Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 812: Together

? On the hills of the steppe, Bai Lingyu is practicing a new idea.

He is a master of the Divine Tournament. His soul has been smashed and hammered, and he has been condensed and rounded. These realms are used for practice, and they do more with less. After a while, an ancient vicious beast emerges from the sea.

It looks like an ape, with a narrow nose and a high forehead, a green body with white heads, a hundred feet of neck, foot-stretching river water, thunder and thunder, and Shimu Muming. And its eyes flickered away, Jinmu Xueya, if the glory is electricity, it is the water monkey!

As soon as this beast came out, Bai Lingyu felt that the whole body was swollen with blood and blood, and it was easy to lose his muscles, but the effect was not obvious. He felt for a moment, and the water-seeking ape suddenly dived into the void, and after a while, another weird creature appeared.

The body is like a big fish, with the head of a snake tail and a starling bird, and it is dark red. It looks like it is not aggressive, but the Taoist dare not despise it. !!

I do not know how many years ago, the grassland was not a grassland, but a river. This fierce beast lived here, and then it became extinct and its blood veins deteriorated, resulting in other species.

Gu Yan harvested a whole 10,000 before refining an ancient bloodline.

Once the strangeness emerges, the effect is far greater than that of the water ape. Bai Lingyu has never experienced this feeling of special hardening. A mysterious force breeds in the body, wandering through the musculoskeletal, meridian and acupuncture points, the whole body of blood swells for it, gurgling like boiling.

Then came the indescribable pain and itch.

It had been going on for a long time, and the discomfort slowly dissipated. When Bai Lingyu opened his eyes, he saw that everyone around him had woke up and stared at him intently.

He calmed his mind and exhaled a long breath. "This method is really mysterious. I have begun to believe what you said. There is no ascension in my century. It is because of physical incompetence. It seems that it is a fan of the authorities and it is difficult for you to Boldly try. "

"The disciples are fortunate enough to succeed, and they still need to be taught." Gu Yan said.

"Hey, it's yours, it's yours. Don't push me, I have nothing to point out."

Bai Lingyu looked at them. There were Gu Ji, Lu Xuanying, Shao Le, and Xi Yu who were out of the knowing period, Long Yunfeng and several relatives in the condensed period, and Cao Huazhang and Qingya during the gas recovery period. Sad and happy.

This is actually all the power that Zhenyang has!

He is not a pedantic person, thinking about it and saying, "When you get to such a field, you do n’t need those red tape. You can call me a teacher later, regardless of qualifications and cultivation, come to me if you have any questions, everyone together Practice.

I will first pass down the power of the sacred journey, and the four of you will be able to comprehend it, and then cooperate with this method of hardening, maybe it will lead a path that no one has ever seen. "

After all, he was a little bit to the point, four auras penetrated into the sea of ​​knowledge of Gu Ji and others, and a rune faintly emerged, which is the method of impacting the magical realm.

Among the four people, the older one is under 30, and the younger Lu Xuanying is a teenager. It is obviously regarded by Bai Lingyu as the core training for the resurgence.

The four were connected, Qi Qi bowed down and thanked him, and the relationship was closer.

Everyone chatted casually for a while, and Jade suddenly said, "I recently walked on the grassland and found that heavy physical attack here, there is a secret method combined with medicated baths, which can be used to enhance physical fitness.

In addition, there is another method of calling God. Everyone in the prairie believes in ghosts and gods, and the tribe worships the totem. It seems that it can draw strength from it, but I don't know exactly how. "

"It's a totem, but it's the essence of heaven and earth's creation, and it's a natural pseudo-god. People provide incense to it, and it blesses it with divine power."

Gu Ye stayed here for a long time, and she knew it very early. "Like Toya's tribe, the totem that she believes in is heaven. She unifies more than half of the grassland and unites the totem. This natural **** has a lot of devotees to worship, I do n’t know. What a realm. "

"Oh, no wonder I observe this place. There are no exceptional masters. They were blessed by gods."

Bai Lingyu nodded and said: "This is really a battle against Yanzhou."

"Why is Yanzhou so horrible that both are heaven and human, but they can kill two landlords in a row?" Gu Min was curious.

"Well, some people are destined to be born for the times. On the day of the Jingshi Battle, I have seen Yanzhou far away, and it is indeed the capital of Jingwei." Bai Lingyu sighed.

"Teacher must grow up aspirations of others and destroy his prestige! The Yanzhou is powerful, Chen Yu is not bad, and he has created his own exercises at a young age. Is there anyone else from ancient times to the present?"

Long Yunfeng retorted and smiled: "I will also create a new one the next day. Chen Yu takes the ginseng as the god, and I take Wuzhi Qi as the god, and I think of the most powerful monkey!"

"Well, change isn't a mess. You can only tell me if you are joking. Are you Zhang Chengen?"

Gu Xun quickly reprimanded and said, "At the moment, while I am relatively stable, I still practice steadfastly and break through at an early date. The strength is more than anything."

"The thing is, it is rare that Hehan treats us kindly, make good use of it, and make relationships. In the future, we will focus on teaching King Kang and the dormant development. You mature as soon as possible so that you can stand on your own."

Although Bai Lingyu is a Taoist, he is worried about the country and the people, but he has a lot of pressure. He is under great pressure and dares not to breathe.


Gu Yan and his party settled in the grassland.

Toya devoted herself to a small piece of pasture, she also carried a small river, and rewarded 200 cows and sheep. The flat people are very unaccustomed to living with felt tents. They are all greasy and greasy all day long, and everyone eats it.

Fortunately, the jade jade orchid blue heart has found a kind of wild grass, which is ground into powder and dried, and can be added to the diet to degrease. Qingya even found a kind of wild flower, rubbed the petals and soaked water, and could top a tea leaf of five or six cents, which is better than nothing.

Bai Lingyu was really attentive. He took King Kang to visit the patriarchs of various tribes. He was kind and perfunctory. But looking at Toya's face, he became familiar.

King Kang was only seven or eight years old. He didn't understand the good intentions of adults. He cried and ate food all day long, teased people, and made a proper bear.

Today, there are about 80 monks remaining, and gas production accounts for most of them. The foundation is thin and the realm is low, which means that they are also well upgraded. Through the teaching of the large class, more than thirty people soon broke through the level and were promoted to condensed spirits.

Long Yunfeng was also eager to move and had the intention of upgrading.

The quartet of Gu Di, Xi Yu, Lu Xuanying and Shao Le gathered together to discuss and research, and the progress was also rapid. Shao Leben was a magnificent view of the White Horse. Yan Fang was playing in Danshan that day, that is, in Baima County, and he was accompanied by him.

Later, I followed everyone to Changge Mansion, and then to Jingshi. In Bai Lingyu's eyes, although this son was bad-tempered, he did his best and was loyal. He was a good boy.


His greatest pleasure now is to fight with Toya ...

Unconsciously, everyone lived in the grassland for more than half a year, and scattered news continued to come from the east. Yan Zhou retired after a serious injury. Qi Yuanguo achieved unprecedented dominance of the Three Kingdoms, but was very unstable. It was shrinking in an orderly manner and controlled those areas that it could control.

This gave the ambitions a huge opportunity. In just six months, the Seven Route Rebels popped up everywhere, some as kings, others as princes, and their teeth and claws.

Even in the bitter cold place in the north, there is a heroic man, who calls himself a Taoist Taoist monk, opens a monastery in the snow, collects disciples, spreads mystery, and gains a reputation.

It is said that the surname of this man is Shi Qian.

Gu Yi was very interesting at first. This was the strange opponent he had a side to when attacking Qingyun County. On the same day, Shi Qian retreated inexplicably. He had no news. He didn't want to go to the Beibei snowy area and set up a Taoist temple.

Is also a peerless talent!


Southern Xinjiang, deep in the mountains.

In front of the shabby hut, the witch ancestor sat on the stone, holding his broken earthen jar, holding a pestle in one hand, and pounding something in it.

After a while, an elder brought in two children, a man and a woman, aged 13 or 14, with similar looks.

"Witch ancestor, people brought it."

"Only two?"

"We selected according to your instructions, and there were only two children of appropriate age to check."

"... or both, you go down first."

Wuzu sent away the elders and looked carefully at the two children. Obviously, they came from a poor family and had never seen anything.

The baby girl was so trembling that she didn't dare to lift her head, but the boy's gaze was so bright that she suddenly thought of it when she glanced at her, and slowly lowered her head.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Ronda, and she is my sister, Tangan."

"how old are you?"

"I'm thirteen, she's twelve."

"Well, you will live here in the future, you can call me Witch Ancestral, or Master."

"Master, master ..."

The boy hesitated and asked, "Why did you pick us up, and what should we learn?"

"No, it's not study, you have to ... Anyway, you know slowly!"

Wu Zu's patience was not very good. He suddenly raised his half rotten face and startled the children. I saw her holding up the earthen jar and said, "Come on, reach in."


Tangan was scared to grab the boy's sleeve, his face pale. Ronda quickly comforted, pursed his lips, took two steps forward, and put his hand into the crock.


As soon as I reached in, I felt that the temperature difference between inside and outside was huge, as if I had seized a piece of tens of thousands of years of ice, and my body was shaking. Immediately after that, a ray of soft touch moved back and forth between fingers, like a living thing staying inside.

The thing touched the palm of the hand for a while, and seemed to be very satisfied. Then he dumbfounded and drilled into his veins.


Ronda rolled on the ground in pain, and there was a dark purple on his right wrist, and it spread quickly to the whole body. In the blink of an eye, he had become a black-purple freak, but after a few more seconds, the poisonous color faded away ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ as good as ever.

"No, I don't ..."

Tangan became more and more afraid, and he was about to run away. He was grabbed by the ancestor and forcibly pressed into the crock, and suffered the same treatment.

"Woo, brother I'm afraid!"

"It's all right, I will protect you ..."

The two children walked around in front of the ghost door and hugged each other for warmth. Lang Daming's sister was calm on her face, but she was secretly perceiving that thing. It was a familiar feeling. How could there be a smell of shade?

What did she stuff into us?

"Huh, it's siblings!"

Wu Zu sneered in his heart, and flung his sleeves into the room. "I don't know who will protect whom in a few years? You should be honored to be the first great witch in a century in southern Xinjiang!"


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