Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 836: Explore


A black dark crow passed through the outer forest of Lake Akario, flapping his wings lightly and secretly, plunging into a bright light.

It swept across the main building, drilled into a towering arrow tower, trembled on the ground, and the feathers fell off, turning into a thin black man.

He had platinum blond hair, a straight bridge of his nose, and thin lips curled into a line, showing his inner discomfort.

"Green, your mission is complete?"

Another strong black man came over, with a little jokes on his face.

"Damn! I'd rather deal with that rotten spore bear than catch a cheap fish like a cheap mercenary!"

With a clear disgust, Green threw out a soft leather pocket full of slender white snowfish. When the first snow fell in the winter, these fish began to hibernate at the bottom of the lake, and at the same time secreted a gelatin to cover the whole body to maintain energy.

About two months later, the ice was captured and it was Akaroo's most famous treasure.

"You have to get used to it as soon as possible, young man! Who told the rise of the old men to play and eat up all our stock?"

The strong man smiled, drew his pockets and jumped directly from the arrow tower, but the heavy body fell lightly like a feather.

He went into the back kitchen, where seven or eight people were busy inside, and a woman quickly rushed over, "Ur is up, Madam has urged three times!"

She took the frozen fish and immediately greeted everyone to start cooking, and the kitchen was in full swing.

The man picked up a few pieces of dried meat and chewed with his mouth, turning his eyes around, and finally stopped on a thin and delicate back.

It was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, wearing coarse clothes, with a reddish birthmark on the left side of her forehead and up the brow bone.

This is the unique mark of the Ignaz family, which can prove that the blood is pure, but at the moment she is next to the fire, carefully watching a pot of thick soup.

The flames reflected her face, and a thin layer of sweat beads appeared, rolling slowly on the white and tender skin, and the man was a little bit dry.

"Begert, do you have anything else?"

After seeing him stay for a long time, the woman came to ask, glanced down at her, smiled, and lowered her voice, "I urge you to die this heart, I heard the lady said that after the snow and ice melted, She will be sent to the wetland abbey. "

"Wetland Abbey?"

The man was startled. The place was a well-known place of suffering. None of the girls who went in lived long.

Alas, it's a pity!

With some regret, he stepped out of the kitchen.


In the early morning, the banquet in this lakeside manor finally ended.

The noble masters left and stayed overnight, but the servants could not rest, so they must be meticulous to clean up. When these things were over, Rhea helped her nearly broken waist and stumbled back to her small room.

Surrounded by stone walls, narrow, a bed squeezed to the inside, leaving as much space as possible for an old table.

There was no window, only a vent, and Riya touched the flint skillfully. When a soybean-sized flame ran up on the lamp, it added a touch of warmth and anger.

She couldn't straighten up, and sat on the bed with her back bowed, and drank half a pot of water before she felt alive.

Here is the collar of Akario, the fiefdom of the Ignaz family. It has gone through a full 300 years of history from the first-generation owner to the present. The goat's head is their family emblem.

The blood of this family is flowing in Rhea, but it was born of the previous generation of barons and a cheap woman.

Two years ago, the baron suddenly found her and received life in the castle. She had a good time and learned meditation, but the good times didn't last long. The baron died six months ago and the eldest son succeeded him.

Those people did not recognize Rhea's identity, and their standard of living plummeted.

This is the standard protagonist start, but there is no system, no rebirth, and no portable grandpa. Even more, she learned through the mouths of a few kind people that his wife would soon send herself to the wetland monastery.

That's a place to eat people, no girl can live an adult life!


Rhea tried to straighten her waist again. The pain was still there, and it became more and more intense. She pressed the thin body mercilessly, as if until death.

No, can't stay here again!

The news of the monastery became the last straw, and Ria suddenly fell to her knees, burrowed into the bed, and pulled out a pile of tattered clothes.

She finds a rotten shoe and pulls out a weird pendant from the sole-the only relic left by her father.

The old baron said that you can use it when you encounter difficulties that cannot be solved!


Ryamo held the pendant with a strange sense of gravel. The unknown metal smelt created the shape of a goat's head. His eyes were blood red and vivid, like a pair of live eyes.

She stared at the pair of eyes, suddenly a little scared, and hesitated for a long time before drawing a big goat head on the ground, followed by cutting her fingers, dropping the blood on the pendant, and placing it in the center.

She remembered the spell taught by her father: "In the name of Ur, the ruler of the sky, the king of the world, I command the power of the soul to open the door of mystery ..."



The dry ground suddenly became wet, as if water was flowing, and the rough and ugly pictures glowed lightly.

"I have accepted your name as part of myself, and I live like a beast, and am happy with my physical pleasure ..."

The light was getting brighter, and a shocking wave came from the circle. Ria opened her eyes wide, only to feel that the weak energy in her body was evacuated, and the whole body's muscles were suffering and twisted.

She insisted that she did not pass out, and read the last sentence: "Oh great soul, please obey my call, everything comes to me!"


The light is brilliant and dazzling, and a purple flame jumps out of it, floating in midair, seemingly nowhere to die. Immediately after, it found the pendant, just like the snail found the snail shell and dug into it.

The interior was calm and calm as if nothing had happened.


Riya sat paralyzed, dumbfounded, and in another blink of an eye, the pendant trembled and a woman's shadow appeared.

The skin was almost white and transparent, and the figure was slender. Wearing clothing that had never been seen before, black hair and black pupils, soft lines, and significantly different looks.

"Is it the devil?"

Ria became even more flustered, leaned back, and saw the woman looking around, then her eyes fell on herself.

She didn't open her mouth, but a message appeared in her head, "Are you my master?"


Waiting for her to answer, the other party asked again, "Did you summon me?"


"So ... don't move!"

The woman suddenly floated over, reached out a finger against her forehead, her face changed inexplicably, "God, dragon, titan, lich, girl ... haha, interesting world, don't hesitate to take risks."

At the time, she was exploring the soul world.

It was a routine business, because it had been explored too far and too long, but it was never found. As a result, when hunting for a high-level life, a wave suddenly waved from the Xuanmeng, taking that life body away.

She didn't want to think about it, and immediately came out with a dove to occupy the nest, so she came here.

Riya shrunk in the corner, seeing the other party mourn, seemingly harmless, and boldly asked, "I, my name is Riya, who are you?"

"Am I ..."

The woman smiled ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Long-sleeved wave, "this seat, the ancestor!"



In the distant world of longevity, in the vast expanse of the world, two rays of light suddenly passed by, like a star.

One in front of the other in the back, apparently chasing and escaping, but just an abnormal panic, one in the chest.


I don't know how long it has been chasing, and the next time approached again, without thinking, slamming forward. In a short time, Huanyu trembled, like a puppet lysate.

There was a sudden drinking in front: "Gu Zhenjun, you really want to kill everything?"

(Ah, how's everyone doing lately? Didn't have an annual meeting and didn't win?)

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