Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 608 Dark Forest (please vote!!)


He let out a soft breath, and his chest rose and fell slowly involuntarily.

In the soul, a deep sense of fatigue came, accompanied by bursts of slight tearing pain.

"Two breaths, just two breaths."

"Even if the ruined sword is refined through the Immortal Mansion, it is still too reluctant to use the golden elixir realm to activate the spiritual treasure."

"It's like a six- or seven-year-old child trying to forcefully wield a huge hammer."

Liu Yu murmured.

"The power of Lingbao is certainly fascinating."

"But you must be careful when using it, otherwise you may destroy yourself."

"Fortunately, the biggest energy problem has been solved with the "spiritual mark"."

Feeling the tearing pain of his soul, a wry smile appeared on his lips.

Compared with the price Tang Tianbao paid with his life, this sequelae is nothing to mention. It does not damage the essence of the soul and can be recovered after a period of rest.

But in a short period of time, try to use as little spiritual consciousness and secret techniques as possible.

After taking a rest, Liu Yu's complexion gradually returned to normal, and she began to clean the battlefield in a flash.

The news about Lingbao must not be leaked, otherwise the demon clan will take this matter very seriously.

Maybe a demon cultivator in disguise will be sent to investigate specifically.

If the Zhang family knew about it, they would definitely do something secretly. There is no doubt about this.

No monk can resist the temptation of Lingbao.

The hearts of immortal cultivators contain the darkness of the entire world, and Liu Yu never overestimates human nature.

Looking around, where the gray sword shadow fell, a huge ravine about a hundred feet long and twenty or thirty feet wide appeared.

The extremely strong air of ruin is constantly emerging from the ravines, causing the area with zero vitality to slowly expand.

This trace is too obvious.

Liu Yu flew to the top of the ravine, mentally contacted the sword spirit, and conveyed his idea to let it take back the dilapidated and desolate atmosphere.


The sword body trembled steadily, but in the end the "Sword Spirit" chose to obey and controlled the dilapidated sword to float into the ravine.


Strong winds surged, and the air dynamics for several miles around suddenly changed.

Countless gray-white and gray-black auras, with the huge ravine as the center, constantly appeared from within a radius of five or six miles, and quickly submerged into the body of the ruined sword.

In just two breaths, all the dilapidated and desolate atmosphere disappeared into the long sword.

Here, things are back to normal again without having to rely on time to heal the wounds.


Reaching out and tying the ruined sword around his waist, Liu Yu nodded with satisfaction.

After fulfilling Tang Tianbao's last wish and spending so much time "cultivating feelings", this sword is finally more obedient.

You won't ignore it like you did when you first got it.

Of course, the credit of forced refining by the Immortal Mansion is indispensable, but there is no need to say more about these bad things.

Then, Liu Yu's eyes turned, and a bit of cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

He activated his magic power, and the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear immediately shook, and then he continuously waved it around, shooting out thousands of golden-red spear lights.

It shot out to all the mountains within a radius of thirty miles.

During the fight just now, Liu Yu never withdrew his consciousness and was always paying attention to the movements around him.

In order to prevent the scene of using the Broken Sword from being leaked by those low-level monsters, all low-level monsters who witnessed it must be silenced.

They are not guilty per se, the only fault is that they saw something they shouldn't have seen!

In just two breaths, thousands of golden-red spear lights rose up and fell into the vast mountains.

"Boom boom boom"

In a moment, there was a roar, one after another.

The gun light seemed extremely weak against the two fire phoenixes, but it was extremely efficient in killing low-level monsters.

With Liu Yu's current state, even a tiny ray of spear light is comparable to a second-level mid-to-high-grade spell.

Some of the thick spear awns even have the power of second-order top-grade or third-order low-grade.

Under this kind of crushing, most low-level monsters are not immune. Even if they are lucky enough to block a ray of gun light, they will be overwhelmed by what follows.


"Bang bang"

The mountains echoed with an incomparably sweet sound.

Every roar means the loss of at least one life.

In just a moment, at least dozens of roars sounded simultaneously.

"What a beautiful piece of music~"

"Perhaps the most beautiful music in the world can only be played at the cost of life?"

"This art of killing must not lack the necessary cruelty, otherwise it will never become a great weapon!"

Liu Yu closed her eyes and enjoyed the music ringing in her ears.

At the same time, using body refining and qi refining cultivation, the strength he can exert has reached the limit of the golden elixir of ordinary monks.

Compared with the low-level monsters that have not yet reached the third level, they are separated by one large realm, plus several small realms.

Even if the spear light is triggered casually, no low-level monster can resist it.

The golden red spear light fell, just like wielding a sickle to cut weeds, everything was so logical.

After just two breaths, the roaring in the ears gradually subsided, and all the monsters that witnessed the scene just now were accurately killed without leaving any further harm.

"It's a pity that due to time constraints, the Qingyang Demonic Fire cannot be used, otherwise another batch of fuel could be harvested."

Liu Yu opened her eyes, flashing with regret.

These low-level monsters are too far away from each other, and their cultivation is too low. It would be a waste of time to burn them one by one with magic fire.

After comprehensive consideration, he still chose to simply kill them with gun light, which was quick and easy.


After spending several seconds to deal with the aftermath, Liu Yu immediately raised his magic power and turned into a cyan light and soared into the sky, flying towards the place where the slave team stopped just now.

Although the monster beast's cultivation level is low and it is troublesome to deal with it, there are still six golden elixir monks with imprisoned mana in the slave team just now, which is equivalent to walking fuel.

It would be a shame to miss it.

Now that the magic fire has been promoted to the third level, the fuel gap is so big, and Liu Yu is under great pressure to collect it, so he cannot waste it casually.

"Calculating the time, it has not been more than thirty breaths since I started doing business."

"Judging from the time it took for the deer demon and bull demon to send out the summons, it should be quite sufficient."

"It's enough time to go back."

"However, in order to avoid accidents, the speed must be fast and there cannot be a moment's delay."

Liu Yu's eyes were calm, and he quickly thought about the possible arrival time of the demon cultivator.

The distance of seven hundred miles is not too far for a demon cultivator. If he receives the news, he will probably make a trip in person.

However, it takes time for the messenger to fly over, and it may not be received immediately. There may also be discussions about who should be sent, so he has enough time to act.


Cyan light pierced the sky, and the spiritual energy storm just now gradually subsided.

Liu Yu opened his escape speed at full speed and entered an explosive state again. It only took him about ten breaths to arrive at the place where the slave team had stopped.

At this time, the three demon cultivators who had not been escorted for a long time returned. Some of the cultivators had already thought of escaping and took action.

Four of the remaining six golden elixir cultivators chose to escape, including the female golden elixir cultivator who reported on Guo Poyun, and had already escaped some distance.

After two rounds of spiritual energy cleansing, as well as accumulated improvements over time, the golden elixir monk still has considerable strength even if his magic power is imprisoned.

It is still possible to find the right opportunity to escape when the monster is not paying attention, or even to deal with it for a while.

As for whether you can succeed in the end, it depends on your personal strength and luck.

If you have practiced daily body training and still have some strength after the magic power is imprisoned, and can deal with a group of second-level monsters, then you have a greater chance of escaping.

However, he couldn't use his magic power and could only walk on two legs. After about forty breaths passed, the fastest golden elixir monk was only able to escape within seven or eight miles.

As for the slowest people, they have been surrounded by monsters and have no hope of escaping on their own.

As for those monks whose cultivation level is less than the golden elixir, they are no match for the monster beasts, and most of them still stay where they are.

Once caught escaping, one will be severely punished, even more painful than death.

If you don't run away, you can at least continue to survive for a while.

Therefore, when there is a high probability of failure in escaping, only a small number of monks choose to escape, and most of the monks still stay where they are.

"Very good, it saves Liu a lot of effort."

With a sweep of his consciousness, Liu Yu clearly observed the situation of the escort team, and this thought flashed through his mind.

His spiritual pressure was undisguised, and when he reached the sky above the team, he had already been noticed by the monks.

"Why are there monks coming?"

"Where are the three demon cultivators? Have they been eliminated?!"

Feeling the sudden appearance of what was obviously the spiritual pressure of an immortal cultivator, thoughts flashed through the minds of the slave cultivators.

Immediately, a golden elixir monk looked ecstatic and shouted:

"Fellow Taoist is extremely powerful, have those three demon cultivators been killed?"

"I'm Zuo Tianhua of Jiuling Gate in Yunzhou. I would like to ask my Taoist friend to help him release his magic power. I'd also like to give him a ride. I'm very grateful."

"When I return to the sect, I will definitely reward you generously!"

Seeing the monk named Zuo Tianhua speak, the others woke up from a dream and shouted:

"Senior, can you give me a hand? I am willing to be a slave and a maidservant."

"Senior, can you also give me a ride? I'm willing to be a bull and a horse."

"I have met the seniors, and the juniors are from the Huo family in Jizhou."

"This senior and junior is the Feng family of Yongzhou."

Knowing that relying on one's own strength, the magic power is imprisoned, and there is no magic weapon or magic weapon, there is almost no hope of escape.

The monks who stayed where they were, regardless of their level of cultivation, all shouted at Liu Yu and offered various prices.

Trying to grasp at straws and regain freedom.

"Take you with me?"

There was no fluctuation in Liu Yu's eyes, and there was a cold smile on her face.

With a flip of his left palm, the Qingyang Demonic Fire emerged. To greet those shouting monks, it was the cyan flame that descended from the front!

If there were any of these monks with great backgrounds, he wouldn't mind saving them in order to achieve better development in the Central Territory.

Unfortunately, no.

Think about it, even if a monk with a great background is tricked, it is unlikely that he will be sold to the demon clan. I am afraid that he will be silenced immediately.


On the avenue, the green fire flashed and instantly turned into a strange light red, accompanied by bursts of shrill screams.

In just one or two breaths, the screams that came and went quickly disappeared.

Whether it was a monk or a monster, they were all burned by the Qingyang Demonic Fire and turned into a ball of black ashes.

Then, Liu Yu turned around and chased the four golden elixir monks who had escaped not far away, intending to harvest a wave of fuel.

There was no suspense, and after about three or four breaths passed, silence returned to the mountains and forests.

"Liu, you are not the savior~!"

"When you die, you also gain the freedom you dream of."

"And contributing to the growth of Demon Fire is equivalent to contributing to the battle of Lingwu City in the near future."

"It can be considered a worthy death."

Recalling the Qingyang Demonic Fire, Liu Yu looked back at the pile of ashes on the ground with an indifferent expression.

In this world of cultivating immortals, great power belongs to oneself, and one can fly to the sky and escape to the earth to live forever.

However, resources are limited, and every monk needs to pursue his own path.

Sometimes, there is no room for any tenderness!

Even with the Immortal Mansion to rely on, he still needs to seize the opportunities he can and use all means to strengthen himself.

This world is full of miracles and infinite possibilities. Once someone is found to be malicious, they must be eradicated!

If you are kind-hearted, not only may changes occur in the future, but it may also bring disaster and endless misfortune to the people around you.

Looking back at the clouds of black ashes on the road in the distance, Liu Yu felt some enlightenment in her heart.

He suddenly thought of the "Dark Forest Law" that he had seen in his previous life.

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