Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 810: 1 shaking like a cloud of smoke

"The gate is open!"

"The city gate is open?"

Hundreds of people were studying how to attack the city. Someone shouted loudly. The little leader turned his head and saw. The tall and heavy city gate slowly opened, and a petite figure with a very strong contrast came out, holding a red fire in his hand. Long sword.

"What does this mean?"

"Are you fighting?"

"I'll do it!"

A gloomy man wrapped in a black cloth, spit out a bifurcated weird tongue, jumped up into the air suddenly, and then turned into a thick black python with a water tank, running open with **** mouths The other bite away.

"Get away!"

Lu Xuanying did not shy away, but waved with her right hand.


The fire-colored sword suddenly skyrocketed, and the sword with dozens of feet was severely chopped forward, just like a knife-cut tofu. The python was neat and smooth from beginning to end and was cut in half!

"French meaning!"

Long Yunfeng, who was watching from the top of the city, shouted in disbelief, it was incredible.

Lu Xuanying came into view at the age of seven, and is now seventeen years old. She has excellent talents. She first cultivated the **** of fire, and then cultivated the lotus diagram in the fire. It is the exact opposite of Gu Xi, who is very friendly to the spirit of fire.

She reached the period of meditation several years ago, and was recruited by the government office for unified training.

She did not reveal the meaning of the law, but Long Yunfeng would never read it wrong. The blow just now was indeed the power of the law, and it was a combination of law and sword.


The dead people seem to have a place, and their companions are crying, and many people want to rush forward.

"Don't fool, you can't handle it!"

The little leader stopped his companion and stared at the other person with a cold voice: "I don't want a small county town with a master, but unfortunately you met me. We are the heaviest heroes in southern Xinjiang. I admire your courage to leave the city alone, and I will leave you with a whole body ! "

The words fell squarely, and the person suddenly disappeared in place.

A huge force that couldn't resist, accompanied by a fierce whistling stab, slammed into each other's chest. Lu Xuanying's eyes were frozen, and a flame burst into his body to protect him.


It was not until this moment that she could see that it was a stout and exaggerated fist. The fist hit the flames, as if blocked by a thin film, but cracks had begun to appear.

Lu Xuanying swung backwards, put her back on the wall, and fell slowly. The leader also stepped away, revealing a terrifying look.


The crowd in the city exclaimed, the body was nearly three meters in length, and their muscles were condensed together, like coiled tree roots. Four barbs were born on the back, and a steel whip-like tail hung on the buttocks.

The face is not like a human, but a demon crawling out of the abyss. This is exactly the phenomenon of blood resuscitation that appears after they have swallowed the ghosts and souls to a certain extent, and it is closer to the shape of the vicious beast.

Divided by Zhenyang's realm, this person is equivalent to a master in the period.

"Sister, come back soon!"

Long Yunfeng yelled quickly, while condensing into a huge golden crossbow, ready to cover him.

I didn't want Lu Xuanying to look at the other person with a crooked head. It felt quite fresh, and I took two steps forward, "Well, how can I make it the same as Lu Lao Mo ..."

"Sister, don't go there!"

"It's ugly!"


"People are pitiful ... are they out of the way ... hum!"


Under the stunned and stunned gaze of Long Yunfeng's soul, only Lu Xuanying's momentum changed, exuding a majestic terror.

Immediately after, her head seemed to break open, and a ghost image jumped out. It was actually before the two armies, the spirits came out!


The leader felt the danger instinctively, and the huge body full of twisted muscles slammed into it like a shell.

"Eat me a sword!"


Lu Xuanying's translucent silver spirit turned into a cloud of fire in an instant, followed by the cloud of fire and condensed into a long sword, separated by a hundred feet!

The sky outside the city was glowing with redness, and a dazzling flame of scorching sword flew across it. The huge body suddenly stopped in place, and the body showed fine red stripes.

Then each skin and muscle began to deform and distort, quickly dissolving and dissipating, and finally crackled, leaving only the smelly waste bones scattered around.

"Sister ..."

Long Yunfeng was stunned for a few seconds, and in the end had some skills, and immediately ordered: "Everyone has it, follow me out of town to kill the enemy!"

The city gate opened again, and everyone with a sudden increase in adrenaline rushed out of the city with unparalleled excitement and confidence. Those who are living have a low morale, are unwilling to fight, and run away.

Long Yunfeng chased and killed hundreds of miles before returning to Qingyun County with hundreds of heads. Lu Xuanying is adjusting interest rates in the city, and obviously consumes a lot of money.

"Sister, when did you make it out? Hidden too deeply!"

"Thanks to you this time, otherwise the city cannot be guaranteed!"

"Guanzhu already said that you are extremely talented, and today you saw the truth at first sight."

She has already been used to cracking down by Gu Yi, and now she has another little sister.

Lu Xuanying finished her breath adjustment, with a pale face, and returned to her gentle and soft girl form. "Sister, we should evacuate."

"Why evacuate, we have just won!"

"Qiyuan had a long-term plan, and there was a battle between the north and the south. It couldn't be kept here."

"Then where are we going?"

"Go back to Zhenyang first, there is the rear."


"Yan Fang is gone!"

"Yan Fang is gone!"

Inside Changge Mansion, several people hurriedly chanted, like a fried oil pan, and the whole house fluttered into a mess in an instant.



Bai Lingyu's palm smashed the rockery and said ruthlessly: "I said that he had a false name, and I didn't want to be mean to this, I will kill him when I see you!"

When he heard the news of troops dispatched from southern Xinjiang, Yan Fangxin vowed to come to defend the city and advance with everyone. As a result, he was really surrounded by the living people. Xu Shi saw that the other party was powerful, but this product wasted a Lingbao and fled overnight.

Even if he ran by himself, he encouraged a few masters to slip together and **** him on the road.

He is a member of the second rank and a mission, which will bring a conviction, which is good. The army is shaken and the people are disturbed. His poor odds are a little lower.

Chen Jing was also anxious, saying: "North Korea has been blinded by Qiyuan in recent years, making the North less guarded. If there is only one place of war, I still have the confidence to guard the reinforcements, but now the North can't handle it ... Gefu is afraid it can't keep it. "

"'Brother Yin should not worry, even if the city falls, I will take you out!" Bai Lingyu said.

"No, I am inferior, it is a drag, you just take a few juniors away."


"No need to say more, I'm done!"

Chen Jing was a typical scholar, and later became a civil servant, deeply influenced by the patriotism of the loyal monarch. In his opinion, this was a good death and not enough to fear.


Gu Yan's footsteps were fast enough, but when he first entered Zhenyang, he heard the bad news coming: Changge Mansion fell, Chen Jing killed his country, and Chen's mother committed suicide.

Chen Yan and his barren brother-in-law, as well as his elder brother Chen Yan from the next county, were rescued by Bai Lingyu, and the incense was reserved for Chen Jiaduo.

Alas, his nominal father and mother.

Although there is no emotional foundation, it is inevitable that we will get sighed when we get along. Whenever and wherever, practitioners pay attention to their spirituality. Since this Liangzi was born, he and Qiyuan and Nanjiang are endless.

Chenming's old house in Luming County.

Gu Yan was 19 years old, and it was exactly ten years later, he went back and forth back and forth, but time has passed.

At this moment, including Lu Xuanying, Long Yunfeng, Cao Huazhang, Qingya, and others, all the remaining close friends and friends are present at the scene and are discussing ways to go in the future.

"You have to go, Luming is not safe."

"But Luming is far west, do you think they will hit here?"

"If it doesn't work, we have to go!"

Gu Yeke didn't think of fighting for Zhenyang country. He came to practice, not to be a strong man. Then he said: "This world is not peaceful. Now it is a troubled world. Regardless of victory or defeat, Zhenyang will He was cramped for blood. My parents have died and we can't afford to toss. "


Upon hearing this, Chen Yan, who wanted to persuade, fell into silence.

"It's difficult to be troubled in a troubled world. It's better to escape from the world and wait for the disaster to pass." Gu Yan sighed.

"I agree that the situation is extremely unfavorable and we are likely to lose. When they block the road, they will be too late."

Instead, Chen Yan raised her hand for the first time, with the same vision as before.

"But where can we go?"

"Go west, there are 100,000 mountains over there, they can be Tibetan. And I have some friendship with the prairie tribes, and I can go to the past no matter how bad it is."

Having said that, Chen Yun thought for a long time and finally nodded.

The three homeowners have reached an agreement, and the people below have repeatedly expressed their attitudes. Cao Huazhang and Qingya are loyal, follow their original intentions, and Long Yunfeng nods.

"Sister, how about you?"

Gu Yan looked to Lu Xuanying, his expression was inexplicable.

He has already heard the story of this little girl's great power. There are various kinds of aggressiveness in her heart. Would you like to be so clever, just give me one?

Fortunately, I did not do anything extraordinary ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Otherwise, pedophilia is a real hammer! After returning to the present world, whoever reports it, who will be fat for nothing!

Lu Xuanying, like nothing else, is still soft and glutinous, saying: "Where I go, my brother!"

"Uh, cough, that's good!"

Immediately, Gu Yan arranged and officially set off two days later.

There are nearly a hundred ordinary people, headed by Chen Yan and Chen Yan; dozens of monks, including Cao Huazhang, Qingya, and the small forces left in those years, as well as several Qingyunguan disciples who originally intended to follow.

A group of people rushed to the frame and did not leave Luming County covertly. Everyone looked in their eyes, but no one paid attention because they were frightened to escape.

Gu Yan looked at the distant county seat, and for a while, he fought in the past ten years, two battles, one to destroy the country and one to be destroyed. It was also amazing!

(Is anyone watching Neptune? I heard it's average ...)

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