Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 791: Autumn exam

Chen Chen lived for ten days and returned to the city. The next day, Gu Min spent in preparing for the exam.

Gas extraction is fundamental, which determines its own upper limit, repair is the key, and this is the safety guarantee. In addition, he also used the treasures in his home and asked for a short sword.

It's no surprise that it is sharper and tougher than the usual steel sword.

In the small world, Dudu is a prince, martial arts attack is a small road, and monks rarely specialize in it. So it ’s very strange in the house. Seeing him making a comparison in the courtyard every day, and drawing Cao Huazhang from time to time, I think it is a waste of time.

waste time? Hehe, funny!

A few months passed and the autumn exam was here.

Luming County belongs to Xichuan Prefecture, and Xichuan Prefecture is next to Lutai Prefecture. The palace view of the Zhenyang Kingdom will hold an assessment every spring, and those who fail will be expelled, and will be recruited again in the fall of that year.

Therefore, the autumn exams are not held every year. And Luming is Wang County. According to regulations, there should be one master, one magnificent, one tutor, twelve disciples, a total of fifteen people.

Wei Yi is responsible for supervision, eight grades of Taoist officials; teaching is responsible for education, nine grades of Taoist officials, is also the lowest first-class.

Early in the morning, Chen Fu was busy early.

Chen Jing was personally accompanied by a horse-drawn carriage to Luming Temple, ten miles south of the city. He wasn't very confident, but when he saw his younger son narrowing his eyes, the old **** was there.

After a journey, the carriage arrived at Gongguan. The scale is not small, there is no so-called main hall side hall, because the Tao here is not religion. Just a few yards are set together, there are classrooms, residences, dining rooms, parliament halls, danfang, equipment room, nearby Lingtian, animal garden, more than a battlefield ... more like a college.

"Master, master, here it is!"

The coachman greeted him, Chen Jing and Gu Ai disembarked from the carriage, saw a lot of frames parked in front of the view, and some ordinary people in shabby clothes looked up.

"Two places, one for the Hanmen and one for the clan, have different test content, so you don't need to worry about them. The biggest opponent is still Xu Jie."

Chen Jing took his son's hand and repeated the confession that he had said several times, and went straight to the gate to release it.

"Father returned for a break, and the baby went in."

Gu Yan worshiped Chen Jing and strode in.

After a while, a little man came out and shouted, "When the hour comes, idlers should wait to retreat and close the door!"


Two thick wooden doors slowly closed, covering everyone's eyes.

But he said that Gu Yan came in and was led to the atrium. He looked around. There were more than 50 people who took the exam, from the white-haired old man to the young children.

Because in principle, there is no limit on age. As long as there is a guarantee from local squires, scholars, Lizheng, monks, etc., of course, it is another matter if people do not accept it.

The crowd stood in distinct lines, and Xu Jie was at ease. He saw Gu Yan, not afraid to make a noise and provocation, but narrowed his eyes, revealing a strong taunt.

Alas, like a dog!

Gu Yan smashed his mouth and ignored it.

After a while, a disciple came out, named twenty people, and went into a large room on the right. He heard Chen Jing say that, like these ordinary people who are illiterate and have poor families, Taoism is willing to give them opportunities.

Generally, you can look at the qualifications, look at the roots, and have an innocent family history. Excellent people can become candidates to compete for the scarce quota.

Soon after they went in, another disciple came out and called, and the remaining thirty were taken to another big house. There are many desk cases inside, and the cases are covered with pen and ink scrolls.

A thin female Taoist stood in front, her eyes and eyes were warm and her attitude was friendly. The disciple introduced: "This is the teaching of this concept, Saitama master."

Everyone quickly saluted.

"The assessment will be divided into two sessions. The first literary test will be conducted in a single time. After the test, I will review it in the hall.

She explained briefly that there were no special procedures, and everyone was sitting.

With the incense burning, Saitama sat with her eyes closed, showing more grace in the smoke, like a living Buddha. But everyone was trembling in the heart, only a soft breath swept through the audience, there was no secret at all.

"Is it the period of meditation?"

Gu Yan glanced at her for a few moments, then he didn't bother. He bowed his head and scratched the paper. Some people asked about the history of Zhenyang, some asked about the practice, some asked about a century-long debate, and let them write their own opinions.

But there is one thing, which is relatively basic, quite similar to the boy test in the imperial examination.

He had heard from his dad earlier that the essay test was specially prepared for people like himself, and he had studied it thoroughly for many years. Chen Fuhao is a county family and has his own reserves.

Gu Yan has practiced many times before, and writes with a little thought.

Most of the candidates around were also so fast, and then stopped after another, seemingly encountered a problem.

"Oh, it's interesting, actually asked about Qiyuan's attitude to ask for marriage ..."

Gu Yan laughed at the last question.

The test paper was produced by the master of the rule of Takeji, who is an advanced teacher and is also responsible for the education of the area. Zhenyang Kingdom was far away from the war. For hundreds of years, people and monks were like domestic pets. They had lost their sense of crisis.

When Qi Yuan was seeking for relatives, he supported more and opposed less. As a result, Gao Shiming wrote in the examination paper, fearing that he is a rare person who is willing to think.

He thought about it and wrote a few words.

After the inspection, the incense was almost burned, many people got up and handed in their papers, and Gu Yan also handed it in. Everyone didn't leave, still sitting there waiting.

I saw the jade jade Taoist holding the examination papers, looking at them one by one, frowning from time to time. Suddenly, she stared and stared at a scroll without moving.

That said a short paragraph:

"Some evil rats, cats who want to be good at home, hate to use cream, sleep on felt. Cats are full and safe, they don't eat rats, and they even play with rats, so rats are violent."

This is a very popular story in Zhenyang Kingdom, which is similar to the idioms of Xia Kingdom.

Someone said that they hated mice very much and spent all their money to find a good cat. He feeds it with tasty fish, and sleeps it with soft felt. Cats are very full and comfortable, so they don't want to catch mice, and even play with them, which makes them even more stingy.

Xi Yu looked for a long time before moving her eyes upwards, with the name on the head: Chen Yu.

She glanced at one of the boys sitting at the table before turning the paper over.

It didn't take long for her to finish her review and she said, "Zhang Huan, Ou Shun, Gu Feng ... for your next visit, go home."

Five of them were ordered in one breath. The five looked pale immediately, but they did not dare to argue. They barely gave a salute, and staggered out the door.


The text was tested, and everyone returned to the atrium.

Another group of people has already left most of them, leaving five people present, ranging from four to five years old to twelve to three, all of whom are timid and shy.


Xu Jie looked down on them, and deliberately squeezed a girl covered in patches. The girl was stunned and almost fell, her eye circles instantly turned red, but she could not bear crying.

"It's so good to get one out of five!"

"That's why we are so harsh on us?"

"It is necessary to balance the forces above, to promote Hanmen ..."

"Shh, don't talk too much!"

A group of people mumbled and complained, the five of them huddled in the corner and didn't dare to speak back.

Gu Yan looked at him, and he was a family member. He had been studying and gassing since he was a child. The other side is the poor and cold door, which is incomparable in all aspects, but the court and Chongxuanyuan are willing to give opportunities.

He found it interesting and turned his thoughts a lot. Suddenly he looked up, and the Saitamado man didn't know when he was standing on the stone steps ahead.

"The two are in a group. Follow me by name."

"Shan Tao, Kong Li!"

"Liu Yu, Wen Huan!"

Go in in groups, and then come out again, or be discouraged, or uneasy, but no one is happy. Soon it came to the end, Saitama looked and said, "Xu Jie, Chen Yu!"


The two looked at each other, and Xu Jie raised his eyebrows in a very secretive manner, as if determined to win.

Gu Yan was weird in his heart, and went into the inner hall with Ji Yu, and saw two Taoists sitting inside. A drooping old woman with white hair, obviously Shou Yuan was about to run out. Another middle-aged man looked stern and looked very serious.

"This is Wu Laozi, the subjective magnificent Guo Kejing."

"Meet two seniors!"

Gu Xun and Xu Jie Qi bowed down together, while Xun Yu also sat in the third chair, but the three of them jointly reviewed.

"Get up!"

Wu Laozi closed his eyes and said nothing, seemed to fall asleep. Guo Kejing waved his hand, his tone was rigid and indifferent, saying: "Xu Fu, Xu Jie, Tianshui Lane, Luming County?"


Xu Jie hurried forward.

"It's been four years since I was eight years old, and I have practiced fifteen spells ..."

Guo Kejing inquired one by one according to the information at the time of registration, and Xu Jie should be.

Then he turned to Wu Laozi, "Look at the Lord!"


Wu Laozi moved at this time, but did not open his eyes, but the flesh in the center of his forehead suddenly cracked, showing a golden **** eye. This eyeball stared at Xu Jie, releasing a golden mang to sweep him, and disappeared instantly.

Immediately, the god's eyes sank into the flesh, and his forehead returned to flatness.

"It is indeed engraved with fifteen runes, the atmosphere is surging and surging, the accumulation is deep, the qualifications are ..."

Wu Laozi paused and gave an evaluation: "Middle and Upper!"


Gu Yan was surprised. What kind of technique is this? Could it be magical? You can see even a few runes!

"It is such a practice at a young age that it can be made."

Guo Kejing nodded, and seemed to appreciate it, and then turned to Gu Yan again.

"Chen Yu, a seven-year-old boy who learns how to use gas for gas collection. This year, two years ago, there are seven ways to practice amulet ..."


As before, after the Q & A, Wu Laozi opened his eyes again, and Jin Guang swept away. Gu Ye only felt that the spirit was shaking ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Seen inside and out, she couldn't help getting surprised.

Wu Laozi was slightly puzzled, and said, "It's thin, but it's more pure, and it has seven runes."

"How qualified?" Guo Kejing asked.

"Same as middle and upper."

Wu Laozi said, and stopped talking.

On the contrary, Guo Kejing resembled the person who made the decision, commenting: "There were a total of fifty people in the autumn exam, and the examination was completed. Xu Jie was diligent in studying, devoted to the road, excellent in qualifications, and should be selected.

In addition, Lu Xiaolian, a seven-year-old orphan girl in Qingshan Village, has a clean background and high qualifications. She should also be selected. "

He looked at Gu Yan again, and said, "Chen Yu, bad temper, lazy wandering, not enough to enter my door wall, you go home!"

(And at night ...)

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