Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 821: Soaring (2)

Before the Five Realms of Heaven, Earth, God, Human, and Ghost were established, the schools were complex and theories were numerous. There was a saying that the realm was simply divided into three layers:

"The sergeant lifted himself up and became ashamed, which is called the Celestial Immortal; the sergeant swims in the famous mountains, which is called the Land Immortal;

The heavenly gods here actually refer to the earth gods.

To rise from the lower bound to the upper bound and from the low-dimensional world to the high-dimensional world is called soaring. So why is it day? Ascension is bullying?

of course not.

It can be understood from two aspects: one is to pretend to force. The monk has gone through all his hard work to obtain the Taoist fruit. If there is not even a testimony, would it not be a waste?

What's more, it can also serve as a role model for the younger generation, who secretly ascends to immortality. Who knows whether you are dead or what? Over time, future generations will feel ridiculous and lose motivation.

So people have to see that the light is upright and true.

The second is to show their own standards, but in fact they are pretending.

Lifting the form to ascend, that is, the form and the soul, are both perfect. I want to fly whenever I want, unlike ghosts and corpses, which have many restrictions.

Even more exaggerated is the soaring house, even the house can fly together.

There are also well-known chickens and dogs ascend to the sky, and the dogs can become immortals after taking the residual elixir. This also confirms the truth of a thousand years later: "Lick the dog, lick the dog, lick everything until the end!"

So I watched the Taoist Qingxiu, and at the end I saw it, but it was very coquettish ...

As the master of the world, Yanzhou is about to show the above two true meanings, and the momentum of the Ascension Ceremony is huge.

Soon on the 15th, Beijing crowded almost a million people. Since a few days ago, someone has taken up a position under Shengxiantai. Shengxiantai was newly built. It is 99 feet tall in the eastern suburbs of Beijing.

At first, I was afraid that the forbidden army would open the road and block the surroundings. But when the hour approached, there was no action.

The common people live in the lower part, the monks live in the upper part, standing on a long white jade step. State teacher Chen Zhongli was on the top and waited.

Before long, the hour was closer.

A terrible coercion suddenly came, followed by the second, the third ... The nine breaths fell from the sky and turned into nine figures. It is Yanzhou, Mingyu, and the power of seven heavenly people— —All are monks who have come to Qiyuan for several years.

"His Majesty!"


The people underneath could not bear it anymore. They bowed down and buried their heads deeply in the soil. They even felt like ants, and the civil and military officials also kneeled down to worship.

Yanzhou is still the clothes of the golden dragon on the black bottom, wearing a jade crown, and looks like the sea. He didn't call him flat, his voice spread far, and it was clear and audible hundreds of miles away.

It is probably about the sufferings of the ancestors and the glorious future. He will lead the group to make history.

Later, Chen Zhong asked, "Dare to ask Her Majesty, who will inherit the title of the Lord?"

"My son is traveling, you are the assisting father!"

"Certainly settle the liver and brain to assist the young master, and live up to the divine grace!"

The formal wave of rituals was completed, and the desired effect of Yanzhou was achieved. All the people present were enthusiastic, the people's hearts gathered, and the seal of the seal in the sea became stronger.

With the eyes squinting, the ceremonial officer went up to the bell tower and lifted up the wooden vertebra and slammed into the bronze bell.




Eighteen consecutive times, the long distance echoed, the surging crowd suddenly felt peaceful, and countless eyes passed through the high platform and concentrated on the emperor.

The nine had each sat down, glanced at each other, and closed their eyes.

Ming Yu was extremely anxious a few minutes ago, but at this moment she was as restless as ever. After all, she is an old-fashioned monk, knowing that there are rare opportunities, and how many people can experience the mystery of flying?

Immediately hope that I am the only god, to be extremely empty and quiet, a white **** in the sea emerges, beautiful and glorious, pure and demon-like, smoky, upside down ...

This is what she asks for, she stands high and is believed by thousands of people.

Ascension sounds very abstract. In fact, it is very simple. When the world can't accommodate you, it communicates with the universe. As long as it is achieved, it can naturally ascend to high-dimensional space.

Ming Yu was like this at that moment, the white shrine became more and more clear, as if living. It is no longer suppressed by itself, and the full strength of heaven and man is released, and they communicate with heaven and earth through imagination.

I don't know how long, she felt an indescribable sense of rejection, like sleeping in a completely out of shape bed, how uncomfortable it was.

After a while, this sense of exclusion gradually increased. At the same time, the **** in white suddenly looked up and seemed to be connected with a certain energy in the universe.

Ming Yu was surprised to find that clouds of smoke were rising from the Ascension Terrace. Clouds of smoke were unpredictable, colorful, and like a glow.

Immediately after, she felt that she was held up by Xia Guang, and was slowly rising.

The seven monks next to it are also similar, some are Xia Guang, some are Yunyan, Yanzhou is the most special, the whole body is wrapped in a touch of gold light, looming, but they are slowly taking off.


The people below didn't even dare to breathe, and could not breathe at all. The space seemed to be completely banned, time was still, and only those nine people could move.

"Oh? It's over there ..."

Gu Yan, who was far away on the Tongtian River, suddenly opened his eyes and looked toward the direction of the capital.

He smiled inexplicably, his body sank suddenly, and he fell to the bottom of the river and went straight to the deepest and most secret place.

"it has started!"

"it has started!"

"it has started!"

There are all kinds of places in the north, the wild west, and the 100,000 Mountains. Shi Qian, Lu Xuanying, Shao Le, and others also felt that they were moving.


In the folklore of Xia Kingdom, a sand sculpture monk soared to the outside of the atmosphere and died of asphyxiation due to lack of oxygen.

Of course, Mingyu didn't feel hypoxia. She just saw that she was flying higher and higher.

The clouds are getting thinner, the breath is getting simpler, the sense of rejection is still increasing, and the energy guidance in the universe is still there. All nine are safe.

They went up for a while, and almost at the zenith, Mingyu trembled and felt a bit of cold.

"Well! Why ... wind?"

Her face changed drastically, and the blast of high-altitude wind seemed to appear in an instant, and she really cut it on her flesh. After a few breaths, the cold and cold turned into pain, and the white-clad deities were also blown by the wind, appearing suddenly.

"This this……"

Suddenly, a terrifying and very mysterious sensation struck, as if this flesh skin was constantly fading away, and the protective layer was weakening rapidly. In the end, only the crumbling spirit remained, exposed above 10,000 feet high. Between worlds!

"After all, isn't it?"

Ming Yu's unexpected calmness, "The strength of the physical body is not enough to penetrate the realm, and the soul cannot rise by the spirit alone. No wonder so many sages have failed. Only at the last moment did I realize that I want to remind future generations that they cannot do it."

Her body stayed near the apex of the Longevity Realm, and she couldn't go up an inch, just like those rockets that failed to launch, began to disintegrate in the air.

The flesh and bones dissipated a little bit with the wind, and the spirits withstood the impact of the powerful cross-border storm, and their consciousness became increasingly blurred.


She reluctantly glanced at her companion. The seven were worse than herself, screaming, crying, desperate, and slowly returning to peace.

There was only Yanzhou, and a golden seal of one side flew out and wrapped it. Although it was covered with bruises, it blocked the storm. For the first time, he showed such a rich expression, startled, angry, stunned, and a touch of fear.

"Oh? So he's afraid ..."

There was only a small group of Mingyu's spirit, and he smiled at him inexplicably, even if he didn't know whether he laughed or not, he just felt a sense of darkness and completely disappeared.


Yanzhou stunned, things went completely beyond the original plan.

He adhering to the system of imagination and not discovering the mystery of inadequate flesh, until now he understood that there were no successful ascension in all generations, for this reason!

And myself, because gathered a number of Qi, the Lord of the human realm can barely save.

Nine people together, in a blink of an eye only oneself!

Yan Zhou was firm in heart, and soon recovered his calmness. He looked up at the gray sky, and slammed the seal seal, slamming into the invisible and invisible bondage.

Ascension does not mean flying from one planet out of the universe, but from one realm to another.


Suddenly, all the people in the longevity world felt a kind of tremor that went straight into the soul, as if the door of some **** was opened.

Yanzhou broke through the boundary, suddenly felt conscious, followed closely, and found himself standing in a dark place with chaos.

"This is where?"

He looked around, could not help but sank, the repulsive force from the realm disappeared, indicating that he successfully ascended. But the guidance from the universe also disappeared ...

He floated the golden seal on top of his head, illuminated the body, and began to explore. The surrounding air is full of chaotic air, regardless of yin and yang, no turbidity, no life and light.


He walked, and suddenly hit a layer of invisible barriers, so strong that he couldn't break through, and had to change directions.

As a result, he walked and hit another barrier.

Change direction, still.

"This, this is dead ?!"

Yanzhou reluctantly explored each way out, and found that it was just a small enclosed space.


He stayed where he was ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ For a long time, he suddenly squeezed out a voice like a ghost, I wonder if it was crying, laughing, angry or sad, "This is heaven? This is heaven! This is heaven !!!! "

"Hahahaha! This is heaven!"

Yanzhou shed her hair, her clothes were torn, and she looked like crazy, "Hahaha, this is heaven!"

With his intelligence, it is not difficult to guess the truth of the matter, but the more so, the stronger the impact on him.

Young ascended the throne, the leader of a country, annexed the world with the vertical and horizontal, completed the unification of the ancients before the unification, and is the master of the world of qi.

He has ambitious ambitions, he wants to set up the heavenly court, ascend the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and he must also be the Heavenly Emperor in the upper realm, command the Xianban, and surrender in all directions!

As a result ...

This heaven, this ascension, this decades of penance, thousands of years of history, is just a game of imagination and power.

For ants!

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