Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 794: Nether Spring 0

? Lu Mingguan also has morning classes. The twelve disciples sit together to study the Taoist scriptures. It has nothing to do with religion and is all theoretical knowledge.

Each person's progress is different. Xiu Yu teaches according to his aptitude, and he cares for Gu Yan and Lu Xiaolian. Especially Lu Xiaolian, a rural girl, was poor since she was a child, she did n’t even recognize the words, and had a strong inferiority complex.

Xiu Yu's hands-on teaching, Wen Yan's interpretation, quickly won the infinite admiration of the little girl. Gu Ye also systematically understood the practice system, especially the division of realms.

There is no such thing as a second-order and half-step peak in the middle of the day after tomorrow. Take the gas recovery period as an example. As long as you inscribe fifty runes, it means that your soul strength has reached the standard. You can learn more advanced saving ideas and try to be promoted. Attentive period.

The series of upgrades of Ning Shen, Chu Qiao, Shen Yu, and Tian Ren are probably similar. They accumulate first, and if they accumulate enough, they will realize by enlightenment, and they will naturally be promoted.

After the period of meditation, he can serve as a Taoist official, but it depends on whether there is a vacancy.

Wu Laozi, Guo Kejing, and Xun Yu are all in the period of meditation, but Wu Laozi has deep qualifications and has mastered a small magical power, so he is the subject of observation.

This supernatural power is called Tianyanguan, which can understand all the secrets of low-level monks, and belongs to the auxiliary category. Divine power is different from Fa. Fa originates from nature and conforms to heaven and earth. Divine power is more like an exclusive skill with a clear direction to accumulate.

For example, Wu Laozi accidentally got a few drops of Lingming Stone Milk, which greatly increased his observation and perception. Then he consciously practiced in this area and finally realized the little magical power.

Early in the morning, Lu Mingguan.

The crowd finished their morning class, and Saitama specifically left Gu Yan, saying, "You have been here for three days. I am very grateful to obey the law and be diligent and diligent. According to the rules and regulations, the teachings must give the corresponding methods to Teaching practice. What kind of exercises did you practice in Chenfu? "

"" Spring Rain with Rain "." Gu Yan said.

"Well, there is nothing good to say."

Pu Yu thought for a while, and said, "The idea is in the middle of observation, one is the Chinese style" Vulcan tactic ", and the other is the lower grade" Flying waterfall tactic. "Xiaolian has no foundation and has good qualifications, so learning Vulcan is definitely suitable.

Although the waterfall is the top grade, there are deerming veins in the five miles to the north, and there is a waterfall cold pool, which is about 20 feet high. It is a good place to practice and can greatly enhance the effect. Your spring overcast is too restrictive with rain and is also a water line. How about repairing a waterfall? "

"It's all up to teaching."


With a wave of Xiu Yu's sleeve, a silver rune appeared out of thin air, and he said, "The Taoist temple accepts apprentices, not by giving alms. Every quarter you have to complete your school assignments, and every year you take the spring exam, you will see your results first. Then go to Wei Yi to take some tasks. Although he hates you, you are already a formal disciple, so don't worry. "

"Thank you for pointing."

Gu Yan salutes, turns to go out, and pauses suddenly, saying, "One of the disciples is unknown."

"What is it?"

"Teaching has never been with me, why do you keep protecting me?"


Saitama stunned, he didn't expect him to be so direct, and couldn't help laughing: "You child is really an ordinary person, let alone tell you sooner or later."

She waved her hand under the restraint and asked, "Do you know why Weiyi makes you difficult?"

"What benefits did the Xu family offer?"

"One of these, and the other, remember the distress in Luming Mountain?"

"of course I remember."

"The Taoist who saved you was the master of the government, named Bai Lingyu. After he rescued you, he came to watch and reprimanded Guo Ke respectfully. The majesty supervises the place and it is his duty to cut the demon and remove the demon."

"Oh, no wonder he sees me in every way."

Gu Yanran glanced at the other person and laughed, "I don't know what the relationship between teaching and that master is?"

"Oh, you are really clever. When I first entered the Tao, Bai Lingyu was my teaching. And Guo Kejing, an elder of the tribe, served in the government office."

Huh! Now I understand everything. In a word, there are factions where there is organization, and there are games where there are factions.

Xiu Yu made the relationship clear, that is to say: We see that you have potential, and want to pull you into a partnership, there will be many benefits in the future.

Gu Ye didn't know about Bai Lingyu's fart. Naturally, he couldn't be too dog-legged. He only said: "Teaching love and care, my disciples are unforgettable. If everything is fine, the disciples will take the task first."

"Well, go."

Qiu Yu was not in a hurry, nodding slightly, of course, she had another layer of meaning that she didn't say, which was the answer to the test of the text test.

Those who come together because of their interests will be separated at any time; those who come together because of their ideas can do great things!


Gu Yi came out and turned to Guo Kejing's office. Yeah, it's the office.

I saw him with this face, and his face sank, but as Saitama said, no one would arbitrarily move a formal disciple, and the system has the advantages of the system.

Come here, drink this cup, and a cup ...

"What is it?"

"The disciples come to take the task."

Guo Kejing didn't bother to look up, knocked on the table, and gave out a lot of jade cards. Gu Zheng swept away, sighing, the Taoist priests here are really working hard.

Inside, there is Lingtian to take care of, take care of the beast garden, Gongguan daily sweeping, collecting resources and so on. The outer ones range from land maintenance in winter, to dredging of rivers, to regular free medical consultations, to cutting monsters and removing demons, etc., just like big nanny.

Governments and people in this world are so lucky!

Normal tasks count some points, and tasks count some points. This thing is very similar to the turnover. It is calculated on a quarterly basis. You can enjoy it if you have enough. If it is not enough, we must work hard next quarter. If we fail to meet the standard by the spring exam, we will definitely fail.

These points can be exchanged for runes, and ideas are taught free of charge. In addition, there are monthly salaries.

Gu Yi is a whiteboard. Ten red dollars a month. Well, that's the value of two spirits ...

"Wu Yiyi, disciple choose this task."

He picked for a long time and chose to take care of Lingtian for five days, not far from the waterfall.

"Beginners need to repair 300 points every season, and five days are wasted at 20 o'clock. Sure enough, they are lazy!"

Guo Kejing also rejoiced, and with a movement of divine thought, a jade card flew up.

"Xie Weiyi!"

Gu Yan went out with the jade card, brought some dry food, and went straight to Lingtian to the north.

Zhengyang politics and Taoism have great local powers. Gongguan can even trade on his own. Of course, he has to turn in some profits. Just like Lu Mingguan, it looks like a self-sufficient small school.

After walking for two or three miles, he reached a large area of ​​Lingtian, each of the crops had the thickness of a finger, and when one came, he would produce a kind of red rice.

There are several houses in Tanabe. Someone has arrived first, but she is the third teacher named Long Yunfeng.

"Well, Eleven, you also chose this task?"

She has a strong temperament and is very informal, so she opens her mouth very close.

"I've seen Sister Three!"

Gu Yan saluted sternly and said, "When I first arrived, there was something irrational, and I asked your sister to mention it."

"Nothing to mention. It takes a lot of effort to look after Lingtian. I'm just 20 o'clock away and run lazily. By the way, have you learned Yunyu?"


Gu Yan looked at her sincere eyes and suddenly remembered that when she went to school before, the girls at the same table took a cold look and asked, hey, would you fly?

Later he learned that flying airplanes can also be a boring game of drawing on paper.

There is King Chu Xiang and the goddess in the small world. There is no ambiguous nature, literally ...

"Not at all. Do you need cloud rain to look after Lingtian?"

"Of course, this red crystal rice likes wetness and drought, and absorbs a lot of water every day. If it is spring and summer, the rain is abundant, so careless. The winter is dry, but we need to worry about it, watering it every morning and evening.

"Oh I got it."

Gu Zheng frowned. He didn't have any points in his hand and couldn't exchange them. Suddenly his heart moved and asked, "Sister, how can I exchange an operation with you?"


Long Yunfeng was very refreshing and said: "The cloud rain technique is only used for water application, and has no offensive and defensive capabilities. You can just get a similar one."

"Do you see this?"

Gu Yan immediately drew Zhang Fu, with a slight yellow light, "through walls, earth, stones, and plants can be passed through, except for metal objects."

"Your utility is better, I won't take advantage of you, hold it!"

Long Yunfeng threw a small pocket, walked away with Fu Lu, and couldn't wait to experiment. The old man took a look, and the bag contained twenty red money, which was regarded as making up the difference.

Such a novel experience made him hesitate a little before shaking his head and smiling, which was also fun.


"This ancient time is as long as Bai Lianfei, and a world breaks through the mountains."

This sentence is not as well-known as Fei Liu's 3,000 feet, but Gu Yan likes it. He has seen countless waterfalls and has never found a match until now.

Although here is a vein, the mountains are magnificent and quite spectacular. And just above this rolling mountain beam, a narrow waterfall falls down.

Looking from a distance, the green mountains are lined with flowing silver, as if a white string was hanging on it, cutting the entire mountain beam.

"Good place!"

Gu Yan looked up, the cool water rushed towards his face, and the thunder was more thunderous.

He admired for a long time, sitting on a blue stone beside a deep pond, sitting still, urged by anger, the silver amulet flew into the sea of ​​knowledge, followed by his eyes slightly stunned, and soon entered into a state of memory.

This is indeed a treasure land. I don't know how many years the waterfall has been formed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The atmosphere of heaven and earth is hidden inside, and the shape and potential have already been fully revealed. It is cheapest to think under the waterfall, but it is natural to know the sea, and it is easy to feel a little God.

Different people have different perspectives. Standing tall and looking far away is always truth.

When it comes to waterfalls, what do ordinary people think of?

Going down, like the momentum of a mighty horse? Or a steady stream of fluidity?

Gu Zheng only realized one kind of god's meaning: The void fell into the water and the sky was straight, and Lei Ben went to the sea without rest!

It comes from the sky and flies into the world, but it will not stop in deep lakes, nor will it be content with rivers and lakes. The ultimate destination is only the sea!

In his opinion, the water of the waterfall is extremely solitary and high. From heaven to the sea, all the encounters on the way are dust, and he will not be attached to half a minute.

The popular point is: get out, don't suffer Laozi! I want to jump into the sea!

(I heard that it's Thanksgiving today, but it's none of my business?)

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