Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 288 Preparation for hatching (two chapters in one)

Chapter 288 Preparation for hatching (two chapters in one)

The aura of the triangle formation became stronger and stronger, gradually forming a pillar of light that seemed to break through the barriers of the room.

A wave of waves broke through the constraints of the formation and spread to the surroundings, splashing large amounts of dust.

However, due to the obstruction of the building, all movement was restricted to the practice room.

In the triangular beam of light, the two spirit beast eggs were gradually suffused with the same aura, reaching a certain degree of resonance.

This aura is warm, soft, and exudes a life-soothing aura.

After the initial unease and a period of shaking and trembling, the two spirit beast eggs gradually calmed down and lay quietly in the center of the formation.

Liu Yu's pupils reflected the scene in front of him, observing the changes in front of him without changing his expression.

This scene lasted for about seven or eight breaths, and slowly the spiritual light began to weaken, and the triangular light pillar disappeared.

Only a faint spiritual light remained, turning into dots of light like fireflies, floating towards the two spirit beast eggs.

"This is the moment."

Liu Yu's heart moved. According to the content of the blood sacrifice to recognize the main method, the style of the method in his hand changed drastically. It became completely different from when he usually used spells and secret techniques, and became a bit domineering and confused.

At the same time, the speed of pinching slowed down, as if there was an invisible force blocking it, and each spell was much more difficult than usual.

Nine is the extreme number, which coincides with the laws of heaven's movement.

After the nine special spells, Liu Yu suddenly withdrew his gesture and stopped.

Look at the spirit beast egg attentively.

I saw that the formation was stimulated by this and suddenly underwent significant changes.

The three most critical parts of the formation, the "nodes" that emitted white aura, have turned into dark red.

The red brilliance spread from three key nodes, quickly transforming the entire formation into a dark red color.

The little bits of light that originally floated towards the spirit beast eggs also turned dark red and continued to float towards the spirit beast eggs, eventually enveloping the two spirit beast eggs.

A layer of dark red, cocoon-like stuff formed.

Although they have not yet been born, the two beings in the beast's egg instinctively feel bad. Their breaths fluctuate, and the eggshells tremble and want to resist.

But in vain, the dark red light cocoon was still tightly wrapped in its aura, consuming its instinctive will to resist.

The trembling lasted for an hour, and the movement of the two spirit beast eggs gradually became smaller. At the same time, the life breath also began to decline at an undetectable speed.

Everything was going well. When Liu Yu moved here, a control technique hit the formation.

The dark red light cocoon suddenly expanded a bit, then shrank inward, slowly becoming smaller and smaller, as if it was about to destroy two spirit beast eggs.

However, the knowledge that can be placed in the Sutra Pavilion has been verified and confirmed to be effective, so naturally this situation will not happen.

When it shrank to about the same size as the spirit beast egg, the shrinkage of the dark red light cocoon did not stop, but it did not destroy the spirit beast egg. Instead, it merged into the spirit beast egg.

As it blends in, the dark red brilliance slowly fades away.

At the same time, the surface of the spirit beast egg changed, and patterns as red as blood began to appear.

These patterns are extremely complex and seem to be arranged irregularly, which is dazzling and full of bloody and evil connotations.

There is definitely an inexplicable relationship with the devil.

Liu Yu thought secretly.

However, he was not surprised that secret techniques related to the devil appeared openly in the Zongmen Sutra Pavilion.

After all, Yuanyang Sect is a neutral sect, let alone demonic arts and secret arts. There are even monks who directly practice demonic arts in the sect.

However, these monks are only a minority after all.

As time passed, less than half an hour later, the dark red light cocoon had completely integrated into the spirit beast egg.

The blood-colored patterns on the surface of the eggshell also became extremely clear, covering the original blue lines.

"about there."

The magic power circulates in Liu Yu's meridians, pushing towards the heart. At the same time, he puts the fingers of his left hand together and taps several acupuncture points on the chest.

Two drops of blood slowly moved from his heart, and finally flew out of his mouth, floating in front of him.

The size of the two drops of essence and blood are almost the same, both are about the size of a soybean, bright red in color, and glowing with blood.

It contains amazing spiritual energy and vitality, which is a great tonic for monsters.

After the two drops of essence and blood left the body, Liu Yu's aura and spiritual pressure quickly weakened, but it was nothing serious.

As his cultivation level increased to the middle stage of foundation establishment, and he took dragon blood fruit every once in a while to strengthen his physique, the amount of blood essence and blood in his body had increased from eight drops in the early stage of foundation establishment to fourteen drops now.

The loss of two drops is only one-seventh of the amount, and it will not cause any serious problems. He will recover within a few months of taking the Hemolytic Pill.

Liu Yu stretched out a finger and controlled two drops of blood essence to fall towards the two spirit beast eggs.

As soon as the essence and blood came into contact with the spirit beast egg, it quickly fell into the blood-red patterns. After a while, traces of bright red essence and blood spread all over the lines on the surface.

Immediately afterwards, the blood-red pattern burst into dazzling blood.

This bloody light lasted for a long time, accompanied by a strong spiritual energy fluctuation, and it did not slowly converge until a quarter of an hour later.

When the blood light dimmed, the blood-red pattern seemed to "come alive" and began to swim, slowly integrating into the spirit beast egg.

Since the spirit beast egg's own will to resist has been worn away, the blood essence has been integrated relatively smoothly.

Another quarter of an hour later, all the blood-red patterns had been integrated into the spirit beast egg, leaving only a small dark red dot.

Its own blue lines were no longer obscured and resurfaced on the surface.

Seeing this, Liu Yu nodded slightly, stepped forward to activate the spell, and pointed at the crimson dot with one finger.

This spirit beast egg was the one I got first, the one with more blue patterns.

More than half of the spiritual consciousness surged out of the Niwan Palace and entered the spirit beast egg along the crimson dots.

The spiritual consciousness, carrying the essence and blood that was previously integrated into the egg, found the larvae of the Yinming Spirit Snake that was still gestating, and began to carve the mark of a slave on its incompletely developed soul or essence.

Start taking away their freedom.

The desire for freedom is the instinct of all living creatures, not to mention the unruly and powerful monster beast like the Yinming Spirit Snake, which has the bloodline of ancient Han Chi?

Although its spirit has not yet fully developed and has no complete and clear consciousness, the first contact still aroused instinctive resistance.

This is the instinct engraved in the soul!

But how can the arm be twisted through the thigh?

After all, it has not been born yet, and even its essence has not been fully gestated. Its consciousness is in an ignorant state, and its sense of resistance is not firm. How can it resist a prepared foundation-building monk?

Liu Yu felt his instinct to resist, but ignored him at all.

The powerful consciousness, wrapped in essence and blood, imprisoned his essence according to the method of blood sacrifice to identify the master, and then began to condense the slave brand at the core of the essence.

The gap between the two sides in the spiritual realm is too big, so this process went very smoothly.

In just ten breaths, the last stroke was made, leaving a blood-red mysterious rune on his blue soul.

Just after the rune was completed, the resistance of the Yinming Spirit Snake spirit suddenly disappeared, and instead there was a slight feeling of intimacy.

After a lot of tossing, the spirit of the Yinming Spirit Snake larvae had a faint tendency to collapse. With a thought in his mind, Liu Yu released the confinement and took back his consciousness, and at the same time he lowered his hand.

He could feel that he had established a strange connection with the spirit beast egg in front of him.

This connection was very clear. Through this connection, he could clearly feel the hazy consciousness in the spirit beast egg.

Liu Yu knew that this was the effect of the master-servant contract.

Through the slave brand engraved on the core of its soul, one can decide the life or death of the spirit beast in a single thought, and can also make some "punishments" at will, and can drive the spirit beast to do anything at will.

If necessary, he can even simply sense the thoughts of the spiritual beast through the slave brand.

If an order is issued, it can be easily understood by the spirit beast through this connection, and execution can begin.

If the master dies, the spirit beast will die instantly. If the spirit beast dies, the master will only be slightly affected, not even a minor injury.

The "master" can cut off this kind of connection if he wants to, and open it if he wants to. However, the spirit beast has no right to choose at all and can only passively accept it.

This is the tyranny of the master-servant contract!

However, this kind of master-servant contract has the greatest chance of success when the monster is not yet born and has a weak sense of resistance, or when the monster is completely voluntary.

Generally, after a monster is born, its instincts will awaken quickly and become unruly and unruly. At the same time, its intelligence will be low, and it would rather die than surrender to a human monk.

In this way, the difficulty of domestication will increase exponentially, and it will be difficult to succeed in most cases.

Following the same pattern, after a while, Liu Yu also carved a mark on the essence of another spirit beast egg.

Since then, the identification of the owners of the two spirit beast eggs has been successfully completed.

Now that the recognition of their owners has been completed, the next step is to hatch them out.

Liu Yu pondered for a moment and decided to imitate the environment of the cold pool so that they could hatch smoothly.

So I found hay and made a "nest" for them in the empty spirit animal room according to the size of the two spirit animal eggs.

Then many low-grade ice spiritual stones and low-grade water spiritual stones were placed on the "nest".

Because we know that the Yinming Spirit Snake is an ice and water monster, it has more ice spirit stones and less water spirit stones.

Especially under the two spirit beast eggs, a wealthy man placed a medium-grade ice spirit stone respectively.

The ice spirit stone emitted a hint of cold air, causing the temperature of the spirit beast room to drop. At the same time, Liu Yu used his magic power to condense the water flow and spread it around the room, making the spirit beast room humid.

Same cold and wet.

In this way, the environment is 70% similar to the cold pool environment. It should not be a problem to successfully hatch the two spirit beast eggs.

A smile appeared on Liu Yu's lips, looking at everything with satisfaction.

Then through the master-servant contract, he carefully sensed the situation of the two spirit beast eggs.

The two unborn creatures are extremely fragile, and their vitality has been slowly declining during the "torturing" process.

It wasn't until the master-servant contract was completed and the environment was suitable for survival that the rate of decline in vitality slowed down, but it was still declining insignificantly, but it had a tendency to stop.

However, Liu Yu's powerful spiritual consciousness could observe that in a suitable environment, the two spirit beast eggs had begun to instinctively absorb the spiritual energy from the outside world, although the speed was very slow.

"The vitality of the monster is indeed tenacious."

Liu Yu sighed slightly.

Judging from the development of the larvae in these two spirit beast eggs, it will take less than a few months for them to face the real "difficulty" of birth.

Whether the birth can be successful depends on the fate of these two eggs.

He can't help much now, and he can't stay here forever.

So Liu Yu closed the spirit beast room and returned to the training room to refine a hemolytic pill so that its power could be stored in the body and speed up the recovery of consumed blood essence.

After refining the blood-lying elixir, he lay on the Grand Master's chair in the hall, holding the "Secret Book of Beast Control" in his hand, intending to study what he needed to pay attention to in cultivating spiritual beasts.

In fact, he already had a way to quickly advance spiritual beasts, and that was to take drugs.

The Baicao Dan book given by Li Changkong contains two types of elixirs specifically designed to help spirit beasts advance quickly.

One is a "spirit-feeding pill" for first-level monsters, and the other is a "spirit-feeding pill" for second-order monsters.

These two kinds of elixirs were invented by ancient monks. They are of great benefit to spiritual beasts and are suitable for most spiritual beasts. However, nowadays, no one cares about them.

Without him, it was still because of the elixir problem.

Although the spiritual grass for refining these two types of elixirs is not very rare, the age requirements for the spiritual grass are higher, even higher than the age requirements for ordinary cultivation elixirs in the Qi refining and foundation building stages.

Today's cultivation world is no different than in ancient times. Spiritual energy has declined and spiritual herbs and elixirs have become scarce.

The elixirs used for my own cultivation cannot be taken regularly, so where can I provide expensive elixirs to the spirit beasts?

Moreover, it is not that the spirit beast can advance to the next level immediately after taking the "spirit feeding pill" or "spirit feeding pill". These two pills are only of great benefit to the spirit beast. If you want to advance quickly, you have to Take large amounts.

If you have those resources, wouldn't it be good to use them to improve your own realm?

But this is different for Liu Yu. The ripening spiritual grass is refined into elixirs for spiritual beasts to take, and the cost is much lower than that of other monks.

Based on the speed at which you can earn spiritual stones, if you can get a "loyal" spiritual beast, these expenses are completely affordable.

There happens to be a magical herb in the Immortal Mansion for refining Spirit Feeding Pills and Spirit Feeding Pills.

The elixir recipes and spiritual herbs are complete, and as long as the Yinming Spirit Snake hatches successfully, it can be refined.

Two days later, in the cave.

"The Bloody Secret Realm is extremely dangerous. Only one out of ten people can escape successfully. This is no child's play."

"Have you really decided?"

Liu Yu frowned slightly while sitting on the stone bench, looked at the "junior" standing respectfully in front of him, and spoke lightly.

After the regular biannual guidance just now, Geng Yunsong expressed his thoughts and expressed that he wanted to adventure in the bloody secret realm.

"Return to Master Liu, my disciple has made up his mind."

"Yunsong just has an unusual aptitude for the Four Spiritual Roots. Even with the help of his great-grandfather Yize and his uncle, he is still in the middle stage of Qi refining when he is over thirty."

"There is no hope of building a foundation if we continue in such chaos. I really feel ashamed of my great-grandfather's expectations and my uncle's cultivation."

"Wealth and honor can be found in danger, fortune can be obtained in danger."

"Yun Song wants to have a try in the Bloody Secret Realm!"

Facing his uncle, whom he had always respected and feared, Geng Yunsong gritted his teeth and insisted on his opinion, his attitude unexpectedly firm.

Every vote of support is the motivation for updating the work. Thank you Changting!

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