Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 784: Earth immortality

This child is so scary! !! !!

One is a descendant of the Immortal Sect, who has been immersed in swords for thousands of years; the other is a descendant of the Taoist family, who is disgusting with the skill of calling the concubine. He was so guilty that he was covered by magical magic, directly stripped of consciousness and explored memories.

Gu Yi left the dark shadow for a while, and waved his hand to remove the magic, but the moon was dark and the wind was high, and the sea was vast. All traces slowly sink to the bottom of the sea, as if nothing had happened.

When a few people saw the situation, they knew that the overall situation was set and their minds were different.

Kunlun people are full of pride, the real person is like a beacon hanging high, always shining on the road, so that they will never lose their way.

Daoyuan was surprised and sighed, surprised that the other party's strength has grown a lot, and sighed that it is also fateful, at least in this generation, Daoyuan can only catch up behind.

Treating this person, the Daoyuan had a bit of awe at all levels, but the empty map did not care about that, and turned upside down and said, "Have you recruited? Have you recruited? Is there any fool behind it?"

"It's a big deal, so we can talk about it when we are all together. Let's talk to Tianzhu Mountain ..."

Gu Yan also instructed Jiuru, saying: "Send your mother and auntie, and let them rush to meet."

Speaking of which, when it flashed, it disappeared in place.

When they saw you, they also carried out their tricks, turning them into eight streams of light, crossing the sky of the East Erhai Lake like a meteor, and disappeared into the night.

Tianzhu Mountain, interior hall.

Gu Yan, Xiaozhai, Long Qiu, Changsheng, Jiuru, Zheng Kaixin, Tang Bole, Lu Yuanqing, Zhang Shouyang, Wu Kongtu, Zhang Wumeng, Si Kongchan, He He, the 13 gods of the world plus a salted fish, all gathered herein.

This is the most powerful force in the world. To a certain extent, it also represents the luck of Xia Guo's practice.

The old Gu went straight to the subject without saying any nonsense, and said, "I searched the soul of the other party. One of them was a cricket and the other was Chen Yi. The Confucian family relied on Beitian Shidao in the Wei and Jin Dynasties and was later brought into Dongtianfu Land. There are few people, and there are less than ten people.

The Youxian faction broke out during the Ming Dynasty, and suffered heavy losses. Three people entered Beitian Shidao and took away three swords, including Chen Yi. Four others were seriously injured and stayed behind. "

"Oh, no wonder Yushan has only four types of swords, which are incomplete." Jiu Ru interjected.

"The immortal can only inherit the sword species. Under the serious injuries of the four seniors, they may already be dead-headed, and they will become feathered after finishing the magic circle." Zheng Kaixin sighed.

"It also makes sense, but why are the swords neat? Chen Yi haven't they taken away?" He He wondered.

"Yes, the three men who left were even more depleted. They did not take away the sword."

Gu Xun nodded and said, "Although Xun and Chen Yi relied on the power of the earth fairy, this action was done on their own. You were inadvertently discovered by Chen Yi during the cultivation of the soul realm, and then ambushed, and this happened again. Change. But now, Kou Tianshi must know.

For more than three decades, we knew nothing about the level of Dixian, and Yun Yazi refused to disclose it. I finally got enough information this time, and we gathered to discuss it together. "

He combed his language and continued: "Now there is a strong monasticism in the country, and there are millions of monks, but few people know where the Tao comes from.

You are all talented and naturally aware. Ancient ancestors, three emperors and five emperors, Xin Jia Xunzi, this is the predecessor of Tao. At that time, there was no fairy saying, and people were respected.

The real person raises the heavens and the earth, grasps the yin and yang, and guards the gods independently, so he lives in the heavens and the earth.

After the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, a hundred schools of thought contended. Lao Tzu wrote the Tao Te Ching and gathered the great wisdom of the ancient sages to truly define the Tao. At this time, humanity is declining and Xiandao is rising, which is the forerunner of our practice system.

In the Qin, Han, Wei and Jin dynasties, the immortal Dachang, various genres opened their doors, and finally determined the four realms of heaven, earth, god, and human.

So I read the memory of Xun and found that the upper bounds are extremely mixed, and there are many factions, no less than fireworks on earth. I probably divided them by age. First of all, there are some ancient powers. Later generations did not call them immortals, nor did they think of themselves as immortals, but rather a humane system. True, most, god, and holy, the least number, and the most hidden world, show nothing at all.

Therefore, in terms of interest, we can ignore it first. Secondly, there are some powers of the pre-Qin period ... "

"I, I, I! I wonder if Laozhuang is a fairy?"

After lying for a long time, the boring salty fish suddenly became excited.

Gu Yan gave her a blank look and shook her head: "I don't know."

"How do you not know?" Everyone was suspicious.

"Laoyu, Zhuangzhou, Lieyu Kou, and other great powers are beyond humanity and immortality. No one can predict their tracks. No one knows whether they live or die, where they live, so ... ... I don't know. "


Everyone looked at each other, but when they came to think about it, they were relieved and the pressure was too great!

If you think about it, if your opponent is Lao Tzu, Zhuang Zhou ... 咝! Can't raise faith at all.

"Pre-Qin was a transitional period from humanity to immortality, and the practice system also had both, like Huqiuzi, Lao Shangshi, Zhibo Gaozi, Lao Laizi, etc., not earth immortals, nor real people, but humans, but Living a long time is a natural thread. They are also indifferent, ignoring disputes, and can be ignored.

From the Qin and Han dynasties to the Ming Dynasty in 1500, the monks were the most diverse and most chaotic group. "

"An Shengsheng, He Shanggong, Yin Changsheng, Sanmao, Zhang Daoling, Wei Huacun, Xu Xun, Ge Xuan, Wang Xuanfu, Lu Dongbin, Zhong Liquan, Wang Chongyang, Cao Wenyi, Ye Fashan, Liu Haichan, Chen Yan, Zhang Boduan, Bai Yuchan, Sa Shou Jian, Zhang Sanfeng ... "

Gu Yi went out thinking one by one. Every time he thought about it, everyone's face was dignified. It used to be just a guess, but now it's finally proved that it's definitely different.

"Some people have dozens of memories in their brains, or earth immortals, or sun gods. In the meantime, there are Shangqing Maoshan, Quanzhen North and South, Tianshi North and South, Shaoyang Zhengyang, New and Old Huashan, etc. These are more familiar to me than I am, and I am not going to do anything. "

As soon as he said this, the Daoyuan and others shook their heads with a bitter smile.

There are so many gates in the world. The origins and contradictions are like cobwebs. The battle between Kou Qianzhi and Lu Jingxiu is just a small epitome.

If Dixian is promoted in the future, the pressure on the Taoist Temple will be greatest.

Because Lu Yuanqing's integration is true and one, regardless of you and me, it can be in the world, but not in the upper world. Bei Quanzhen is bound to join Bei Quanzhen, Nanzong is bound to join Nanzong, old way is bound to join the old way, new way is bound to join the new way ...

This is called natural division, and unless you don't play at all, you have to obey.

After a moment of silence, Lu Yuanqing asked: "Is there a fairy in the upper world?"

"It should be, but Dixian can't figure it out."

"How does that make a fairy?"

"Understanding the rules."

Gu Yan looked at the people present and said, "Quan Zhentan can raise the sun and be clear and clear. Breath of Qi and other things can only be understood by the rules. You also have a relatively shallow understanding. There is no clear method. I I still think of accumulation of hard work, waiting for the edge.

After the earth fairy is achieved, you can open up a heavenly blessing and soar. The heavenly land of this cave is completely respected by the will of the earth fairy, forming its own cycle. The master is immortal and the aura is immortal. The big one is like the world, the small one is like rivers and lakes, the prosperity is like the fireworks on earth, and the desert is like the mountains and forests. "

"Then where did they soar?" Long Qiu asked.

"The universe is, of course, the universe. The earth is like a small pond. When your volume exceeds the pond, you are bound to be rejected and go to rivers and seas. Similarly, it is impossible for you to return to the pond again."

For a while, the atmosphere was dignified, thinking about their own minds.

A huge pressure came to the surface, making everyone feel burdened and excited. This is the way of the monasticism. It is difficult to go back and forth. You are not afraid of the difficult road. You are afraid of not seeing the road!


Gu Yan is also very complicated, but unlike everyone else, he is thoroughly excited and can't wait. Because his path has already been clear, and has begun to implement.

"Kou Qianzhi loses two generals in a row, maybe there is a later move, of course, it may be that the master has a broad mind, regardless of the previous suspects. In short, we are careful to guard against one or two.

As I mentioned earlier, everyone knows that I am developing a small world. The essence of cultivation of the illusion is whether there is any, whether there is nothing, whether there is nothing, there is something, and the thought of creation, the thought of all beings. Now it turns out that what I expected is not bad. As long as I truly develop a perfect world, I can understand the rules and master the illusion.

With the current progress, in a few years, the human system can be established. Ten years later, the heavens can be completed, but it was too far and too long at that time. Therefore, I decided that when the human world matures, I will devote one's soul to the next one, promote spiritual practice, and promote the perfection of the heaven world as soon as possible. "

Gu Yan smiled and said, "I don't know you, who would like to walk with me?"

Although there have been all sorts of pavements before, this is the first time for such an open invitation. Xiaozhai froze strangely, feeling his eagerness and expectation, just like her husband paralyzed on the sofa after work, suddenly jumped to watch the game.

Everyone naturally agreed to ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The salted fish was a little hesitant, and said, "I am the Immortal God and cast down, will it not be damaged?"

"With my support, the origin is not harmful, but it will be blinded by spiritual knowledge and chaotic. If you cannot turn on your intelligence, you will be a silly person in your life and waste opportunities."

"Oh, count me!"

The salted fish turned over on the couch and it was still very salty.

"Okay, there are currently thirteen people. If there are still people who have achieved the gods during this period, you can join them. Or if you have any relatives or friends, you can also. The more people you go, the greater the motivation.

Gu Yan said suddenly and sighed, "Without concealing you, after seeing this, you can see the heavenly opportunities and feel that the road is long and far away. We have known each other for many years, and everything need not be said, goodbye in the realm!"

Soon after the voice fell, several streams of light emerged from the clouds and smoke, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

On Zhu Lingfeng, the mist and rain were empty and cold, as if only the peaks and mountains had been left for thousands of years, and the clouds were white.

(Push the song "Morning to Midnight")

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