Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 822: Standing world

? Since Yanzhou and others sat on the ascending stage, they entered a state of silence.

Waiting for them to be held by Yunxia's smoke, leaving the platform a little bit, they didn't even dare to blink their eyes, and stared at the wonders of this century.

Chen Zhong knelt on the ground, his eyes continued to rise, watching them from clear to fuzzy, from facial features to body contours, I do n’t know how many feet they flew, and finally became a black spot, they suddenly realized, Xiaju soars! "


A throat awakened tens of thousands of people, in all directions and wild, and the time was noisy. The monks were thrilled and full of longing, and mortals were gimmicks, chanting long live!

It continued for a long, long time before being interrupted by some people, and the voice was full of panic: "Look! How did it disappear?"

"It really disappeared!"

"Did it fail?"

"What the **** is going on?"

Chen Zhong also looked up. The nine black dots seemed to stop at a certain height and did not continue to rise. Eight of them, for whatever reason, suddenly narrowed down quickly and disappeared without a trace.

He twitched in his heart, and saw that the only one remaining in the sky for a moment, suddenly turned into a stream of light and rushed into the void, and disappeared.

"Don't panic!"

He breathed a sigh of relief and shouted, "Hsu is out of trouble, but His Majesty has successfully ascended to heaven, and it is time to celebrate!"

"Your Majesty is ascending to heaven!"

"Your Majesty has done!"

Civil and military officials passed down one by one, and soon the atmosphere was reversed, and the people's mood was like riding a roller coaster. Anyway, I do n’t understand, what is listening.

"Guo Gong!"

Of course, there were serious ministers wondering, and he whispered, "How is your Majesty?"

"Your Majesty should not be in the way, the other eight are afraid of falling from the body." Chen Zhong told the truth.

When all the courtiers heard this, they were shocked in their hearts, and then they even said, "Your Majesty is fine. With his tactics and strategy, he will definitely settle down ..."

"Guo Gong!"

Speaking of it, I saw that Yuantian Yuan came to Changhong, but he was a master of tricks. He was in charge of the outside alert, and was frightened and quite flustered. He reported: "The big thing is not good, the sky is moving!"


Several ministers looked at each other, and after a while they reacted, "You said that the Tongtian River moved?"

"Yes, He Xin suddenly set off waves, first only in one place, now it is almost 500 feet long, and is still expanding!"


Chen Zhong shook his hand and tore off a beard. As we all know, the center of the Tongtian River is heavy water. It is as smooth as a lead block. It has never been waved for thousands of years ...

As a result, Your Majesty just soared, and its water flooded. Could any big demon be born?

"Go, see ..."

Chen Zhong acted immediately, but the second word reading had not yet been exported. Suddenly his body trembled, and a very familiar feeling came from afar.

No, it's not!

Chen Zhong quickly flew up to the sky, tearing the muscles of his forehead, sides, and back brain, exposing six vertical eyes, the eyes glowed with glaucoma, pushing the field of vision far and wide.

I saw Xihuang, Beidi, Shiwandashan, Yuanzhenyang, Yuandongyuan ... Almost every gathering place of human races, there was a glow of smoke.

And these Yunxia are constantly rising, exactly the same as before!

"This this!"

Chen Zhong was shocked and terrified, and felt inexplicably trembling from the inside to the outside. "Flying, they are all flying ..."

"Who? Who are these people?"

"Why is there no clue in North Korea, who are they !!!"

Several masters present also flew to the sky to watch, and their faces sank together, and the glow was more than ten places, that is to say, there were more than ten monks outside the court's control, and they reached the ascension silently. !!

"Impossible, impossible, Your Majesty ..."

Chen Zhong's state of mind had collapsed, his mouth murmured, his eyes fainted. Suddenly, the people at the bottom heard exclaiming, and then fled, crying and crying.

"Run away!"

"The monster is here, run away!"

"Woohoo ... madam, madam!"

Tens of thousands of people can't flee, push each other, and instantly become a pot of porridge. And to the south of them, on the Tongtian River, which is quite far away, a silver dragon so large that it is indescribable rises into the sky!


Gu Yan sank into the river without any sound.

The river, like the river, is dark and dull, with no flow, no air, and a high density of scary people. It was as if he had plunged into a piece of hard lead, and dived down hard.

Even if he is accurate in positioning and clear in purpose, he has swam for a long time.

At last Gu Gu touched the bottom of the river and was bare, with no root algae. He resisted the strong squeezing force, took a few steps diagonally, and then stomped his feet.


The bottom of the water suddenly formed a small vortex, the blue light shone inside, revealing a jade plate of blue and blue color.

It was that time when the Longevity Realm was founded, the Queen was buried here by himself, and the treasure that was taken from Luo Xuepu's hand!

The longevity world has evolved for many years. As before, the jade plate is as clear and crystal clear, with mountains and rivers on it, rivers and rivers, as if a miniature world.

"Twenty years and a different life, it's also fun."

Gu Yan held the jade plate and muttered to himself: "But after all, Huang Liang has a dream, it's time to say goodbye."


The vortex suddenly became large, flying against him like a booster. Gu Yili stood on the Tongtian River, looking at the vast river, which seemed to be infinitely long, and waved his left hand gently.



The Tongtian River, which has been unchanged for thousands of years, actually began to flow. Ripples became microwaves, and microwaves became overlapping waves. The waves became higher and higher, and the waves rose.

There were more dark clouds in the sky, covering the sun thickly.

On the vast earth, an equally vast river finally faded from the heavy gloom and began to flow like water. Cliff rocks stood on both sides, insects were humming, and beasts walked carefully along the shore.

This is a mysterious and magnificent scenery.

Judging from the water, it is a rushing ship, and from the shore, it is a rushing river; from a high point, it is like a silver dragon lying on the ground, quiet and quiet.

"Fa, move by form, born by situation, the law is from the heart, and the five actions are the basis."

Gu Yan whispered in a low voice. When he first learned art, he sighed with a soft sigh, "You have been incarcerated for so many years, and you should be free."


As soon as the words fell, the river suddenly rolled up, and the water flowing to the east quickly retracted. As it accumulated here, a long chant followed, and a huge dragon spouted out of the water.

The scales were bare, the beard swayed in the wind, and two huge eyes stared at Gu Yan.


Gu Yan smiled and jumped to the head of the dragon, "It's time to go!"


The faucet swayed, followed by the upward rush, and underneath it was the constantly gathering Tongtian River. Hundreds of miles wide and thousands of miles long, an unimaginable amount of water came in, the thunder was rolling, the whole longevity world was shaking.

When the river gathers, the dragon rises an inch. Soon, the east stream dried up, revealing a large swath of ugly riverbed.

And the west is still gathering, the dragon head has come out, the dragon's neck is complete, followed by a long body, one claw, two claws ...

Chen Zhong had rushed to the scene with the crowd, but was afraid to take a step forward. They seemed to see a Shenlong imprisoned for thousands of years and couldn't wait to escape the cage.


Finally, the Tongtian River, which has separated the Changsheng World for thousands of years, was completely drained, leaving only a deep and infinitely deep canyon.

And that dragon, the whole body turned out, and went straight into the void together with the more than ten Dao Xiaguang.




"Little girl!"

At the same time, there are many people all over the ground looking up, or apprentices, or close friends, or wives, or brothers and feet ... They have different identities and have spent nearly twenty years with those people.

Some know, some don't, but they all have sad feelings in their hearts, and now they are different, afraid that they will never see each other again.


These ten people soared, and soon reached the tipping point. Lu Xuanying looked cold and fearless, facing the storm that tore everything, and pierced the void with her flesh.

Followed by Shao Le, they and Gu Zheng naturally made up for the physical defects, and their plump white plump bodies slipped around and disappeared.

Although Shi Qian could not use the blood of ancient beasts to quench the body, he himself developed another way, like taking off the stinky skin, and throwing off all the babies. Chunyang's spirit also broke the barrier.

Looking at others, some are worse, the physical body is destroyed, and the soul is annihilated. Some were better, tattered and withstood the storms, and reluctantly supported them.

In the end, half of them succeeded!

Nine people have soared in the past, and there are more than ten people, which are almost the same, which means that twenty people soar together.

These powers have stirred up the air in this world. Just like the monks from the East China Sea who gathered together in the East Sea, the heavens and earth felt the air machine, a powerful breath emerged in the void and drifted away.

For a while, the longevity world shook and seemed to be collapsing, and all the ethnic groups were panicking, but they were powerless.

Upper bound, in a small enclosed space.

Yanzhou was still angry and mad about the truth of the card map. Suddenly, she was surrounded by dramatic shocks, followed by a stream of light jumping out, turning into five figures.

"who are you?"

Yanzhou converged, calmed her eyes, and immediately put on an attack gesture.


No one answered, he was about to ask again, and heard a dragon yin, and an infinitely narrow silver dragon also came up, with a young monk standing above his head.

What happened today has long since defeated Yanzhou's worldview. Although he was angry and crazy, he unexpectedly insisted on the way and never lost his heart. At this moment, he saw this one, two, three ... and instantly understood that they were the masters behind the scenes!

"Who are you? These are all yours?"


Gu Yan ignored him, only reached out a little, "Go!"

"Roar!" The Yin Long who devoured the air machine whistled out, walked in the small space several times, and exploded with a bang.


In an instant, a vast, broad, far-reaching breath filled the entire space, trembling violently, just like a container carrying an excessive amount was about to fall apart.

Gu Xun contacted the body quickly, then threw the jade plate again, exuding a soft cyan light, and slowly rotating at the top.

"No, I don't agree!"

Yanzhou felt the change of space and more invented their purpose. It turned out that even in this world, even taking themselves was a chess piece.

He was by no means a confession, he immediately urged all mana, gold light skyrocketed, and the party's supreme seal, Xi Xi, flew up ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but to smash the jade plate!

Gu Yan looked at it from a distance, and did not move. I saw that Yin Xi was about to hit the jade plate, and suddenly a giant hand fell from the sky. He easily held Yin Xi and followed it.


His life was destroyed, Yan Zhou felt that his spirit was almost annihilated, his body was vague and illusory, and he would dissipate at any time.

"I disagree, I disagree ..."

He held his last breath and looked up, just above the chaos, a godlike figure emerged, his face was unclear, and he was faintly overlooking himself.

Then, a distant sound sounded from Hongmeng:

"Heaven, stand!"

(La la la, go on a date on Friday!)

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