Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 809: Messed up

Changge Mansion is in the south, rich in geography and hydrology, and has a large audience, especially in Baima.

The most famous of these is a danshan mountain with colorful stones and rainbow springs flowing out. After the secret method is processed, you will get seven-color danzhu with the size of rice, which is extremely precious.

In the past, under the Eastern Yuan Dynasty, it could not be desired, but now it is occupied by the Zhenyang State, and it attaches great importance to it.

At this moment, Bai Lingyu, Saitama and others were on the Danshan Mountain in Baima County to accompany a guest on a parade.

This distinguished guest came from Chongxuanyuan, the second-ranking inspector, and regularly sent to local pickets, with the surname Yan and a single name. This person's family history is exaggerated, and his ancestors have had three appointments, which are first-class famous families.

Yan Fang has been living in Kyoto since he was young, and little is known about the outside world. All he knows is that he has been flying all the way to Huang Tengda and has risen step by step.

At the moment, he was in a corner pavilion in Danshan, and there were crowds of people around him. And at the periphery, Bai Lingyu shook his head and disdained, and said, "Let's go, we talk."

He took Saitama to the quiet place and said casually: "I heard that Yan Fang is a powerful man, but I looked rather ordinary, strange."

"Xu is not concealed by others, what cover-up method he used. I heard that he is very good at a magical power, even if it is across a mountain, but if he hits it with one hand, he can hit each other. I have the opportunity to really want to see "Ji Yu laughed.

At this time, two years have passed since Gu Yuan traveled.

Saitama has also been promoted out of the trick period, but like Lao Gu, waiting for a place candidate. This time, I came to see the teacher, and I was catching up with the mission inspection.

"The son of a thousand gold quits the church, even if there is something, he can't make it. It's not just us who run errands."

Bai Lingyu is already a master of the Divine Tournament, but she looks so blue and no longer chic. In recent years, changes in the DPRK and Central China, Master Li has been reviled, and conservatives have risen up and adjusted oil with the Dongyuan Kingdom honey, which has made them very unhappy.

The two teased a few words, and then changed the subject. Bai Lingyu asked, "How are your disciples going out for two years?"

"Some time ago a letter came and said that he was still playing on the grassland."

"Play? Oh, it's always young!"

Bai Lingyu smiled, waved the cloth and banned, and said, "You and you are both out of control and should be raised, but there are obstacles in the office, and I am not good at it. Wait again, if feasible, you will come to the office to help If I can't, Jomo will go to where to watch. "

"I understand, it's all up to the teacher."

Saitama also knew that this matter could not be anxious, and his mentality was good.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! When it comes out!"

"Once this is done, the rest of the words will be used up. Fortunately for three lives today!"


The two were talking, and there was a flamboyant compliment from there, but it was Yan Fang who wrote the poems of the first chanting Danshan.


Bai Lingyu is getting more and more bored. There is no way. Any organization has been around for a long time, there will be some guys in the fly camp!


"Let's go! One hundred thousand in a hurry!"

At this moment, a cloud of sky rolled over the ground, turning it into a Taoist, hurriedly said: "Let's go, adults, invaded the southern Xinjiang, attacked three counties in one night, and approached the city!"


"How can it be!!!"

The news was like a thunderstorm, and the people were blown up and messed up. Then I asked the details slowly. It was originally that the southern Xinjiang people somehow suddenly attacked the border at night and drove straight in. The vanguard camp was less than a hundred miles away from Changge House.

"What about the defenders? What about the southern defenders?"

"Half were beheaded, half defeated and retreated to cities everywhere."

"How many people are here?"

"No less than 70,000 people!"

"70,000! Is South Xinjiang crazy?"

The crowd was shocked and terrified. How many people are there in southern Xinjiang? What is the reason!

There were Fucheng officials, as well as Taoist officials of the government office, Fuguan, and local counties. As a prefect, Chen Jing was not allowed to leave without permission. He would sit in Changgefu and feel relieved.

"Sir, how is it now?"

Yan Fang had the highest grade, and others inquired.

"Mo urgently! Contact the government office immediately, so that the monks rushed to the city, and the garrisons everywhere must have heard the news and will rush to the rescue. What we have to do now is to hold the city first!"

"What about the counties south?"

"No time to take care of it, I can only ask for blessing!"

Yan Fang was extremely decisive, his face resolute and resolute, and he said loudly, "Dear everyone, I will go with you, fight off the people, and bless me!

This statement greatly infected the atmosphere of the scene, and Bai Lingyu was also quite puzzled: Could this person be a real sergeant, and not fame?

The jade jade next to him changed greatly, because the few abandoned counties included Qingyun County.

Long Yunfeng and Lu Xuanying are still there!


To the south of the Eastern Yuan Dynasty and to the north of South Xinjiang is a wasteland that has no contact with each other, with clear boundaries.

Now, this line is overwhelmed by the black army, and countless civilian soldiers rush forward happily, seeming to tear up those pesky northerners alive.

In the middle of the army, Wuzu and several elders stood among them.

"Wu Zu, I have no idea."

An elder said in doubt, "The Qiyuan country had persuaded you many times before that you did not agree. Why did you agree to send troops this time?"

"Because Yanzhou gave us a gift that I couldn't refuse ..."

Wuzu revealed half of her beautiful face and half of her rotten face, and said with a husky smile: "With it, we can cultivate a real witch, and no matter how much loss Erlang does!"


The elders all lost their voices, and then a more appalling fanaticism and faith emerged.





At the foot of the Yinshan Mountain, corpses were everywhere, blood and water flowed into the river, and a large area of ​​grass was dyed. Numerous carrion beasts were attracted, and they feared the popularity and chose to watch from a distance.

Several eagles hovered in the sky, crying and mixed with armies shouting, as if celebrating the new king's coronation.

Dead bodies, blood, war horses, soldiers, defeat, victory, and several things with strong contrast appear in a scene, which is even more shocking and exciting.

Toya was riding on the barge, holding the Fangtian Huax with one hand, and picking a **** human head on the tip of the gun, it was Bileg!

The barking beasts rushed and kept patrolling in front of the various military formations. Everywhere they went, they would cheer the mountains and the tsunami.

It took her two years to completely kill the Bilege, occupying two-thirds of the prairie. The remaining Yirentai Department, the leader Laoyu, Huwei is still there, but no one succeeds.

It can be said that she is already regarded as the prairie overlord!

Gu Ye was standing in the crowd with Tu Yi, and her mood was quite complicated, no matter whether she was a daughter-in-law, a little soap, a daughter, or an old grandma ... Anyway, there was an adult who wanted to leave and hurry.

He helped a lot, but did not suffer. He really found a kind of aquatic bloodline that is more advanced than the water ape, which is enough to be used in conjunction with the divine tour.

"Hey, aren't we going?"

The two stood for a while, and Tu Yi saw many important ministers step forward and surrounded Toya in the middle, couldn't help asking.

"What did we do in the past? It's just an equivalent transaction, let's say ..."



Gu Yan was suddenly interrupted by a tremor, and frowned. Then he took out a jade pendant and probed into God's mind to read the news.

The first is from the government office, "Southern Xinjiang strikes, rush to the city to support!"

The second way is also the rule. "All the monks return immediately!"

The third one is from Saitama, "Qing Yun is surrounded, so be careful."


A surprise attack in the southern Xinjiang, the city is in trouble, Qingyun is surrounded ...

Several key words kept beating in Gu Min's mind, and the whole chaos was a mess!

"Nanjiang and Zhenyang are at war. Would you like to stay here or go home?" He asked.


Tu Yi rationalized for a long time and was taken aback, saying, "I'm back ..."

"Okay, I'll just go back and drop you back."

"No, I won't go home!"

Tuyi quickly shook her head and said, "I want to go to that mountain."

"In the mountains?"

Gu Yi stunned, oh, the mountain that had lived for more than half a year, and also established a camp.

He didn't have time to control whether this little girl was Stockholm Syndrome or something. In short, it was amazing. He trusted him very much.

"Either way, we may retreat in any direction. You are optimistic about the camp for me."

The two said that they would leave without saying hello.

When Toya rushed away from the crowd and wanted to talk to him, she found that the person had disappeared, and couldn't help humming. "Huh, people run fast!"

In fact, she also had an inexplicable sense of familiarity with this so-called Chen Yu, and she did not know whether it was father or son.


The so-called house leak happens to rain overnight, and Rashid catches up with sneezing.

When Zhenyang was shaking the country for the sudden dispatch of troops to the south, he had been adjusting oil in the honey for six or seven years, and Qi Yuan, who was regarded as a close ally, finally showed his minions.

Zhenyang seemed to have suffered the same fate as the Eastern Yuan Dynasty, caught off guard, was attacked by the North and the South, and lost counties in one night, but fortunately, it has a large territory with sufficient depth, and it is Chen Jing who sits on the front line. Nenchen.

For the time being, we will not mention how the DPRK and the Central People's Republic of China dispatch, let alone Qingyun County.

Long Yunfeng is very embarrassed now. She was still attacking the city a few years ago, but now she is desperately guarding. And the process is similar, the same is the team to attack, to win Qingyun as the rear fulcrum.

It was only normal people who were fighting at the time, but at this moment it was a group of ghosts who were indistinguishable from each other. All of them were weird and crowded outside the city and brought a sense of oppression.

"Don't panic, don't panic, we have a ban, they can't rush!"

While comforting the crowd, Long Yunfeng was manipulating the hub's jade plate, and seeing the other party advance and retreat, apparently he was also testing the scope of the prohibited attack.

"court death!"

Holding back her temper, she managed to seize a chance, gathered a huge golden crossbow at the city, and aimed at the leader and shot out.

As a result, the other party turned into a black smoke, far away from Baizhang, and suffered only minor injuries ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This will not work! "

She patted the wall severely, and her own side seemed to have an advantage, but in fact she was walking on thin ice, and she would be broken if she was inadvertent. She did not forget how the young master had sneaked into the city.

"It really won't work like this ..."

There was a sudden sound from the side, but it was Lu Xuanying who had not moved. She observed the enemy's half-squeak and suddenly said, "Open the gate!"


Long Yunfeng thought that he had heard it wrong, and stared subconsciously at Xiao Shimei, but he immediately jumped into his eyes like never before.

"I said to open the gate!"

Lu Xuanying reached out and held a hand in the air, the temperature on the entire wall suddenly soared, the heat wave billowed, and a fiery red sword appeared in her hands, the flames soared into the sky!

(It's finally snowing!)

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