Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 796: Be prepared

? After the spring exam, all twelve disciples passed.

The crowd dispersed, and Wu Laozi called Gu Yan into the inner room alone. About half an hour later, he took out a dozen amulets.

That's right, it's a dozen.

The practice system of the small world is different, and the gas recovery period is already very destructive. There are countless tactics to instantly increase physical strength, speed, and defense, so that they do not focus on technical attack.

In the autumn exam that day, Gu Jie killed Xu Jie with a short sword, which attracted everyone's attention. However, they all thought that it was a family tradition, or that someone else had given them.

But today it seems that Lu Xiaolian is obviously a beginner, but the power is not small, and there is a very delicate sense of fit with the gas recovery period.

That's why Wu Laozi asked him for more information.

Gu Xun was even more happy, and offered the sword tactics, and he made up a random way, named "Qingye Jianjue".

After some understanding, Wu Laozi found that when he was performing the show, he could transfer his qi and infuse the sword body, which could greatly improve his combat power. It has a certain value to the monk during the gas recovery period and has no meaning to Ning Shen, but even so, he is very excited.

Because this thing can be popularized, if you enter Chengzhi, it will be credited to one.

As a result, Gu Xun gave Wu Laozi the sword tactics for free by practicing all the conditions of Lu Mingguan. He didn't even care. He came here to promote the practice.

In short, the spring test did not have a big impact on everyone.

However, the older brother and the second older brother became more depressed, Long Yunfeng's status improved subtly, Lu Xiaolian became more confident, and Gu Yi's practice points rose to four hundred points per season, and more than 20 runes should be inscribed ...

View North Wuli, Qingshan flying waterfall.

It's the rainy season again, and the familiar lingering, wet and sticky and annoying. Gu Yan was sitting on a big rock. The water and gas splashing from the waterfall confused the drizzle, one down and the other up, forming a strange fusion.

He learned seven Taoist techniques at Chen's Mansion, and exchanged Geng Jin Yuqi with Wu Laozi, Yunyu with Long Yunfeng, and flame lamp with Lu Xiaolian. This is ten.

At this time, twenty Fuyus were brought in one breath, and the power was various. He first picked out the water line, a total of eight, and then began to practice.

It seems to be destined to do it. Gu Xi first edited "Spring Yin with Rain Techniques" and then "Flying Waterfall Techniques", both of which are about water. And he always has a feeling that he is really kind to water, and he is more handy in casting skills.

If you have a feeling, you have to experiment. You can never make progress without experimenting.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye, Gu Yan, sitting on a piece of Gu Dan with no movement, studied thoroughly the eight water lines. Coupled with the previous meeting, a total of twelve.

"Get up!"

Gu Min reached out a little, the deep pond violently surged, and a large column of thick water plummeted, turning into a water dragon of about three feet in the middle of the air, with his tail full, roaring and rushing towards the waterfall.


The water dragon crashed into the waterfall fiercely, like the falling water of the galaxy, but there was a short interruption, and it resumed soon, and the water dragon also broke into bones and turned into a silver star.

"Water Dragon!"

Gu Xun flicked his sleeves, took all the silver stars, and let it go again, wow!

There was a small cloud of dark clouds over the deep pool, and it was immediately a drizzle and misty.

"Cloud rain!"

The rain was torrential, and it hadn't landed yet. The dripping round was another turn, like countless drops of water converging to form a square cage.

"Water prison!"

boom! The cage disappeared with a blink of an eye, Gu Min stretched out his left hand and grabbed it in the air, and those drops of water also condensed into a big hand, grabbing forward as he moved.

In a flash, the rocks rolled down, the trees were uprooted, and the mountain wall was hollowed out.


The big hand retracted fiercely, and five abstract fingers shot out, divided into dozens of sharp arrows, and exploded on the mountain wall, again a mess.

"Water Archery!"

Gu Xie cleaned up the twelve water lines in a row, suddenly felt empty of qi, dizzy his head, and his body was unstable. He didn't take the medicine to adjust his breath immediately, but instead stroked his forehead, desperately keeping a trace of inspiration that just appeared in his head.

Water is one of the origins of the world.

Mo is weaker than water in the world, and the strong can win.

Because it is invisible and tangible. Water itself is intangible, but it can show a variety of tangible changes in various environments.

The gathering is the sea, the scattered is the rain, the upward is the gas, and the downward is the spring. ...

Its weakness comes from everything, but its strength comes from everything.

The ever-changing and unrestricted form is the root of water.

Gu Yan covered his forehead and seemed to feel better. He barely raised his eyes to look at it, still the rolling green hills and the waterfall that cut off the green hills.

"Eternally long as Bai Lianfei, a world breaks through the mountains."

Gu Ye looked at that time, it was this feeling, and at this time, it was another feeling. Is this Bailian waterfall pouring down straight because it is like this?

Of course not. It is this mountain, this layer of rock, and this forest of trees that hold it like this.

It certainly changes!



Flying down, the broken stars spread across the sky, Gu Min suddenly opened his eyes, because he seemed to twist at the top of the waterfall. He closed his eyes and looked again, and sure enough, the waterfall was indeed moving!

It was like a silver dragon that had been asleep for a long time, and finally woke up, lazily lifting its huge skull ... The entire waterfall was stripped from the mountain wall, and it seemed to fly ...

Then, thump!

An unbearable painful feeling suddenly washed away his spirit and body, crumbling and falling into the lake.

After a while, he choked on Qingshi panting, and couldn't help laughing again and again.

He dared to guarantee that it was not an illusion just now, but that he had glimpsed the true meaning of the meaning of the law, but unfortunately the realm was too low, the spirits couldn't bear it, and he almost passed out.


Gu Yan dried his body and sighed, "I want to eat a bite of rice, or upgrade first!"


There are horses in the window, and time has passed.

Heck, this word is so good!

Three years passed in a flash.

It was at the end of spring, after a night rain, the reckless Luming Mountains were already lush, the dead wood was renewed, the forest was carrying heavy moisture, the birds were flying at low altitude, and the ground was full of colorful and strange fungi.


A few bellows broke the silence in the mountains, the branches and leaves shook violently, and two single-footed hairy red-faced mandrills came out, and their faces were angry and frightened, and fled in a panic.

"Where to run!"

A little figure came from behind, waving his hands, two red lights composed of flames entangled around him, "Go!"


The red lights flew out, each looking for a target, as if tracking and positioning, hit the mountain stream.


The two monsters only made a scream, and Dun was burned into coke, and the red light turned around in the wet forest and dissipated by itself.

"Brother, two whiteboards again!"

Lu Xiaolian ran over to take a look. The bones were dark and fragile. As for the whiteboard, I learned it from someone, which means a hot chicken that doesn't explode!

"How can aliens be so good? These two are just good enough for the task."

Gu Yan slowly walked over, cut a bone on top of the mandrill, grabbed the sister's little hand, and walked away.

Lu Xiaolian blushed and let him pull.

One is twelve years old, the young and handsome, and the other is ten years old, full of beauty. Walking together is almost impossible.

Alas, my wife is old and yellow. How can there be young and delicious girls?

In the past three years, there have been many changes in various aspects.

Chen Jing did a good job at Qingping government. Officials are reassigned every three years, but listening to that, the DPRK intentionally asked him to serve another term. Every two months, a book came from him, and he was puzzled by the matter.

His brother Chen Yike was successfully held in the Imperial Examination. My brother-in-law has also been promoted to one level in Xichuan, and my sister Chen Yan is not bad, and she gave birth to a great nephew.

As for the inside view, the senior brother and the second brother felt that there was no hope of promotion. They returned the jade aunt the year before and resigned as civil servants. Long Yunfeng and Rongsheng Sister were also very enthusiastic and broke through the period of concentration last year.

But there is no vacant official, and identity is retained for the time being, which will be traveling outside.

During this period, two other disciples failed in the spring exam and were expelled from the palace. In other words, Gu Zheng went up four places, becoming seven brothers, and Lu Xiaolian became eight sisters.

Guo Kejing and Saitama are still the same, but Wu Laozi finally got some resources by virtue of his ability to discover talents and advance swords, and he closed it a few months ago.

How can he be too old, and it has been exhausted to the present. It is a bit unsuccessful to become a benevolent.

However, they said that the two left Luming Mountain and turned around at home because of the way.

This is not the first time that Lu Xiaolian has come, she is very generous, and Chen's mother also loves her very much.

Gu Yan didn't bother to bother, he only said, "Can my father come with a letter?"

"Oh, you don't mention that I forgot. I just got one in the morning and it was weird."

His mother took out a letter, and he took a look. There were daily greetings in the front, but there was a paragraph at the end, like a temporary addition.

He told them not to act rashly. Xiao Qi stayed at Taoist Temple, and Chen's mother stayed at home. If the situation was really bad, Chen Yan would come and pick Chen's mother to live in the city.

Gu Yan also looked confused, reminding every word, and obscure. Dad must know what, and it's not easy to pick out directly.

"Mother, what's different in the county recently?" He asked.

"Is it strange ..."

The ancient middle-aged female Wen Qing thought about it and said, "Zhi Yanzhai issued a new rouge, requiring ten boxes of red money; Mo Baozhai newly added a batch of textbooks, which sold out in half an hour ... Is it strange? "


Gu Yan was silent for a while and turned to ask the housekeeper: "Uncle Zhong, have you found anything?"

"Return to Master, everything else is fine, the daily purchase in the house, the price of rice, noodles, and meat has risen by 30%. The old slaves asked, and all shops said that the recent shortage of supplies and limited supply ..." Butler said.


Gu Yan let go, he had a very bad hunch, saying: "Uncle Zhong, in the next few days you buy some food, wine, meat and household daily use, how much you buy, then buy some horses, carts."

"Master ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You are ..."

"I'm not sure, but just in case."

"Yes, the slave understands."

The steward was surprised for a moment.

Gu Yan and Lu Xiaolian stayed in the house for one night, and got up early to return to Taoist the next morning.

Ten miles away, the two began to fly lightly and walked quickly, and soon saw the outline of the palace view. Gu Yan's eyesight was very good. When he saw the door open, but no disciples came in and out, there was a weird silence.

When approaching, someone suddenly came out and hung two white lanterns around the gate.

This person is a newly-entered tenth classmate. When they see the two return, they can't help but the eyes are red.

(The last time Italian brands received such attention, it was when Li Yunlong hit Ping'an County 2333333)

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