Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 806: Test sample

This is a little girl in her twenties.

The skin was pale, the hair was messy like hay, and the features were large and very rough. She is closer to humans in habitual cognition, without the strange characteristics of adult people.

She woke up from the dry grass and found herself lying in a humble shack in an unfamiliar environment, except for the half dead dead beast beside Pia.

"you're awake?"

A figure suddenly appeared outside the shack, which was actually the legendary northerner. The little girl was startled, opened her teeth and clawed, screaming and posing in a defensive posture.

"Do you understand?"

"Can't speak common language?"

"Well, trouble!"

Gu Yan frowned, and reached out to knock her out again, sitting at the shack and thinking deeply. When the other party was unconscious, he had read the memory and knew about it.

Among the mountains in the southern Xinjiang, there are three hundred and sixty villages, all flowing the same blood.

Their ancestors did not know what was evolved, and the race itself would not practice, but it had a special talent, which was to energize the bloodstream by engulfing the souls of the earth, in order to obtain a variety of magical skills.

There is a sacred tree in the southern Xinjiang called Wushang. "It can communicate with the ghosts and run away with hundreds of ghosts, and the ghosts use it as a great killer. According to the world, this tree is feared by the ghosts, and it is used as a tool. Evil ... "

Ghosts are the ghosts and souls in their eyes.

Every few generations, a child is born in the group, which is connected with this wooden deity. The child will be trained as a witch ancestor, who will specialize in the care of the sacred tree and abbot.

The so-called high sacrifice is what Gu Yan saw: some witches and beasts were summoned by the witch ancestors for the living people to eat.

It was this **** and brutal method that allowed the living people to continue from generation to generation, and to counterattack effectively when faced with northerners who looked down upon.

And those who get supernatural powers will more or less change. As for this little girl, her name is Tu Yi, and she is a white-board chicken.

He felt that this method might be useful for quenching the body, so he wanted to study the process of obtaining magical power for the living people, and there was a ready-made experiment in front of him, but the problem was that he could not communicate!

The other side is very embarrassed. If you always read the consciousness, it will become an idiot over time.


He compared the IQ of the two, and chose the latter between letting the other party learn the common language and learning the dialect by himself.


The wilderness is desolate and uninhabited, and a river winds through, as if dividing the gray-yellow land into two.

This is the southwest of Zhenyang Kingdom and the northwest of South Xinjiang. There is a natural barrier across the grassland. You must walk through the wilderness and cross the mountains to see people again.

"Da da!"

"Da da!"

The sound of horseshoes came, and two pony pups appeared slowly beside the river. Gu Yan was in front, Tu Yi was behind, and his body was imprisoned by the technique. The Yin Beast was hung by a rope, and he slaped the horse's ass.

"Well, rest!"

Seeing that it wasn't early, Gu Xun turned over and dismounted, set up a straw tent, and carried the little girl down again. After Tuyi's initial fear, now there is only full of resentment, staring at him silently.


He was holding the poor feline beast, and he was induced like a weird shit. "Don't eat for three days, aren't you hungry?"


The figure snuggled up the yin beast, and Pia turned her head.

Gu Yan smiled and practiced meditation.

Soon the night came, Tu rely on sitting in the shed, poor and weak and helpless. She thought it would be the same as before, and set off again after dawn, but the goods were sitting for three days without even opening her eyes.


Tu Yi had lost his spirits and was hungry. When he thought he was about to die, the guy opened his eyes and asked, "Do you want to eat?"

She could not resist and nodded.

"That's right, but you can't eat it now, you have to adjust your body."

Gu Yan rubbed her head, showing a kind smile, like a demon alive.

In the next few days, Tu Yi slept after eating, slept after sleeping, and then was forced to practice some strange movements, which is said to enhance endurance and durability.

In this way, for almost a month, her spirit and body have reached a peak state, and the old Gu came to hold the Yin Beast. This guy also reached the pinnacle after his careful rearing.



Tu Yi silently held up the infernal beast, and bit his fierce rabbit-like neck in front of him.


The yin beast screamed and soon died.

Tu Yi was full of blood, his head was blank, and he began to tear from the neck, to the body covered with fur, **** internal organs, hawk-like eyes, and snake-like tail.

Gu Yan stood in front of her, watching her quietly.

Not long after, all the beasts were swallowed, including the skull and brain. Xu is a gene flowing in the blood. Tu Yi did not feel discomfort, but was extremely cheerful.

She wiped the blood off her face, looked up at Gu Yan, and when she was about to open her mouth, she suddenly felt a trembling.


She fell to the ground violently, only feeling a heat flow inside her body, washing every nerve and muscle frantically, it was almost painful.

She pulled the grass stalk on the ground, grasping the protruding stone, her hands dripping with blood, like a dying beast. I don't know how long it took before the pain subsided and Tuyi passed out.

When she woke up, she found herself lying on a soft straw bed, sheltered from the wind and rain, and turned out to be a simple wooden house.

"you're awake?"

The familiar interrogation sounded and the figure reappeared.

"Me, what do I look like now?"

"See for yourself!"

Gu Xuan made a void, and handed her a water mirror.

At a glance, Xu is a low-grade animal with no high grades. There is no change. The eyes are the same as the eagle owl, round and large, the eyes are dark yellow, and the pupils are like two dots of ink, showing a cold and sharp.

"that's it?"

She was very disappointed.

"That's fine, you try it."

Gu Yi threw a mountain hare, Tu Yi was unknown, so he stared at it fiercely. As a result, the mountain hare scrambled on all fours, very scared, and finally stretched his neck and died.

"Your eyes can directly attack the spirits, and the strength below you can't bear the information, but of course you are very poor."

He reassured a few words and said, "Yes, have you noticed something extra in your body?"


Tu Yi hesitated, feeling it carefully, and wondered: "It seems like a little more gas."

"Remember ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ That's your power!"

Gu Yan rejoices in his heart like the old mother teaches.

In fact, the magical power obtained by the people is still second, and most importantly, they have gained Yin through this method!

Maybe they do n’t even know why, but Gu Yan knows everything: because the ancestors of the living people have half of the blood in the shade!

They devour the Tatars and the Ghosts, force the fusion of genes, stimulate the blood, and improve themselves.

Tu Yi ate a low-quality feline beast, but her physical fitness has been turned several times, and she also gained a little magical power. This test sample gave Gu Xuan a few ideas:

If you want to quench the body, you must first abide by the rules of the longevity world. Since the living people can, then he can also use some special powerful creatures to enhance the physical body in a similar way!

(Anonymous is really good. Although the climax is out of control, it is worth a look.)

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