Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 610 Decision to Evacuate

It seems that the news of what happened in Lingwu City has not reached Changnan City yet.

On the snow-white land, the dilapidated ancient city is looming, and the city is still operating according to its original inertia.

But even in such a harsh environment, slaves still had to go out to work in the biting cold.



The sound of long whips lashing flesh could be heard from time to time in the silent snow, accompanied by the slaves' loud or weak screams.

Even if they are exhausted, even if they have to face the freezing cold, they must complete the task at hand.

Otherwise, the bloody mouth around it may swallow it up at any time.

I don’t know how many slaves could not survive this heavy snow, and would die silently and meaninglessly in the harsh winter.

That bright green color may only stay in their memories forever.

Divine consciousness spread quietly, and what caught Liu Yu's eyes was this scene.

Looking at the slaves in dire straits, there was no wave on his face, but he secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

"Fortunately, fortunately the news hasn't come through yet."

"Otherwise, once the city is under martial law, there may be demon cultivators in disguise, and it won't be that easy to sneak in."

Watching this scene silently, Liu Yu suddenly felt relieved.

The first time is raw, the second time is ripe.

He followed the same pattern, once again evading the detection of the supervisors and monsters, quietly taking on the identity of a foundation-building monk, and then sneaked into Changnan City.


"Difficult" Pulling a cart full of ore, Liu Yu walked on the snow step by step, easily sneaking into the city.

In the ice and snow, there are still dense crowds of mortals or monks surrounding several huge projects.

Working day and night, he builds various tools for the Firebird Clan to increase the overall strength of their race.

In the sky, low-level fire sparrows hovered, their red feathers exuding a gentle aura, not affected by the extreme cold at all.

Looking at the tens of thousands of humans in the city, their demon eyes are full of appetite, but they are limited to the rules set by high-level demon cultivators and cannot have a full meal.

But as long as there are mortals or monks who are considered "worthless", they will immediately swoop down and devour them.

Entering the city, Liu Yu saw a familiar scene again. There was no strangeness on his face and he continued to play his role.

He didn't start taking action until after the day's tasks were completed, and he took advantage of the short break back to the Foundation Establishment Monk's residence.


The wooden door opened and closed, making an extremely small sound, but no one appeared.

The sound only spread for about ten feet before disappearing mysteriously, without being noticed by any monsters or supervisors.


Seeing that the eyes and ears of the Fire Birds all over the sky and the earth, which could almost be said to be one post every five steps and one sentry every ten steps, were not noticed, Liu Yu nodded lightly, feeling quite satisfied in his heart.

Combining the "Wall of Divine Consciousness", "Invisibility", "Invisibility" and other magic techniques, although it is still difficult to deceive fourth-level beings, it is very easy to deceive third-level creatures and below.

Unless, unfortunately, you encounter special circumstances.

"Among the human monks living in the areas ruled by the demon clan, it is not that there are no formation mages."

"If there is a formation in Changnan City, it will not be easy for me to sneak in."

"But in the final analysis, even with all kinds of restrictions, it is still difficult for the demon cultivator to completely trust the cultivator, and he still maintains sufficient vigilance."

"I'm afraid that the formation won't work for me, but I'll shoot myself in the foot."

"And among the demon clan, it is impossible that there are no demon cultivators who are proficient in formations. It's just due to racial restrictions. Demonic cultivators who are proficient in formations must be very rare."

"That kind of demon cultivator will probably be sent to the border state of Lingzhou to take charge of the more important fairy city."

Gazing across the overseers and monsters one by one, Liu Yu's mind flashed with thoughts, and he instantly had some guesses.

But none of that mattered at the moment. He shook his head slightly and put it aside, silently following a familiar route and rushing towards Jiren's study.

No trace was left behind wherever it passed, and even the breath was sealed.

"Ji Ren Study"

When the time came, the study had been closed, but there was still a faint light flickering inside, obviously its owner had not rested yet.


In the study, Zhang Tao sighed deeply.

He stroked his silver beard and stared at the only bright sunstone on the table, looking worried.

Nearly twenty days have passed, but Liu Yu has not sent back any news, and the same is true for the monks.

As long as there is no news for a moment, Zhang Tao's hanging heart will not let go for a moment.

I don’t think about food and tea, and I can’t sleep at night.

As soon as he closes his eyes, he will dream about the scene of the demon cultivator breaking into the door, taking him down and being tortured.

Having lived for more than six hundred years, Zhang Tao has put aside many things, but there is one thing that he cannot let go of.

He has grown up under the care of his family since he was a child, listening to the humming teachings of his elders and telling them about the family's past glory. Like many of his peers, he dreams of restoring the family's former glory.

Let the six Annan continents return to Daqian, let the family's glory continue, and let the people under the rule live and work in peace and contentment.

As for the previous mission, it is long gone. The Zhang family only wants to protect the six Annan continents and protect the people of that area.


Zhang Tao sighed again.

Like many monks who lurk in the dark and have not lost their fighting spirit, he misses the "Tang Dynasty" very much at this time and imagines the prosperous age of the Tang Dynasty.

It's a pity that time has changed and everything can't go back.

"The night is endless."

Zhang Tao's screen window seemed to see the boundless darkness outside, and he sighed sincerely.

Since the beginning of the operation, he has been waiting until late at night every day, hoping for good news to come back.

Although the Zhang family has other arrangements and has not placed all its bets on one action, the more successful actions are taken, the greater the chance of success in the end.

"Fortunately, the family was well prepared for this."

"Even if the mission fails, as long as you are determined, you can easily destroy the storage ring."

"The resources within it will be lost in the turbulent flow of space, so that the plot will not be noticed by the demon clan."

Thinking of the worst possibility, the man thought silently.

After waiting for a long time, no movement was seen. Just when Zhang Tao wanted to take a rest, a mysterious wave of consciousness suddenly appeared in the study.

"I'm looking for a book about Rong Zhai's six strokes."

After hearing clearly the content of the spiritual transmission, Zhang Tao suddenly stood up with a look on his face, and there was a bit of excitement in his eyes.

"Rong Zhai's essays only have five strokes."

Because of his excitement, the dignified Jindan monk had a hint of trembling in his tone, and he immediately replied.

Follow the direction of that ray of spiritual consciousness and convey the message.

A few dozen feet away from the study, Liu Yu stood on the snow. After observing for a long time to make sure that there was no problem, he sent out a spiritual message to speak secretly.

"This place should be safe for the time being."

Confronting the secret voice, it was definitely Zhang Tao himself. Liu Yu felt relieved and then moved.

The next moment, the "Wall of Divine Consciousness" instantly enveloped the study, leaving no gaps.

He disappeared from where he was and used the "Wood Escape Technique" to appear directly indoors.

Zhang Tao was not surprised at all by this high and low way of appearing, but he still looked a little excited.

There was a slight flash of nervousness in his eyes, and he immediately said:

"Fellow Taoist from the ancient city."

For Liu Yu, this may be just an ordinary mission, but for this person, it is a career that he has been working on for half his life.

It is the honor of the family and his own responsibility.


Liu Yu didn't speak, but nodded gently with a serious expression.

With a thought, the shield of spiritual consciousness and illusion were lifted, and the special storage ring emerged from the ring finger.

He took it off gently and used his magic to control it to fly towards the opponent with clean and neat movements.

"That's right, it's this storage ring."

Zhang Tao grabbed the bronze storage ring in his hand, looked at it for a few moments, quickly came to a conclusion, and murmured to himself.

It wasn't until this moment that his hanging heart finally truly let go.

Over the years, too many "comrades" have gone away forever because of their missions.

What makes Zhang Tao even more distressed is that some monks cannot stand the torture and are not strong-willed enough, and may even become "traitors" and embark on a path of no return.

Among them, there are his compatriots, and there are also comrades who care about the righteousness of the human race and are full of passion in the past and present.

Realizing that the study was not safe enough, Zhang Tao suppressed his excitement and said solemnly:

"This is not the place for talking. Fellow Taoist from the ancient city, please come with me."

After saying this, he turned on the mechanism and led Liu Yu into a dark room with a formation that shielded his spiritual consciousness.


The mechanism turned and made an ethereal sound, and the two of them entered the darkroom one after another.

At this time, Zhang Tao didn't stick to any details. He made a gesture of invitation and sat on a futon by himself.

He did not immediately check the resources in the storage ring, but asked with concern:

"Fellow Taoist from Ancient City, how is the situation of this operation?"

"Where are Fellow Daoist Cai Die and Fellow Daoist Guo?"

"Why are you the only one returning alone? Is there something else that happened during the operation?!"

Although there was no strange color on his face, Zhang Tao felt a little suspicious when he saw that Liu Yu was the only one who returned.

The demon clan also knows how to play the long game to catch the big fish, and there have been many bloody examples in the past.

After some monks were caught by demon cultivators, they could not bear the torture and rebelled, and then returned according to the original trajectory and continued to return to their original positions.

This kind of "rebel" may even cause the Zhang family's power in a certain fairy city to be directly uprooted!

Upon hearing this, Liu Yu immediately understood what the other party meant.

However, it was necessary to be cautious when lurking in the demon clan's territory, and he did not get angry because of this.

"There were indeed some surprises during this trip."

"The news has leaked that there are two fire phoenixes ambushing the joint. The situation is extremely critical."

"But fortunately, Liu still had some means to resolve the crisis without any danger."

Thinking that there was an ambush, that is, a monk in the Zhang family had leaked the news, Liu Yu's face became as dark as water.

After a pause, he continued slowly:

"As for Fellow Daoist Cai Die and Fellow Daoist Guo, they should still be safe at this time, but because their escape speed is slightly slower, Gu returned first."

"At that time, things happened unexpectedly. Gu chose to stay behind, and the two fellow Taoists only needed to get rid of the pursuit of two third-level early-stage demon cultivators."

"It shouldn't be difficult to escape safely."

In a few words, Liu Yu roughly told the story of this operation.

Zhang Tao was thoughtful and nodded gently after listening.

The fire phoenix clan is born with extraordinary abilities, and its strength far exceeds that of monks of the same level. Only the "true successors of the Holy Land" or "prodigious monks" can compete with them.

From a few words, he could fully feel the danger at that time, as well as the courage and confidence of this "fellow Taoist from the ancient city" who chose to stay behind.

"As expected of the "Tiannan Envoy" who crossed the Hengduan Mountains and came to the Central Region. His strength is indeed not comparable to that of ordinary monks."

"If I had been reluctant to part with the "Manduo Blood Flame" and chosen a weaker comrade, I'm afraid it would have been another outcome."

Thinking of this, most of the doubts in Zhang Tao's heart disappeared, and he felt a bit of recognition for the "fellow Taoist from the ancient city" in front of him.

"In this case, within the Zhang family, I am afraid that the demon clan will develop spies again."

"I'm afraid that "Jiren Study" is no longer safe and must be evacuated in advance!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Tao looked a little ugly.

The occurrence of "rape" in the family and betrayal of the honor of the ancestors is a scandal, but it is not surprising.

Even if the Zhang family is the Huashen family and has ruled the Annan Protectorate for hundreds of thousands of years, its resources cannot be unlimited.

There are many branches of the bloodline, and there are always some children who receive special training, and some children who are neglected.

And the Monster Clan promises huge profits to bribe those children who are not so focused on training. It is not sure whether they can control it.

After all, it is impossible for all clan members to regard restoring the glory of their ancestors as their top priority.

Zhang Tao knew this about Du Ming, but he still couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.


Liu Yu nodded slightly in agreement.

Even if the Zhang family's arrangements were in place and every contact point was a single line of contact, if there was a problem with this operation, there must have been "rape" among the superiors or the relevant monks.

To be on the safe side, you must evacuate as soon as possible, otherwise the risk factor will skyrocket.

"It's just that Fellow Daoist Cai Die and Fellow Daoist Guo are still on their way back and cannot evacuate immediately."

"The two fellow Taoists risked their lives for the sake of righteousness. We cannot abandon them and let our fellow Taoists feel cold."

Saying this, Zhang Tao frowned and felt a little difficult.

If there is a "rape", the study may be exposed, but because we have to wait for the companions, we cannot evacuate immediately.

"With Fellow Daoist Guo's speed, if nothing unexpected happens, we will definitely be able to reach Changnan City within two days."

"I just met Gu, how about waiting for two more days?"

"When the two days are up, regardless of whether the two comrades return or not, we will evacuate immediately!"

After thinking for a while, Liu Yu spoke.

According to Guo Poyun's speed in controlling the pale yellow flying boat magic weapon, there would be no problem in reaching Changnan City within two days.

The stakes are high, and if something like that happens, the two of them won't stop on the way.

If there is still no trace in two days, it is likely that there was an accident on the way and the two of them have died.

What if it takes two days to return, or only one person returns?

All in all, Liu Yu thinks it is a better choice to wait for two days to evacuate immediately.

Not only does it take into account morality, but it is also relatively safe.

Hearing this, Zhang Tao fell into thinking and did not speak immediately.

After counting, he said:

"My Taoist friend from the ancient city is right. Let's arrange it like this. I'll wait here for another two days."

"When two days are up, no matter what the result is, the study contact point must be abandoned!"

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