Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 801: Qingyunguan

? Afterwards, Gu Zheng inquired about the identity of the person, and he was definitely the above friend.

This man is called Shi Qian, 20 years old, and is a disciple of Qingyunguan. As a result, three years ago, the middle and upper reaches became the upper and upper reaches, so special, it soared like a pendant, and realized the meaning of the law.

Qingyun Guan was originally a sparse person. The old Guanzhu was transferred to Fuguan, and Shi Qian took the position, which was quite popular.

There are a total of 28 people, 16 gods and 12 immortals, scattered among tens of millions of people, like a needle in a haystack. This person must be one of the immortals, so I don't know if he is Lu Yuanqing, Zhang Shouyang, Xuan Kongtu, or his own son or apprentice.

The so-called blindfolded chicken, great luck!

stimulate! stimulate!

However, it was said that Li Zhao had captured Qingyun County. Not long after, the right army also heard good news. The two teams formed two fulcrum points behind Xue Tuo, occupying the main road of traffic, and connected together, making it much easier to attack and defend or to supply resources.

And Gu Yi's name was also reported to all the big brothers. The twelve-year-old condensed spirit won the city's first merits and also preserved the grain and grass ordnance.

There is still a fierce battle ahead, but that is the battlefield of Chuqiao and Wandering. This group of people can't be ranked.

Li Zhao took three hundred people to patrol day and night, trying to control the market stability. Xiu Yu didn't have a reason to be a genius, and she was crying and laughing. In fact, she had nothing to do, so she led her disciples to stay in Qingyunguan.

There were a total of thirteen people at the time of the expedition, and now there are six left. All died because of fighting. It is miserable.


In the afternoon, the courtyard.

After eating, Gu Ying was lying on a purple bamboo chair and basking in the sun. He was also holding a little cat-like tiger in his arms, basking while basking in the sun.

"Brother, you're lazy again!"

Lu Xiaolian's cheeky face suddenly appeared in front of her, and she leaned her waist and said, "How are you? You are the eight-pin majesty. You need to monitor the place and cut off the monsters and demon monsters. How can you sleep when you eat, and eat when you sleep?"

"It's the generation, the generation! This can only be considered as a temporary occupation of the area, and people will leave at any time. You don't need to bother with governance to ensure basic stability. You haven't watched the grandmother drinking in the city all day, no matter what fart?" Gu Martyr.

"She's out of balance!"

Lu Xiaolian shook her head, she knew very well, "You used to be under her, but now you have suddenly come up. Who can be happy?"

"What a mess ..."

Gu Yan threw the beast at her and said, "There are so many imbalances. You have to work hard, and then you know that hard work is useless ... Hey, are you imbalanced?"

"I, I'm okay, because I already knew that Brother is very good!"

Lu Xiaolian put her **** on the edge of the chair, and sighed at him, suddenly sighing, "Brother, do you say that I will also become a gaze in the future?"


"Will I also be a magistrate?"

"What do you ask?"

"I'm worried, just in case I became a magistrate, and I still call this name ..."

"What happened to the name?"

"It's a shame! Look at your name is Chen Yu, the master sister is Long Yunfeng, and the master is called Yuyu. It sounds good and looks good. Why is my name Lu Xiaolian?"

Gu Yan looked at her frown, inexplicably worried about unexplained things, and suddenly felt funny, "Simple, wouldn't it be better to have a new name?"

Lu Xiaolian's eyes lit up and she said, "Yes, brother, you have read a lot of books. You might as well get me one."

"Well, I think about it ..."

Gu Yan glanced, dangling, dangling, thumping his thighs, "Here! This place is Qingyunguan, and your surname is Lu, what is Lu Xueqi?"

"Why, don't you like? What about Lu Bilian?"

"Ah, don't go, or Lu Xiaofan can do it!"

Brother is a bad guy!

Lu Xiaolian instinctively felt that these two names had an ambush, he refused directly, and then ran to find jade again, and finally got a good name-Lu Xuanying.

But Yu Yu said that she was officially named after she was promoted to Ningshen, which is also her way of thinking.

Due to their rear position, everyone was idle for a while. Gu Zheng was certainly not idle, and continued to study the system composition of the small world.

The so-called legal meaning is close to the rules of the heavens and the earth, but it is only a side. For example, he understands the ever-changing nature of water, and is not limited to form ... So does water have only this kind of deity? Naturally not.

Only when you have the meaning of the law in your heart can you comprehend the law. He has now formed two runes, one is the method of water dragon chant, and the other is the method of water leeches-that is, the skill of sneaking into the city and walking away from the little girl.

His lower bound is to promote spiritual practice, soaring at an early date, then we must abide by the rules of spiritual practice in this world. After condensing, there are also out of the air, wandering and heaven and earth.

This system has existed for many years, but no one has soared, and there must be something wrong with it. But even if he wanted to investigate, he had to raise the realm first.

According to Saitama, neither the concept of the county nor the concept of the government has any impact on the existence of ideas, only the governance.

The training period is the backbone of all countries. The government office regularly holds training courses of the party school nature. Newly-produced monks from all regions are sent over for unified teaching.

One is to cultivate strength, and the other is to stabilize the power of governance.

In fact, Saitama was not big enough. He was only in his early twenties. He was supposed to go, but he was delayed when he caught up with the war. So what she meant was that now I do n’t think about Gongfa, and I'll talk about what to do after the battle.


The war against the East China State lasted for a whole year, first rushing and then slowing down.

In the early stages, the two countries captured more than a dozen capital cities with lightning speed. Later, Dongyuan contracted his forces, centered on the Beijing Division, radiated the surrounding six provinces, and laid out numerous lines of defense.

This is the line of defense that has dragged on both countries for more than half a year, consuming countless soldiers. Later, the defense line was breached, Zhenyang and Qiyuan, the two great landlords, finally shot. The Eastern Yuange landlord lost to the two and joined forces, and finally died.

It is said that the entire Jingshi was turned into ruins and became a dead place.

Anyway, this war is over. According to the previous agreement, Zhenyang State contributed the most, and obtained three-quarters of the territory. The Qiyuan Kingdom received a quarter, all to the north, which is the south bank of the Tongtian River.

What's more important is the population. The number of Zhenyang's national population has soared in an instant, which means that countless consumers and cheap labor will be added, and the demographic dividend can be greatly eaten for decades.

The losses are heavy, but the benefits are even greater.

However, at this time, the dispute between the DPRK and China started again. The radicals led by Lord Li initially advocated war. Now that the war is over, they have started to defend the East Yuan.

The idea is right, how can some conservatives hold back. From their initial opposition to war, to their opposition against their allies, all things are stable first.

This thing is actually very simple. Outsiders can see it at a glance, but often the authorities are confused. A lot has happened in history. It is even more amazing to regard the national affairs as the **** of child play.

Hey, does Wu Tong still have hope?

The common things are disturbed, don't mess with their hearts. Gu Ye came to practice, not to fight for hegemony.

He only cares about when he can learn advanced exercises, he was thinking of being able to return to Luming.

As a result, Daiguan became the subject, Dai Weiyi became the magnificent, and he really became a disciple of Qingyunmen!


In fact, it was not only him, the males of the Chen family were also seeded. Because of his outstanding performance in the rear, Chen Jing was sent to Dongzhi's Changgefu Renzhifu, which was a top grade, and Chen Yun was sent to Qiuli County Renzhi.

Interestingly, Qingyun County is just under the jurisdiction of Changge Mansion, and Qiu Li is not far away. This is a hidden benefit. I heard that it was Master Li's intention.

And this purpose did not last long, and the news of the newly opened government office sent Saitama, Gu Yan, and Long Yunfeng to the city and re-grant.


Changge Mansion is at the southernmost tip of Dongyuan, with a climate close to the extreme south, very hot and humid, rich in cash crops, and a large population.

There is a Zonghua Mountain in Fudong, where the governing office is.

Gu Ye's busy feet these days did not touch the ground. He first met his father in Fucheng. Chen Jingqing was much thinner, but also much leaner.

This article arrived at the beginning, in addition to understanding the people's livelihood, it is a house.

Gu Yan rolled his eyes, envy in his heart, ah, disdain in his heart ... but didn't say anything, I am not your own son, do you care about this?

Chen Jing understood the meaning above and talked to him a lot. The imperial court suddenly acquired a large area, and the officials were scarce, so they were promoted in order to enrich the system.

The three members of the Chen family are all in the immediate vicinity. Indeed, it was arranged by Mr. Li, intending to let the Chen family run a little, so as to leave a trail.

As for who is going backwards, see what you see.

In the morning, drizzle came.

Three majestic Malaysians rushed on the official road, and there were three men, two men and two women, sitting on top of each other. After a short while, they arrived at Zonghua Mountain and walked uphill.

I saw a lot of Taoists along the way, both young and old, men and women.

More than a thousand stone steps climbed up, and a simple and quiet building appeared in front of it. The scale was not large, showing a vicissitudes, and there was no imagined so-called fairy house weather. There were more than 20 government officials from the prefectures and counties who came here in batches, and the rest were waiting outside.

"Viewing the majesty under the white horse, Shao Le, long and long."

"Oh, you and I met for a long time, where have you been for a long time?"

"Oh, my little friend is so straight-hearted that he likes friends like you!"

I don't know how long it took, Gu Yan was having a good chat with a white fat man, and suddenly a boy came out and shouted:

"Where is Qingyun Temple?"

"Yes!" Saitama busy.

The three followed the boy in ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There were already a few big guys sitting inside.

The government office does not accept apprentices. The highest person is Du Gong, the second grade; there is a supervisor under the supervision of error correction, three grades; another Daozheng, responsible for daily affairs, three grades; , Sipin.

They also have eighty-nine clerks to assist their superiors in handling matters. Therefore, Gongguan is like a college and a government office is more like a gate, a pure office space.

Taoism is returned to Tao Zhengzheng, naturally speaking is also Tao Zhengzheng.

I saw a slender young man smiling and asked, "But Qingyun sees all the ways?"

"Exactly, disciple Saitama has seen several adults."

Saitama hurriedly saluted, a smile also appeared in her eyes.

Gu Ye was even more surprised. He knew this person, Bai Lingyu, who had saved his life in Luming Mountain that year!


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