a proper urban belt should be built.

So the task is to build mines: reclaim land and build land, and build urban agglomerations.

Of course, there are conditions. The number of demons is not that much. Then every year, some cubs are selected and given to monks. They have spiritual feeding and no spiritual meat.

Not to mention cruel, unspirited cubs are also a burden to the demons, and they are reluctant to deal with it, but humans are willing to eat. Just like Yi Zi and eat, reality.


On the vast and boundless sea, there were no wind or waves, and several boats suddenly broke into the water, breaking the peace here.

"Do it!"

With a loud drink, various techniques slammed into the sea, the sea water rumbling, and immediately became red with a smelly blood, floating on several huge sea beast corpses.


When the head of the man patted the bag, the corpse disappeared, and he couldn't help but said, "Haha, as expected, this ocean current brought a lot of strange animals. We will catch some live, and we will be able to sell for a good price!"

"Boss is wise!"

"I admire you!"

For a while, the men were constantly farting.

These people are fishermen in the new era. They specialize in hunting exotic sea beasts. They sell dead meat and eat, and live sellers are pets. They are famous in Nanyang.

The leader was experienced, and soon found a group of sea beasts, and they were full in less than half a day.

The crowds were ready to return to the voyage, and they heard a loud noise from the far north: "Boom!" "Boom!"

"what sound?"

"It's thundering?"

"It's not like it's a spellcast. Such a big movement is at least a master of magic."

The voice didn't fall, and there was even more noise there, accompanied by a huge roar of machinery. Vaguely visible several large ships shuttled back and forth.

The first leader Tian Xiuwei, watched with full eyesight, barely looked around, and said, "I heard that a new mine has been found there, is being mined, and still helping the monsters build a city, it seems true."

"Help the demons build a city?"

The men looked at each other, and the atmosphere was even warmer.

"Is there such a big place?"

"Reclamation, doesn't the boss say that the gods are here?"

Fairy ... oh!

Suddenly, all kinds of envy, envy and hate!

Nanyang is the equivalent of a slum. There is no powerful government, no rich resources, no stable environment, and no profound heritage ... But others can use immortals to help build the city!

Not to mention the comparison with Xia Guo, that is, compared with the fairies around Xia Guo, these people are all shit!

The scene became extraordinarily quiet, and the boat went home dingy. As more and more people spread, the news quickly spread throughout Nanyang.

Many people still want to run over to work, but as a result, they are confiscated and run back down. No way, business capabilities are not working.

There is only a sea across the two sides, but the gap is like a river separated by two rivers.


On the waters dozens of kilometers away from the coast, Changsheng floats in the air and observes the terrain.

Halfway, the other party urged mana and sipped: "Get up!"


There was a tremor on the shore first, followed by the sea water boiling and muddy. The shock spread quickly all around, terrified by the forest monster.

I saw that the continental shelf in the shallow seas slowly rose, gradually rising from the inclined section, and became flat.

As soon as a small piece of land was raised, Changsheng stopped casting, flew to the shore, and pressed down with both hands.


The coast and land on the verge of collapse slowly slowly subsided, and the cracked seams closed again.

The continental shelf connects the land and the ocean. It must not be fooled. He uses force to raise it forcibly, and must prevent earthquakes or tsunamis caused by shocks.

It took a lot of effort to smooth the shock before longevity, and it was rare to spit out a sentence: "Even the gods have to be arrested for infrastructure construction, it doesn't make sense!"

In fact, all of them are the magical functions of the Five Elements and the Carrying Technique, but at that time, it was a little bit of trouble, and now it's a mess.

These amazing powers that change nature are not a small load on the gods.

The human plan is to regenerate a land to build a real urban belt outside the gathering place of the demon clan, so that it runs from the ocean to the north and the south, the route is smooth, and this continent is completely incorporated into the summer ... Ah no!

It is peaceful development, mutual assistance and mutual assistance, and building this continent into an OBOR economic belt.

The role of the gods, in addition to reclaiming land, is to help mining. The reward is tianyanshi, you can take as much as you can. Therefore, Kunlun and Daoyuan have agreed that the two sides will be stationed in turns for a period of three months.

This is a long-term job, and Changsheng is very patient, filling a small piece of land every day, and then going to mining.


In the deep sea, a large rock bed was torn apart, but it was only torn apart. Changsheng held a piece of ore for a long time and was very satisfied.

This vein has been bred for many years and has only recently been discovered, far surpassing other sudden-changing spiritual mines. For example, if the earliest sapphire stone had a hardness of 1, the vermiculite was 30 that day.

The human fairy is enough, and the gods are only shabby when they hold it, so that they will not fall.


In this way, Changsheng stayed for three months and went back in exchange for Si Kongchan, and Si Kongchan also stayed for three months, in return for Jiuru.

At this time, according to the changes in Bashu, more than half a year has passed. The Daoyuan searched with great fanfare for a long time, without any gain, gradually stabilized, and seemed to give up hunting.

There are fairy guards here in the South China Sea. Everything went smoothly and nothing happened.

Jiuru, like Changsheng, is even more patient than him. Daily reclamation, mining, and practice rarely reveal people, but only occasionally go to the East Erhai Lake-where there is the Pearl Water House.

On this day, she finished her work and was idle, so she flew to the southeast and reached the sea in the east.

She let go of her thoughts, and it didn't take long for the waves to spray Lao Gao, and a huge sperm whale jumped from the bottom of the sea. This whale is over a hundred years old and has more beards on his face. However, under the feeding of Xiaozhai and Xiaojing, his blood level is upgraded, and the hard can not be hard.

When he saw Jiuru, he was very pleased. He carried the young man and sank to the bottom of the sea, like a ghost ship galloping. After swimming for a long time, the dark glimmer of the sea floor flickered, and a dark blue appeared.

The branches and leaves are swaying lightly, suddenly and dimly, weird and beautiful, it is the flower garden above the Pearl Water House.

The sperm whale stopped outside and Jiulu sneaked in alone. Shuifu still looks like that. When entering the small courtyard, it is simple and quiet. The body of the fairy Shen Hezi is still in the quiet room of the backyard.

Jiu Ru has been here several times and still feels amazing. He picks up the flesh and yells, "My mother doesn't know what to do with this thing. You are also pitiful, first in the hands of my mother and in the hands of my aunt , Now I'm ... Ah, I don't play ice love! Oh, I'm disrespectful to my predecessors, forgive me! "

She bowed solemnly.

Later, she went into another quiet room, first took out a small pond containing fresh water inland, and took out a water orchid, and began to play with the test.

Water Orchid is the core material of Yang Yan Dan, but the distance here is too far, the demand for Yang Yan Dan is strong, and the output can not keep up, so try fresh water transplantation.

After some tinkering, the orchid withered at the rate visible to the naked eye, and apparently failed again.

Jiuru shook his head and said to himself: "Be patient, eh, be patient ..."


Two subjects were sent to a mental hospital and asked to prove that they were not mentally ill within the shortest time.

One repeatedly emphasized to the doctor that I was not mentally ill, I was healthy and ended up being held for a long time.

The other said nothing, eating normally, sleeping normally, relaxing, communicating, entertaining, popping, and was released in a few days.

Normal is the most normal performance.

Time flies fast, and unknowingly three months are approaching.

Jiuru will go once or twice a month for two or three days each time. This time she went to Shuifu, the Pearl again, and did nothing. She only studied the transplantation of Shui Youlan, but she still failed.

On the evening of the third day, she closed the gate and came to the sea.

Jiu Ru waved goodbye to the sperm whale, and looked at the sky for a bright moon, and the sea was silent. Under the moon, she flew at a low altitude and returned to the South China Sea on the previous route.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a sea breeze, and a wave of microwave appeared on the water surface.

Jiuru narrowed her eyes, and she had already retreated sharply in the next second, an empty imagination, as if the murderous intentions from Hell swept across the corner of her clothes and sank into the water.


It seems that there is a heavy object sinking into the sea, and the sea that is already dark becomes deep, if rendered by ink, it seems like a dim and empty place.

"you again!"

Feeling this killing intention, Jiuru said coldly: "In the soul world, you are assassinating me, who are you?"


A ghostly figure of a black hole emerged from the bottom of the sea, stood opposite her, and did not answer.

"Oh, you can't say I can guess, but you are a descendant of the Immortal Sect? It stands to reason that we went out to the same school, why did you kill me?"

"Studying with the same door?"

With a bit of mockery and disdain, Heiying said, "You deserve to go out with my teacher? Sword tactics fell in your hands, really dirty the reputation of this door."

"Yo, you and I are practicing sword tactics, so you can beat me so confidently?"

Jiuru was not angry and annoyed, but smiled: "My Chiyang sword is the first to be a demon. You are so sneaky and evil that you are hitting the muzzle."


Heiying didn't want to say any more, didn't do anything, just looked at each other.

Jiuru has changed his face ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, flashing one after another, dodging a few invisible swords, one stroke of the palm, oh!

A hot, long sword was held in the palm of the hand, and it touched the sword's qi, like water and fire, and turned into strands of black gas to dissipate.

"Sure enough, it's Heishui Hidden Sword, I really want to see!"

She cleared her drink, her figure disappeared, and saw a round of red sun rising. There was also a black black bird in the red sun, with a three-necked neck, gorgeous feather tails, and flying wings!

Chiyang sword decided, once the world is bright, the world is dark!

In an instant, the dark sea is a masterpiece of light, shining in all directions, like daylight. This light contains the meaning of infinite swords, fascinating charms, monsters and ghosts have nowhere to escape.

Black Shadow stood opposite, stabbed with pain.

He looked up at the round of red sun, with a little surprise, and then exclaimed: "It's a good understanding, but unfortunately you have chosen the wrong place. This is the ocean, the black water is hiding, my world!"

(Slightly ...)

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