Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 800: Head work

In the camp outside the city, everyone was discussing again.

Qingyun County's defense prohibition is a bit beyond imagination, just like a hedgehog covered with spikes, unable to lower its mouth, and there is no special weapon!

Xi Yu saw Li Zhao anxious and comforted: "The young general does not have to worry. Although the prohibition is difficult to break, every time it is triggered, it consumes energy. We will try more every day until the other party runs out of energy and the gate breaks.

"Teaching, I understand the reason, but the military order is like a mountain! The general will capture the city within three days. It won't work for another day. Please think again. Is there any other way?" Li Zhaodao.

"It really doesn't work. It can only be more aggressive."

Guo Kejing is still a bit capable, thinking: "Although the golden crossbow is powerful, I think its operation is very tedious. There may be only one. As long as you drag this place, there is great hope elsewhere."

"The city walls of Qingyun County are not short. A dozen of us are scattered and we can always find weak points." Long Yunfeng said.

After listening for a long time, Li Zhao didn't say anything when he saw Gu Yan, and asked, "Xiaodao, what do you think?"

"Separating troops is not a good thing. We don't have the strength to settle down. What if we dispersed and grabbed the city? Who can guarantee to open the gate?"

"So what do you say?" Guo Kejing hummed.

Gu Yan ignored him, and only asked Saitama, "Teach yourself, is the restraint just to resist external attacks?"

"Most of them, what's wrong?"

"Oh, I have an idea."

"What is the opinion of the Taoist Chief?" Li Zhaoxi said.

"Can't say right now, wait for me to prepare one or two."

Guo Kejing only said that he had made mysterious ideas and still insisted on his own idea. Li Zhao was also very oily, while letting Gu Yan brew, he cooperated with Guo Kejing to attack the city.

So from the second day, more than a dozen monks dispersed and hit the city wall from all directions.

At first, the other party was also busy, but later deployed uniformly, focusing on only three periods of attention, leaving the rest alone. Guo Kejing tried many times, all of them gray-faced, and injured two disciples.

There are thirteen in total, and eleven are left.

As for Gu Zheng, he only walked around the city constantly, turning around in the northeast, southwest, and northwest, and seemed to be sensing something.

An instant came to the third night.

The camp was brightly lit, and Li Zhaozheng was worried in his account alone. If he couldn't win Qingyun for three days, it would delay Xue Tuo's overall plan. He even wrote the crime documents.


Suddenly, the tent curtain was picked for no reason, and the cool wind of the night blew in. Li Zhao thought that someone had come in, but he raised his eyes but did not see the figure. When he was wondering, a whisper came from his ear:

"General Li, as soon as you see my signal, you can enter the whole army!"

"Little, gossip? Where are you?"

Li Zhao heard who it was, and looked around for no results, even more horrified.

The dark moon is high and the hills are silent.

Gu Yan sat on a large stone and looked at the Qingyun City Guo in the dark, but the lights were not bright, but like a dark cloud destroying the city, a great sense of depression was surging.

He closed his eyes, and a new black knot in the sea was shining, and the whole man exuded a deep meaning. Follow the body like water ripples, then disappeared out of thin air.

Qingyun County at night was very quiet. The people were frightened for three days, slowly adapted to it, and became more confident in holding the city.


In a house in the north of the city, two people entered the small courtyard, and the bedroom was lit by candles.


As soon as the door opened, a little girl with big eyes ran out, followed by the elder's cry. She was holding a emerald green fruit, but she was going to have a cold drink in the hospital.

Pulling her shoes, she ran to the corner and gave a stunned meal. Next to his well, I don't know when a strange boy stood.

The skin is very white, the eyes are very bright, and she is very beautiful.

"Who are you? What are you doing in my house?"

The little girl stepped back and asked timidly and curiously.

"Is this your house ... Well, this fruit is delicious."

His eyes fell on the fruit and he laughed: "Especially in the town of water, sweet and delicious, I used to like it."


The girl looked at him suspiciously, not knowing what to say, and said, "You, are you a bad guy?"


The teenager stepped forward, rubbed her head, and said, "Lock the doors and windows for a while. Don't come out!"

The little girl shook her head, trying to get rid of that hand, but found that the other person suddenly disappeared, and then she stunned, and even the fruit in her hand was smoothed away.

"Woo ... mother!"

She flattened her mouth and ran back to the bedroom crying.

The streets of the county seat are under martial law, and patrols of patrols are everywhere. A ghostly shadow crossed the street and soon came to the South Gate.

A conspicuous disc inlaid above the city gate, surrounded by seven monks, two of them gazed.

"Why the Lord is not tonight?"

"It seems that I realized that I was retreating in the city."

"Isn't it necessary to comprehend another spell? Judging from the young age of the Lord, there is such a state, which is really admirable."

"That is, if the Lord is not here, this city would have been breached. Especially the county magistrate was incompetent and wanted to abandon the city and run away, it was a shame ..."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Several disciples were discussing, a monk who came to reprimand came to reprimand, but then sighed: "I heard that the West was defeated and then defeated, and the DPRK was frightened. A small county, guarding the fear and having no intention ... who ?! "

He drank abruptly, put a layer of gold armor on his instinct, but did not want the other party to not attack, but the four walls of water rose, forming a cage to trap him.

"An enemy attack!"

"An enemy attack!"


The disciples did not respond slowly, shouting openly, followed by a severe pain in the heart nest, a ghostly invisible sword wandering among a few people, and instantly ran across the body on the spot.

Another monk condensed over, and his hand was chopped by the purple thunder. boom! Void trembled, and then a ghostly figure appeared.


Gu Yan smiled, opened his mouth, hey!

More than a dozen Geng Jin Jianqi tore the air and turned it into a white mark, enclosing the other side like ground meat. He restrained them here, and he did not forget to look at the city gate, and then extended his right hand.


The turbulent wave jumped out of the void, forming a giant hand, and slamming it over the gate.

Bang Bang!

After repeated crackling sounds, the jade plate's restraint was broken, and after a rush, the entire brick wall was caught. This series of actions only occurred in a short period of time. With the destruction of the Yupan, Qingyun County seemed to tremble with two tremors. I don't know how many people awakened from their dreams.

"The gate is broken!"

When the nine red lights smashed the heavy city gate in one breath, a scream screamed outside, "The trail is good, follow me!"


Three hundred elites faded into the ambush, and rushed out, killing them in the blink of an eye, the first ones were the incredible Guo Kejing and Saitama.

Gu Yan wanted to fight again, and a sudden move in his heart, a very dangerous breath was rushing from the east of the city. He glanced at Guo Kejing, his figure flickered and disappeared again.

The city is a mess, and many people run around like headless flies, crying and crying.

He stepped on the moonlight, and first found the county magistrate. When the magistrate was about to flee with his relatives, he simply tied it into a mule and hung it on the public hall, waiting for Li Zhao to deal with it.

After that, he went to the granary again. A disciple during the gas recovery period was rubbing a fireball to burn the grain and destroy the silo.

Followed by the armory and horse stable again ... After finishing processing, he turned to the south gate.


Guo Kejing flew out like a broken-line kite, with nowhere intact, full of tiny wounds like knives, which had already hurt the source.

In front of him, a young man in his twenties looked calm and continued to fight alone for Saitama and Long Yunfeng, but he prevailed.

This person also comprehends the meaning of the law, and he is unpredictable in one hand's popular skills.


A dragon Yin suddenly rose from the back, he retracted the killer of Long Yunfeng, wiped his hands together.


A gust of wind swelled like a balloon, forming an invisible transparent cover in which the water dragon was encircled. Follow him with one hand, "Broken!"

boom! The wind hood swelled and exploded instantly. At the same time, the water dragons scattered like raindrops, and they fell apart and gathered together, as they were.

"Hurry up into the city and give it to me here!"

Gu Yan stood above the faucet and shouted loudly.

The companions were also unpretentious, and Li Zhao led the troops into the city, killing them as many obstacles as possible. The young man ignored it and confronted him in isolation.

As soon as they met, they were astonished at each other's age, and then looked serious again. Young, condensed period, realized the meaning of Fa, one wind, one water ...

Gu Yan stared at the other person's eyes, his body suddenly shrouded in a deep breath, disappearing out of thin air as the water volatilized.

As a result, in the next second, he found that the other party had disappeared, as if the breeze had passed, without a trace.


How can you think the same way?

When he moved in his heart, he showed his physique, and the other side was surprised. He also withdrew the spell.

The two looked at each other, not knowing how many thoughts, the sound of killing in their ears was getting weaker, obviously Li Zhao had stabilized the situation. Qingyun County changed hands, the big orange has been decided.

The man glanced at the city and Gu Gu again, without a word, suddenly walked away.


Gu Yan did not chase, his expression was inexplicable.

Does this person save his strength by looking at things irreparably? Still find something strange? The feeling of this product is somewhat familiar ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Can it be the friend above?


He smashed his mouth. If it is, the other party obviously does not want to know each other, and he is the same. It seems that he is obsessed with this experience!


On the night of the third day, Qingyun County fell, and the military plane was finally correct.

Guo Kejing was severely injured and died shortly after. Yu Yu was temporarily the leader. A group of people occupying the county seat and controlling major traffic areas is tantamount to setting up a fulcrum behind Xue Tuo, which is of great significance.

Orders came soon after the situation was reported. Li Zhao took three hundred people to the site and was in charge of the affairs of the civil affairs. Ji Yu was the master of the conception, Gu Yi was the master of the age, Long Yunfeng was the teacher of the generation and lived outside the city.

In fact, Gu Xun realized the meaning of the law, and this battle was the first skill. When Chennai was too young, she gave up everything, and finally held up Yuyu.

(And at night ...)

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