Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 803: travel

? Floating clouds toward dew, star frost.

It's been another four years.

It is said that after Zhenyang annihilated Dongyuan, he has been soothing people's hearts and stable places, partly gentle and partly chaotic. There are still a lot of loyal soldiers in the former dynasty, and they do things from time to time.

Qiyuan was honest in the north, guarding a small area of ​​his own development, and at the same time he had good relations with officials at all levels and established a pretty good reputation. As a result, the stroke turned sharply, the conservatives looked up, and Mr. Li was quite likely to be undressed and killed.

Chen Jing is a relatively stable area where he worked in Changge House to develop people's livelihood. Nowadays, the Chen family male Dingduo is in Changge. Chen mother and Chen Yan moved to the family two years ago, meaning to settle here.

As for Qingyun County, Gu Xun served for four years as a magnificent person, and cooperated with Saitama to protect one side, which was loved by the people.

He is now seventeen years old, with open facial features and a slender figure. Anyone can be seen as a beautiful person, and it can be said that he finally bid farewell to the boy's image.

At midnight, on a hill outside Qingyunguan.

The yellow flower floats on jade, which is as cool as the night, and a bright moon hangs in the air and faints a touch of silver and white, like frosty ground, people in the crystal palace.

The moon is full of stars and sparkles around it, and there is another group in the north, a dozen or so in size, forming a weird shape, like a strange beast.

Gu Yan sat on the hill and was bathed in the gentle moonlight, and this group of stars was in his mind.

Wall water urns, northern stars, water lines, heads of snakes, weak water.

In the longevity realm, it has existed in real life. Taoists believe that after death, it has become a star in the sky, and after natural creation, it has the essence of stars.

Therefore, the beast is accepted and used in the idea.

This is of course not the mysterious turtle watching the sea charts, but the advanced exercises given by Bai Lingyu. Gu Zheng broke through a month ago and became a master in the period of awakening. This incident has sensationalized the entire government office, and it is said that Zonghua is hopeful in the future.

No way, in recent years somehow, geniuses from one place to another jumped out one after another, and they were all very young, scaring a bunch of old guys to their hearts. Right now there are talented people in their own home, and finally they can be balanced.

According to regulations, you can serve as a government spectator during the period of revelation, and you can be recruited into the treatment center after a few more years of polishing. However, there is no vacancy now, and you have to wait.


Under the moonlight of water, Gu Xun seemed to be empty, and the spirit spit out in his body, echoing the stars in the sky.

The radiance of the stars is constantly falling. It is an invisible and intangible thing, but at this moment it falls on itself like soft silk.

After a while, a strange beast with a head of serpent **** appeared in the sea, and he looked around violently and stopped for a while, as if the long river of time and space spanning tens of millions of years, and the spirit stared opposite.

The so-called trick is to make the Yuanshen appear in shape. Unlike the present world, the Yin God here is tangible and visible.

Gu Xuncun thought for a long time, the strange beast suddenly flicked its tail, got into the sea and disappeared. Yuan Shen, like an inflated balloon, suddenly slammed, and then surged upward.


A vain light, thin as mist, and light as a veil jumped from the top of his head.

The shadow floated directly like a mass of air, and flew to Qingyunguan and circled around. Except for Jade Jade, it felt a little, but nobody noticed it. Afterwards, it wandered freely in the mountains and forests, and returned to the body after a while.

"The time between two incense sticks is much longer than when it first broke through."

Gu Yan opened his eyes and estimated the length of time when the spirits came out.

Seventeen-year-old, a master of the period, my dad is still the prefecture, which can be described as a panacea. If such situations are placed on others, they must be daring and unforgettable, but there is always a trace of worry on his face.

Before you come out, you have to lay the foundation, and you really understand the essence of practice when you start.

And after his large-scale repeated deduction tests, he also verified the previous guess more and more: both the Qi-breathing method and the stored thought can simultaneously quench the essence of Qi, but if the Qi-breathing method is ten for the physical body, the saved thought is Eight, or nine.

Looks like the gap is not big, but from gas extraction to heaven and earth, each stage is a little worse, and in the end it will become the biggest loophole. It is precisely because of this, that the monks of the past did not notice it. It was not until the ascension that the physical strength was insufficient, but it was too late.

"It seems that we cannot continue to cultivate, we must find a way to complete it ..."

Gu Yan sighed and decided to slow down.

He woke up at the age of nine, and now for eight years, he finally touched the ultimate goal of the trip: to solve the problem of asynchrony of form and spirit, and then day by day!


"You going?"

In the quiet room, Saitama asked, but there was not much surprise.

"The government office has no official position for the time being, and Xiao Lian has also been promoted to be able to sit in the middle of the conception. I want to go out and travel." Gu Yi said.

"Well, you are not destined to be trapped in this Qingyunguan, it would be better to go out earlier to see."

For the past four years, Xiuyu has been hardworking and practicing, and has also reached a breakthrough level, but it is not enough to compare with the evildoers.

People are like this. When the gap is not obvious, there is often jealousy. When the gap is breathtaking, only look and sigh is left.

This is the case with Saitama, and so is Long Yunfeng.

"Take this with you and keep in touch."

Saitama took out a jade card and handed it over, saying: "Although you are traveling abroad, the Taoism is still in the governance office. As long as you have not cancelled your membership, it is Zong Huazhi's person. Remember, remember!"

"Thank you for teaching."

Gu Ye thanks.

The relationship between Taoist people and palace views, as well as governing places, is the same as the basic ethical framework of the father and son, the monarch and the minister. If he disobeys, he will not be tolerated by his fellow workers.

Before leaving, he looked at Lu Xiaolian again.

Oh, this girl has been promoted to condense and has been renamed Lu Xuanying.

She is fifteen years old, but she has seven points of beauty in her bones. She has a good reputation and is the most beautiful flower in Changge House. She heard that Gu Yan was leaving, and she was so excited that she kept saying:

"Why? Why are you leaving? Why are you leaving me? Why have you forgotten the trust and hope that so many partners have given us over the past eight years? Why? Why?"

"Well, don't talk nonsense!"

Gu Yan tapped her head and instructed: "My date is uncertain, and you have grown up, you have to take responsibility. Changge House is relatively quiet ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is not a big deal, but Keep an eye on the changes in the North Korea, and on the north ... Anyway, keep in touch with things! "

He wasn't grinded, and there was nothing to be nostalgic. After the explanation, there was a clear howling.

Not long after, a strange animal with a height of one person emerged from the nearby mountain forest. It looks like a lion and has black hair, which is extremely powerful.

This beast-name residence was actually a mount donated by Bai Lingyu personally when he was promoted.


Gu Yiyue jumped on the back of the beast, shook hands with Lu Xuanying, and turned around. The beast spread his four feet, and flew out of the blink of an eye in a blink of an eye.


Lu Xuanying stared at the back, her reluctant little face suddenly cold, as if changing a person in an instant, throwing her sleeves away, standing up to the view.

(This month has been updated quite a bit. It will continue next month and this copy will end next month.)

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