Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 792: Kill the dog

"" Stubborn temperament, laziness ... "

I said a few months ago that there was nothing wrong with this, but now nobody in the county knows that Master Chen Qi has turned back and the dog is not eating shit?

So Gu Yan listened for a moment, and felt a little bit of obvious taste. Looking at Guo Kejing again, it was still an old-fashioned face, but Xu Jie next to him was a little proud.

Well, two dogs, properly!

He turned his thoughts, and just wanted to argue for himself, but saw the Saitama Tao suddenly said: "Master said this is bad, although Chen Yu had bad things before, but he has been rehabilitated, and the whole county knows it. Talking about bad temper? "

"Are you against my proposal?" Guo Kejing said coldly.

"Although I teach for Jiupin, there is a responsibility for recruiting disciples. Why can't I oppose it?"

Xun Yu said nothing: "The rule of governance is strict, and the students must be reported at different levels, waiting for review and approval. When the brother chose Xu Jie, he must give a reason to convince the public. Similarly, Chen Yu was eliminated. You also need a convincing reason. Otherwise, you can't afford to find faults in the office. "


Wu Laozi closed his eyes and fell asleep. Guo Kejing's facial muscles twitched twice, but also did not expect that Xiuyu would suddenly jump out.

Wu Laozi practiced hard for decades before he could barely reach the period of meditation and mastered a small magical power. He had no background to rely on, and was sent to Lu Ming to be the subject, but in fact he was waiting for his death.

Now that Shou Yuan is about to run out, and he may emerge at any time, Guo Kejing has someone in Benzhuzhi who is likely to take over the subject. Especially in recent years, Wu Laozi is in charge of everything, regardless of everything.

Saitama is also very Buddha. He did not show any desire for power. As a result, today is abnormal.

She pressed with a big hat, and Guo Kejing was not easy to make a forcible decision. Then he said: "Even though he has reformed himself, he has been superficial and insufficient. He only inscribed seven runes in two years. Xu Jie has accumulated four years of practice There are fifteen runes in the body. The two have the same qualifications. Why should I choose Xu Jie? "

"Senior, can I ask him something?"

Gu Yan suddenly spoke and pointed to Xu Jie.

"It's rude!"

"Of course."

The two voices sounded at the same time, Xi Yu laughed: "Brother, just asking a sentence, it has nothing to do, right? Chen Yu, what are you asking?"

Gu Xie thanked the other party before turning his head and smiling: "Master Xu, I don't know how much time you spent on these fifteen runes?"

"What matter to you?" Xu Jie was angry.

"This is a dispute between you and me. Why doesn't it matter to me? Now that the two seniors are at odds with each other, we should share our concerns and solve problems. Or are you embroidered with a bag of grass and afraid to compete with me?"


Xu Jie was furious, and suddenly slowly retracted together, saying: "Seniors, younger students started practicing in the third year of gas extraction. The first took four days and the second took three days. The five are becoming more and more mature, and they probably learn one every day. "


Gu Yi laughed and asked, "How long do you know how long I used?"

He raised three fingers and shook them in front of each other. "Three days, seven runes!"


Xu Jie almost jumped, and Wu Laozi opened his eyes, surprised.

Guo Kejing even snorted and reprimanded: "Don't talk nonsense! I didn't know how to be down to earth, worked hard, and learned the language of others!"

"Chen Yu, this is a test of observation, you must not lie!" Yu Yu frowned.

"The junior did not lie. I engraved four runes on the first day, slept on the second day, and learned three on the third day. If my family is weak, I can learn more."

Gu Ye worshiped, he was serious.

"It's even more nonsense! You say three days and three days, what evidence?" Guo Ke angered.

"What evidence does the senior have that I can't do it?"

Gu Yi went back and started to tease, "Gongzi, if you give you an ordinary Taoist character now, how long will it take you to understand the mastery?"


Xu Jie is also a teenager after all, with anxiety in her heart, but she knows many wrong things and simply doesn't answer.

"Oh, Mr. Xu dare not respond, then I come. If you give me a rune, I only need half an hour. If several seniors do not believe it, they can be verified in court."

"You are not a disciple of Guanyin, how can you teach the technique privately?" Guo Kejing continued to stab.

"I see that you have a certain skill with some power, you offer it, and I will give you another skill, this is a normal exchange, not within the commandment."

Unexpectedly, Wu Laozi actually ended in person and changed his support.

Chongxuanyuan acts quite enlightened. In addition to the most fundamental idea, some amulets can communicate with the outside world to enhance the background.

He immediately took out a gold rune, and Gu Min also took out the most powerful water rune. Wu Laozi asked Guo and Yun to look at it to prove the value was equal.

"Well, you learn now!"

In an instant, the four eyes were staring at someone, either cold or worrying ... Gu Yi ignored it completely, just picked up the gold sign, and entered the spirit into it.


With a flash of gold, Fu Xun got into the sea.

Gu Xun immediately entered the state of imagination, and only felt a large rune floating in the sea of ​​consciousness, surrounded by Geng Jin's qi, and the stabbing consciousness was painful.

He engraved seven runes and knew the thing. Speaking of a certain magical system of western fantasy, after deconstructing the spell model, I learned a magic.

甭 Looking at the examination room, there is still a strong ache. Gu 玙 is not affected. The control consciousness is traced along the rune, and at the same time, a small amount of Geng Jin Qi begins to swell and gather.

The ground around the body was rustling, and it seemed that the blade was scratching the ground with fine marks.


Wu Laozi felt this change at first, and his seemingly muddy eyes suddenly glowed, as if he found a treasure. I have received talented disciples, and all the achievements are reported. Maybe I will give the exercises, and I will give them a try.

Guo Kejing's face was hesitant, and turned into gloom, as if thinking in secret. Saitama was very pleasantly surprised.

Xu Jie reacted the most. He thought it was something in the bag. As a result, the other party counterattacked and killed so simply!

No more, no less, just half an hour. Gu Yan opened his eyes violently, opened his mouth, spit out, and flew out in a practising white gas, turned around in the air with his killing might, and rolled back into his mouth.

It was that Gengjin sword charm!

"OK! OK!"

Wu Laozi stood up and praised, "It is so beautiful that Yuliang is almost buried, fortunately, fortunately!"

The inscription of the runes, at a glance, can you be extremely quiet without fluctuations. Second, look at understanding, can you quickly understand the meaning of surgery. Third, look at the manipulation of consciousness, can you accurately and smoothly outline the runes.

"This child is in the top and bottom, but the state of mind and understanding are in the top. I don't think there is any need to fight anymore. Chen Yu should have entered it ..."

"Look at the Lord!"

Guo Kejing interrupted Wu Laozi and said: "Academic can be selected soon, but it is a bit biased. Chen Yu is good, but Xu Jie is not bad, so I need to try again."

"The juniors didn't agree, and the juniors wanted to test!" Xu Jie also bowed in time.


Gu Yi was a little surprised. What py transaction did this product have to do so to me? Could there be old hatred, I do n’t know!

He was too lazy to talk nonsense, and said directly: "Seniors, since Xu Gongzi disagrees, it is better to be simple, please allow me to fight with each other and be strong and weak."

"That's why, please allow us to compete!"

When Xu Jie heard the joy, I accumulated more profoundly than you, more skills than you, you are a self-throwing!

This is the end of the matter. This is no way out. Wu Laozi thought for a while and nodded. So some disciples went out and announced a quota first. Lu Xiaolian of Qingshan Village, all the eliminated were invited to debut.

Gu Yan and others went out of the house, walked over a few moon gates, and reached a small practice site.

The green brick paved ground and high walls on four sides are faintly exuding breath fluctuations. They should be protection and prohibition. There were not many spectators. Apart from the three Taoist officials, only two disciples were on the sidelines.

Xu Jie took the lead and yelled, "Chen Qi, come here to die!"


Gu Zheng ignored it, and only asked, "Can several seniors give a testimony? This battle is a voluntary consultation, regardless of life or death?"

"Whether you live or die, you have such a heart!"

Guo Kejing also had great confidence in Xu Jie and sneered: "Since you asked for it, go with you!"

"Thank you!"

Gu Yan also jumped onto the field, while Xu Jie glanced at his short sword at the waist, and became more ridiculous: "The Chen family is really declining.

"Fill in numbers, you'll know what you've tried."

"No words!"

Gu Zheng distanced him from it, and he did not act rashly. For the first time, he did not know what form he was fighting against. Guo Kejing shouted "Begin", and the two words still echoed in his ear. He suddenly felt behind him and hurriedly turned away.


A huge vine with a thick water tank emerged out of thin air, hit it **** the ground, and threw it violently. The length of the body soared, and he rushed over like a fierce blue python to kill him.

Upon seeing this, Gu Ye turned a layer of yellow light on his body, sinking down suddenly, and the whole man drew into the soil.

"Want to run?"

Xu Jie waved his hands, and the ground of half of the practice ground swelled up. The blue bricks shattered, like a giant creature swimming under the ground.

boom! Rumble!

Suddenly the bricks and earth exploded, and a very abstract monster emerged, soaring into the sky. At the top of the huge skull stood a small figure.

Gu Yan's body has become golden light, and he has applied gold armor in time.

The beast opened his mouth wide and chased after him. He was like a playful ball in the air to dodge, and stepped on his head with his toes, avoiding the mouth every time.

Suddenly, he was standing tall, leaping high, and vomiting.


The exquisite white gas spewed out again, just chopped at the neck of the beast. The beast immediately softened into a puddle of mud, and the white gas cast down and went straight to Xu Jie.


There was also a white gas in Xu Jie's nostrils, both of which were metal-encapsulating Taoism. The two collided, making a loud noise in the air, like a Jin Ge iron horse, and disappeared at the same time.

From the beginning to the present, Xu Jie has always stood still, never moving. Gu Yan was rather embarrassed, and he used three strokes in a row, and his thin vitality became more and more insufficient.

Xu Jie is not stupid, knowing that this is the other party's biggest weakness, relying heavily on his skills to attack on a continuous basis. For a moment, Gu Yan had no time to fight back, fled blindly, and was ashamed and shabby.

"Well, Xu Jie is even better!"

Guo Kejing, watching the battle, was very satisfied and nodded slowly.

Wu Laozi's complexion gradually became ugly. He bet on Gu Yan and won the best. He lost nothing and lost nothing. He was overwhelmed and used to it anyway.

Only Xiu Jie was worried, and really regretted Gu.

"Hahaha, Chen Qi! I said earlier, when you cry!"

Xu Jie patted his right hand to his chest and laughed arrogantly: "Today is your death!"


A group of dazzling golden lights wrapped it, and it was tumbling and changing. A tall giant armor jumped out, and his eyes were similar to Xu Jie.

Gold light giant body surgery, so that its body skyrocketed, like a golden armored soldier, powerful!

The giant held an exaggerated heavy weapon, stepped forward and smashed his head.


The solid ground was blasted out of a large hole, and after a few breaths, the entire practice ground became shabby. Gu Yi could not escape for a while, and his back was swept by weapons, and his body fell into the dust.


The gold armor giant laughed, his voice was dull and thunderous, and he strode up and fell heavily.


Xiuyu almost lost her voice, and saw that the dust was rising, the rubble was splashing, and there was obviously no more way to live. But she always felt that the child was conservative, what was the difference?

Her thoughts turned sharply, right!

He hasn't drawn his sword yet!


It seemed that in order to verify her thoughts, the dust was tumbling in the corner, and it was filled with mist, and the mist trembled suddenly, and there was a flash of green light.

This green mango is like a bean, and it quickly expands in the blink of an eye, like a blue flower blooming in the air.

Immediately following, there are more and more green awns, and seven blue and white flowers bloom in succession, advancing rapidly with the cold blue light.

"what is this?"

Xu Jie instinctively felt dangerous, and was about to dodge, but was not able to dodge at all. Seven blue and white flowers skyrocketed instantly, covering Zhang Gao's body in a blink of an eye.



The crackling noises sounded, the giant cracks appeared on the giant, and then slammed!

Giant body is broken!

Xu Jie was stunned. He had the upper hand and was about to kill the other party, but before the reaction came, the giant body disappeared. In an instant, he looked like a knight wrapped in thick armor and turned into an untouchable baby.

The chill came from all directions, infiltrated the bone marrow, and a little fear grew in the bottom of my heart!

"No way, you can't beat me!"

Xu Jie's response was not slow, no matter what the situation was, he hummed again, oh!

Bai Qi spurted from his nostrils, and shot toward the front. There was a rushing water in his ear. A thick water dragon jumped out of the void, whistling and stirring with Bai Qi.

For a time, the water and light fluctuated, and the white gas was surging, mixed with smelly dirt and grass debris scattered from the air, intertwined into a wonder in front of the eyes.

Xu Jie's pupils suddenly contracted, because he faintly saw a bit of coldness flying from the water curtain, as cold as a lone star, and like lightning.

The sweaty hair was erected immediately, and seemed to feel an unprecedented crisis. Following the cold of the neck, a few blood lines were drawn, the wound was blown by the wind, and the pain was sober! It's also terrible!

"Chen ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Qi ..."

A short sword steadily rested on his throat, and that hand was more stable than the sword. The palms are not large and obviously not grown, but at this moment, nothing is more frightening than it.

"Chen Yu, Master Chen ... I lost, I confess!"

Xu Jie was extremely qualified at the moment of life and death, and trembled: "You won, you take the quota, I will send a gift after I return home, see you in the future, retreat from the three places ..."

"Good conditions, but uninterested."

Gu Yan smiled, and saw his shadow in those horrified eyes, "It's better for me to kill you."


In Guo Kejing's drinking silence, the sword tip was sent and blood splashed three feet!

(Does the desert camel really sound good ????

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