Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 609 Greed and not greed

"The universe is a dark forest, and every civilization is a hunter with a gun, stalking the forest like a ghost."

"Gently push aside the branches blocking the road, try your best not to make any sound with your footsteps, and even breathe carefully."

"He must be careful, because there are hunters like him stalking everywhere in the forest. If he finds other life, there is only one thing he can do."

"Shoot and destroy them."

"In this forest, other people are hell and an eternal threat!"

"Any life that exposes its existence will be quickly wiped out!"

The law of the dark forest flashed in Liu Yu's heart.

Even if this rule is placed in the world of cultivating immortals, it can still work in many places.

Because as the path to immortality reaches higher levels, high-level rare resources become scarcer, and every monk of the same level is a competitor.

It may pose a strong threat to others at any time and anywhere.

Even if you don’t have any ill intentions, how do you know that others don’t have any ill intentions?

Even if the other party is not malicious, it is difficult for him to know whether you are malicious. What if he mistakenly thinks you are malicious and strikes first?

Even if he knows you mean no harm, how do you know the other person means no harm?

The other party knows that he has no ill intentions, but he doesn’t know whether you know that he has no ill intentions. What if he speculates that you will take action first and chooses to take action even further?

If it continues, it will be an endless chain of suspicion.

Even if both parties have no ill intentions and can be honest with each other now, what about tomorrow? What about in a few years or decades?

People's hearts will change!

What's more, there are more than just two competitors in this world of cultivating immortals. There are also third parties, fourth parties, and Nth parties. These are all variables!

The scarcity of high-end resources, the complexity of human nature, and the endless chain of suspicion mean that this world must be cruel.

You must go through the mountains of corpses and seas of blood and use others as stepping stones to truly reach the top!

"Underneath the prosperity and beauty on the surface, there is endless competition underneath."

Liu Yu sighed softly and murmured to himself.

He was lucky that he got the "Essentials of Demonic Cultivation" during his Qi refining period and woke up first.

Otherwise, even if there is an immortal mansion, I'm afraid it won't be able to go very far.

Shaking his head slightly, Liu Yu withdrew his gaze, turned into a blue light and soared into the sky, quickly flying towards the road he came from.

The "Wall of Divine Consciousness" surrounded him, tightly fitting without leaving a single gap. He carefully restrained his aura, spiritual pressure, and mana fluctuations, and flew away at nearly full speed.

It didn't take long for it to become a small dot on the horizon.

"This distance should be safe."

Looking back in the direction of Lingwu City, Liu Yu secretly thought.

Half an hour later, he had escaped nearly two thousand miles away and was nearly three thousand miles away from Lingwu City.

Along the way, the "Wall of Divine Consciousness" was used to shield the probe at all times, leaving no trace.

Even if the demon cultivator takes action in person, there is no way he can be traced.

"With the status of the Broken Sword, as long as it is always with you, even if a being in the transformation stage takes action, it is impossible to obtain information about yourself through divination, prediction and other means."

Thinking like this, Liu Yu subconsciously touched the sword at his waist, feeling extremely at ease.

The character of the Sword of Destruction is comparable to the great master of void refining, and there are no void refining monks in this world, so even if a god transformation monk takes action, it will be difficult to get his information.

Unless it is an extremely special situation, there are monks who also use spiritual treasures to divine and predict.

However, in many ancient legends, there are no divination-type spiritual treasures.

"Burning six golden elixirs, hundreds of Qi-refining foundation-building monks, and some low-level monsters obtained 3,600 degrees of fuel."

"This harvest is not small, it is a rare harvest."

"Including the previous 400 degrees, there are already 4,000 degrees of fuel, and there is still 6,000 degrees left to meet the requirements for Qingyang Demon Fire to advance to the third level."

"Sure enough, large-scale killing is the correct way to collect fuel."

With a thought, Liu Yu's eyes flashed as he sensed the increased power of Qingyang Demonic Fire and the progress of collecting fuel.

He had a premonition that the Qingyang Demonic Fire would undergo a burning process that would shock the world, and then step into the ranks of high-quality people under the spotlight.

"It's a bit difficult to handle."

Thinking of this, Liu Yu had a headache.

Although there is no taboo on killing, if it is too bloody and cruel without a legitimate reason, you will definitely be labeled as an "evil cultivator" or "devil cultivator", which will affect your development in the Central Territory.

He didn't want to be labeled as an "evil cultivator" and be ostracized by the mainstream of the immortal cultivating world.

"I want this, I want that too!"

"The world is safe and sound~"

Liu Yu laughed at himself.

"Let's take it one step at a time."

He shook his head to get rid of distracting thoughts, continued to collect his breath, turned left and right and flew towards Yizhou.

While flying, time passed like running water, and six or seven days passed quickly.

At this time, Liu Yu had already arrived in Ganzhou. With his flight speed, he was only two or three days away from Yizhou.

"Although I left a step later, my escape speed is much faster than that of Zhuo Mengzhen and the others, so I should be in front."

After flying all the way, they didn't see the two of them. Liu Yu guessed that they had chosen another path.

Looking at the storage ring handed over by Guo Poyun in his hand, his heart moved and he was a little curious about what was inside.

Is there really only "dirty magic liquid"?

The next moment, Liu Yu's consciousness spread towards the storage ring and began to explore it carefully.


"This storage ring seems a little special."

"The difficulty of refining is about the same as refining a magic weapon. It seems very easy?"

After careful observation with his spiritual consciousness, he soon discovered something unusual.

"That's right. Living in an environment like the Six Continents of Annan, you really don't have much time to refine magic weapons and magic weapons."

"If you're not careful, you may be discovered by monsters and cultivators."

"In that case."

After thinking about the cause and effect, Liu Yu's eyes flashed, and the next moment he injected mana and began to refine the storage ring.

Wisps of light cyan mana, exuding soft spiritual light, quickly emerged from his palm, and then sank into the storage ring, beginning to clear the mana marks left by the original owner.

Liu Yu is already familiar with how to refine magic weapons and magic weapons, thanks to the trophies he has harvested along the way.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, the special storage ring was refined.

Looking at the bronze storage ring with exquisite but inconspicuous patterns on his ring finger, he thought about it and his consciousness immediately sank into it.

The first thing that catches the eye are black iron bottles the size of a child's palm. There are about one or two hundred bottles.

Putting it uniformly in the center of the storage space seems to be the most important thing.

In addition, there are knives, guns, swords, halberds, etc. There are about fifty weapons of different styles.

The surroundings of these weapons are all filled with astonishing power, which cannot be compared with magical weapons or spiritual weapons.

Judging from this power, which far exceeds that of magic weapons and spiritual weapons, one can draw preliminary conclusions even without much observation.

These fifty weapons are all magic weapons without exception!

"magic weapon!"

"And there are as many as fifty pieces!"

The moment he realized this, Liu Yu's breathing became heavy unconsciously.

A kind of greed arises uncontrollably in my heart in an instant, and I want to take all the fifty magic weapons in the storage ring as my own!

His gaze became a little fanatical.

A total of fifty pieces. Even if the most common magic weapon is calculated as one hundred thousand spiritual stones each, it is still worth five million spiritual stones!

Even for a Nascent Soul stage monk, it is definitely an astronomical sum!

Not to mention, some of these high-quality magic weapons can be sold for two to three hundred thousand spirit stones, which is no problem at all.

"The Zhang family is really a big deal!"

"It is indeed a family that has ruled the six Annan continents for hundreds of thousands of years. There have been monks in every generation who have inherited the title of "Dingnan Hou"."

"These fifty magic weapons should be only part of them. There must be other monks secretly escorting the magic weapons in."

Liu Yu's heart was shaken. She was shocked by the Zhang family's generosity, and even her breathing slowed down for a moment.

The storage ring is in my hand, and the fifty magic weapons are in my hand.

At this moment, he desperately wanted to take it as his own, and then run away immediately to be at ease.

With this amount of spiritual stone, you can spend lavishly for a long time in the future.

Even if Liu Yu practiced the three paths at the same time, he would almost be able to reach the peak of the golden elixir.

But after calming down, Liu Yu thought carefully and had to give up this tempting idea.

First, being in the Six Continents of Annan, even if he had fifty magic weapons in hand, he had no way to exchange them for spiritual stones.

The second is to rely solely on one's own strength to escape from the prison of the six Annan continents, but I don't know how long it will take.

It would be the best to be able to catch a ride with the Zhang family.

Third, there is the issue of reputation.

Although the six Annan continents are under the control of the demon clan, the Zhang family has been in business for hundreds of thousands of years, so there must be channels to contact Daqian.

On the issue of "recovering the homeland", once the resources such as corruption are discovered, they will be labeled as "traitors" and they will not be able to get rid of them.

In the future, the identity of "Emissary of Tiannan" will no longer be available in the Central Territory.

And once his identity is exposed, he will inevitably be hunted down by various forces such as Daqian and Holy Land. From now on, he can only remain anonymous and be subject to heavy restrictions.

"But I don't lack magic weapons at the moment. Even if Tan Mo has fifty magic weapons, he can only exchange them for spiritual stones."

"And its own strength will not be improved as a result."

"The Immortal Mansion can ripen thousand-year-old spiritual herbs. I don't lack these "ordinary resources". It only takes some time to refine the elixirs and exchange them for spiritual stones."

After calming down the ripples in his heart, Liu Yu looked at the storage ring in his hand, comforting himself so much that he smiled slightly.

"But even so, if you don't take any of them, it seems a little unreasonable?"

"Does it seem like your personality is too noble?"

"This is obviously not a normal situation and will inevitably arouse suspicion."

Thinking like this, Liu Yu's magic power immediately changed, and he "carried" the three fine flying sword magic weapons to his storage ring with peace of mind.

"For this operation, use the Sword of Destruction to consume a "spiritual power mark" worth one hundred thousand spiritual stones."

"It's very reasonable to use three magic weapons as the best compensation now, right?"

He made up his mind that if Zhang Tao pressed him any further, he would just pretend to be dumbfounded until the end.

If an accident like this happened to two fire phoenixes, I could bring the storage ring back and save Guo Poyun. I believe that if the other party is sensible, he will not break the casserole and ask for the truth.

If the water is clear, there will be no fish.

"Is this the "Dirty Spiritual Liquid"?"

"There is indeed a special spiritual power that can corrode magic weapons and magic weapons."

"But judging from the concentration of this spiritual liquid, it will take a long time to corrode the magic weapon."

Taking out a black iron bottle, Liu Yu uncorked the bottle and saw the dark liquid inside with a hint of luster, like ink.

The black liquid contained a rapidly corrosive spiritual power.

The Forbidden Spirit Ring and the Forbidden Spirit Chain are both magic weapons, and it is not difficult to corrode them, but if you want to corrode the magic weapon, it will take too long.

It doesn't work in a fierce battle.

"Weak ribs."

Liu Yu shook his head slightly and put it back to its original place.

With his physical strength, even if he is bound by the Forbidden Spirit Chain, he can break free with his strong physical strength, and does not need this thing.

After counting the loot, sorting out the gains and losses of the trip, and pocketing three fine flying sword magic weapons, Liu Yu was satisfied and continued to rush to Yizhou.

Cyan light pierced the sky, the green vegetation gradually disappeared, and dots of white appeared in the distance.

Two days later, the sky and the earth were already a vast expanse of white, and everything was covered in heavy snow.

Yizhou has arrived!


PS: There are still 2,000 words for daily writing, which will be updated tomorrow.

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