Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 835: Baiyun Youyo

? Tianzhu Mountain, Taoist Temple.

When Xiaozhai arrived here, Xiao Xiong was one step ahead, and went to Zhang Shouyang, Wu Kongtu, He He and others to sit around and chat in Houshan.

Today's protagonist is Lu Yuanqing. After several years of Gu Fei's ascension, he finally succeeded, but all the fate, prepared for the Yangshen to trick out, and traveled too vainly.

"In recent years, the trend of unification of politics and roads has become more and more obvious. Many casual masters have received real titles, and even the martial arts have been incorporated. I am afraid that in a few years, the palaces in various places will be formally incorporated into the administrative system." Zhang No dream.

"In fact, there is nothing wrong with it. It can be modeled after the longevity world. The politics and the road are unified, but the two sets of people are separated and each has its own level of jurisdiction, but it helps social stability." Si Kongchan said.

"Although Gongguan is closely related to Taoism, it does not belong to the scope of our system. If Gongguan temples in various places are incorporated, the status and influence of Daoyuan will be greatly reduced."

Bai Yunsheng was also present. With his amazing willpower and talents, plus Shanghai's amount of palladium, he had returned to the previous level.


Lu Yuan calmly replied, and continued: "After Gu Jushi's ascension, the world's hearts are floating, and longevity is no longer out of reach. The government wants to maintain its authority and must reform vigorously. We don't have to act. It ’s up to us to manage the practice of the practitioner ... ”

He turned his head and asked, "What about Jiang Jushi?"

"Yes." Xiaozhai nodded.

In a few words, a few big names decided the future direction of the system. No matter how the government reforms, the four giants of Phoenix Mountain, Bashan, Taoist Temple, and Shenxiao faction will formally take charge of the practice of the world, and any denomination can only be their subordinate branches.

"Oh, I'm having a great time talking, I'm late!"

They were talking, a sweet taste suddenly rushed into Houshan, the peach blossoms were pink and pink, as if a flower demon slipped in by accident.

In front of everyone's eyes, it appeared that a woman wearing a Xiangfei long dress, with a slender figure, was gorgeous and unparalleled-it was Long Qiu's new body of joy.

As soon as she appeared, some gloomy quiet rooms lit up immediately, and everyone's emotions rose slightly, with a hint of joy and restlessness.

"Shit, get out!"

Before anyone else spoke, Xiao Jingxi was very excited and yelled, and then crackled into a ball in a second.

After all, it was just the Dharma body, which soon fell into the downwind. When it was about to be Fa-rectified on the spot, the light body suddenly disappeared, the Dharma body disappeared, and the four brilliances of cyan, red, black, and pink lingered and turned into a weird figure.

She is like the legendary Guanyin.

On the front, there is a fairy-like jade, misty dust, and dare not to have the slightest offensive heart; the red dress on the left is like fire, soaring and treacherous, and the beauty can be scared under the sweep of the eyes; the right is deep and watery, unpredictable and unclear After all; behind, there was the charming pink-clad woman just now.

The four bodies and four faces are very similar and completely dissimilar.

Except for the front, the other three seem to manipulate the three kinds of emotional desires in the world, and even those who are present can be seen to have been affected to some extent.

Later, when Guanghua turned, the three bodies appeared to be integrated into the body, exposing a gentle and pleasant little dragon Qiu.

"Fantastic! Fantastic!"

Lu Yuanqing couldn't help but clap his hands and praised him, saying: "The technique of Longjushi incarnation is really eye-opening, please!"

As soon as he waved his sleeves, there was another seat in the room, with melon, fruit, tea and wine on the table, aura agitated, and a fragrant smell.

At this point, the staff is complete. Including all the fairy lords in the world, even the Shen Xiao faction Yuyangzi also took a seat.

Unlike Gu Zhengfeisheng, Lu Yuanqing was more like a farewell tea party. The people talked about each other and mutually proved the mystery. They gathered for three days and nights.

From the old era more than fifty years ago, the clouds in the sky had not yet gathered and dispersed, the spring breeze of reform had not yet blown the earth, the fat man had not evaded taxes, and the rat had not caught a cold. It didn't bloom everywhere ...

Gu Xiaofei, Yu Yangzi and others are all juniors, who have never experienced that era and listened with interest.

Three days later, Lu Yuanqing waved his long sleeves and stood up.

Everyone came to the outdoor open space, facing the cliff, the wall was deep cold, and the clouds were white.


Mr. Lu Dao didn't say a word, just worshiped at you for a few weeks, and everyone worshiped at the same time. Afterwards, he stepped down, was rolled up by a white cloud, and flew up the mountain lightly.

Everyone saw the figure sitting on the top of the mountain, like a piece of dry rock.

I don't know how long it has been before, suddenly it shakes.

A majestic pressure was completely released, as if it collided fiercely with the repulsive force of the realm, the surrounding air stream was constantly squeezed, and the entire Tianzhu Mountain was shaking.

The disciples rushed out, looked up, looked forward with enthusiasm, or were nervous and anxious. Manshan was a dense crowd.

After a while, I saw Lu Yuanqing's body entangled with golden light, as if Xuanqiao opened up, a magnificent and dazzling, sun-like light flew out of the head, and gradually formed a human-shaped outline.

Gathering is shaped, while scattered is qi, freely visible, detached and scattered, changeless, migratory too immortal, immortal, and also a **** of the sun!

The sun-like light paused for a few moments in the air, as if wiped away by one person, straight into the clouds, disappeared in a blink of an eye.



At this time, the Taoist bell was ringing, and thousands of disciples were lying on the ground. Say goodbye to the one-generation Taoist ancestor who founded the Taoist monastery in one hand and promoted the integration of the various sources.



The bells were still echoing, Zhang Shouyang and others stood there for a long time, and were completely lost. The empty plan was rolled up with sleeves, and Lu Yuanqing's body was retrieved and stored in Houshan.

They are different from Gu Yan, they are born with their own stand.

If the upper bound really is as everyone guessed, after Lu Yuanqing's ascension, he will definitely find the true truth. Even if he didn't find him, those ancestors would take the initiative to absorb him.

Think about it. When you worshiped as a ancestor, Wang Chongyang, Bei Qizhen, and Nan Wuzu, you are right before your eyes. Do you dare not join?

In the same way, after Zhang Shouyang and Nian Kongtu were soaring, they could not leave their relationship with Longhu Mountain and Maoshan.

Everyone has been in the same world for more than 50 years, and they have the same origins and died together. I never expected that they would face the most basic issues of Taoism after soaring.

Of course, there is another possibility. The monks from the earth formed their own forces and became their own faction ... This operation is too complicated and too long.

And there is a major premise, that is, the first guy to soar, what choice did he make?


After January, Bashan.

Xiaozhai and two younger sisters, a son and a female (er) apprentice (xi) brother (fu).

She had no vulgar affairs, Xiao Jing also finished the East China Sea Foundation, and finally looked at her parents; Long Qiu took care of Greenstone Valley and took care of everyone in Meishan.

Five people and four people repaired the thunder law, all preaching by killing. There are no conditions in this realm, so you have to explore Wanjie, improve yourself in continuous battles, and eventually break through.

Long Qiu is looking for all kinds of strange beasts ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to perfect his legal body system. According to her conception, all the sentiments, desires, and thoughts of the living beings can be naturally enlightened, and it is an unprecedented kind of Tao.

"Okay, we should go now!"

Xiaozhai did not bid farewell to Fang Yuan and others, and directly turned into a streamer, the other four also followed. And she just flew into the air, and suddenly a blue shadow emerged from the forest, hissing anxiously.

"Oh, I almost forgot about you."

Although Xiaoqing is a waste, after all she has followed for many years, she beckoned and was in her sleeve.

Clouds tumbling over Bashan disappeared in a blink of an eye.

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