Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 789: Roe deer

? In the small yard, Cao Huazhang is practicing the sword.

The knife is three feet and three inches long, with a wide face and a thin blade, made of stainless steel. It is held in the hands of a tall man and dances with vigor and vitality.


Cao Huazhang played all the way, leaped forward suddenly, turned around with his right foot as an axis, and the long sword was severely cut off at a strange angle. When I heard a bang, a piece of bluestone in the yard was split into several pieces without any damage to the blade.

He was not blushing or panting, but he looked rude with a bit of self-confidence and closed his sword. "This is the thirty-sixth soul-breaking sword, which made the young man laugh."

"Huh? Finish?"

Gu Yan, paralyzed on the steps, slammed back and asked, "What level of martial arts is this soul-breaking sword on rivers and lakes?"

"Although it is not as good as a top-ranking expert, it can also break into a party and scare Xiaoxiao ..."

"Oh, second or third class."

Gu Yi was disappointed and muttered, "It seems that the rivers and lakes are declining, and the common martial arts are very poor!"

"The master said that no matter how good the martial arts practice is, it can't reach a finger of a monk. Even if the monk in the gas-gathering period just throws a spell, the warrior can't resist it." Cao Huazhang responded in unison.

He was originally a river and lake hawker, and was later accepted by Chen Fu as a nursing home. He was very loyal in his mediocrity, and would prefer to let Chen Qi go after his delay.

The two chatted for a while, Gu Yan suddenly said, "Yes, do you have any friends from the past?"

"Several people come and go."

"What is your character?"

"Both are good guys."

"Well, go ask them, would you like to come to me?"

Gu Yan was surprised when he saw him, and said with a smile, "Yes, it's me, not Chen Chen."


Cao Huazhang was weird and a little funny. You've read too much of this book, and want to be shocked. Can you accept the heroes? Although you are the son of Chen Fu, the son and the owner are two concepts, not to mention how old they are!

He thought for a while, and said euphemistically, "Master, those few are scattered, I'm afraid they are uncomfortable ..."

"Oh, I understand."

Gu Yi waved her hand and smiled, "I won't make you embarrassed. In this way, Luming autumn exam will be held in a few months. I am determined to get it. If I get Dao, you can contact me again."

Taoist magpies, Taoist identity documents, are available from the point of view, from nothing to the highest authentic one, is also a status symbol that everyone in Zhenyang envied.

Cao Huazhang stunned, and could not help reassessing.

These days, the top skills are all in Taoist hands, followed by various factions and various noble families. Hao children like Chen Qi are qualified to go to the Tao, but not qualified to go to the Imperial Examinations.

Either be a Taoist official or a court official, the way forward is clear.

If he can be admitted to Lu Mingguan, plus the local knowledge of the Chen family, he can go one step further. And the eldest son, Chen Chen, has proven to be inferior in qualifications and is studying in the capital. There are no resource conflicts ...

Of course Cao Huazhang was cautious and didn't agree immediately after he figured it out.

"Well, that's fine."

It's natural to see rabbits and scatter eagles. Gu Yan sighed and said, "I have been diligently studying" Spring Yin and Rainy Techniques "for a few days.

Cao Huazhang didn't know why, so he saw that he walked into the courtyard with a knife, opened his posture, and made a sharp cut.


He was careless at first, but glanced at him, taking a quick breath. Master Seven is juggling with the thirty-sixth soul-breaking sword I just demonstrated!

In addition, the opponent seems to have improved, and is still fierce and fierce, but the simplification of the moves has become a bit more effective and more aggressive.

"Come on!"

I only listened to the sudden burst of drink, left foot out, and the right heel was covered with firecrackers at the same time, the force was born from the soles of the feet, crackled to the arm, and then slanted down.


With his right foot on the ground, cold light shone, killing his soul. Cao Huazhang narrowed his eyes sharply, and when he opened it again, he was dumbfounded.

The bluestone ground in the courtyard has been blasted out of a round pit.

What is a round pit?

The cross-section is the same as that of tofu cut with a knife. It is smooth and smooth, and slate and dirt are smashed into it. He has practiced martial arts for many years, but it is clear that it shows that the skill and application of this knife's power has been wonderful!

Even more frightening is that this knife is clearly an improved version of his last move!

"Little, young master ..."

Cao Huazhang's stubbornness has exceeded his expectations.

"You focus on bravery, open up and close together, but you are too careful to lose your original intention. There are too many 36 routes. I think the 12 route is just right."

Gu Yi returned the sword and laughed: "I was young and lacking energy, so I used a bit of energy. But you can rest assured that with your foundation, the internal power can also reach such power."

"Take care of yourself first, and then ask me if you don't understand."

Gu Ye didn't give him much time to talk, and walked away, leaving Cao Huazhang stagnant in the courtyard.

The goods left the small courtyard, hurried to a quiet place, and spit out with a long breath.

"This body is too rubbish, and it is near the load with a little movement. Fortunately, I have experience, and I have to redouble my training from tomorrow."

Gu Zheng wiped his sweat and calmed his restlessness before he pretended to be returning to his place.


The foundation is weak. In the early stage, you can only collect some crooked dates. Green buds and Cao Huazhang are even bigger than the dumplings. Chen Fu had a few masters during the gas recovery period, and even a consecration period, but all of them were above the top.

I am an 80-level large, and I can't afford to breathe with a few novice village npc.

Alas, it will be better when you are admitted to Luming Guan, and then you will be able to gather a little more force.

Gu Yan thought as he walked back: If he was thrown into luck, how could he be considered a Qianlong? Alas, I don't know who is capable to invest?

Um, don't be his son, his daughter, his sister, his little aunt, his daughter-in-law ...


Luming County is very lively these days, and the people are discussing one thing: the seven masters of Chen's house have changed their temperament since they met the mountain stream.

In the past, Chen Qi was too young to bully men and women, but he harassed the town all day long, so he set up a stall and smashed the restaurant. His reputation was very bad.

This time is good, so that the whole county is not adapted.

Because the changes were so great that even father and mother were muttering, Chen Jing secretly invited the master to see if they were occupied. Please, of course you can't see it!

So it can only be attributed to that mandrill, so that the son really turned sexual.

Unconsciously, Gu Yan has been here for a month.

His daily routine is very regular, he practiced in the morning and evening, and went to the county seat and the surrounding area during the day. It was very surprising at first because there was too much population.

There are about 50,000 people in Luming County, about 400,000 in Xichuan Prefecture and 24 prefectures in Zhenyang State. The neighboring Eastern Yuan Dynasty is almost the same, and the Northern Qi Yuan Kingdom is even more, with about 20 million.

There are almost 50 million people in the small world. Considering its overall area, the density is much higher than any ancient dynasty in Xia Kingdom.

As a result, the roads between villages and counties and between the county and prefectures are in close proximity.

He pondered for a long time before he could barely come to an explanation:

First, practice is more popular. Although the civilian population has very little contact, it has been passed down from generation to generation and the average life expectancy is high.

Second, there is a system of official officials. They study the increase of field yield, the cultivation of rice seeds, the raining of clouds, and the giving of various life-saving elixir on a regular basis, which substantially improves the living standard.

Coupled with the absence of large-scale war, it has become the current population density.

At noon, the restaurant.

On the third floor, Gu Xun sat next to the window, the table was set with four dishes and four bowls, and the main dish was a red fish that had just come out. Cut into thin slices without the sauce and eat it raw.

This one requires five dollars.

The common currency of the Zhenyang Kingdom is small money, which is also called green money, and big money, which is red, and also called red money. One hundred dollars for one hundred dollars is almost the same as modern coins, extremely wear-resistant, and the purchasing power is also amazing.

Gu Ye likes this. There are no spirits or beads. The monks also trade with money, or barter.

The reason is due to the system: the focus here is to save ideas, and to understand God ’s will, Dan and Qi are auxiliary. The kind of ruling period that chased the ruling and chased the ruling Jin Dan, basically did not exist.

"Master? Master?"

"Ah? Oh, what's wrong?"

Qingya reluctantly, the seven masters are all right now. She reminded: "The young lady is coming back tomorrow. You have been out for a long time. Don't you pick a gift for her?"

"Sister ... that naturally buys gifts."

Gu Yan responded and instructed: "Cao Huazhang, you go to Zhiyanzhai in Nanjie. There are several new types of rouge gouache out there. You can buy one each."


Cao Huazhang, who had been standing behind him, responded without complaint. After witnessing the power of the plane's father firsthand, he was willing to serve as a servant and was driven by it.

Qingya was happy, saying: "Master Cao mighty man, what kind of rouge gouache to buy, the master will make fun of people."

"What's tricking me, I'm the one to make it easy, of course he bought it!"

"Then why don't you tell me to go?"

"Well, I'm calling Xiuse Kecan to you, I really can't swallow up to him. The two masters are bored together to enjoy the rain and eat fish, what's the word?"


Qingya finally couldn't help, holding Paz and laughing. After a month of contact, she is more and more afraid of the Seven Masters. As long as he keeps his rules, she will be easy to imagine.

Gu Yi glared at her, and placed her arms on the railing to watch the drizzle outside.

Luming's rain is very dense. Thanks to this, the three days and two heads, the "Spring Overcast with Rain" has progressed rapidly, and the understanding of the nature of gas production has deepened.

In a word: feel the form of nature, realize the meaning of nature.

Why is the highest quality when it comes to collecting the energy of Tianyang and Diyin? Because yin and yang are the origin of heaven and earth, you are already in it, you can think about it anytime, anywhere, and your spirit is magnificent.

The authenticity generated in this way is extremely pure and extremely efficient.

"Spring Rain with Rain" is too restrictive ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The spirit is also very small, the gas production is slow, and it is not pure. The Chen family has practiced for several generations, including Chen Jing, Chen Yun, and his married sister Chen Yun, but they are not qualified enough to follow the path.

Of course, the stream of consciousness practice is the subjective factor occupying the root.

The Chen family wanted to have a lingering spring rain. He wanted to be free and unrestrained. He was refreshing and free. He had to be more open-minded in spirit, and he had to be a bit pure in his energy extraction.

Over the past month, progress has been rapid, and the inner air is full, but I have not yet practiced the technique.



Gu Yan looked at the drizzle, and was habitually distracted, and was suddenly disturbed by a sound of fighting, then Cao Huazhang's roar.

Immediately after, a male duck voice came downstairs, "Ha ha ha ha, can Chen Qi be on top?"

(I found that around 2000, there were many domestic dramas, "Black Ice" can be seen.)

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