Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 807: Monkey

This swamp is on the edge of the wilderness, and the area is unknown. It extends to connect with the mountains in the distance.

The water is not deep, and it looks like there is no waist, but the water is a bit turbid. I don't know if it is the color of it or the algae underneath, dark green. There are some naturally-formed mounds in the swamp, which is the only way. The mounds are covered with dense grass.

Gu Yi stepped on it, and a dozen flying birds startled in the grass. They circled and cried in mid-air, followed by another group, and then a group, and countless birds that didn't call them rise into the sky, like dark clouds. Cover the sky as well.

Lao Gu was not interested in birds and only looked down to find his eyes.

In the shallow water there was a large palm-shaped leaf, which seemed to be blown down by the wind. It whirled in the water, and the eyes narrowed down.


A big hand came down from the sky, grabbed the leaves and lifted them up, bringing out a child-sized creature. The sharp-billed monkey gills, black fur, three tails, webs between the toes, and the leaf on top of the head are extremely frightened.


It was too late to scream, the big hand was a pinch, first the spirit was pulled out, and then the whole body's blood was also concentrated into a little blood droplet, and fell into Gu's palm.

This thing is called a diving monkey, aquatic creature, and its greatest skill is to be able to hide its body with the help of aquatic plants. Even if it is just a small plant, it can be hidden.

"No more, no less, just a thousand, I'm afraid to kill it again ..."

Gu Zheng put away the spirits and blood beads, looked at the wetlands that had been lingering for several months, and appeared in the dense forests of the mountains as soon as his figure flickered.


"Coo coo!"

"Coo coo!"

The flame licked the bottom of the crock, and the meat and weeds rolled between the white soup, exuding a strong aroma. Tu Yi sat on the small bench, kept stirring with a spoon, and swallowed from time to time.

She is alone now, but has no intention of running, or she is used to this kind of life.

About half a year ago, the northerner brought himself into the mountains. At first, he only built a thatched hut. Later, there were more and more houses, and the living area became larger and larger.

There are more than a dozen bedrooms, and there are still rooms, kitchens, warehouses, etc., surrounded by thick earth walls, and spell restraints are arranged, just like a small camp.

The most fashionable is the toilet.

Gu Yan is a master of the tricks and does not need to eat for a long time, but the younger sister still has to shit. He hated aqua toilets the most, so he hid a charm under the pit, which could automatically transfer the waste to the ground, as a fertilizer for trees-presumably a modified toilet.

Tu Yi was very resistant at first, but later found that this was also good. I did n’t have to work if I had to eat and drink. I just missed my father.

"Coo coo!"

After cooking for a long time, she finally put out the firewood and carefully filled a bowl of broth, which was salty and rich in drops! In the Zhaizi, salt was counted. It ’s like now ...

When she drank half a pot of meat, Gu Yi returned, Tu Yi's attitude was subtle, a little happy and a little bit prepared.

"Well, good food!"

The old Gu grabbed a bowl, smashed it and smashed his mouth after drinking it, "You don't have to be afraid to become a tiger if you put so much salt in it."

"give me!"

Tu Yi rushed over and tore, and was knocked down by the goods, "Don't disturb me while playing!"

Then, he went into the quiet room, closed the door, and ignored the little girl's curse, and first took out a fist-sized weird ball. The ball seemed real and imaginary, fluctuating with silver and red light, and with a strong **** smell.

He took out the spirit and blood of the diving monkey, and slammed in.

The ball slowly squirmed like life, fused and digested the two things, and faintly grew a bit. Yes, this is exactly the **** and blood of the diving monkey. He killed a whole thousand and concentrated the essence to make such a thing.

"The essence of thinking is to understand God's will, where God's will come from, and everything from heaven and earth ..."

Gu Yan watched the ball float in the air and whispered: "Spring rain, waterfall, vulcan, yin and yang, wall water urn, these or natural phenomena, or the scenery of the mountains, or the spirit of the five elements, or ancient beasts, are Everything is in heaven and earth, and everything has a god. "

Thinking, is a very subjective, very conscious practice method.

What he thought before was all the chicness, the rushing to the sea, the rain that broke the bananas ... Only when the wall water swelled, because it turned into stars, produced the essence of the stars, was borrowed Want to learn by meaning.

Now, he must use the stored thoughts to specifically quench the body, and the divine will cannot be so empty.

"Diving monkeys ... participating in water apes ... don't let me down!"

He talked to himself for a few words, and as soon as he thought about it, he plunged into the sea.

Gu Yan didn't rush into thinking, but mobilized every ray of consciousness to perceive, just like a sharp scalpel stabbing the ball to find the source in the blood.

The ball slowly turned around in the sea, and it seemed to erect a strong fortress, which was extremely repellent to external forces.

The two sides remained deadlocked for a long time, and Gu Min finally broke through the defense, breaking through the appearance of consciousness and directly reaching the deepest part of the ball. In an instant, he shuddered, an extremely terrifying breath appeared out of thin air, as if to occupy his own body and soul in the next second.

But he is waiting now!

Gu Yan was instantly quiet, feeling the breath while entering the state of imagination. At this moment, he was like walking on a steel wire at a height of 10,000 meters, and either passed safely or was eroded by the breath and broke his bones.

"Well ..."

The outside Tu Yi had been trembling, holding his earthen jar in the corner, and did not understand why suddenly a terrifying coercion came, as if he had seen the Wuzu.

Thanks to decades of tempering in the fairyland, Gu Yan looks fierce, but actually walks on the edge of the cliff.

I don't know how long, as the breath he absorbs more and more, the picture of imagination becomes clearer, and a peerless beast gradually emerges in the sea.

This beast-like ape-like monkey has a high nose shrinkage and can't open both eyes.

He was unmoved and kept thinking, when the energy of the sphere was exhausted and all was absorbed, Shi Hai shuddered again, and finally revealed the complete appearance of the beast.

His green body has a white head, a neck stretched by a hundred feet, and he dazzled the river and thundered. And his eyes flickered away, if the glory was like electricity, and he was staring straight at him.

The blood ancestors of diving monkeys, ancient beasts and water apes!

Jinmu Xueya, assaults Tengzhang, runs lightly and negligently, and has more than nine elephants. He is known for his physical arrogance!

When this beast emerged in the sea of ​​knowledge, the divine will manifest itself, which is Niubi, or rude! And after the desire to converge, there is a mysterious force breeding, walking in the musculoskeletal, meridian and acupuncture points, the whole body's blood is more turbulent, the blood is tumbling, gurgling like boiling.


Gu Yan seemed to be vulnerable to tendons, each muscle was bulging, and his whole body was aching.

The pain lasted for a long time before it dissipated slowly. When he opened his eyes, he was already soaked with sweat. He didn't care about tidying up and quickly inspected the flesh.


Instantly, he was occupied by great joy, "I knew it would work!"

The complete appearance of the water-seeking ape proved that the derivation of this idea was successful, and it has become a rune engraved in the sea of ​​knowledge. When he first thought about it, he found that the physical body was obviously arrogant.

"Taking care of the blessings of the people, I finally figured out a way. The water-seeking ape and the period of getting rid of each other complement each other, but it is not enough to go up, we have to find other blood.

My soul and body are close to the water line, and I can only find the blood of the water property, hey ... "

Gu Yan quickly calmed down and thought about the way forward. After getting out of there, there are sacred tours and heavenly people, and that body-hardening method must also keep up.

"There is no gain here, and we are leaving."

He looked at the camp for more than half a year, in fact, he built it intentionally, and he might use it in the future.

He pushed out the door, and as shown in the figure, he fell asleep in the corner, and drew up, "Go!"


In fact, Gu Min did not quite understand the hobbies of the people.

They had a different kind of enthusiasm and love for crock pots, and when they left, Tu Yi took nothing, and hugged their broken crock pots. At this moment she leaned back on Gu Yan and sat down on the tall camel, her two short legs dangling.

The messy hair had long been cleaned, and two pigtails were tied, wearing cotton clothes and small boots.

It looks just like an ordinary girl, except that the eyes are a little weird, the dark yellow eyes are white, the pupils like ink dots are like a cold-blooded animal.

"You should thank me. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have been far away in your whole life."

Gu Min waved her head for a while and said, "Have you ever seen the grassland before and drank milk? Definitely not, let alone drink, you haven't even seen it before ... hey, do you have a good relationship in the village How old can you get married? "

It's been two days since they crossed the mountains and came to the grassland. They bought a camel beast from herdsmen, and they just wandered around so fast.

For the first time, Tu Yi saw the pasture, the blue sky, the eagle, the running herd, and the bulging tent, and she really felt heartfelt joy, but when she said anything from that guy's mouth, she was not loved. listen.

"Isn't the northern people all fierce, why is this so cheap?"

The little girl pursed her lips.

The western part of the Longevity World is grassland, where there are many tribes. People here do not have a last name, only a first name. The big tribe leads the small tribe, and the small tribe manages the lower herders.

The biggest forces are three, the Bilege, Morigen and Yirentai.

Bileg is the meaning of the wise, and Mozhgen is the **** archer ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ both are heroes in the history of the prairie. Yirentai means ninety, which means that when a child is born, the elders expect their health and longevity, so they are named after their grandfather's age.

Originally, the three forces were equal, maintaining balance for nearly a century.

As a result, suddenly a few years ago, a small tribal chief led by Mo Rigen violently, several offspring scrambled for power, and in the end, unexpectedly, he was occupied by his young daughter.

In the longevity world, monks do not value men over women, but the common people's ideas are still deeply entrenched. Everyone thought she was going to get ridiculed very quickly, and was beaten again.

This man not only firmly controlled the original tribe, but also lay dormant for several years. He gained the deep trust of Mo Rigen, and suddenly broke out a year ago. He directly killed Mo Rigen and became the boss himself.

Oops, that's great, in all likelihood they are friends above.

Gu Yan doesn't want to make fun, but he can't bear itching, because this decisive style of decisive is too much like Xiaozhai!

(I eat spicy and diarrhea, alas ...)

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