Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 811: National ruin

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? Continuous mountains, reckless.

On a piece of open space deep in the mountains, a small camp was set up. Over 500 people lived here, just like a mountain village.

To the east of the village, over a hill, it was the outpost of Yingzhai, where Lu Xuanying was standing alone.

A total of sixty-three monks, Gu Zheng and her were out of the hangover period. Seven people, including Long Yunfeng, were condensed. It was meaningless for Cao Huazhang to come to the guards, so it was only Lu Xuanying.

It has been almost a year since they entered the mountains, and they have lost contact with the outside world. Only from the mouths of their compatriots who fled in occasionally can they learn something. And every time a new group is received, the news is bad, Zhenyang is in danger!

"Oh, it's my offense again!"

Lu Xuanying leaned against a tree, suddenly said to himself, followed by a slight movement of his expression, the whole person disappeared into the void without a sound.



The dense branches and leaves trembled, and a humanoid object walked through it, standing and falling, and seemed to be seriously injured. She ran a few more steps, and Plop fell again, but didn't have the strength to stand up again.

Just then, a sudden wave of air appeared and a figure appeared.


"Look at the Lord?"

Both were surprised, it was not others, it was Saitama. She supported here, it was the end of a strong crossbow, and reluctantly said: "Go to the east to meet, and some people will retreat here!"

She held her disciple's hand and was very dead. "It must be safe, it must be!"

"What the hell?"

Lu Xuanying, holding the jade that had passed out, was scratching her head for a while and had to return first.

When they arrived at Yingzhai, they said that they were simply adding up, fearing that it was Xiyu who had escaped with important figures. Gu Yi and Lu Xuanying frowned, feeling deeply troubled.

"Well, that's it! Sister, elder brother, you immediately organize your staff, evacuate the camp, and continue to go west to the prairie."

"Are you afraid of chasing after troops?" Chen Kun said.

"Be careful, you act now, I'll go with Xuanying!"

In an instant, Yingzhai was boiling. After staying for a year, he was calm and unwilling to leave, but under the powerful execution of a few people, he began to evacuate quickly and orderly.


"Come on!"

On the edge of the mountains, the two men were fighting fiercely. The four middle-aged Taoists roared loudly and rushed to the enemy with indifference. Their faces were blue and purple, and they were entangled with abnormal air currents. They were actually trying to mobilize their ability to fight each other.



A seven- or eight-year-old boy kept crying and was stopped by Bai Lingyu. He couldn't bear to look over there and said, "Go!"

boom! Rumble!

More than a dozen wandering masters wrestled with each other, and one party had a sense of death, and the turbulence and shock waves produced reached an extremely exaggerated degree.

For a moment, it seemed like a thunderstorm, the stone number was humming, several hilltops were directly flattened, and several huge potholes appeared on the scene, as if at a glance endless abyss.

Bai Lingyu guarded the boy and led the only five guards and a white fat man into the mountains desperately. There were all kinds of loud noises in the back, then gradually subsided, and a few more noises were heard after a while.

Bai Lingyu couldn't help but feel desperate, and his energy was exhausted. One second before he fell down, he saw a water dragon flying from the mountain.

When he woke up, he found himself lying on a camel, marching forward, and the boy pia slept darkly on a guard's back.

There are no fewer people, and there are two more people on the side. They both know each other.

"Dao Zheng, are you awake?"

Gu Yan passed a pot of water.

Bai Lingyu didn't pick it up. Look at this and look at that. With mixed feelings in her heart, she cried with a half-sound: "Zhenyang is dead!"



Does it matter to me?


"Well, the country hates family hatred and doesn't wear it together, but the situation is urgent now, and Dao Zheng needs to cheer up."

Gu Zheng advised two sentences, Bai Lingyu calmed his mind, and said, "One month ago, Yanzhou came down to the city and fought with the landlord. The landlord was seriously injured and died, and Yanzhou also suffered great loss of energy. When I entered Beijing, I and some of my colleagues fled to protect His Royal Highness ... This is His Royal Highness Kang, the only bloodline of the lord. "

King Kang?

Gu Xiong stunned that little fart boy, and he was so surprised, I did not expect that after decades of living, I could even be a loyal loyalist! Then what will I do in the future to help the young master come back, avenge his revenge and become a generation of heroes?

Alas, it's so sandy!

He glanced at Bai Lingyu again, this is the most valuable guy, and his wandering skills have not yet come to an end.


Facts have proved that Lao Gu was right to abandon the camp.

Chen Yun and Long Yunfeng took a group of rooster chickens to stay ahead of the danger. After breaking off with Lu Xuanying, he encountered several waves of fighting.

In recent years, the trick is to be the backbone, and the sacred swim is the top combat power. At present Yanzhou was seriously injured, and Shenyu was also dead a lot. He also had to suppress all areas. Qi Yuan could not open his manpower, but could only send out chases.

But when the same level met Gu Yan, it was a scum, not to mention Lu Xuanying's tiger eyes, and the white fat man lining up ... All the way down, showing Bai Lingyu straight, are these three births so fierce? Killed at least a dozen tricks!

At last, the party rushed to the grassland and quickly reported to Toya.

"Hehan, meet again!"

As soon as Gu Yan looked at Toya, he was surging with blood. Child, I am the uncle who your son wants to raise and never wait for! Regardless if she is Jiuru, she should be taken anyway.

The other side was also very embarrassed. After a long while, he said, "Why should I keep you remnants?"

"I help you destroy Bilge, and I can help you destroy Yirentai again and help you unify the grasslands."

"The Yanzhou wolf is ambitious. When he recovers his vitality, the next target must be you, and the enemy's enemy is a friend."

"Friend? Huh, don't climb up the relationship."

Toya didn't buy it, swept over one by one, and stared at Lu Xuanying, "Who is she?"

"This is my sister."

"Sister ..."

Toya glanced at Lu Xuanying, and again Tu Yi, "Come! Her eyes are still on the account, plus this, I dug it for me!"

The words are off, and seven or eight strong men jump out. Gu Zheng patted his head, why did he come again? He just wanted to stop, and suddenly a snowball rolled out.

"Oh, oh, no way!"

That snowball, that is, Shao Le, was panicked and shook his hands up and down. "Why are you guys making money? Why do you fight? You see people ’s eyes look good, you have to dig ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then I think you look good, can I still feel it? "

He stretched out his palms and did not know when he stole one of the other's earrings.

"you wanna die!"

Toya was full of anger, and when she grabbed the void, the Fangtian axe was held in her hand, and she severely cut it.


The fierce howling wind rushed out of the tent, Shao Le's fat body actually rolled out of the curtain like a mule, and Toya followed closely, fighting for dozens of rounds in a blink of an eye.


Gu Yan was thinking with his chin in mind. Does this scene seem a little familiar?

(The second season of the National Treasure will begin today!)


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