Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 287 Blood Sacrifice and Recognition of the Master (Two in one chapter)

Chapter 287 Blood Sacrifice and Recognition of the Master (Two chapters in one)

Among these ten outer disciples, the first six acted alone, also known as "lone wolves".

The next four people formed two teams, working together in the secret realm to search for the seeds of elixirs and herbs.

Both courses of action have their advantages and disadvantages.

The former is alone and has a larger range of activities, but he is alone and is more likely to fall under certain circumstances.

The latter are relatively safe in taking care of each other. They are more competitive when facing other monks, but their scope of activities is smaller.

With the ten outer disciples arranged in this way, facing the complicated situation in the secret realm, the possibility of coming back alive with harvest is higher.

At least the possibility of the entire army being annihilated is much smaller.

Except for the two people who formed the team, they did not know the identities of the other people.

These ten outer disciples would not know how many people Liu Yu arranged to enter the secret realm.

In order to ensure that these people will not leak secrets and ruin their own affairs.

Liu Yu carefully checked their details, and asked everyone to take the inner demon oath because they could not advance to the foundation.

Of course, their main task is to go into the secret realm to find various resources for the sect, and collecting elixir and herb seeds for themselves is just "incidental".

If you cannot collect the seeds you need, there will be no penalty, but the previous "investment" will be recovered. The conditions are very relaxed.

The so-called investment means that each person is temporarily given a high-grade magic weapon, a few first-grade high-grade powerful talismans, or various first-grade disposable consumables.

These are worth about 500 spirit stones, which is equivalent to 5,000 spirit stones for ten people.

If nothing is gained, all these "investments" will be recovered. If the harvest meets the requirements, the investment will permanently belong to these disciples.

The number of places for each sect to enter the secret realm is limited. If the number of registered disciples exceeds the number, a selection process will be conducted before entry to eliminate the weak ones.

It is in the interests of the sect to arrange for powerful disciples to enter the secret realm and absorb more resources.

Of course, the ten outer sect disciples selected by Liu Yu were already relatively powerful among the outer sects, and the magical weapons he gave them were even more powerful, so passing the selection would not be a problem.

The trip to the secret realm will begin in two months. Registration has started now, and the selection will begin in one month.

Of course, he was not interested in watching the fighting skills of these Qi-refining period disciples, so he just arranged for Wu Chang to pay attention to the situation.

Everything that needs to be arranged has been arranged, and all that remains is to wait until the bloody secret realm opens to see the performance of these ten outer disciples.

The word "bloody" in the bloody secret realm is enough to show how cruel and dangerous it is. Ten disciples enter it, and often only two or three survive.

Therefore, the inner sect disciples who have greater potential and are favored by the sect's certain resources choose to enter and give it a try. On the contrary, the outer sect disciples with lower qualifications and potential occupy most of the places.

Of course, the sect will definitely not only arrange for inner and outer disciples to enter.

A small number of "elite disciples" whose strength far exceeds those of the same level, whose cultivation has reached perfection in qi refining, and who hold top-quality magical weapons, will certainly be arranged to enter and collect important resources.

He even hunted ordinary disciples of other sects and reaped huge rewards.

The elite disciples attract the attention of the sect, and the price for winning over them is Mrs.

Liu Yu doesn't make a choice.

This time, out of the ten outer disciples, if three or four came back alive in the end, it was considered lucky.

After thinking for a while and confirming that there were no obvious omissions, Liu Yu waved his hand and took out two round things from the storage bag and placed them on the table.

These are two "domestic eggs" the size of basketballs, with a gray-black surface and blue lines.

It is the egg obtained from the Yinming Spirit Snake.

For monsters and spirit beasts, bloodline is as important as the spiritual roots of a monk.

According to legend, the Yinming Spirit Snake has the bloodline of the ancient monster Han Chi, and can grow up to the third level of the middle grade, which is equivalent to the cultivation level of a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Core.

In ancient legends, Han Chi possesses the blood of a true dragon. At its peak, it was a powerful monster that could compete with the mighty ones in the Void Refining Stage.

He exhaled a breath of cold air and said nothing more about being frozen for thousands of miles.

However, judging from the fact that his mother is only at the peak of the second level, it is estimated that the blood of Han Chi in her body is already very thin. It is not easy to advance to the third level monster. It is not likely to be any easier than that of a human monk.

But no matter what, it still has the potential to advance to the third level, which is worth cultivating.

If it were put at auction, I'm afraid it could fetch a good price.

With keen spiritual sense, one can clearly feel the breath of life inside the two spirit beast eggs, which are full of vitality.

It's just that it's much weaker than when I first got it.

After this period of consideration, Liu Yu decided to hatch them and cultivate them as his own spiritual beasts.

First of all, compared to human monks, spiritual beasts who sign a master-servant contract are undoubtedly more reliable.

The master can decide the life or death of the spirit beast with a single thought. Whether it is assisting in a martial arts fight or guarding a cave, it is a good choice.

Spiritual beasts do not have the complex thoughts of human monks, and they are bound by a master-servant contract, so at least they don't have to be unwilling to betray them.

Secondly, the Yinming Spirit Snake has the potential to advance to the third level, which is the most valuable thing.

Even if Liu Yu had a better choice at present, it would not be much better, and it would also waste time and effort and delay his practice.

Finally, this snake is still in the state of a spirit animal egg, which is the best time to recognize its owner.

Taming a monster beast into a spirit beast has different difficulties at each stage, and the younger its "age", the less difficult it is to tame it.

As the monster grows, its wild nature will continue to awaken, and the difficulty of taming it and identifying its master will continue to increase.

After a beast opens its eyes, it often regards the first creature it sees as its own parents, creating innate closeness and trust, which is extremely beneficial to future cultivation.

Making a decision in her heart, Liu Yu waved her hand and put the two spirit beast bags into her storage bag, opened the formation and walked out.

I knew very little about cultivating spiritual beasts before, and I didn't know how to make the monsters recognize their masters. Now that I have decided to cultivate spiritual beasts, it's time to learn more about it.

Moreover, it is also time to prepare things such as spirit beast bags.

Taking out the Son-Mother Soul-Chasing Blade, Liu Yu flew directly towards Qingquan Peak with the escaping light, preparing to go to the Zongmen Scripture Collection Pavilion to search for some classics on this subject.

Two hours later, the escaping light fell directly on the top of Qingquan Peak.

Liu Yu glanced at the plaque and walked in, heading directly to the fourth floor.

The first three levels are the scope of activities for disciples in the Qi refining stage. They may have knowledge in this area, but they are undoubtedly the most basic, or castrated, and belong to the most superficial and basic content.

If you want to find more advanced knowledge, you can't count on the first three levels, so there is no need to waste time here.

Liu Yu went directly to the fourth floor.

He glanced at the counter and saw an unknown monk. He nodded slightly as a greeting and walked towards the book collection area without saying anything else.

According to the layout of the fourth floor, find the area related to spiritual beasts and search carefully.

"Experiences of cultivating spiritual beasts" "Thirteen ways for spiritual beasts to recognize their master"

"Ye's Book of Beasts" and "Secret Records of Beast Control"

After some searching, Liu Yu found more than a dozen jade slips related to the cultivation of spiritual beasts and the identification of their owners, and then checked them one by one.

After a lot of choices, I finally chose The Secret Record of Beast Taming.

As for the method of identifying the master here, the control and connection with the spiritual beasts are not strong enough. It can only be said that it is ordinary, and he is not very satisfied.

By recognizing the master in these ways, if the Yinming Spirit Snake advances to the third level in the future, it is likely to escape control.

People without thought, he must worry about.

Although it is too far away to think about it now, there are better choices, so why choose these ordinary goods?

Liu Yu went to the counter and made a copy of "The Secret Record of Beast Control" and continued walking to the fifth floor.

The fourth, fifth and sixth floors of the Sutra Pavilion correspond to the middle and late stages of foundation building. Only those who have reached the corresponding level of cultivation can go up to view.

As if to confirm the saying "the essence is what is concentrated", the space in the Sutra Pavilion becomes smaller as it goes up. The fifth floor is about one-fifth smaller than the fourth floor.

The fellow disciples stationed on this floor are still unknown to them.

Liu Yu glanced at it briefly, then immersed himself in the book collection area and began to look for what he needed.

"Blood Sacrifice to Recognize the Master"

After some searching, Liu Yu looked satisfied when looking at the red jade slip in front of her.

According to the introduction in the previous content, identifying the master through the method on the jade slips has very powerful control over the spiritual beasts.

Even if the spirit beast surpasses its master by one level, the spirit beast can be killed through the thought of the master-servant contract.

Moreover, it can form a close connection with the spirit beast, allowing the spirit beast to understand the master's instructions more clearly, making it easier to command.

"This is it."

Taking the jade tube to the counter to copy, Liu Yu then left the Sutra Pavilion.

He walked to a remote corner, put the jade slip against his forehead, and penetrated it with a ray of spiritual consciousness to see all the contents.

His consciousness scanned and received information very quickly, but he put down the jade slip again in just two breaths.

And all the contents in it have been memorized.

Now was not the time to think clearly. Liu Yu patted the storage bag and took out the magic weapon, which turned into a jet of black light and soared into the sky, returning towards Cailian Mountain.

Luo Dunguang stopped briefly at a market on the way, wandered among various regular stores, and purchased some materials for setting up the main formation.

Then he controlled the magic weapon again and flew towards Cailian Mountain Cave Mansion.

On the Son-Mother Soul-Chasing Blade, Liu Yu faced forward with divergent pupils, recalling the scenes he had just seen at Qingquan Peak and Fangshi, and fell into thinking.

Most people and things are the same as usual, and the floating inner and outer disciples have not changed much.

But Liu Yu always felt something was different. There seemed to be a lot less healing elixirs and various disposable talismans in the shops directly operated by various sects.

There seems to be an undercurrent surging beneath the calm exterior.

"Is it because the bloody secret realm is about to open?"

In the past, when the Bloody Secret Realm was opened, there would indeed be situations where the supply of magic weapons and consumables exceeded the demand, and the prices would rise temporarily. After the trip to the secret realm was over, it would return to normal for a period of time.

"But why do I always feel a little unusual?"

Liu Yu murmured to himself.

It stands to reason that only monks in the Qi Refining Stage can participate in the Scarlet Secret Realm incident. The scope of the impact is mostly limited to first-level resources, and has little impact on the second-level resources used by monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage.

But when he just went to the market to buy materials, he suddenly wanted to buy a few second-level mid-to-high-grade talismans for spare use. After all, there were only three Golden Wind Scattered Talisman left.

But the strange thing is that in several shops, without exception, there is no second-level talisman.

It is not an easy task to influence so many stores at the same time.

If it's just an exception, that's fine. If not, it means something big is going to happen again.

"Is it possible that a few years after the Battle of the Lingshi Mine ended and things calmed down, there is going to be another big war?"

Liu Yu frowned as she thought of a possibility.

However, this is just a guess and is unlikely to become a fact.

Of course, if all the sect's markets are like this, then...

Thinking of this, Liu Yu took out a transmission note from the storage bag, moved his lips and said a few words to inspire it, and turned into a bright light and flew out.

He was not prepared to check every market and store by himself, so it would be most appropriate to leave this kind of matter to Wu Chang.

Two hours later, black light fell in front of Cailian Mountain Cave.

Liu Yu opened the formation and heard the sound of a piano in his ears.

The sound of the piano is low, melodious, long and undulating, containing a touch of sadness, and seems to carry a melancholy emotion.


At the end of the song, Liu Yu praised it loudly.


Ji Ruyan was just immersed in her body and mind. She didn't realize it until Liu Yu made a sound and quickly stood up and bowed politely.

There was a faint blush on her cheeks, and she seemed a little embarrassed to be praised.

"If Ruyan has nothing to do after practicing, how about helping me take care of the elixir garden?"

"The current disciple has rough hands and feet, and the elixir garden is in a mess under his hands, and the growth situation is not good."

"You can't compare to Ruyan's ingenuity, are you willing?"

Picking up the spiritual tea he poured, Liu Yu took a sip and said with a smile.

Through the sound of the piano, he could feel that this woman missed her family hometown very much. This was undoubtedly not conducive to her cultivation, and this was not what he wanted to see.

Maybe it would be a good choice to keep this woman busy and not have so much time to think about things.

Anyway, the "spiritual medicine garden" opened in several acres of spiritual fields in Cailian Mountain was used to conceal the spiritual herbs. Liu Yu did not take this income seriously.

"Go back to your master, my maid obeys your orders."

Although she didn't understand Liu Yu's intention of making such an arrangement, Ji Ruyan did not choose to refuse.

Liu Yu nodded slightly when he saw this, leaving a book of the most basic spiritual grass cultivation tips for him to study slowly, then turned and entered the practice room.

Sitting on the futon, I briefly thought about the details of "blood sacrifice to identify the master".

After half an hour, he stood up and started to move.

You don’t need to understand its principles, you just need to meticulously lay out the “recognition of the main formation” according to the content, and it will be effective.

Liu Yu took out various materials purchased from the market, followed the descriptions in the jade tube, and began to arrange the materials after simply processing them.

Although the main formation was relatively simple and did not involve many mysteries of conventional formations, he knew nothing about formations and it still took him two hours to complete the arrangement.

He glanced with his spiritual consciousness and carefully checked the formation twice, making sure it was consistent with the description in the jade tube.

Place two Yinming Spirit Snake eggs in the center of the triangular host recognition formation.

Then Liu Yu made a secret with both hands, and a dark red spiritual light lit up in his hands.

In just three breaths of time, hundreds of magic formulas were applied to the formation.

The formation gradually lit up with spiritual light, and the lines connected together, emitting silvery white light, shrouding the two gray beast eggs.

It seems to "light up" it.

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