Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 785: The time has come

Gu Yi did not completely obliterate Chen Yi, but only took out the part of his consciousness about Jian Jue, and scattered his residual soul into the shade.

This man's devotion to the sword has reached a level of fanatical belief, so much that he ignores the essence of the sword as a tool and talent as a user.

Although the power of sword tactics can be exerted, but as far as the avenue is concerned, it is already beyond itself, and there is no way out.

Such people are obsessive. With obsession, the residual soul can last for a long time. And after the shading of the shade, what Chen Yi will eventually become, this is the only reason he can survive.

Crane returned to China table, anxious times.

In the blink of an eye, it has been eight years since the immortals of Tianzhu Mountain.

The laying of Xia Kingdom in the South China Sea has already been completed, and the savvy demons have entered the city to live there, from the South China Sea to the East Erhai Lake to the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea, and the Bohai Sea.

The island is under great development and its production is extremely prosperous.

The land is still the same, and the status of the two giants is as stable as Mount Tai. You Yu retired from the position of the head. The successor was Xi Jun. Zeng Ke'er also retired to the second line. The couple wanted to compete for the immortal way.

Today, the assessment on the mountain is rigorous, and every year a group of unqualified disciples are dismissed, as is the Daoyuan. Over time, all the elites remain, and the gatekeepers down the mountain blossom and re-employment, which has greatly enriched various industries.

On the Bashan side, since Gu Xiaofei founded the school, Fang Yuan, Shui Lanyu, and Qing Buzi have been promoted to immortals one after another and have gone out on their own to stand on their own. As a branch of Bashan, they gave strong support.

Shenxiao sent a steady fight, and several people were promoted to immortals. The battle between the two factions is already on the bright side, and they will not give up. After all, the 20-year period is approaching, and there will be a big war.

Green Stone Valley also came out of the immortal disciples, Xun Shu entered the room, is no longer the other way.

As for the various ways of the people, it is better to die than to live, only Meishan and Li Suchun are distinguished. The essence of Meishan's creations is stable and slow.

In addition, more than 20 outstanding descendants, including Wang Rong, Tao Tong, Tao Yi, An Susu, Rong Zhi, Xu Ziying, and Fei Ye, all tried to impact the gods. There was no first good luck, but only Rong Zhi, Fei Yi, and Xu Ziying all got their way.

Rongzhi was almost last time. This time he learned his lesson and finally succeeded. Fei Yi and Xu Ziying accumulated extremely deep and solid, and the safety of Danfa was high, and they were all cultivated in the shade of God.

Kunlun is very peaceful.

Gu Yan has been locked in a small world for a long, long time. Xiaozhai hid in Bashan, Long Qiuzhai continued to refine the Fa body in Greenstone Valley, Xiao Jing continued to run west ... the fairy time is different from ordinary people, longevity, nine or eight years have not seen father and mother aunt, only the aunt occasionally Come and play around.

Forty-three years of the immortal calendar, spring.

Yuxu Palace has more people than before, but it is still very empty overall. There is a four o'clock view in the territory. Unlike the outside world, Kunlun is no different from winter, but there is a drizzle inside, dim and humid, and spring is full of spring.


The fat brother squatted by the deep lake under the waterfall, his eyes were sad, and Xiao Suo back.

It sighed like a human, picked up a small fish from somewhere and threw it into the pool.


An old uncle leaned out his head and caught it precisely, swallowed his stomach with two mouthfuls, and shook his head and swung his tail, still wanting to eat.

Silly 鳖 is stupid!

The fat brother looked upset, too lazy to continue feeding, jumped to the top of the gazebo and looked at the bell tower in the clouds.

Over the years, everyone has become very busy and seems to be working for a great goal. I am no longer a pet, and gradually no one chats, taking care of myself, and now I am an autistic rat.

I can only tease Wang Ba every day. Even Xiaoqing hasn't seen it for more than ten years ...

boom! boom! boom!

The fat brother moved his body, a secret technique triple jump, and reached the edge of the second floor. There is a tree planted here that will bear a lot of fruit and is very self-conscious.

It also carried a bowl and placed it under the root of the tree.


"You see this bowl is big and round, you see this noodle is long and wide ..."


The fat brother slammed his head, the trunk shook, and the fruit crackled and fell. It moved around holding the bowl, but it didn't fall!

I have no other ability for more than 40 years. I can eat it! fast!


The fat brother was holding a bowl of harvest, was looking for a place to fix lunch, and suddenly sniffed his nose, his beard trembling quickly. The next second, it threw the fruit and jumped towards the bell tower.

At the same time, another dozen streamers flew from all over, and they gathered on the seventh floor in the blink of an eye.



Jiu Ru and others looked at the figure that appeared from the void, and they were extremely happy.

Gu Yan hasn't changed at all, but his breath is more restrained, and he looks like an ordinary young man with black eyes and bright eyes. Jiuru ran over and asked in a hurry: "Why did you come back suddenly? Is there something wrong there? Or come back and stroll around, how long will you stay this time?"


Gu Yan rubbed her head, glanced over, and everyone had a look of stubborn hope on their faces. They couldn't help laughing and said, "Everything is ready, it's only due to Dongfeng."


Suddenly, the sentiment is uplifting.

From the 28th year of the Xianli calendar, he began to evolve the human world, and now it is 15 years. You know, it took more than ten years to transform the shady soil to full maturity.

"Live, you mean ..."

"We can go on playing, ah no, go on training?"

"Great, I've been looking forward to this day!"

All the gods and immortals are as happy as children at this moment. Gu Ye didn't interrupt, he ordered: "Ring the bell, call everyone to come."


Changsheng immediately jumped onto the clock tower, held the mallet, and slammed into the bell.




The bell that had not rang for a long time resounded through the Xia Kingdom again. The ordinary people were inexplicable and the monks were unknown. Therefore, Lu Yuanqing, Xiaozhai and others heard the meaning, and they were immediately happy.

Changbai Mountain, Green Stone Valley, Fenghuang Mountain, Tianzhu Mountain, East China Sea, Meishan, Bashan ... from north to south, from west to east, all the streamers flew out, and they attracted worldwide attention.

There is only one destination, Kunlun!


A few days later, the immortals gathered in Yuxu.

Sixteen people from the gods ~ www.wuxiaspot.com; twelve people from the gods, Jiang Xiaojing, Magnolia Pearl, Dragon Tang, You Yu, all have promises in advance, or get close to the younger generation.

Gu Xiaofei was not among them ...

"After re-evolution of the human world, a relatively mature system of practice has been established, and the time for the lower world has arrived. We enter the world and intend to promote the practice and allow more and more people to reach the standard of ascension. With the establishment of the Temple of Heaven, the Three Realms will soon perfect."

Under the bell tower, Gu Yan looked at a circle of top characters and said: "The lower world of the gods can be divided into a ray of spirits. The lower world of the gods needs my mana to protect, and will know chaos as silly, and need to wake up the memory as soon as possible.

Although this is an experience, but after all, it helps me to improve the Three Realms to reach the Dixian. Gu Ye thanks! "

With that said, he jumped to the ground.

Immediately, he seemed to think of something, and laughed: "We ca n’t even have a name like this big move. After I brainstormed and learned from others, I gave it a name-the longevity world!"

(I do n’t know if it ’s there at night !!!)

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