Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 833: After soaring

In film and television works that involve time and space shuttle, there is often a time channel, surrounded by colorful lights, like a period of historical progress.

Gu Yan now is like this, he seems to be galloping in a roller-shaped passage, without knowing the source and direction, only vaguely seeing the surrounding scene, and very familiar.

As mentioned earlier, ascension is not simply from the earth to the universe, but from the material world to a high-level space. What he sees right now is the soul world that has been countless times.

An illusory, confusing, vast sea of ​​light composed of soul fragments, various souls and beasts roaming back and forth, and senior life slept on the top floor.

And one of them opened his eyes suddenly and looked this way.

"Sophia Akami?"

Gu Yi suddenly felt a bit ridiculous, secretly: "It really is an old monster that has lived for millions of years, and this can be felt."

Because at this moment, the soul world is like a painting on the wall, and he is a free walking tourist. The gap in this dimension is a natural gully, but the old monster actually responded, it was really scary.

In his cognition, the soul realm is endless, but in this passage, the soul realm is compressed into a distance of miles.

Gu Yan didn't know how long he had been flying, but felt that the surrounding scenes became thinner, and an indescribable pressure came from all directions, his soul trembled, and his body was extremely painful.

This is the natural resistance generated when crossing the realm. If it is not refined, it will end in an instant.


His body seemed to be squeezed indefinitely, and his spirit seemed to be torn insanely. His unprecedented pain made him almost fall into disengagement. The consciousness gradually blurred, and the whole portrait became a walking dead, only a little bit of fire on the Lingtai.

Suddenly, the channel also began to rotate rapidly, forming a dark and deep vortex, and he continued to drift forward along this suction.

I do not know how long it has been……

Gu Yan suddenly felt a shock, only to break through a certain barrier, the consciousness that was about to disappear slowly recovered. He tried to open his eyes again, his eyes were chaotic, as if Hongmeng was in the beginning and the world was not open.

"This is ... well, is there a voice?"

He was startled and heard his voice clearly.

The presence of sound indicates that it is not a space composed of pure soul power, but a higher level. Could this be the world that arrived after the ascension? Why is it so barren?


He explored slightly in all directions, and without any clue, he became more confused.


At this moment, a ray of consciousness passed through the misty void into his mind, "Taoyou, please come here!"

"you are?"

"Poor Dao Cao Xiyun."


Gu Yi's heart was drawn, Cao Xiyun, the word was red, the later Huizong was given the name Dao Chong, and he added the Qing Xu Wenyi master, and later generations were called Cao Wenyi.

Sun God Realm!

The soft consciousness was like a signpost leading to a mysterious place. Gu Yi paused and flew in that direction.

It didn't take long for the chaos and mist to tear, and the eyes suddenly opened wide.


He stopped in the void, and saw a dark, ink-like world like the sky of the universe. There is no light, but it does not feel depressed, just like looking at the starless night sky, you know that there is a lot of depth and vitality.

And the consciousness was suddenly closed, followed by a star-like light ball emerged out of thin air, slowly approaching itself.

He realized that he was directly in the light ball, Boom!

Surrounding scenery changes immediately, treasure cover stage, bright at four o'clock, golden pot serving wine, lilac Tibetan dan, peach tree fragrant, thank you for the millennium, Yun Yingzhen knot, Wanzaiyuancheng ... It is in line with people's imagination. residence.

And in the corner of the square pavilion, stood a clear-eyed female Taoist.

At first glance, Gu Gu saw that she had no real body. The body was like a beam of light, exuding a glowing body, like a sun-like atmosphere.

"But Gu You Gu Dayou?"

"Exactly, young people have met Cao Zhenren!"

The two are at the same level, and even Dixian is a little taller than Yangshen, but this ceremony is the respect of the younger generation to the older generation. Cao Wenyi created the female Dan faction and was very successful in practicing Xia Guo.

"You're welcome, sit!"

Cao Wenyi asked him to take a seat, brewed his own tea, and laughed: "It's true, we have been waiting for a long time."

"how do I say this?"

"My disciple returned from the Nether and brought back a lot of homeland news, saying that a few younger Junjie have arrived in the ascension, I will ask for it myself, and wait here."

She is the standard fairy temperament, and she has a soft attitude, which is close to her at first sight, and she said, "You have a lot of doubts when you first arrived, maybe I can answer one or two."

"There are indeed many puzzles."

Gu Yan was also polite, and said, "Where exactly is this?"

"Like the human world and the soul world, it is also a world, but it can accommodate us as people to live here. We call it the eternal life world, and the Westerners are called the eternal kingdom."


Old Gu is embarrassed, why is he still the same name? However, they are either Yangshen or Dixian. They are true eternal life, and they are false eternal life.

"So are we still in the universe?"

"of course."

"Why don't you see a star?"

"Oh, my friend looks!"

Cao Wenyi smiled, and suddenly waved his sleeves and wiped them into the sky, as if a thick layer of dust had been wiped out, exposing an infinite window.

Gu Yan's pupils contracted, and through this window, he could clearly see the outside scene—it was the vast universe, the stars and rivers were turning, and the strange space and space were strange.

"We are in the universe, but they are different in form."

"So it is."

The old Gu understood that the broad definition of the universe is the general name of all things and the unity of time and space. The narrow definition of the universe is space and matter outside the Earth's atmosphere.

The place where he is is obviously the former.

To put it simply, the earth is composed of matter, and the soul realm is composed of soul power, and here there is not only the fusion of material and soul power, but also higher-level elements exist-that is, wind, water, earth, fire, time, space and many more.

More importantly, the longevity world is just the place where the earth ’s civilization has soared, and outside, this whole big world, the recipient is the entire universe!

Regarding the existence of other civilizations, Gu Min already knew something and was not surprised.

After listening to Cao Wenyi, everyone got along well, and the well water did not violate the river water. After all, they were all high-dimensional life.

Unless there are any core resources emerging, when the conflict of interest occurs, they will compete.

"I'm not a blissful place here, I just talk about myself. You're an immortal. It's best to establish dongtian as soon as possible and stabilize it."

"We are all old guys. We don't like to be lively. I can't see it once in hundreds of years. Dongtian is also missing. There is no fixed location. If you want to contact, you need to write down the note in advance."

Cao Wenyi explained a lot of things, and finally passed a jade card.

Gu Yan took it, saying sincerely: "Thank Cao Zhenren, otherwise I really don't know what to do."

"Well, I won't leave you anymore, see you later."

After all, the old Gu flew out of her place, the light ball disappeared instantly, and there was only a dark paint.

It was Sa Shoujian who Cao Wenyi contacted when Xiaozhai was trapped that year, and then there was a 20-year struggle. And now she has released a lot of goodwill, afraid that she will also win allies for the Satian master behind.

Dixian's grievances entangled far beyond humanity, what North and South Heavenly Masters, old and new Huashan, Nei Danwai Dan, humane Xiandao, listen to the brain hurt.

"Well, it's inevitable to stand anywhere. It really is a human feature."

He shook his head, thinking for a while.

I did n’t have time to feel it just now. I tasted at this moment and found that the energy quality here is amazing. The earth is aura, and the soul world is soulpower. It is estimated that this is the legendary puppet ...

He wandered aimlessly for a while, and found no trace of life. He was really hidden in it, and he could only know it by the messenger. He simply stopped, just floating in the void, with his fingers in the eyebrows.

A drop of halo was knocked out, and then he threw his hand.


The water droplets soared in clear light, instantly covering the whole body, and spread rapidly.

A group of miracles appearing in the void, there are long-term scenes, mountains and nights; there are red dust in all things, old and sick; there are barbarous killings, dark and secret, it is the three realms of fairy, human and ghost.

Gu Yan waved his hands, and the crickets around him started to run frantically, pouring water into the water like a tide. The Three Realms received a lot of energy, just like scraping off a layer of frost, becoming more clear and natural.

Eventually, he stopped and saw that the Three Realms were full of luck and connectedness, which had faded from illusory and completely became a real existence.

"Dongtian, stand!"

Gu Yan drank a drink, the Three Realms trembled, the light shone, and a majestic fortune was born from inside, feeding back to himself, as if the tens of millions of lives had formed a connection with himself.

With such a strong foundation, the realm of Chu Cheng Di Xian quickly stabilized.

He further pointed out that the Yuxu Palace turned into a clear light and submerged into the void, high above the immortal realm, and became the existence of Tianwaitian.



"Wrong and wrong, Dixian should be called Zhenjun."

"Fart, Zhenjun was just an ancient emperor. What does it have to do with Dixian?"

"Anyway, Zhenjun is better than real people anyway ..."


"All right!"

In Yuxu Palace, Gu Yan stopped the quarrel between Tao Tong, Tao Yi and Fat Brother, saying: "It doesn't matter what you call it. You sit down, I have something to say."

Everyone listened, brushed one by one, and listened to the instructions.

"Xia Guo was our root on the earth before ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Now I am far away from my homeland. I do n’t even know how far it is. It means that I leave my hometown and drift away. Do n’t take it lightly. Here is also a crisis and complex factions Although the immortal is immortal, accidentally it will hurt your muscles and bones.

Since this place is called the longevity world, we can no longer call it that. Now that the heavens have been established, the three realms are in reality, all of them are living life, so they are our immortal realm, earth and Yinfu, which are the foundations and have unlimited potential.

While you ’re practicing, you might as well go down and cultivate a lot ... ”


Everyone responded in unison, and they all gave a very weird feeling.

Looking at the Three Realms before, it is equivalent to the realistic version of the box theory. As a result, the box is now opened, the illusion has become real, and it has also become the living soil for others and others.


Gu Yi looked at the seventy-two people in front of him, and he was suddenly sad, but quickly cheered up.

It is Xiongguan Mandao that is as iron as it is the beginning of a new journey!

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