Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 808: Goddess of war

Rejection is a fierce beast on the grassland. It looks like a horse, has a white body and black tail, and has a horn, tiger teeth, and sounds like drum sounds.

This thing is like a white tiger, it is a symbol of power status. The prairie heroes want to hunt a barge and make a large chair. Unfortunately, few people succeed.

Toya is one of the few successful and the only woman.

After she annexed Mo Rigen's roots, she quickly smashed the forces of all parties and had unparalleled power. There were seven tribes under her name, the Seven Kings of the Sea, and she continued to provoke the Ministry of Pelege with ambitions.

At this moment, she was sitting on a bark leather chair and had just finished discussing politics with everyone.

"Hehan (boss), there is one more thing to report."

As he was about to leave, Gegenhas, one of the tribal patriarchs, suddenly said, "A few days ago, a cloud walker came to our department and begged to meet Hehan."

"Door? What's the way?"

"It is said that he is a monk from Zhenyang Kingdom. After traveling here, I checked his jade, which is true."

"Neither is fake, so pass it in."


Not long after, Gu Yan and Tu Yi were led into the big account, and the little girl's first reaction was, how big it really is!

Felt tents have been seen by many people, but have you ever seen a palace that can hold thousands of people? Tu Yi looked at it and saw that it was divided into several areas. The entrance and exit were guarded by guards, and the niece stood silently. The decoration was very different from that in the south.

In the middle is the Chamber of Commerce, with two rows of fierce beard men standing, and several tall and dark women generals, with an exaggerated chair on the top.

Wrapped in white fur, the lines are clear, as if a fierce beast embraced the chair, and a large skull was found in the upper left corner. The head was intact and live, slightly downward, eyes narrowed, as if subjecting to the chair's owner.

Gu Yan walked in and stared at the woman.

Standing about one meter and eighteen meters tall, with large hands and feet, thick leather jackets can't cover the flowing muscle lines at all. No one would doubt the strength and explosive power of this body.

The skin is slightly black, the contours of the features are deep, and the eyes are bright, full of a rough and primitive wild charm. What's more, Gu Ye clearly felt a mysterious wave, and this person is also a powerful practitioner!

"Zhenyang Chen Yu meets Hehan!"

Gu Yan performed a ritual ceremony, waving his sleeves, Yu Yan flew from the sea of ​​knowledge, shining blue in the air.

"call out!"

Toya picked up a whistle, stood next to her with a cylinder, and a starling stopped at the top, shaped like an owl, with a human face and four eyes.

The starling flew past, the eyes swept over the jade, and flew back again.

It seemed to communicate with the master, and Toya raised her eyebrows. "Chen Yu? Still a Bapin Taoist, what do you come to the prairie ... eh? Who is she?"

She pointed at the little girl.

"This is my servant, Tuyi." Gu Yan said.


Toya looked down at the little girl, as if she was weighing two or two pork, Tu Yi stared back.

"I hate these eyes, come on!"

Toya waved suddenly and yelled, "dig it for me!"

When the words fell, two guards emerged from the left and right, and the little girl would be caught when they came up. Tu Yi glanced to the left and glanced to the right. Although it was a weak chicken, it was fine to suppress two npcs.

In a split second, the guard seemed to have lost his soul and stayed still.

The man was brought by Gegenhas, and he felt deeply lost face and yelled, "Dare to disobey Hehan, and quickly arrest him!"

When he stepped down, his fist instantly enlarged in Tu Yi's eyes, bang!

The fist bumped into a wall of water, slowed a bit, and then banged, breaking through the technique with physical strength. With a move in Gu Min's heart, he quickly set up a water prison technique to trap him.

This shot seemed to sting the horse honeycomb, and yelled left and right:

"Courageous, how dare to spread wild here!"

"Hurry up!"

For a while, rushed to seven or eight people. Gu Yi protected Tu Yi behind him, and said, "Hehan, I just swim here, and there is no malicious intention."

"It's not good to fight any more. Can you stop?"


After struggling for a while, they heard the woman's voice. A group of big men withdrew their moves, which was forbidden.

"Just take note of your eyes, I'll dig out sooner or later!"

Toya grinned at Tuyi, exposing a bit of Bai Sensen's teeth, and scared the little girl back down, and said, "Say, what am I to do?"

"Nothing to hide, there is something to beg for next ... a little gift, no respect ..."

With a wave of his sleeve, ten boxes appeared on the ground. Gergenhas opened in the past, and saw a large amount of salt, sugar, various condiments, fruits, and green leaves for degreasing.

Everyone glanced at them, all looking calm.

"I'm looking for all kinds of aquatic creatures, especially the variants inherited from ancient times. I don't know if there are traces in the steppe?"

"Water line?"

Toya seemed to hear something funny. She said, "You are looking for water in the prairie? I only have one big river in the whole territory. I want to go and go. For your gift, as long as there is no trouble, you are allowed to pass freely ... "


As he was speaking, a guard rushed outside and said, "Hehan, the Bayin Department is hunting in Yinshan. According to the God of Prospect, Bayin is in it!"


Toya stood up with excitement, "It's a godsend! Everyone, who will take the head of others ... No, I will go!"

After that, her body was out of the account, and the starling disappeared inexplicably. Only one sentence came from far away: "Tenger, Giya, and Gegenhas stay behind! Chagan and Ai Yan each led a thousand rides Hold on to the east, Batu and Agoura follow me! "

"Get orders!"

Suddenly, the big account became a military camp, and the appointed leaders acted.

Gu Yan ignored him for a moment and caught a guy, "Hey, who, Haagen-Dazs!"

"My name is Gegenhas!"

The bearded exasperated.

"Oh, OK, where is that Yinshan? Who is Bayin?"

"What about you ..."

Before Beard's last word was spit out, five more boxes were found on the ground, and he changed his mouth in time: "Yinshan is in the north, and Bayin is the most beloved younger son of Bileg!"

After all, he didn't know what method to put away the box and hurried out the account.

Gu Yan and Tu Yi went outside and saw that the cavalry was ready to go. At the front was a snow-white bark, and Toya was riding on it, like a **** of war.

"set off!"

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

The dust was rising, Qian Qian was out of the camp, and the servants around him did not panic, but with great respect and conviction, as if their Hehan expedition would surely return.

"Well, that's hard to guess!"

Gu Yan smashed his mouth, he had a familiar feeling from the moment he met, he must be the friend above. I thought it was Xiaozhai. Later, it looked like little soap, but was it so fierce?

Could it be Jiuru? ? ?

His thoughts turned quickly. This decisive delicacy revealed the girl's fragrance. With a lively and flirtatious style, he was more and more likely to feel Jiu Ru.


"Can we go faster?"

"Da da da!"


"Da da da!"

On the vast grassland, a camel was walking, Tuyi was holding a crock, and he could see the shadow of a large tent.

"People are war horses. This is a camel beast. A camel beast transports things. It can't run fast."

"But don't you fly?"


"Then why don't you fly over?"

"I'm lazy!"


Tuyi buried her face in the crock and didn't want to ignore him-she didn't admit it, it was her heart that wanted to see the fun.

Gu Yan was even more anxious. It took him a long time to reach the Yin Mountain, climbed up a hill and watched, and found that the battle had come to an end.

Toya is like a herd of tigers, killing the other party and defeating the army. At this moment, she is chasing one person by herself, it should be Bayin.

"Wow, Fangtian paints a halberd!"

Gu Yan looked at the blade in Toya's hand and jumped, and he was cruel!

The long pole, with the tip of a gun and crescents on all sides, was not a crescent crescent, but a crescent crescent. The sharp blade reflected the woman's face, and it was heartbroken.

In front of it is a tall red pimple, carrying a fat man, already frightened.

The mounts of the two were strange beasts, and the speed was extremely fast. They fled from the large army and fled to the east in a blink of an eye. The monks on the grassland seemed to be quite physically tempered, and they had not seen any amazing magical skills.

Gu Yan stood on a high place with excellent vision, with his eyes narrowed to Toya catching up with Bayan, and the barge beast roared suddenly, sounding like a bell and drum. The red cormorant was not aware of it for a moment, and was so frightened that it lifted up the master to the ground.

Bayin continued to crawl, and it seemed to be dead, but at the moment when the soldiers stabbed, the fat body suddenly disappeared, and an ancient totem pole stood on the spot.

"Huh! Huh!"

In a short time, it seems that Fengshen is in the world, and the black strange wind wraps the other groups, and it seems to be able to directly blow away the spirits.

"call out!"

There was another whistle, the starling suddenly appeared, and the four eyes flashed, seeming to illuminate a road. Immediately after, a figure jumped out of the dark wind, and the long soldier severely chopped on the totem pole.


Bayan, with a scream, actually appeared outside hundreds of feet, and did not know how to hide her body by any means.

Seeing this, Gu Xun couldn't help catching it in the void, and the soul-catcher dropped from the sky, and carried Bayan to Toya. The woman froze, looked over here, and waved her soldiers fiercely, seeming to be annoying.

Ya touched her nose, didn't she hold back?

Pure blood impulse, blood impulse!

Caught Bayin alive, the remaining troops surrendered on their knees, and Toya took a hundred elite riders ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ easily defeated this small team. The soldiers were cleaning the battlefield, confiscating the spoils, and the starling stopped on Bayin's head, calling twice from time to time, making him afraid to move.

Toya rode on the barge, looked over the hill and shouted, "That Taoist, come down and talk!"

"Hehan mighty, better known than meet, admire it!"

Gu Yan slaps at once when he comes, the other person smiles at him with a smile, and suddenly says, "You said you are looking for a water line strange animal?"


"A lot?"

"The more, the better."

"Okay, see you have some skills. You helped me destroy Blegg, how can I help you find the strange beast?"

(Ah, it's snowing !!!)

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