Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 834: Cut

? South China Sea, Sandun Island.

Since the discovery of three families of the Phoenix family many years ago, law formations have been set up in dozens of miles of water around the island. Usually, the fog is diffused, the boats cannot travel, and no one is allowed to enter.

In the early hours of the day, the sky was not bright, and a fishing boat sailed away from the shore in the moonlight. The engine rang a few times and stopped shortly.

"What a fog!"

A dark-skinned middle-aged man looked around with a little suspicion, "It seems to float from Sandun Island. Why did it suddenly spread?"

"Boss, can't we go?"

The two fishermen picking up the bow of the boat were also very flustered. The fog spread very fast, and they could see a long distance in the last second, which would be indistinct.

"U-turn, go back!"

The boss of the ship was a little determined, and steered the 21-meter-long trawler to turn.

As a result, the field of vision had just moved out of the mist, and was suddenly shrouded in darkness. At the same time, all around was dark, and the whole ship fell into a grey world.

Several people on the boat screamed, but immediately followed the lightness of the hull, and the mist was sent against the water like a leaf.

"Come back tomorrow!"

There was a voice of Qinglanglang in the mist, and there was a fleeting figure in Kasama. The boss of the boat was also a scene person, and quickly arched his hands, and Saya started running.

Waiting for the fishing boat to dock, a few people climbed onto the ground with their legs and feet soft, and then turned around again, and found that the mist had chased here, and they roamed near the seaside embankment, like life.

In recent years, the people have a lot of knowledge, knowing that there is power to do things here, and they don't want to spread to the innocent people, so they feel itchy again.


In the fog, a figure seemed to be blowing in the breeze, stirring a little ripples. He sent away the fishing boat, turned back and went straight to Sandun Island, flew up hundreds of feet, and stopped at a high altitude to watch.

The air flow around the island was violent, and there was a muffled thunder under the cloud, accompanied by a clear hissing of sword howling. The colorful phosgenes are intertwined and frequently collided, and the chaos is in a strong wave, starting from the inside and rumbling.


Just hearing a loud noise, phosgene was instantly engulfed by a golden purple, exposing the cliff top scenery. Two gorgeous and unparalleled divine birds lost their ability to control themselves, just like two rags of mud, and fell **** the Indus tree.

Going high into the clouds, the trunk of the gold giant umbrella trembled, the leaves and leaves were rattling, and the longan-sized sycamore was crackled.


Another small bird, hissing hissing, rushed towards a slender figure. The man waved his sword again, and 50% of his skill was not used. The goods fell down and smashed a large stone into powder.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Seeing the child was injured, the male bird flew up into the air regardless of his injury, and Jin Yang's eyes stared at each other, full of anger and murderousness.

"Murder is justified."

Gu Xiaofei's horizontal sword was empty, but his face was full of ancient wells. "If you still have some skin, come over and die."


The male became more angry, and his wings trembled suddenly, burning his final strength. The body grew rapidly like a balloon, until it was tens of feet long, Jin Yu was facing the wind, and the light was shining, which seemed to highlight the last look of a phoenix.


Gu Xiaofei saw it even more coldly, holding the Excalibur Excalibur in his right hand, and it was so flat.


A slight purple light, without a trace of smoke and fire, flickered, and was hitting the male's neck, and then heard a bang, the huge skull peeled off the body and fell directly into the sea.

The huge body was still twitching in the air for a moment, and then slammed into the sea. In an instant, the sea water was red with the shimmering blood, and the madness seemed to endlessly, soaking in the west coast of the island.

This phoenix bird, which has been in the world for many years, kills people like a hemp and disturbs the people countlessly. Due to its rareness, it has not been removed, so it was severed.



As soon as the male bird died, the female bird seemed to go crazy, stumbled and wanted to fly over, but could not move. The hissing was full of sternness, the pupils were blood red, and the eyes looking at Gu Xiaofei were like evil spirits, and they did not wear the sky together.

Gu Xiaofei looked down indifferently, without even a trace of fluctuation.

The female bird yelled a few more times, and suddenly the whole body was full of five-colored brilliance, inflated inexplicably, and then a slam, the minced meat splattered, and it turned out to be self-love.

Its blood flowed down from the cliff top, forming a blood waterfall, stained with mountains and stones, and stained with sycamore trees, a string of blood-red sycamore seeds swaying in the wind.

"If you weren't Phoenix, you would have died!"

Gu Xiaofei spit out a frosty spit, and just before leaving, he suddenly dropped a big hand from his head and put the young bird in.


She turned her head and looked at the eternal life showing her figure, a little puzzled.

"Phoenix is ​​fierce by nature, its parents are dead, and it is already a **** feud with human beings. After we leave, we will harm the people wantonly. And it is highly qualified, and it is likely to reach a higher level. It will be difficult for Xia Guo. "

"Brother said, I was negligent."

Gu Xiaofei paused, confessed his mistakes, and said, "What about it?"

"I ca n’t raise them, and it ’s a pity to kill them. It ’s better to give it to my aunt, and by her means, I will be able to train a good bird.”

"It's fine."

With that said, Changsheng withdrew from the Phalanx, collected Phoenix flesh and landed with her on the east bank.

There was a hill-like green ox waiting, the two took the green ox and quickly disappeared above the South China Sea.

After saying that Gu Zheng was soaring, Xiao Zhai did not leave immediately, but waited for his apprentice to upgrade. Over the past few years, Gu Xiaofei successfully promoted the gods and knew the true identity of Master.

To tell the truth, the seven apprentices were all shocked. Master turned out to be the famous Jiang Zhenren! Wonderful! This last name itself represents a kind of longevity ...

Of course, Gu Xiaofei met Long Qiu, Xiao Jing, and others, and expressed his wish to participate in exploring the heavens and the world.

She didn't have any thoughts, and she didn't have any thoughts for the longevity. To be honest, the child didn't know what his father had done, and thought that he really avenged some premature death of Bashan.



Qingniu is a demon who has become a sperm. He is good at performing arts and skills and trained by younger sisters. His strength is not comparable to the old days. It stomped on the clouds and fell on the top of Bashan like a cloud and a fog. The two stepped forward, "Mother / Master!"

"How?" Xiaozhai sitting idly by the cliff opened his eyes.

"The male bird was beheaded and the female bird fell in love, and the young bird was collected by me, ready to be given to the aunt." Changsheng said.


Xiaozhai nodded and stood up. "I have been in the world for a long time since your father left. Everything is normal and I will leave soon. You should prepare as soon as possible and follow me to Qiyun."

"What's up to Qiyun?"

"Look at old friends."

Words fall ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xiao Zhai turns into a thunderbolt before leaving. Longevity follows closely behind, Gu Xiaofei no longer rides on a cow and flies along with him.

Flying and flying, the little sister suddenly received a ray of divine thought, but it came from the master, "You know, Chen Yuenai was transformed by Gu Yuanyuan?"

Lei Guang shook suddenly, and Gu Xiaofei appeared in shape, stagnant in the void.

Longevity is unknown, so stop and wait.

It seemed like a long time, and it seemed like a few seconds before she slowly shook her head, "I don't know."

"I know now, what do you think?" Xiaozhai asked.


Little Master lowered her head, raised it again, and her body shape was more straight than before. "Nothing, I have cut it with a sword!"

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