Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 817: Heavenly

? At dusk, light rain on the street.

A team of twenty riding fast horses galloped across the slippery Qingshi Avenue, and the water was immaculate. Leading by a young school captain, he led the crowd to the martial gate, and a soldier was on duty.

"Open the door!"

The captain flickered with the token, and the soldiers did not dare to neglect, and quickly opened the city gate to see the twenty riding away in the rain.

Nowadays, the war in various places has basically subsided, and the order has been greatly restored, not to mention that Beijing Normal University is the most important place and has not been affected by it. As they marched along, they saw a lot of farmland, smoke and smoke, and a peaceful scene.


After traveling for dozens of years, the captain restrained the mount in front of a manor house and turned back, "Dear everyone, the garden is here, and the master is inside."

"There is a young general Lao!"

The nineteen people arched their hands together, quite face.

Someone was waiting in Bieyuan to lead everyone in. Gu Ye looked around and saw that the style was very simple, unlike a place to relax and play, it was like an office outside the city.

It is said that the war between Yu and the National Teacher only lasted for more than two months. There were generals and the masters assisting each other. The National Teacher was outnumbered by the public, and was finally besieged by several masters.

Now that the war is over, meritorious people are rewarded, and there are penalties for those who have passed, the nineteen of them are the most outstanding group. They were ordered to enter Beijing five days ago.

"Please wait a minute ..."

The crowd came to a spacious hall, which was estimated to be used for hospitality. It was a little more elegant. There were large chairs on the left and right, with a screen in front, and a small door behind the screen leading to the inner room.

"Ding Jing!"

After waiting a few moments, first listen to the ring sound and float with the subtle incense, a figure flashing from the screen, like a fairy in the picture.

The women Gu Gu saw, Toya Yingwu's domineering, Qiu Yu Wen Wan approached, Lu Xuanying peeled are black ... each has its own characteristics. But the characteristics of this person are very clear, just one word, beauty!

As soon as she came out, everyone quickly got up and said, "I've seen my mother!"

"No need to be polite, please sit down!"

Ming Yu wore a light green veil skirt and thinly applied powder daisies, like a crispy wicker folded on a chair, but the words in her mouth were by no means what the young daughter said.

"With the help of all of you, the civil strife can be calmed down so quickly. Now the state teacher is escorted back to Beijing, and the three divisions will be tried after 10 days, and then submitted to His Majesty to decide ..."

"Still determined by Her Majesty? Can't the maiden be the master?" One frowned.

"Guo Shi is a Taoist officer who is in charge of Jinglu. No one except his Majesty is eligible for punishment." Ming Yu laughed.


Gu Yanran, all of you here are smart people, understand the meaning of the words.

Yanzhou has never been able to retreat, and now something big has happened. As the head of the country, he should always show up to deal with it. This should also be the reason for the general's temporary compromise.

"Well, these gossips have nothing to do with today ..."

Ming Yu clapped his palm and laughed, "I am a dead country. I have been in the deep palace for a long time. For example, I am walking on thin ice. Thank you for your help.

Talking, everyone moved to another room, and the servants brought up delicious dishes, spirits, and food, which were rare even for monks.

The nineteen people are of different ages and genders, and their origins include the three places in the north and the south, but Mingyu's hospitality is not bad. She seems to be naturally fit for this scene. She is exquisite in all directions and makes people happy at first sight.

Shao Le, regardless of the fact, had a bit of a rush to eat, but it was a bit of a kind of character.

Late at night for a meal, the guests and hosts were happy, the food and drinks were removed, and the tea and cakes were replaced. Ming Yu holding a cup of spiritual tea that is difficult to exchange, said: "This war has set the nature in the court. The master is actually a thief and intends to usurp power. You are all meritorious ones. The court will not treat you badly, but That's a national matter, and for me, thank you enough to thank you ... "

She paused, and then said, "I have nothing else to repay, but I have some research on the law of heaven and human beings, and I would like to talk to you for details."


Once this remark, there was an instant excitement in the field, and some were indeed for the wealth of government officials, but most of them sought this long-lasting medicine. The atmosphere was quiet, staring at her with a dozen eyes, for fear of missing a word.

"We do n’t know when the idea was born, but at least it has been for hundreds of years. In these hundreds of years, let alone ascension, there is very little power in heaven and the human realm. The reason is: The mystery of heaven and man is in the hands of the royal family. Second, it is too difficult to cultivate and the threshold is sad. "

"The four realms of collecting gas, condensing the mind, getting out of the consciousness, and wandering have specific ideas, so everyone in the world thinks that the realm of heaven and human beings must also have exercises, which is really a big mistake!"

Ming Yu sighed and said, "I was with my emperor in my early years, and later I accompanied Yanzhou for many years. I can tell you for sure that there is no work method in Heaven and Human Realm!"


Suddenly the pot was opened in the field.

"How can it be?"

"Without thinking, how did they break through?"

"Please ask your mother to make it clear!"


Gu Yan and Shao Le moved in their hearts, and had some vague clues.

Sure enough, Mingyu continued to say, "Wanting to break through heaven and man lies not in the exercises, but in understanding the heavens and the earth, understanding the Tao and the mind, communicating with the universe, and determining his ultimate goal.

To put it bluntly, Gongfa was created by yourself, thinking about your Taoism, communicating with heaven and earth, and gaining the approval of the avenue, naturally you will be promoted to heaven. And follow this path and continue to make up for it until it soars! "


The faces looked different, or confused, or surprised, or doubtful, or suddenly realized. Gu Yan and Shao Le looked at each other, but they all understood.

From the gas recovery period to the voyage, there are fixed ideas for each stage. From Cunxiang Waterfall, Cunxiang Xuangui to watch the sea, and Cunxiang to participate in water apes.

But heaven and human realm are not other things, but their own Taoism, a kind of existence derived from Taoism! More stream of consciousness and more subjectivity than before ...

The crowd was so excited that they calmed down for a long time, and one asked: "Madam, dare to ask what is your majesty?"

"I don't know."

"Then you thought about it ..."


Mingyu glanced at him with a smile, and the man knew a lot of words and shut up.


Returning from Bieyuan, Gu Zheng has been pondering the so-called Heaven and Man method.

In reality, he also asks for longevity and you. What is it in the small world? Xia Fan traveled once, but did not expect to be related to Daoxin.

This thing is so abstract!

Daoxin Daoxin can actually be interpreted as: Why cultivate?

Of course he practiced for the sake of ascension, but speaking from the will of the body, the ascension was to perfect the Three Realms and promote the earth god. Does this worldly will conflict with the will here?

They do n’t make it!

Ten days later, the Imperial City.

The ordinary people in Beijing got up early and crowded on the streets outside the imperial city. There is no way, looking at beheading and eating human blood buns is a common hobby of Eastern and Western people.

After waiting for a while, someone shouted, "Come here! Come here!"


The audience was silent, Qi Qi turned his eyes to the end of the street, and saw dozens of riders in front of him, all of them mastering tricks. A prisoner was escorted in the middle, and an old road was closed in it.

He had a miserable face and a wolf shape, and was blocked by several major gods to repair it, just like an ordinary old man.

A group of people had just come out of the official post, and the three divisions would interrogate and enumerate the guilt. At this moment, they were heading to Houshan to ask the landlord to decide.

Da da da! Da da da! When the horseshoes sounded away, the gates of the imperial city slowly closed, and the people on both sides seemed to have beaten chicken blood, and suddenly became excited.

"What's wrong with the state master, say it's a rebellion? It's incredible!"

"How did I hear that it was the Master and the Niangniang who had turned against each other and later turned into revenge?"

"What is it? It's so easy to say, thank the people all over the country!"

"Hey, when it comes to giving thanks, I thought of the story of Sun Wukong's three dozen bony bones giving thanks to the Tang monk. At the beginning of next year, the Journey to the West, co-produced by China and the United States, will be officially launched ...

Let's say that a group of people arrived at Houshan under the pressure of the National Teacher. Just outside the gate of the retreat, Ming Yu, the general and all the ministers all attended the scene.

The expressions of the people were very subtle, with some expectation and some fear and confusion. Ming Yu was the most calm, looking at Shanmen's eyes cold and calm.

Even those subordinates were nervous. Yan Zhou had been in retreat for seven years without any movement. He did not know whether he was dead or alive. Although this person is extremely strong, there will be a wonderful sense of stability in the people of North Korea and China in his presence.

Holding a confession, a Wenchen first read aloud the crimes of the state teacher. The old road was in a prison car, and he couldn't stand or sit, he could only squat down, but he looked very mocking, as if watching a group of clowns performing.

Immediately afterwards, the general swooped down on his knees, facing the gate of the mountain: "Your Majesty! The national division wolf is ambitious and intends to rebel ... After the trial of the three divisions, all of them have been confessed. Please go out and win!"


"His Majesty!"


thump! thump! He shouted two throats, and there was still no response inside. The general Wenchen and the general at the scene simply knelt together and shouted in unison: "Your Majesty, please exit!"


The gate was closed and silent. The hearts of everyone were cold. Could it be that something happened to Yanzhou? Otherwise, such a major event would not even come out?


The only Mingyu who stood still couldn't help sneering. After the generals and others shouted exhaustedly, he said, "Zhu Qing's family must not waste any effort. Your Majesty does not seem to come out.

Instead of wasting time, how to deal with the immediate matter, what exactly does this old thief do? "

"In Weichen's view, it is still safe to detain the sky."

A civil official said, and others agreed.

"Detaining the prison in prison? The chaos is calm and there are still old thieves and Yudang in all parts of the country. Keep him alive, how are you afraid of Ye Changmeng? In my opinion, killing them directly!"


A knife fell from his hand, three feet of blood splattered, a head slumped on the ground, and those eyes were still open, with incredibleness.


The general was one step late, watching Mingyu cut off the head of the teacher, and couldn't help but scream, "Madam, you're overdue!"

"You are still a military commander, you are so pedantic, you have repaired it in your dog's belly!"

Mingyu ignored it, raised her head in one hand, and said, "The old thief is dead, the next thing is to confirm that His Majesty is not."

Talking, she went up to the mountain gate.



A group of people yelled, but no one stopped this time. After all, they all wanted to know the situation of Yanzhou, but they were afraid of the situation and did not dare to move.

"Your Majesty, you have been in retreat for many years, and Chen Ye missed it so much!"

"The old thief conferred his head ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's a good head here, why don't you come out and enjoy it with the courtiers?"

Ming Yu wore a gorgeous palace dress, pearly and jealous, beautiful as the Virgin of Heaven, with a **** human head in her hands, forming a great sense of contrast.

She stepped on the steps step by step, her three fingers were cold and her **** were hot, but she was more nervous than anyone.


As she reached the last step, the wooden door opened.

The rising sun shined from there, shaking out a tall figure. Although it is very tall, it is not burly, but it is more and more powerful and majestic, like a born emperor.


(Eat the worst bowl of beef noodles on **** at night !!!)

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