Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 818: Yanzhou

?"His Majesty!"

As soon as this figure appeared, in addition to Ming Yu, Hei Yayi bowed down on his knees, and lived for three times. General Wen Chen and tears shed tears and couldn't help himself.

Yan Zhou wore a black robe with golden dragon embroidered on her body, ignored the crowd, and only looked at the woman in front of her. "Queen, you want to see me, now I'm out, why not speak?"

He glanced at the human head and smiled in a teasing tone: "The rebel is rebellious, it should be cut, you are doing well."


Mingyu was shaking all over, and that was the fear buried in her bones. However, she has been setting it up for a long time. She had the mind of being unsuccessful and benevolent, and stood up. "Yanzhou, Jinglu on the 18th is now in my hands. Half of the embargoes inside and outside the Imperial City listen to my orders. Today is you Dead time! "

"Rebel, I knew you were wrong!"

"Come here, get me!"

The general and others screamed in anger, Yanzhou waved his hands, even with a strange look, and said, "Queen, I don't treat you thinly ..."

"Yes! But the hatred of the nation and the hatred of the father must be reported!"


Yanzhou looked at her and suddenly laughed twice, "Do you know what I like most about you? It is your ambition. A woman without ambition is not worthy of being my queen. But with this arrangement, you want to kill me to death. What? "


Ming Yu gave a cold hum, and waved his hand. He jumped a dozen figures from the void. It was the seventeen masters who were ordered to enter Beijing-Gu Xun and Shao Leke were unwilling to give their lives for someone and get the heavens After the mystery, slip away early.

"Good, but not enough."

"Enough is enough, I'll know before I've played!"

Mingyu said, her hands suddenly pushed forward, a large purple flame burst out flat, the temperature soared hundreds of feet around, and formed a closed space full of purple fire, covering the other side.

Almost in a blink of an eye, in the large space, the air, earth, bluestone ground, and mountain gate buildings were all invisible, as if completely burned by flames.

Only the figure was standing in place, and still.

"Queen, you and I differ by a realm. You can't hurt me."

"Is it?"


The words fell squarely, and Ming Yu's body burst into a majestic atmosphere, as if accumulated for a long time to be deliberately suppressed in the body, until this moment it was fully revealed.

"Heaven and Human Realm!"

"When did she arrive in Heaven?"

Everyone at the scene was stunned and shocked, and saw that the purple fire instantly turned into nothingness, as if the gas had melted into the void, but wherever they went, the destructiveness was stronger than before.

"Oh, it's worth my shot!"

Yan Zhou's body flickered, disappeared, and everyone immediately followed the dazzling light. It was clear that the sun had not completely risen yet, but there was an extremely shining golden light in the sky.

This golden light turned into a seal with a seal and pressed down.


The nihilistic flame was smashed by the seal seal and dissipated quickly like the ebb of the sea. Finally, a figure was spit out, and it fell horribly to the ground.

The same is the realm of heaven and humanity, but only one face-to-face separation is the winner. Mingyu's shirt was torn and scaly, with great fear, "You, have you reached the ascension?"

"No, it's a little worse, but I'll let you see it for yourself."

When Yanzhou beckoned, the seal came and landed on the palm of his left hand. It was a golden ancient seal, which seemed like an illusion, with a huge and inexplicable atmosphere.

He picked up a big **** and covered Mingyu, saying, "Bring your mother back to the palace, take care of it!"


Everyone looked at each other and trot over to hug Mingyu in the car. Mingyu kept struggling, shouting with despair, anger, and collapsed belief: "Yanzhou, why didn't you kill me? Yanzhou!"

"How can I be willing to kill you? You are my queen in this life, and you will be a queen of queen until we fly to the upper world!"

Ming Yu's chariot was gradually away, Yanzhou slowly walked down the stone steps, and right-handedly assisted, "Chen Zhong, I have worked hard."

"Wei Chen is ashamed, I wish His Majesty is safe!"

The general knelt on the ground, crying again.

The scene was very embarrassing. The seventeen people came to besiege the ministers, and then Yanzhou gave it to Mingyu to deal with. Now that Mingyu was slagged in seconds, what a fart?

But they did not dare to escape, and had to wait and fight in situ.

Yanzhou looked around, ignored them at all, and suddenly said: "Purpose!"

"Being there!"

A civilian hurried out.

"Xuan Zhenzi conspired, and his sins were unforgivable.


"Chen Zhonghu has state-of-the-art merit, Feng Guoshi, and is in charge of Zixuguan."


"Let Northland, South Xinjiang and Xihuang come to land within seven days!"


Every intention passed down, and everyone was so scared that they were about to fight again when they came out? Qiyuan's society is now broken, but he can't help but toss.

The courtier was trying to persuade him, and when Yanzhou stopped first, he stepped forward to the seventeen people.



Those guys, you hit me, I look at you, kneel all down, "Convict!"

"Okay! Right now it's the time of employment.

With a wave of his hand, he planted a ban on a dozen people, "Chen Zhong, they are under your control."


Yanzhou ordered a lot of things, and then he shook his body and appeared in the highest place of the imperial city.

He overlooked the huge capital city and hundreds of thousands of people. There was no trace of humanity in his eyes, and only a slight collection of his left hand, the ancient seal of Fang disappeared.


A place hundreds of miles away from the capital, Gu Yan and Shao Le were eating at a restaurant.

"It is said that Yanzhou was out of customs, and Mingyu was placed under house arrest ..."

Shao Le pinched the dish, quite puzzled, "She did a rebellious usurp, and she was still alive, she didn't understand what Yanzhou was thinking."

"Maybe people have real feelings. I'm curious about Yanzhou's strength, I'm afraid it's more powerful than I thought."

The two were talking, and there was a loud noise coming downstairs, but it was several soldiers who came over and posted a notice on the opposite wall. Gu Yi glanced at the point that the imperial court wanted the latest conscription, pending a conscription.

"The situation in Qiyuan collapsed, the people are not talking, and they still have to fight?" Shao Le was also very surprised.

"No matter how bad the situation is, as long as the sovereign is free, there will not be complete turmoil. Qiyuan has taken over the three kingdoms. If it fights again, it will point to the grasslands, snowy areas and southern Xinjiang. For hundreds of years, no one has completed the unification. First person. "

"But why is he clinging to unity? Does it help to practice in pairs ... eh!"

Shao Le stopped his words, pondered for a long time, and suddenly said, "I know what Yanzhou has in mind."

"I know it too!"

The two looked at each other, touched their fingers with wine, and wrote a word on the desktop: Xi!

India, the governing body also holds the letter.

Xi who, India also. The Seal of Heavenly Son is called Xi, and it is unique in jade.

Xi, has always been the embodiment of authority, representing the supreme world. An emperor in the heavens and the human realm will not waste the people's money for the sake of the unification of the world, but only the road.

Combined with what Mingyu said, the mystery of the heaven and the human realm is to think about the mind and the Tao. From this point of view, Yanzhou's Taoist heart should be "the emperor is supreme and invincible."

It is not difficult to understand why he launched a war to destroy both countries. It is to capture the luck of the Two Kingdoms and further improve his Taoism.


Northland, snowfield.

Summer is elsewhere, but it is extremely cold and snowy all year round. Above the vast snowy area, the cold wind is like a knife, and a long and thin figure walks slowly.

Yuyi Yunguan, with a clear face, is the Shiqian who has a relationship with Gu Yi.

He did not enter Beijing, but he also did a lot for Mingyu and obtained the law of heaven and man. The plan was to retreat at Sheshan Taoyuan, but the plan was disrupted by a paper order.

There is no country in the north, only the continuous walled city.

Receiving Yanzhou's seven-day ultimatum, several leaders, unwilling to bow their heads, and determined to fight, issued a call to the Taoist academy. From their point of view, if a monk can run a temple, a Taoist family has a great career, which is a natural constraint.

But who ever thought, Shi Qiang said she would give up, leaving alone.

It is not that he is not distressed, but he is even more reluctant to die for the war and participate in such rotten things.

"Well, when personal strength can overwhelm everything, all the strategies are a joke. For now, only by being promoted to heaven can we have some right to speak, and it seems to be in seclusion for a while."

Shi Qian sighed, his figure drifted into the snow.


Southern Xinjiang, deep in the mountains.

The envoy of Qiyuan was surrounded by a group of monsters crooked and crumbling, but he showed no timidity, and said, "The Lord gave me only seven days, and it took me six days to come here. You have one day to consider."


An elder stepped forward angrily and was dispelled by the witch ancestor.

"The messenger, please rest first, let us think about it."

Wu Zu asked the messenger to go, and everyone else was puzzled, and asked, "You have always said that Qiyuan Wolf is ambitious and should not be close. Why is your heart shaking now?"

"I can't help it."

The witch ancestor's body became more and more embarrassing. It was half a beauty and half a rotten face. After being defeated by Ronda and Dangan, and the backwash of the earth, the spirit was greatly damaged. .

"Since Yanzhou went out of the customs, I have been divining again and again, knowing that this is the destiny of the gods. If I start a war forcibly, my southern Xinjiang will be self-defeating!"

"But the children won't agree, and for hundreds of years they will not surrender to the North!"

The class division in southern Xinjiang is very serious, but when the wishes of the middle and lower classes can be agreed, the leader has to pay attention to the problem.

Wu Zu also knew this. He opened his mouth and said nothing, leaving only with a cane.


"The sovereign limits you within seven days ..."

"Come, cut his tongue!"

"You, you ..."

"Dig his eyes again and hang me out of the account!"


Before the ambassador of Qiyuan had finished speaking, he was ecstatic and hanged by a group of big men, and was hung on a tall flagpole outside the big account like a rag.


Toya jumped out of the barge, raised the Fangtian axe, and faced the endless grassland and the mountains and horses, cattle and sheep, "Qi Yuan wants me to surrender, do you agree?"

"Don't promise!"

"Get out of the steppe!"

"Xihuang will never be a slave!"


Standing in the corner ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ silently watching all this Lu Xuanying, she couldn't help sighing in her heart, and finally looked at Toya.

Honestly, Toya ’s time with her is very difficult, but she has more important things to do. Gu Yan and Shao Le didn't return to the grassland at all, but just sent a message asking her to take everyone away to avoid war.

The grassland is facing Qiyuan, which is tantamount to hitting a stone with a egg.

So what they need to do now is to promote Heaven as soon as possible. Even though this is a game, Gu Yan is heartbroken. Toya is most likely his daughter-in-law, little soap or big girl. Unfortunately, there is no way.

As the saying goes, Gou Lifei rises to life and death, so he avoids it because of evil ...


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