Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 805: Barbaric civilization


A stream flows through the mountains, is clear and cold, passes through layers of ridges, and merges with other streams to form a dense water network.

Gu Yan hid in the water and allowed him to meander and wander, carefully digging out his senses, and observing these southern Xinjiang natives.

In this stretch of mountains, there are many wooden villages, ranging from dozens of people to hundreds of people. They have frequent exchanges and have rough class divisions and unified leadership.

He watched along the way and couldn't help wondering about the appearance of the people.

Similar to the gatekeeper's one man and one woman, just like there is no evolutionary completeness, each person retains some ancient features, and there are many strange and strange species.

Some hands and feet are inverted and walk upside down; some give birth to eight arms and three eyes; some still have wings and can fly freely ... as if entering a magical world, strange and mysterious and full of warmth.

That's right, it's warm.

The people here are very friendly to each other, just like the world. What kind of celebration do they want to hold, one by one coming out of the village, holding all kinds of crude blood food, drinks, fruits, utensils, and rushed to the depths of the mountains in groups.

Gu Jiete wanted to look at it, but he was afraid of being exposed because he felt a lot of strong breath.

He wandered down the stream for several weeks and decided to wait.

In this way, countless people passed by the shore for two days, and gradually stopped on the third day. He waited for another day before tracing deep into the mountains.

It's been a long time since I walked away, and I saw the perimeter guards from afar. He didn't dare get too close, jumped out of the stream, plunged into the dew on the treetops, and chopped the wall to watch.

There is a spacious flat land, and the people are surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside, I don't know what to do.

After waiting for a while, a woman wrapped in sackcloth walked tremblingly into the field. Followed to see the ground bulge, and drilled a huge dead wood.


Suddenly, cheers sounded. Under the woman's instructions, the people came forward one by one and broke a small branch, holding it as if it were a treasure.

After the weird ritual, they piled blood food and drink in the center.

The woman was probably the leader, and began to cast spells and chants. After a while, the wind of the wind changed greatly, and everyone stared at the field without blinking.

After a while, I saw a swirling air hole in the void. First, the tributes were swept away, and then they shrank suddenly and then swelled. It's like people are sick and open their mouths to vomit, and spit out a **** meat ball.

Well, is this a men's or a women's ball?

Gu Yan jumped into his heart, faintly guessing.

He looked again, and sure enough, the meatball rolled twice on the ground, and suddenly began to squirm, as if it were stuffed with countless living creatures, disgusting and terrible.

Just listen, bang!

The meatball burst, a guy with a short body, dark gray skin, red eyes, and a weird pattern on his body jumped out first-it's the shame of the earth!

It grinds its teeth, grinds its claws, and puts up a defensive posture as soon as it lands. And then, the second, the third, the fourth ... hundreds of tadpoles, plus some messy beasts, crowded the venue.



When the people saw this, they immediately hailed a good harvest, and came forward with the dead branches.



The Tatars are a civilized race of the yin earth. They communicate briefly in language and are united in an instant. There are only those beasts that lack spiritual intelligence, all kinds of fluttering, no rules.

A ghost-like beast with nine heads and nine tails, with long tiger claws and a howling sound, slammed his own head, slammed up, and banged into the crowd.

Those who have already had experience, first gave way, then the two savvy men left and right, poking forward with wooden branches.


The fierce beast was poked by the wood branch, just like a hole was clicked, and instantly weak and weak, and fell to the ground.

"Oh oh!"

The two made a strange scream, dragged the beast to the periphery, and opened their mouths, and they even started to choke.

This wooden branch seems to have a natural restraint to the creatures of the shady soil. As long as it touches, it will be paralyzed. After a while, the whole beast of the audience had been divided up, and the eyes of the living people glowed red, and they stared at the puppets gathered together.

Both sides are civilized races, but at this moment, they are like the natural world of weak meat and strong food. One side is a hunter, and the other side is just food!


The two gangs confronted each other, and there was a moment of silence, and they did not know who moved their hands first, and they fought in a blink of an eye.

In the longevity world and the souls of the shady soil, only one person is one of the best in terms of physical fitness. Regardless of strength, speed, agility, and aggression, these people are not as good as each other, relying only on the dead branches in their hands.

Oh oh ... ah! !! "

A stranger was hit by a stabbing yin technique, and instantly destroyed half of his body, but fighting for the last stroke, he hit the opponent with a stick.

The shy man fell down unwillingly, watching the living people crawl over, opened his mouth wide, and severed his throat with a gulp.

Shengmin's mouth was chewing on flesh and blood, blue and black blood flowing down his mouth, and his expression was extremely excited. I swallowed my belly in three mouthfuls, tearing and biting at the corpse in various ways.

For a moment, the field was bloody, screaming and mourning, like **** on earth.


Gu Xiben was watching the lively mood, but at this moment he was expressionless, as if he had restored the high God of Creation and overlooked all beings.

He created the longevity world and gave a lot of guidance, but the species in it were mainly self-derivation.

The living people have existed for many years and have not died. They have also repelled many offensives in the north, and they must have their survival reasons. In other words, Shengmin's hands tear at people, you look cruel, but who guarantees that people are good?

There is no right or wrong for this thing, in the final analysis, it is the choice of nature.


He remembered it, returned to normal, and sighed softly.

And this sigh, the mood fluctuated, the breath leaked, and immediately caught the other party's attention.


A man first noticed that he turned his head and stared at this direction without any action, but a huge eye appeared at the treetop.

"not good!"

Gu Xun moved with a thought, rushed back to the stream, and fled in a panic. The moment he left, the tree was covered by a gloom and disappeared out of thin air. Following the flash of giant eyes, it seemed to penetrate the Three Realms and no one could hide.

"He's in the water!"

"Follow me!"

"Another bastard!"

Many people have been disturbed by the changes here, and more than a dozen figures have jumped out to show their abilities.

In an instant, all the streams in the mountains were emptied and bombarded. At the same time, seven or eight prohibitions fell from the sky. If the general out-of-know period masters will die.

But is Lao Gu's general out-of-know period? Of course not!

At that time, he directly ignored the powerful prohibition of the city by virtue of the method of leeches, appeared beside a well in another family, and snatched the little girl's melon—this was his first glory in life!

It is the same today, and the meaning of the leech means that as long as the consciousness can feel the water, the thought can be reached instantly.

Therefore, after the retreat of his retreat, he has already been outside the mountains, only to receive some shock waves.


On the hill, Gu Yan appeared spurting blood, startled the beast.

"Come on, go north!"

The beast exerted the maximum speed, and Sayako ran to the north, but he plunged into the river to the west and disappeared.

Not long after he left, many figures occupied the hill.

"It's north!"

"Huh, I guess it was the North's spy!"

"The harassment is just fine on weekdays, and our high sacrifice dares to come over. We will kill him this time!"


"Well, brother, this time it's my fault on you."

By a wide river, Gu Min exhaustedly climbed ashore and mourned for the poor beast.

There has always been little friction between the South Xinjiang and the North. Each boundary has been established. Once it crosses the boundary, it is regarded as a great provocation. The guys chasing north, I don't expect to come to him again.

The old Gu suffered some injuries and overcast, and found a quiet place to start meditation.

This time he came to South Xinjiang and saw extremely weird scenes. He didn't know why the living people would eat the Tatars and the Ghosts, but it was definitely not for the purpose of fruit.

Alas, curiosity killed the cat!

Gu Yan was so anxious that he hid for a few days, and when the injury improved, he simply ventured again. No one could think of it. After he was discovered, he dared to come to the door so quickly.

He didn't even think of it!

Outside the mountains, there is a very small village.

With a population of dozens, old and young, only the patriarchs have the power to fight. The living people do not have their own practice system. All their talents are acquired the day after tomorrow, and the source is the annual high festival.

Every village has to participate, and rob it by its own ability, and this village is qualified to participate only one patriarch. He couldn't be ranked at all in a high vote. He had often failed to gain anything in the past, but he was lucky this year and he picked up one.

This thing resembles a rabbit, but has a beak, eagle eyes, and snake tail. It is very small in size and has a feature of lying down and pretending to die when it is in danger, and the value is relatively low.

Because of this, it is easy for people to ignore and let him pick up.

There are several children in Zhaizi ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The patriarch had a selfish attitude and did not take out the beast. After hiding for a few days, he sneaked it to his little daughter.

And at this moment, in a wooden house, a little girl-minor is holding the infernal beast.

After the high sacrifice, the dead wood branches had expired, and the infernal beast was **** and her mouth closed. He likes to die, but he doesn't really want to die, he struggles with short legs.

"do not move!"

The girl wrapped her neck around her and couldn't wait to open her mouth to bite. But she didn't notice that there was suddenly a person beside the table behind, looking at a broken water jar in disbelief.


Before the girl bit it, her head was knocked, and her eyes fell to the ground. Followed by a stream of water flowing flatly, rolled up her and the Yin Beast, and disappeared without a trace.

(The heating started only today. Damn it ’s like it did n’t burn at all last month. It ’s empty for a month, garbage!)

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