Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 816: Hit


Hundreds of yellow earth snakes emerged from the ground, opened their mouths wide, and flung straight into the opposite army. But the black people's heads didn't stop, as if looking at the earth snake as if nothing, striding forward.

In the war of the era of cultivation, ordinary soldiers are only a base, and the real winner is the monk!

When the earth snake was about to land in the army, a sudden black wind blew from the crowd, and the black wind condensed into an arrow, like a volley of people, with a strong crossbow, with a rustling sound of blasting, and instantly shattered the earth snake. .

And this process, has not hindered the advancement of the military formations on both sides, Baizhang, Shizhang ... The faces on the opposite side have become clearer, muscles are sloppy, swords and knives are swollen, and domesticated beasts and birds are carried.


The first moment was the most terrible. It seemed that two torrents collided, and tens of thousands of horses rolled into a ball.

The soldiers roared and ran, constantly searching for their opponents. Knifes and guns dragged the chilling light, cut through the darkness after the rainstorm, and were chopped and chaotic everywhere. Those fierce beasts are also torn together, more direct and cruel than humans, and in the blink of an eye is blood flowing into the river and the ground is covered with flesh.

Above and around their heads, the light dazzled and even blocked the soldier's sight. The air was full of the crackling sounds of monks fighting. Someone fell down and immediately flew up. Someone had no time to move and could only be trampled into flesh.

Various pieces of magical instruments are falling, and the colorful atmosphere is entangled madly ... In this world, which has nothing but killing, from one end to the other, the earth is shaking, sinking, melting, and even the air is shaking .


Gu Yili stood on a hill in the back, watching the plain field battle silently.

He has been staying in Lu for two years, and the situation in Qiyuan has become more and more deteriorating, the town has been divided, and the central authority has plummeted. Yanzhou still hasn't moved, but at this point, the parties have long ignored him.

The Chinese teacher left Jingshi by a stand-in and arrived in a private place in Central and South China to lead the war. Following the announcement by the three states in the west, the general had to lead the army to suppress, but Mingyu did not break the face with the royal party, but reached a short-term cooperation to fight against the thieves.

Attracting Lu to the east, their task was to strike the East Army of the National Division, and so there was this field battle.

The rain had just passed and the dawn had not yet reached.

There is a faint blackness in the distance, but on the battlefield, the destruction, turmoil, magnificent technical confrontation, the flashing magic light of the instrument, and the dense sound of lightning and thunder all make this field bright as day.

The soldiers and horses on both sides are equal, and the monks are equal. Suddenly, a flare of fire broke out in the enemy army, and the fireworks bloomed brilliantly, obviously a signal for help.

A piercing arrow came to meet each other!

Gu Yan watched a dozen streamers from Yuantian rushing forward, landed in the field, and raised his hand to kill people like chopping melon and cutting vegetables.

The thief army cheered and morale rose.

"Shao Le, it's our turn!"

He had a lengthy figure, and when he jumped to the battlefield first, there were hundreds of water dragons, whistling toward the enemy.



When the monks came to see this, they thought it was ordinary water law, but they found in a panic that the water dragon had more power than usual spells.

Almost in a blink of an eye, four or five digits dropped. Gu Yan just wanted to make a rush and was stopped by a female practitioner. His face was light and solid, and he looked quite good.

The two met face to face, no nonsense, and started playing directly.


The female Xiu waved her hands, and a few exaggerated flames appeared in the air, the temperature soared, and the heat wave billowed.


As soon as Gu Yan's eyes lighted up, it was clearly a fire lantern technique, one of the basic techniques of fire. .

"Good job!"

He saw the flame like a meteor meteorite, smashing from all sides with an indescribable impact, without a word of praise, the fingers crossed, leaving the middle empty, "close!"


A crystal clear blue water polo wrapped it instantly and expanded rapidly. Those flames hit the water polo. The impact force was canceled by layers, as if trapped in a soft cotton pile, and was swallowed silently.

"not good!"

The lady's complexion changed greatly, and she was about to retreat, and suddenly all the water and blood in the mountains and mountains were empty. The water polo seemed to be alive, brushing forward.



The sense of female repair was drowned in the ocean, the consciousness quickly dissipated, and soon she lost her anger.

Shao Le, on the other hand, had a good ability against a middle-aged man. The goods jumped up and down, and when they jumped up and down, they didn't take the shot, and their mouths were still stunned:

"I warn you, don't hit me, you will die suddenly when you hit me!"

"Ah, you still hit!"

"You can't blame me!"

As soon as Ya's fat body turned, countless Tao Gengjin swords poured out, and in the blink of an eye, he turned the other person into scum!



The reinforcements were annihilating at an alarming rate, causing the morale of the enemy to plummet. Qin Guan took the opportunity to make a surprise attack and quickly obtained a substantial advantage. The victory was set.

"Oh, it's so exciting!"

Shao Le wiped his sweat and dangled himself to Gu Yan, panting, "I haven't seen such scenes in such a big life, good guy, tens of thousands of people fight, my little heart can't stand it, it is too bad for merit Don't look for me next time ... "

To be honest, Gu Yan also does not like to participate in such things, saying: "We are only responsible for the East Road. There are not many tasks and there should be no large-scale war."

"Why are we going after that?"

"Unsurprisingly, it's time to call us to Beijing, where is the real battlefield ... eh?"

Gu Yan turned his head suddenly, a figure in the distant forest flew by. Although it was extremely fast, he also saw it really.

That thing can't be called human. Its body is more than three meters tall, its head is as large as a millstone, its scales are covered with bone spurs, and a steel whip-like tail is dragged behind.

"Well, Garon?"

Gu Yan was curious, and at the first glance, this virtue was a living people.

I heard that the witch-making failed there. It seems that my brother couldn't bear to kill his sister, and he was not willing to flee among his clan.

Pay attention.


On earth, Kunlun.

In the quiet room of the Yuxu Palace, An Susu lying horizontally suddenly trembled as if returning from the soul, and gradually got lively. She opened her eyes strenuously and looked at the woodcarving decoration above her head, but she was a little uncomfortable for a moment.

I was still on the battlefield of **** killing.

She paused for a while before slowly getting out of bed, combing the gains of the trip in her mind. She entered as an immortal. After two years of mystery in her womb, she only revived her memory at the age of fourteen.

An Susu voted for a wealthy family in Qi Yuanguo. He did not suffer so much. His father wanted to make a fool of an official before he decided to flee.

Later, he worshipped the Taoist concept, and diligently and diligently practiced the trick, and was involved in the civil war between Mingyu and the state teacher.

"That person is so strong, the water method is so young, I don't know if it is indigenous or his own ..."

An Susu is a bit sorry, after all, this game is very interesting and has been greatly tempered.

The so-called tempering is the first one is the improvement of mood, and the second is the collision of the practice system, which can most stimulate people's thinking and imagination. There are some shortcomings in saving ideas, but they are also advanced advanced exercises that can be used for reference.


She sat for a while, pushed the door out, and raised her eyes to see several people emerging from the next door.

"Sister Long, Brother You ... Brother Rong! Sister Xu!"

An Susu sharply increased the volume, ran to the two of them, and wondered, "Why did you come out?"

"Well, it's hard to say."

"Fairies fight, rookie chicken suffers!"

An Susu, Long Tang, You Yu, Zeng Ke'er, Wang Rong, Rong Zhi, Xu Ziying ... The latter two are the only fairyland among the few people who withdrew from the game. To be honest, it is a bit shameful.

They have been in the longevity world for nearly two decades, and they rarely meet each other, so they naturally want to run offline. A group of people chatted hotly, and each case met.

Some have become beggars and are being forced to eat **** when they wake up.

Some of them became elderly people. They began to practice in their 70s, and still got gas when they were over 90. In the end, they became old people in the country.

The bitterer was Wang Rong, who passed through was Tong Yangyu and had a child. After suffering for more than ten years, the status of the family is not as good as a pig, and even his son looks down on himself.

Fortunately, there was no waking memory at that time. After the self-consciousness was restored, it was found that the little beast was sharpening his knife and Huo Huo was preparing to aunt. Can Wang Rong endure this? Immediately washed the whole family blood, Ma Yo ran away, and was wildly hunted down by Yemen.

As for Rongzhi and Xu Ziying, one was born in the snowy area of ​​the north, and the other was born in Dongyuan. Both of them practiced Taoism and died in the war.

In general, each person ’s experience includes various routines such as waste material retirement, stream killing the right way, middle-aged and elderly farming stream, green hat upgrade stream and other routines, which are simply wonderful!

"Hey, you explain who will win the Princess Jade and the Master?"

"Our people are basically involved, it depends on which side is more. I'm not talking big, it's us who decide the outcome."

"I don't think it's right, the key is always Yanzhou." Rong straightly said.

"Do you suspect he is all right?" Xu Ziying asked.

"Nine times ..."

Rong Zhi paused for a while ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ said: "I came out of the snow, joined the army, once defended Qiyuan Imperial City, and saw the Yanzhou several times."


One sentence attracted everyone's attention, and they asked, "What exactly is the Yanzhou boat?"

"Is he an indigenous or a player?"

"Is he handsome? Is he handsome?"

Rongzhi sweated and said, "It's not very easy to say, this man is very talented and won't do things that are unsure. He can't get out of retreat, he must think about it, even his behavior of swallowing the two kingdoms, I think there is something secret inside.

Hmm ... look, we can only wait for the results. "

He sighed inexplicably, and everyone else was regretful and regretful that he couldn't live longer in it, so as not to miss the final show!

(Ah, I want to raise the right snail ...)

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