Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 804: Mountain wild people

? "Even by the Qing Emperor Penglai, the sword halberds all over Jiuyi. I don't know anyone at present, so I don't bury myself for a while."

In the moonlight like water, Gu Ran ran in the desolate wilderness in the indwelling beast, running like a lone mountain ghost.

The south bank of the Tongtian River is a fertile plain, and further south is the southern Xinjiang, where many people live. It sounds like the sky is high and the road is long. In fact, according to the area of ​​the Changshengjie, it is just the distance between the two cities in the province.

Gu Yan was not slow, and after walking for two or three days, he finally saw a rolling black outline tonight.

In recent days, he has experimented with some modern methods of refining, with almost no gain. He always feels very obscure and difficult to blend with the soul, as if they are mutually exclusive.

After thinking about it, it is inexplicable that it can only be attributed to the rules of this world: the longevity world is the mainstream of saving ideas, then you can only use the method of saving ideas to quench the body.

The emphasis here is not on the shape, but now he needs a set of ideas for refining the body, which must be clearly structured and able to keep up with the footsteps of God and Heaven.

This is difficult, which is equivalent to creating your own exercises.

Gu Yi had no idea for a while, so he really took it as a tour and looked around.

At this moment, he ran to the black outline and walked for a while, the lines of the mountains became clearer. Vegetation is very lush, but there is no green vitality, but full of mysterious and deep.


The beast's meat hoofs stepped on the sedge soil and made a slight sound. The muscles flowed up and down like water, but when they passed to the back, they converged vigorously to ensure the balance and stability of the rider.

Habitat, born in the northernmost bitter cold place, the breeding volume is scarce and relatively rare. After being caught by Taoists in the south, domesticated for several generations, transformed into a high-quality mount that can adapt to various climates.

Their life span is about 80 years, this is only 20 years old, very young. When you get old, the dark-colored hair will gradually turn golden until you die.

Gu Zheng was observing around, suddenly he paused, and then he saw that the two old trees on the left and right seemed to be melting candles, squirming slowly, and finally turned into two bodies.

With limbs and features, the skin showed a bleak blue-gray color, which seemed to have evolved incompletely. The man's upper body was covered with black scales, his nose was hooked, and his eyes were like a hawk.

The woman was bald and wore a half-bone mask that covered the nose.

This is a native of southern Xinjiang. Men are extremely unfriendly and speak the jerky common language: "Who are you?"

"I am a monk from Zhenyang Kingdom. If I go out and travel around the Quartet, can I go into the mountains?"

"You are not welcome here, hurry up!"

Shengmin's temperament is very irritable, the man's voice has not fallen, and the black scales on his upper body have been squirming quickly, crawling to the left hand to form a horrible bow.

Followed by his right hand, he seemed to catch a few strands of night wind and struck three arrows.


The sharp voice shattered midnight, and the three black arrows had formed halfway through, and the yin tumbling rolled like a ghost and wept, covering all the retreats of the opponent.

Face to face is dead!

The woman was not to be outdone, the bone mask suddenly opened, and the corners of her mouth instantly pulled to the root of her ears, exposing huge Bai Sensen's teeth.

Gu Yan was startled. He thought it was a mask, but it turned out to be a mouth!


A black gas spewed out of the woman's mouth, and countless shrinking ghost heads opened their teeth and danced on the opposite side with a strong smell of blood.

"Why are all ghosts?"

Gu Yan raised his eyebrows, raised his left hand and grabbed it. A **** skinny hand jumped out of the void, caught three black arrows first, and slammed forward.


The palm of the big hand showed the face of a crippled boy. He opened his mouth and devoured the ghost, and it was half short.


"Little magical power ?!"

Men and women received power at the same time, and their faces became worse.

Gu Yan was also very surprised, these two goods are not small, at least they are also masters.

His little magical power is based on the water-trap's grappler, which has been tempered and upgraded, and has just taken shape a few months ago. In the meantime, he captured another soul-stealing seal, which could capture all kinds of dead creatures, living creatures and dead souls.

No one took advantage when the three of them returned. Gu Yan immediately looked at the combat power of Nanjiang and laughed: "Since it is not welcome, then I will leave, leave!"


The man and the woman stared at him and left, and the woman said, "Agu, the tribe is about to have a big sacrifice, and we must not let these northerners ruin our celebration!"

"Rest assured, I will ask Wuzu to deploy someone, and never miss one!"

The man patted his chest, and their bodies began to melt again, this time turning into two stones.

"Oh, interesting!"

On the hills in the distance, Gu Yuanyao watched, "The practice of these people is very interesting. You must go in and see."

He looked down and found a narrow stream, winding slowly, upstream in the mountains. Immediately, he made the beast stand by, set a restraint, followed his body, and disappeared.


Deep in the mountains.

In front of thatched cottage, a woman with a burly figure wrapped in burlap was holding a broken earthen jar to fiddle with something. Her hair was very long, all dragged to the ground, covering her facial features.

Beside her, there was a man in a black robe, Shen said, "Witch ancestor, according to various sources, there has been a change in the Zhenyang dynasty, and it is very likely that he will go to southern Xinjiang!"

"After the Zhenyang Kingdom annexed Dongyuan, the wolf was ambitious and insatiable. You bear the brunt ..."

"Can't sit back and wait! If you are preemptive, you will be caught by surprise and we will cooperate. Then North and South will pinch and Zhenyang will definitely lose!"

He forced him for a long time, and the woman kept ignoring it, and at the end she slowly replied, "You first challenge Zhenyang to attack Dongyuan, now you will challenge us to attack Zhenyang again, haha, Yanzhou is a generation of heroes. Compete for the next three things? "

She suddenly lifted her head, revealing a weird face that was half bright and half dead, and hehe laughed, "Zhenyang really has a wolf ambition, but what good things are you not doing?"

"Witch ancestor!"

The man was called to break his heart and didn't panic. He gave a sad expression, "Since the witch ancestor does not believe us, let us be villains and say goodbye!"

With that said, he was about to flash.

"and many more!"

The woman put down the earthen jar and hid her face in her hair. "Where are you in southern Xinjiang? Come when you want to, and walk if you want to?"


The man's look changed dramatically, and his body was about to leave the place.

The woman didn't even get up, just stomped her feet, the ground tumbling, the rumbling cracked, and suddenly a huge dead wood came out.

The wood is tall and lean, with no flowers or leaves. The trunk seems to have been burned by the fire, leaving behind a scorched black stubble with dense branches, each hanging down.

It's like a dead body after a person hangs them ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~

The dead wood pierced the ground, as if it were alive, without any fancy sticking out a branch, piercing straight into the void.


With a scream, the wandering monk was unable to fight back. He was picked up in the air, his body dangling, and then turned into a black gas absorbed by the dead wood.

The woman stomped her feet again, the ground cracked, and the dead wood drilled back, as if nothing had happened.

"In the past, there was a magic tree ... that could be used to meet the hundred ghosts, and the ghosts used it as a stick to kill ... It is passed on by the world, this tree is feared by the ghosts, and it is used as a tool, but it hates evil ghosts, so it is safe. and also!"

(Ah, I suddenly got inspiration just now. I wanted to write a story about an actor who couldn't keep up with the times. I drew all kinds of traffic. The name was called "Old Guy".

But even if I talk about it, I'll be happy, I'm 2333 with no energy to double open)

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