Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 795: Spring consideration

? Five days passed quickly, and after Gu Yi handed over his first assignment, he heard two news.

One from home:

The will of the court arrived at Chen Fu, and Chen Jing rushed to Qingping Fu within a month. He was the top five member in the internal affairs and was half a grade higher than before.

Qingping Mansion is the easternmost part of Zhenyang, and the Yuan Dynasty is separated by a river. It is a very important trade distribution center. Taxes occupy the forefront every year, and oil and water are quite amazing.

Both countries are on the south bank of the Tongtian River, and they have jointly occupied the only plain, which is very close to each other in terms of race, civilization and system. I have fought a few times before, and both lost and lost. After signing a permanent peace agreement, it has lasted for 100 years.

Therefore, from the court to the people, they are very kind. The two countries have also used the excellent environment of the South Bank to encourage commerce and trade, promote the economy, and have the highest GDP in the world.

The arrival of Lord Li in the cabinet meant that the forces in the court were reshuffled, and Chen Jing's appointment was a signal. Before he left, however, he met Gu Ye specifically and was worried in his words.

Taoists have factions, Chaotang has more factions, and it is a battle of ideas of water and fire. In the vein of Lord Li, he advocates "aggressive reform", while the other vein advocates "maintaining stability and maintaining stability", which is quite similar to the ancient and new laws of the Xia Kingdom.

Qingping Mansion is the important town. Sending an experienced and cautious official is the basis for maintaining stability, but Chen Jing was chosen instead. He was worried about this, lest there was any secret behind it.

The second message comes from Jingshi:

A few months ago, the State of Qiyuan sent a mission to ask for relatives. The owner did not reply. It was not until a few days ago that the news was finally made public. The landlord agreed to ask for relatives to marry Princess Mingyu to the landlord of Qiyuan. Both sides have begun preparations and are expected to hold a ceremony next spring.

This has gossip nature.

Mingyu was seventeen years old and was born as beautiful as a fairy. He is also a master of the Divine Tournament and is very popular among the people. The host of Qiyuan Kingdom is called Yanzhou. The common people have not seen it, but it is said that he is over sixty years old and looks ugly.

In short, a flower was inserted in the cow dung!

Alas, just hate yourself not cow dung!

These two news did not have any impact on Gu Yan. After all, he was young, low in strength, and still in his infancy. His goal is very clear.

Viewing in the fall, examinations next spring, two quarters inside and outside.

Three hundred points per season is six hundred points. This is just one of the standards, and there will be an on-site assessment at that time. The seniors and sisters are even more severe, so the pressure is very high, and they dare not slacken at all.

Country children like Lu Xiaolian, after a month of ignorance, are now pulling their faces and running around for points all day.

Relatively speaking, Gu Yan is very easy, because he only takes care of Lingtian. Five o'clock at two o'clock, it is 120 o'clock each month, and 360 o'clock every quarter, just enough.

But you need to know that a general channel technique requires a hundred points, and even more powerful ones range from two to three hundred. This move has aroused a lot of discussion, but Gu Yan has done his own thing and ignored it.

A few months passed and the spring exam was just a few days away, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

That night Gu Gu just poured water on Lingtian and was sitting in the hut to adjust his breath. Suddenly he felt a breath from far and near and stopped outside the door.


"Brother, are you there? I'm Xiaolian."

"come in!"

Gu Yi waved his sleeve and opened the door, revealing a little girl, Lu Xiaolian. When she first came into view, she was thin and dry, not much better than a beggar. Now she has a good complexion and her eyebrows have not been opened, but she can already see a bit of beauty.

"Why are you here? Have you eaten?" He was slightly surprised.

"Just eaten, come out and go."

Lu Xiaolian was more restrained. He leaned his **** on the side of the chair and said, "Brother is in a good state of mind. I will take a spring test in three days and I will still water the rice here."

"I have enough points to be happy, how about you? I remember you are less than me."

Lu Mingguan's spring exams are very detailed. They are also newcomers. Gu Jiu has a practice of 300 points per season. Lu Xiaolian has no practice of 150 points per season.

At the beginning, she didn't know anything, she could only do some daily cleaning and make a little income every day. Later, he developed qi, learned to recognize characters, and began to feed the animals.

Although tedious, a total of 300 points in the two seasons can still be enough.

"The new disciples are preferentially treated in the concept. It is not difficult to take the spring exam in the first year. Like me, I don't need to engrav the runes, and I can meet the task tasks."

Lu Xiaolian rubbed her clothes corner and said, "But I have learned from teaching that if you perform well, such as inscription of a rune, there will be extra rewards ..."

Her voice was getting lower and lower, and she finally blushed and said nothing.

The meaning is obvious. She wanted to engrave the runes, so she came to ask the recognized genius, but usually had no friendship and was not very embarrassed.

Gu Ye didn't feel anything, and smiled: "Have you exchanged for amulet?"

"Yes, I exchanged a fireball technique, ah no, it's a flame lamp technique!" Lu Xiaolian said busyly.


This is a relatively powerful technique. It costs three hundred and fifty, and a silly girl can't stud? Gu Xun said helplessly: "You are too foolish. With your current mana, you can't show it at all. Why not change a few ordinary tricks?"

"Ah? What then ..."

Lu Xiaolian was only seven years old, and she was confused when she heard it.

"Let's do it, you and I swap, I'll give you three little tricks."

As he said, his sleeves swept away, and three charms appeared on the table. "Yunyushu, wall-piercing, and invisibility. Your flame lantern technique is of a higher grade. How about I add a sword?"

"Oh, okay, okay!" Lu Xiaolian was already covered, only to nod.

"Well, that deal is up."

Gu Yan shoved the three runes to her, collected the flame lantern runes, and got up and said, "Follow me!"

When the two went out, it was late outside, and there were bright pearls floating on the four corners and the center of Lingtian.

"You didn't have a foundation before, and it was more difficult to get started. I do n’t know anything about Taoism. When you accumulate a lot of power and gradually increase your control of consciousness, you will naturally learn it. You are in your first year.

Gu Yan came to the open space and said, "I teach you only one style of sword, but the power is not bad. I am optimistic!"

"Well, I'm optimistic!"

Lu Xiaolian's eyes widened. I saw the little brother pull out the short sword, separate his feet, hold the sword flat, wrist, elbow, shoulder, spine, waist, thigh, and foot, each muscle seemed to come alive, showing a A wonderful rhythm.

Followed, he stepped on his left foot, and his right hand stabbed sharply.


As soon as Lu Xiaolian covered her ears, the extremely sharp whistling sound seemed to cut the air, and there was a twist around the blade body, and she seemed to be pushed forward by the waves until she reached the top.


One foot away, a thick old tree embraced by several people was cut out of a thin hole, which actually penetrated directly.

The little girl bit her ten fingers in her mouth and was stunned. With such penetrating power, she gave the other party a cold look, and the Jedi counterattacked properly!

"Well, go find a dagger first. I'll be here for a few days. If you don't understand, ask me."

Gu Yan shook his sleeves and wiped himself into the room. The basic operation was without fluctuation.


On the last day of spring, exams are held.

Everyone gathered in the practice ground and sat in line to eat fruit. The three Taoist officials also wore formal clothes. Wu Laozi first took out an eyeball-like magic weapon and flew into the air in the air, casting a soft light.

This thing can record images, which will be reported to the Fuguan afterwards, and the Fuguan will be reported to the government office in a unified way.

Wu Laozi said something vaguely, the examination officially started, Guo Kejing named: "Huo Feipeng!"

"The disciples are here!"

The elder brother stood up and was twenty-five years old with a calm temperament.

Xi Yu first opened a booklet and said, "Huo Feipeng, diligent and diligent, respectful and disciplined, good academic work ... for the better."

Guo Kejing also opened a booklet and said, "Twelve years into the viewing, you have to complete nine hundred points every quarter to complete. Complete with more than 50 runes inscribed. Come, try this!"

He threw a round instrument, black like a mud, and rose to the size of the house in the wind.

Huo Feipeng swore angrily, his body skyrocketed, and his fists blasted out like a hill. boom! With just one hit, the magic weapon became sparse and swollen, and then returned to mud form.

"Well, the mana is qualified. The overall evaluation is good!"

Guo Kejing nodded expressionlessly, letting him retreat. Huo Feipeng was not half happy, but was extremely frustrated.

"Sister Three, what's up with Brother?"

Gu Yan strangely asked Long Yunfeng quietly.

"Big brother has long engraved fifty runes. It is shocking and condensing, but unfortunately he is always unsuccessful. His qualifications are slightly poor, and it is the limit to reach this level.

"So if you haven't been successful, will you stay in view?"

"Regulations are okay, but I don't have a look. I usually leave."


Gu Yan understands that when the gas recovery period is completed, the spring exam is meaningless, depending on whether you can upgrade. But upgrades ca n’t be demanded. It depends on qualifications.

Therefore, positioning is very embarrassing, similar to high school students who have repeated nine years. Taoism doesn't rush you, but you also ca n’t be a Taoist official. If you spend it every year, many people will not be able to return to Daoist, and choose to live in the world.

Twelve disciples, one came forward.

The second brother is almost the same as Huo Feipeng, and he has been in grade for many years. At this point, Taoism has basically given up on them and no longer bets on hard work.

The third is Long Yunfeng. She is older but younger, only 15 years old.

"Lazy performance, missed a lot of classes ... the schoolwork is middle school."

Pu Yu glanced at her, the goods were amused, faceless. Followed by, Guo Kejing said: "Nine years into the viewing, seven hundred points of repairs will be completed every quarter. Inscriptions of more than 50 runes will be completed."

As he said, Guo and Yun glanced at each other and said, "You have reached the breakthrough point. You must study well this year and be promoted as soon as possible."

"Then I practice well, don't I have to do the task?" Long Yunfeng said.

"You have reached the period of meditation, so naturally you don't have to do it, otherwise the points are not enough and you are still considered unqualified." Guo Kejing sternly said.

whispering sound!

Long Yunfeng poked his mouth and smashed into the mud. This is a test of mana and attack power. Break it down within a specified time, the bigger the mud, the more difficult it is.

She is very proficient in Geng Jin Dao and has a high attack power to pass the level easily.

The progress of the assessment went from fast to slow, and the seventh master sister slowed down significantly afterwards. The tenth brother was the most dangerous. He barely shattered the mud in the last second, his frightened face turned white.

This situation can be overwhelming, but the three of them discussed it and kept their hands.

Soon Gu's turn.

Xiu Yu gave it to Shang, and Guo Kejing said: "Chen Yu, I have n’t been in the audience for more than a year, but I had cherished cultivation for two years. I repaired 300 points each quarter and completed it. There have been seven runes before. According to the rules, more than ten roads must be engraved ... completed. "

He looked at the other person and asked, "As far as I know, you haven't used points to redeem. Where do these amulets come from?"

"Wu Weiyi, all exchanged with brothers and sisters."

"Uh-huh, I testify!" Long Yunfeng raised his hand.

"Huh! You took the first year of luck, and you will raise the standard every year, and then you will be kicked out sooner or later!"

Guo Kejing seized the opportunity and reprimanded him, throwing away mud, "within five breaths, break it up!"

The mud rose in the wind and became the size of a carriage.

Gu Ji stepped back a few steps, turning his thoughts, and gave up the water dragon technique and Gengjin Yuqi technique, but waved his hands.


At the moment, the temperature in the field soared, and a group of lantern-sized flames appeared next to it, followed by it, the second group, the third group ... There were nine, just like nine red lights floating around the body. good looking.

"go with!"

With a little finger from Gu Min, the red lights flew out one after another, forming a fire dragon, whistling and rushing towards the mud.

boom! boom! boom!

After the deafening explosion, the mud broke so early that it couldn't break anymore.

Saitama's eyes glowed, and after a second estimate of time, it took three breaths. I can't help but figure in my heart that the talent of this child is higher than my imagination. If the character is acceptable, it must be included in the skirt, and no one else can grab it!


Guo Kejing narrowed his eyes and became more jealous.

Long Yunfeng yelled, the brothers and sisters were all shocked. The flame lamp technique was a high-level technique, but he was so freehanded that he still had the energy and thought.

"Wow, brother is amazing!"

Lu Xiaolian claps her hands foolishly, without looking at Guo Kejing's face at all.

She finished middle school and upper school, and completed her school at 150 points per quarter. In the first year of rookie, there is no need to inscribe runes, and naturally there is no follow-up test.

Wu Laozi coughed twice and was ready to make a concluding speech, but Lu Xiaolian panicked and said, "Watch the Lord, Majestic, I want to try that, that!"

"Don't make trouble, you haven't practiced, how to test?" Guo Ke admired.

"I'll do anything else!"

Lu Xiaolian brushed out a dagger ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Huh?

Everyone froze and looked at Gu Yi, who was innocent.

Testing with weapons did not violate the regulations, Guo Kejing impatiently threw out the mud, "Within three breaths, come quickly!"

The mud fell to the size of a table, and it was also the smallest ball so far.

Lu Xiaolian learned the way of someone, her feet separated, her sword held flat, her mouth drank softly, her sword penetrated her, and she thrust forward.


Because he was not very proficient, and received the force of the shock, the small body flew backwards, and piaj stuck to the ground. And the mud also shook, cracked and cracked several times, and it was really broken.

Regardless of others, Wu Laozi looked at him, said a few summaries, and said in a deep voice: "Chen Yu, come with me!"


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