Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 790: Sisters and Surgery

Gu Gu looked down, and there were a lot of people in the street.

Cao Huazhang waved his fist and smashed into a group with several people. A delicate wooden box was thrown open on the ground, with rouge gouache scattered. He had to give directions to Gu Yi and make great progress, but he was forced by several people at the moment and he had no chance to pull out the knife.

Another person stood outside the circle and watched Cao Huazhang suffer a fist and laughed arrogantly.

At the age of twelve or thirteen years old, this man is obviously a rich man with a brocade crown. When he saw Gu Yan looking down, he shook his body, like a leaf rolled up by the wind, and fluttered on the third floor.

"It's Master Xu, why are you full? It's hard for me to be a servant?"

Gu Yan picked up the cup and poured it out. The spirit-laden drink seemed to be heavy and smashed on the people exactly, and it made a crackling sound, screaming immediately, rolling around.

"I heard that Chen Qilangzi turned back, retreating, and thought that the market was kidding. He didn't want to be true."

The man's eyes narrowed, and then he regained his appearance.

There are two big households in Luming County, the Chen family and the Xu family. This person is the master Xu family, called Xu Jie.

He didn't care about the injuries of his subordinates. When he saw that Cao Huazhang packed his wooden box and ran upstairs, he laughed: "It's just that my temperament has changed a bit, and I actually like women's fat powder stuff. Could you have Realizing Qiankun, the technique of Heyin Nayang is not possible? Next time I see you, should I call Seven Sisters? Hahaha ... "


A cold light burst, suddenly zooming in Xu Jie's eyes, piercing his left eye at a very fast speed. He tilted his head subconsciously, his left hand full of energy, and grabbed forward.

The cold mang looked like life, turned down from an incredible angle, and then tilted it, the target was still the left eye. Xu Jie was shocked and annoyed, and suddenly snorted, and a white gas blew from his nostrils.


Han Mang dissipated and dropped off the table, but it was a broken silver chopstick.

"Master Xu is so skillful, admire!"

Gu Yisha arched his hands with a moment of intermission, a hint of curiosity flashed on his face, is this the Xu family's Taoism?

"You're good too, really impressive!"

Xu Jie's pupils looked like a cold-blooded animal, staring at him half-chillyly and coldly.

After all, he walked downstairs and led someone away.

Qingya shrank in the corner and was frightened for a long time, at this time only came forward, Cao Huazhang lowered his head and called out: "Master!"

"Why didn't you pull out the knife just now?" Gu Min asked.

"After all, in the city, the other party is the Xu family ..."

"That's it. This time, someone will bully and provocate. Don't worry about it. Hit me back hard. Remember?"


Cao Huazhang nodded in his heart.

Gu Yi just took the wooden box, but it didn't break. It was stained with some dust and thrown to Qingya, "Go, buy another one."

"Ah? Huh!"

Qingya immediately responded, holding her in her arms. She didn't mind second-hand, this box of things was worth half of her regular money.


The Chen family has three sister-in-law and daughter-in-law. His daughter is Chen Wei, seventeen years old, and married a small official in Xichuan Prefecture. The eldest son is Chen Wei, fourteen years old, also studying and studying in Xichuan Prefecture.

The oldest is Chen Yu.

In the early morning the next morning, Chen Yi returned to her maiden's house, and the carriage brought three, saying that she would stay for a while. The first time I met the sister, Gu Ye only felt gentle and standard, an ancient lady.

Chen Yan loved his younger brother very much. He pulled all kinds of cares and made him goosebumps. The mother naturally cried again, and she cried endlessly.

In short, everyone had a meal. After dinner, Chen Jing and Chen Yan went into the inner room to talk in detail, and they also called Gu Yan.

"North Korea has been so noisy lately, all for Qi Yuan's courtship. It is said that there were twelve messengers who had already taken the flying boat to the capital and waited for a letter."

Chen Yong talked about all the events of the imperial court, and continued: "Since the new emperor of the Kaiyuan Dynasty, he hasn't seen any movement. This time, one party felt that it was a good sign and supported it. The other party felt that the move was unexpected, afraid it might be Have a plan.

In fact, noisy and noisy, in the end it is not the country's final decision to marry, after all, a princess. "

"The landlord is a realm of heaven and human beings. He has a weak sentiment. Although he is his own daughter, it is worth the money to exchange for the goodness of a country."

Chen Jing held his beard and judged: "In all likelihood, I will promise, I don't know which princess to marry?"


"Mingyu ..."

Chen Jing ripped off a beard and wondered, "This is strange."

You and me, one sentence at a time, Gu Ye has been listening for a long time and probably understands.

The founder of Qiyuan Kingdom was kind and honest, and had good relations with other countries. After the old landlord failed to ascend, the spirit fluttered, and the country was in chaos. Fortunately, a descendant descended to heaven and took over the country.

After the new emperor ascended the throne, he quickly calmed down civil strife, recuperated, and gradually recovered his national strength.

Qiyuan is the country with the largest land area, the largest population, and the strongest comprehensive strength in the small world. A wind and grass move will make the neighbors nervous.

This is the first major diplomatic act for the new emperor to send someone to ask for love. The Princess Mingyu of Zhenyang Kingdom, at a young age, is already in the realm of wandering, and further, she is heaven and man.

Such seeds were actually sent to be kissed, but I don't know what good Qiyuan promises ...

"Yes, there is one more thing."

Chen Yi suddenly remembered, saying: "I heard Xianggong said that Master Li has recently recovered and will be reused soon. Dad is a student of Master Li, I believe there will be news soon."


Chen Jing was so overjoyed that she was a little bit disoriented. He was the loser of the factional battle, but politics is more inaccurate than the weather forecast. For 30 years, Henan and Hebei for 30 years, do not bully the middle-aged and the poor!

If you can rise again and become an official, it will be a great thing for yourself and your family.

The father and daughter talked for a long time before they were finished talking. Chen Yan drank his tea, took a break, and turned to Gu Yan: "Little Seven, I heard that you have made great progress recently, and you still have to take the autumn exam?"

"Don't dare to be motivated, but consciously realize it, and be more diligent than before."

"Oh, I'm boasting that you're still breathing, how is gas recovery going?"

"Taking this spring's rich rain, full of vitality, it is enough to perform Taoism."

"That's good. There will be two places for this year's autumn exam. According to the convention, one will be for the Hanmen in the village and the other will be for the local families. Lu Ming only has Chen and Xu. They must fight. You can get your hands. Although this son is shady and has good qualifications, he is willing to work hard and is not easy to deal with. "

Chen Ye smiled suddenly and said, "But I found a master in Xichuan and asked for two runes for you."

As she said, she found a jade box, in which were lying two faint, lustrous runes.

"My second brother and I are inadequately qualified and can only take the official economy. Since you are qualified, you have to fight on the road. The integration of official and Taoism is the foundation of the long-term family."


Gu Yi was surprised, at first he didn't care. After hearing this, he finally tasted it. He dared to love his sister's status at home is quite high!

Looks like harmless sheep, but she is very intelligent and extremely politically sensitive. What's more, she intentionally or unintentionally revealed something that she might not have found—ambition!

Gu Yan likes people with ambitions.

"Thank you, Sister, my brother must live up to expectations.


It was more than half of the talks.

Gu Yan returned to his residence, without any sleepiness, and couldn't wait to take out Fu Yu to watch.

To practice, there must be a sign. Chen Fu has five Taoism symbols, plus a gas extraction method, which is the heritage of the county-level nobles. Now that Sister has sent a new one, she will simply come up and study it.

These two new symbols, one gold and one blue.

He first picked up a gold charm, input his qi, and the charm flickered, immersed in his mind.

He quickly sat and watched his mind and entered the state of imagination. After a while, a shimmering rune naturally emerged from the empty consciousness.

This rune is particularly large in the sea, and the rune pattern above is clearly visible. His manipulation of consciousness is superb, like holding a paintbrush, sketching out along the runes.

And in a stroke, there was a faint whirlpool and confluence. After finishing the last look, the golden runes are bright and the runes are finished, and they are clearly carved in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Monk Xia Guo, the fundamentals of scholarship are resilience; the monks here still have academic thoughts.

After a while, Gu Yan opened his eyes and waved his hand, his body suddenly appeared a faint layer of golden light, as if wearing an invisible armor.

He brushed out a sword and severely chopped it off his arm.


The sound of Jin Ge made a trembling light, without any damage, but the long sword made of steel was broken.

"The defense is okay! No wonder Cao Huazhang said that martial arts is useless. This armor is put on, as long as it stays true for a long time, it will be fine for you to cut your axe.

This Fu Yi inscription knows the sea, Taoism is self-contained, isn't that the reverse ... "

He seemed to think of something, hurried out, and hurried back again, with some runes of cinnabar in his hand. Spread the rune paper on the case, dip the pen with cinnabar, as shown in the rune pattern, run in a hurry, in one go.


He picked up this golden amulet he drew, no different from the original one.

Up to this moment, others have deeply realized what it means to take imagination as the root and Fu Yu as the root! The relationship between the two is like chickens and eggs, eggs and chickens. I wonder how the ancient sages created the system?

Gu Xun struck the iron while he was hot, then picked up the blue amulet, and successfully carved it according to the previous method, but it was a water dragon technique. One attack and one defense, the power is good, a little stronger than the Chen family's Taoism, Chen Yi also has the intention.

He engraved the four runes in one breath, feeling exhausted and paused.

"This technique is popular and easy to learn. It has a wide variety of types that are easy to inherit, but it also lacks change and has no connection with the world. Therefore, the technique is low, and the law is high ..."

Gu Yan has a fairy-tale vision and experience, inferior to others, and murmured: "There is no distinction between early, middle, and late ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ How does energy harvesting promote concentration? Is it because of ideas?

Only when the spirit is strong can you comprehend the meaning of the law, otherwise you ca n’t bear it, so the key to promoting the condensed period as soon as possible is the key point for Lu Mingguan ... ”

He was extremely dissatisfied with his strength, and still felt too slow. He didn't know that someone would listen to him, and Zhunbao would slap him to death!

An ordinary monk during the gas recovery period, for the first time, he can inscribe runes and perform Taoism. He is already a highly qualified man. If it can come from the character 箓 in turn, it is even better.

If the four lines are engraved in succession, they will be robbed of heads by each rule!

Do not base 6!

Do not base 6!

That night, Gu Min summed up his strength, probably the strange level of elites in the novice village. Although the seven runes of spells pull the wind, the consumption of true energy is also huge, and at this stage, it must be combined with martial arts.

"Well, Brother Xiu Xiu is here!"

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