Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 815: Rain is coming from the wind

"The heavy rain is falling, the white waves are soaring, and the fishing boat out of Guazhou is out of sight ..."

Danling was still in the hot sun, but when it entered the border of Guazhou, it was a heavy rain. Merchants were trapped at the riverfront ferry and could not enter. The summer rain is long and short is short. People are used to it, and it is common to wait for three and a half days.

Two people who never knew each other sat together.

and then?


Love, of course.

Ahhh! It is said that a group of people who do not know each other are crowded in a guesthouse, which is full of strange and exciting flavors of rivers and lakes. This store is a decades-old store with a large guest house. There are three or four people in each room. The remaining twenty or so people have nowhere to settle, so they have to sit around the lobby.

Heavy rains raged outside the door, and the cold humidity squeezed in through the cracks of the door, making it dark when the fire was blowing.

It was dinner time and there were many people. It should be noisy and noisy, but the store was full of young and old people, all holding their breath and looking at a group of guys in the middle of the lobby ...

Oh, they were a dozen when they first arrived, and only one was left in the blink of an eye. And the contemplative monk shivered, his mouth opened, and he couldn't spit out a word.

"Who sent you?"

"Can't speak?"

Shao Le was impatient, and waved his opponent's head with a wave. He shouted, "I'm an uninteresting killer! I don't have any information in my brain. I can't ask and ask, what is training a living dead?"

"No matter who he is, kill him all the way."

Gu frowned on his shirt and looked at the door and said, "Shall we rest for one night, or set off overnight?"

"Let's go, this place is nasty!"

Shao Le's good dish of sauce sauce and an old wine were overturned, which was very unpleasant.

Gu Yan smiled, threw out a small bag of silver beads and threw it to the shopkeeper, "It's a problem for the store, so don't look for it!"

"Too much!"

The shopkeeper's hands are shaking.

"It's a loss!"


During the talk, the door opened, and the scattered rain poured into the door. The outside was rumbling loudly. I wonder whether it was thunder or monsters walking in the world.

One tall and one short, one fat and one thin, two silhouettes were thrown into the dark rainy night.

The night was getting darker and the rain was getting heavier. At the beginning, the horseshoe sound was still heard, and in a blink of an eye, it was mixed with the drooping sounds.


"Da da da!"

Under the storm, people and horses do not touch the water, and the hoof is crisp and crisp, like walking on the ground. They lingered in the border town for several days and were constantly solicited. Under the balance, they still chose the line of Seven Princesses.

First of all, there is the root of the motherland, and secondly, curiosity. In the end, she is likely to hold the secret law of heaven and man.

The efficiency over there was very fast, and the second day they promised to let them go to recruit Lu to take office. Attract Lu in Dongzhou, passing from Danlingbian Town, spanning almost the entire land.

There is no way, casual repair is not worth the money, especially this kind of casual repair.

Of course, the two didn't matter. They traveled right away, braved the heavy rain to travel hundreds of miles, and encountered a second wave of killers in a small town.

Followed eastward for another hundred miles, and encountered the third wave ...

When they traveled less than fifty miles away from the lured village, their fame had spread throughout Qiyuan.

Two out-of-knowing periods were scattered, and more than a hundred monks were beheaded along the way, dozens of periods of concentration, and twelve out-of-kill periods, no injuries, horses entered Dongzhou!

Suspicious, much suspicious, but this is no longer important.


"Zhao Qian and Guo Li from the north, show off in class, crowned the Scattered Repair ... Give the titles of the people, walk the jade!"

"Xie Luzhu!"

In the hall, Gu Yan and Shao Lexing worshiped the ceremony and took the jade plate from an unnamed dragon set. It is similar to Zhenyang's etiquette, with a piece of jade on it, a robe, but no seal.

Qiyuan's Taoist officials also need to examine the promotion step by step, but there are special methods in special times, and everything can be changed. In order to attract these people, the big bosses temporarily added a position: casual people.

Scattered persons belong to the non-staff category and have a high status, but they have no product or power, and are not responsible or managed, similar to offering.

It was Mingyu's imprisonment to attract Lu, and she was loyal to her, and she didn't know what method she used to get it. A princess in the country of death was really powerful.

The main name of Lu is Qin Guan, a master of the tour, but he can't see the strength of the two, just follow the instructions above and wait for observation.

Gu Ye is not in a hurry, he has a comprehensive understanding of the situation of Qi Yuan Kingdom:

Yanzhou can't come out, the strongest swimmer, and there are three forces worthy of attention. One is Ming Yu, and the other is the National Teacher. The two fight openly and secretly, and they draw Jinglu to each other.

The other is to send the master of the fairy tales and the general of the dynasty, both of whom are wandering and loyal to the royal party.

It is with them that the domestic situation can be stabilized so that it will not completely collapse. The rest of the forces are not climate-friendly, purely muddy waters, and see if you can catch some benefits.

Gu Ye and Shao Le haven't been here for a long time, but through various things, they have realized that there must be a battle between Mingyu and the state teacher.

They just waited.


Southern Xinjiang, deep mountains.

Ronda and Tangan have reached adulthood, and they are so impressive that they do not return to their ancestors, which is no different from normal humans. Over the years, they have lived in and been taught by the witches' huts.

Tangan is simple, sees her as a mother, and knows everything. On the other hand, although Ronda is very good, it seems that there is always a hint of thought that makes the ancestors confused.

Early in the morning, the brothers and sisters were called to the altar deep in the mountains.

Tangan didn't think much about it, just thought it was a normal activity, and it seemed to be the case. Wuzu took them and sacrificed them from morning to night, as usual.

Night fell, and there was a black scourge around the altar, and only twelve stone pillars were lit with green fire.

"Ronda, Tangan, you stand in the middle," Wuzu said suddenly.


The two children were unknown, so they stood in the middle of the altar.

The night wind blew, and the twelve dark fires flickered, and the half of the rotten face was even more weird against the dark fire. Followed by a hoarse, slow voice came:

"Southern Xinjiang was a little bit of peace, and they fought against the northerners for hundreds of years. How many children died under their swords just to protect their homeland. You were born in and grew up in Southern Xinjiang, and all of them are my children. Now there is a great opportunity Bless me, my people, immortal ... would you like it? "

Randa didn't respond, Tangan stupidly responded: "Of course I want to, mother-in-law, please tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"Oh, good boy, don't stand still."

Wu Zu laughed twice, poking his cane to the ground, the ground cracked, and a rumbling dead wood was drilled, which was the sacred tree of the southern Xinjiang.

Followed, she waved her hands, the dead wood seemed to be manipulated by her, the branches trembled, and the sound of wind and wailing burst out. If there is no secret atmosphere flowing out of the altar, slowly wrap the two.


Ronda felt instinctively wrong, clenched his fists, and did not dare to blink.

"For so many years, I have consumed countless hours on you, and it is time for you to be loyal to Southern Xinjiang!"

The Wuzu knocked the crock with a cane, and the black blood-like things sprayed out, dripping onto the dead wood. Withered branches begin to twist and knot, like a devil's teeth.

The twelve shades of dark fire are masterpieces, and the breath on the altar is thick like mist.


Tangan was wrapped in fog, showing a very painful expression.

"My sister, what's wrong with you?"

"It hurts, brother, it hurts ..."

When Randa hugged his sister, he saw that Tangan kept trembling, his skin shrank, his muscles began to twist like snakes, and dark lines appeared at the same time.

"Little girl!"


Ronda trembled suddenly and felt the change. His hands and feet gradually refused to listen to the call. The blood was boiling and his thoughts slowly emptied, as if something was coming out of his body.

"Brother, I'm so hungry ..."


"Brother, I'm so hungry, I want to eat!"

Ronda's pupils suddenly shrank. Standing in front of him was not Dangan anymore, but a body covered with scale armor, which was uglier and terrifying than any of the people in the mountains!

This thing is dragging the thick black mist step by step, but it is still the delicate voice of Tangan, which is gradually approaching itself.


He twisted his head violently, the face of Wuzu hidden in the flames, without the slightest patience and mercy, "This is your life, Ronda ..."


"Your Majesty has instructions today?"

"No instructions."

"Good caretaker."


In the early morning again, Mingyu rushed to Houshan by car to start a routine questioning once a day. After the car returned, everyone evaded.

When I reached a section of lane, I suddenly stopped, but there was also a car ahead blocking the road.

"Have seen my mother!"

An old man in the purple robe didn't get up, didn't show up, and just bowed slightly in the curtain.

"The National Teacher doesn't have to be polite!"

Ming Yu did the same, asking, "But to visit Her Majesty?"


"Well, Zixuguan is in charge of the Taoist world, and now Her Majesty can't retreat, the situation is unstable, people's hearts are turbulent, and you need the overall situation.

"Mother-in-law praised her, and Dao Ding bowed her head to make way!"

As he said, the other side drove and Mingyu passed by. The two never looked at each other, their words were proper, and the etiquette was proper and normal.

But the more so, the more the men wiped their sweat, and they were relieved until they strayed far away.

After returning to the palace, Mingyu began to remove her clothes and remove makeup. The palace girl reported daily: "Mother, Laoshan Taoist has left the snowy field and is now stationed in Luzhou."

"What is he going to Quzhou?"

"It is said that the scenery is good and you want to have some fun."


Mingyu was laughing, and Luzhou was the northernmost area of ​​Qiyuan Kingdom, next to the snowy area ... The scenery is good, haha, but a smart man!

"The two casual repairers have made a big name. They are tempting to lure around Lu, and they must manage it when they see injustice. Madam, do you say they are credible?"

"This is not important. The important thing is to be able to reach a cooperation ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Mingyu paused, and said," Wait a minute, and they will be called to Beijing sooner or later. "

"The south spy has a letter, but he is very afraid of people ..."

The palace maid showed a bit of intolerance and disgust, saying: "The people are really brutal and brutal. It is said that they have cultivated two witches ..."

"Huh? Didn't you say there can only be one real witch?" Ming Yu wondered.

"The problem is here! Shengmin has cultivated a pair of brothers and sisters just to let them devour each other. The one who wins can not only become a witch, but also absorb the blood of the other side, becoming an unprecedented witch! Unfortunately, it is countless, not count When the child was overwhelmed, he kept his sanity and escaped. "


Mingyu didn't say a word when she heard it, she said halfway: "Heaven and earth are ruthless, everything is a dog. All races are struggling hard, just for the first chance of longevity, they are all poor people."

(It's so cold, the heating is too scum!)

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