Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 640: Fire Phoenix retreats, the war ends!

Chapter 640: Fire Phoenix retreats, the war ends!


The terrifying power fluctuations clearly appeared in the spiritual senses of all the monks, as if they were very close at hand.

Under this kind of power, even the golden elixir is as small as an ant.

“Bang bang bang”

Amidst the earth-shattering roar, the golden glow and red glow were extremely bright.

As far as the eye can see, there is a sea of ​​gold and red, and even the consciousness cannot spread through it. It is much more dangerous than the fight between the Demon King and the True Lord not long ago.

Just a little aftermath was enough to kill the Golden Core cultivator on the spot.

The azure light shone silently in his eyes, and Liu Yu used the "eyes of the stars" again, resisting the discomfort and looking towards the sky above Lingwu City, trying to observe the battle between the two gods.

Depending on which side has the upper hand, you will decide your next actions.

The "Eye of the Stars" swept past, but this time all that came into view was dazzling golden and red light.

Beyond that, there was nothing to be seen.

His consciousness spread in that direction, and he felt a stabbing pain in the middle of the journey, unable to move forward any further.

If you choose to spread it forcefully, it will only cause damage to your consciousness and damage to your soul.

The terrifying power permeates the space, and even the invisible and immaterial consciousness will be affected, forming a distorted and isolated realm.


His consciousness was injured, and a burst of severe pain came. Liu Yu closed her eyes involuntarily.

Even with his 120 miles of spiritual consciousness, he still couldn't spy on the scene of the two gods fighting. The power permeating the void was too terrifying, and he couldn't do it even if his spiritual consciousness was damaged.

Of course, in order to avoid hurting his soul, he did not dare to pry by force.

And the power that far exceeds the golden elixir level, even if you use the "Eye of the Stars", is no different from what you see normally.

"Boom boom boom"

Earth-shaking roars continued to sound among the mountains, and terrifying power fluctuations continued to erupt.

One side is bright gold, the other is fiery red.

Within a radius of a hundred miles, it seems to be equally divided between these two colors.

Even the brilliance of the sun was obscured at this moment, and the two colors of gold and red became the main theme between heaven and earth.

The two were clearly in conflict, like two bright suns colliding, and it was difficult to tell the difference for a while.

What caught the eyes of all the monks was this scene.

During the flight, Liu Yu looked solemn and turned back to stare at the sky above Lingwu City without blinking.

Although he could only see a golden and red light, and looking directly at something too far beyond his own level might hurt himself, he couldn't care less at this time.

After all, this is a being in the divine transformation stage, now the pinnacle of the world of immortal cultivation!

If you can get a glimpse of it and get some inspiration from it, you will benefit a lot and serve as a guide for the future path.

Being able to practice to the stage of divine transformation, existence itself represents certain "correctness", reaching heights in their respective fields that ordinary monks can only look up to.

This is the first time Liu Yu has seen a being in the transformation stage. Of course, he is not willing to let go of the opportunity to observe, hoping to see some shadows of what he has learned from these two powerful beings.

Prove that the truth that I have been pursuing all along is correct!


With a yearning for the truth in his heart and a little fanaticism in his eyes, his energy and body refining powers were fully activated, entering a state of full explosion.

Liu Yu hugged Zhuo Mengzhen and fled toward the west away from Lingwu City at an average speed of nearly four thousand miles per hour.

But his mind was not focused on flying at all, and he kept his inertia and escaped into the distance.

Liu Yu's mind was highly concentrated, his spiritual awareness spread out with all his strength, and he slowly entered that "new horizon" again.

In front of my eyes, overlapping tiny shadows appeared again.

Every ray of spiritual energy is composed of many light points that are smaller than dust.

Under normal circumstances, the smallest unit that spiritual sense and spiritual consciousness can see are the "spiritual light points".

But at this time, Liu Yu's mind and spiritual sense were highly concentrated, but he once again saw "spirits" that were thousands of times smaller than the "spiritual light points", and his observation field once again entered the level of spirit beings.

The "spirit" is thousands of times smaller than the normal unit "spiritual light point".

Each spiritual energy light point is composed of hundreds and thousands of spiritual seeds.

Moreover, after Liu Yu's countless attempts, it seems that the spiritual consciousness and magic power at the golden elixir level cannot directly affect the "Spirit Son".

Even indirect effects are almost impossible.

But at this time, in the context of the confrontation between the two avatars, he saw something different.

In Liu Yu's sight at this time, the entire space was densely packed and overlapping, with various attributes of spirits of different colors, but they continued to emit a much brighter spiritual light than normal.

Moreover, it seemed to be affected by some kind of force, pulling left and right.

The movement of the spirit son is the movement of the light point of the spirit son, and it is also the movement of wisps of spiritual energy.


Seeing this scene, Liu Yu was shocked.

A conjecture suddenly emerged in my mind and became increasingly clear.

"Could it be that the reason why the god-forming monks can directly control the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is because their power can directly affect the more essential level of spiritual beings?"

This thought flashed through his mind.

But before he had time to think about it, the overlapping and dense shadows in front of him suddenly disappeared.

Although Liu Yu's spiritual awareness was much sharper than that of monks in the same realm due to time travel, his realm was still too low after all, and he was a little reluctant to observe the spiritual level.

The mind just relaxes for a moment and then exits that field of vision, making it difficult to directly observe the spirit son.

"Could it be that the secret of directly controlling the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is hidden in it, and it lies in whether it can influence the spiritual son?"

When this thought came to mind, Liu Yu's mood fluctuated, and her heart beat faster and she was a little excited.

If you can crack the mystery of this and directly control the spiritual energy of heaven and earth without resorting to the "Sword of Destruction", your strength will surely make a huge leap forward.

Even if you only have a little control, you can use the aura of heaven and earth for your own use when casting a spell, which is enough to be invincible in the same realm!

Even if the Nascent Soul is condensed in the future, it will have a great advantage when facing other Nascent Soul True Lords!

Thinking of this, Liu Yu got rid of distracting thoughts and once again concentrated on releasing his spiritual awareness.

Soon, he entered that state again, with dense and overlapping unclear shadows appearing in front of his eyes.

Between the heaven and the earth, many spiritual energies flickered left and right, generally staying motionless in place.

But the spirit son, which was a thousand times smaller than the aura light point, was moving on a large scale.

Now it moves a certain distance to the left, and now it moves a certain distance to the right.

It seems that the influence of the gods is spread throughout the space, and they are competing for "control" of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

"The two gods can control the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and their own strength is extremely terrifying, but it seems that the difference is not very big."

"Whoever can gain an advantage in controlling spiritual energy and receive more blessings will be more likely to gain the upper hand."

"Wait, this is"

Observing the number of breaths, thousands of thoughts in Liu Yu's mind flickered.

Based on the two almost equal power fluctuations in the sky above Lingwu City, preliminary inferences were drawn.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes wide and observed with all his strength, he finally saw a trace of power that could directly control the spirit son.

Like divine consciousness, this strand of power is intangible and qualityless, and its operation process is extremely secretive.

It is almost invisible to the naked eye, spiritual consciousness, spiritual sense, etc.!

If it weren't for the conflict between two identical forces, Liu Yu wouldn't have noticed it.

"This kind of power is paradoxical to divine consciousness. It is very similar in nature, but it is also very different."

"Its essence seems to be higher. Compared with divine consciousness, it is countless times more concentrated, and its intensity is unknown."

Observing carefully, Liu Yu discarded unnecessary emotions and analyzed calmly without any emotion.


This word suddenly appeared in Liu Yu's mind.

There has always been a monopoly on the knowledge of immortality between the upper and lower levels in the world of immortality, especially regarding the two realms of transforming into gods and refining the void.

Even though the Yuanyang Sect is the Yuanying Sect and is one of the five major sects in the Chu Kingdom, there are only a few records about this aspect because no God-Transforming Lord has ever been born.

He rummaged through the two Tibetan Scripture Pavilions, but didn't get many useful things. Most of them were very general descriptions, nothing more than how horrible they were.

However, Liu Yu has never given up on acquiring knowledge of immortality since he started cultivating immortality. He has asked Jiang Qiushui to collect various classics and miscellaneous books all year round, and often read them after practicing.

As for the word "spiritual thoughts", I saw it in a travel note called Yuan Ying's Essays. There was a simple description of divine thoughts in it.

Like divine consciousness, divine thought is also a type of power derived from the soul, but the two are essentially different.

In fact, there is no real "primordial spirit" for those cultivating immortals under the realm of spiritual transformation.

Regardless of the Qi refining foundation or the golden elixir Yuanying, they are only "the prototype of the Yuan Shen".

This is true for immortal cultivators, as well as monsters and all races. Only by reaching the fifth-level realm of becoming a god can the prototype of the soul grow into a real "primordial soul".

And the power of divine thoughts is one of the derivative powers of Yuanshen.

The biggest difference between divine thoughts and divine consciousness is that the former can interfere with matter by itself without resorting to any magic or secret techniques.

Without the involvement of mana or other forces, instinct has power and can move mountains, fill seas, kill people and set fires.

One is the derivative power of the prototype of the soul, and the other is the derivative power of the real soul. To a certain extent, the two are the same power.

According to the travel notes, divine consciousness is untransformed divine thoughts. Rather than being similar to divine thoughts, it is better to say that it possesses some of the characteristics of divine thoughts.

Upon reaching the realm of spiritual transformation, the prototype of the original spirit truly transforms into the original spirit, and the spiritual consciousness naturally transforms into "divine thoughts".

"In other words, only if a living being has a true "spiritual mind" can it directly affect the level of spiritual beings and gain the ability to control the spiritual energy of heaven and earth?"

Recalling the contents of the travelogue, Liu Yu made an inference in her mind.

There are still many things he doesn't understand about this.

For example, in what way does the divine mind influence and control "spiritual energy", so that the fifth-level god has the ability to control the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

"Does spiritual consciousness have to be transformed into divine thoughts before it can affect the spiritual son?"

"If you continue to strengthen your soul and don't reach the realm of spiritual transformation, can you transform your spiritual consciousness into divine thoughts in advance?"

Countless doubts arose in Liu Yu's heart, and she naturally withdrew from that kind of vision, and the overlapping unclear shadows in front of her eyes disappeared.

However, due to limitations of knowledge and realm, these questions cannot be resolved for the time being.

He concentrated his mind, paying attention to the movements of the two avatars, and continued to escape into the distance at full speed.

At the same time, he also tried his best to restrain the fluctuations of aura pressure and mana to reduce his own sense of presence.

"Although it is an established rule between humans and monsters not to attack those who are transformed into gods."

"But the existence of the realm of gods is already at the pinnacle of this world, and it is the maker of the rules itself."

"Even if you break the rules, who can punish you?"

"Is it because some low-level monks are going to fight a monster god?"

Thinking of the scene where dozens of golden elixirs were instantly wiped out just now, Liu Yu was still a little frightened.

It is impossible for a God-Transformation Lord to start a war with another God-Transformation existence just because of the death of dozens of Golden Core cultivators.

If this rule is broken, it is broken.

As long as you don't do something big that would cause outrage among humans and gods and cause the entire world of immortality to share the same hatred, you will basically not be punished.

Therefore, the death of those dozens of golden elixir monks was truly in vain.

"Even if I think about it a little more, the Zhang family's god transformation will arrive sooner or later, but it just happened to be when the Fire Phoenix clan's god transformation is about to go on a killing spree."

"Did he arrive a long time ago and just want to relieve some of the Zhang family's burden, so he chose to stand by and watch when the Fire Phoenix Clan's gods took action against those Golden Core cultivators?"

"After all, those golden elixirs don't have a big background, and their relationship with the Zhang family is only average."

While on the run, Liu Yu speculated with the greatest malice from the perspective of interests.

“Bang bang bang!!!”

The power of the confrontation between the two gods-stage beings, and the aftermath alone was enough to make the Golden Core cultivator tremble with fear, fearing that it would fall on him.

Even if it is just an inconspicuous attack, it can cause great damage to the environment.


A ray of golden light fell on Lingshan Mountain, directly turning the entire Lingshan Mountain into powder, and countless dust flew up and spread over the mountains.


A red light fell on the ground, melting the earth in the blink of an eye.

The soil, sand and stones all turned into magma, forming a large lava lake with billowing hot gas and bubbles emerging.

Just an inadvertent attack may permanently change the environment, making places that were originally suitable for living become forbidden areas. It can be seen that the existence of the Divine Transformation Stage has great damage to the environment.

This is still with some restraint.

The golden and red light shines on the mountains, and the two are equally divided, dyeing a hundred miles in radius into gold and red.

All other colors are eclipsed by these two rays of light!


Accompanied by earth-shattering roars, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth within hundreds of miles continued to riot.

Some of the golden light surged to the east, some surged to the fiery red light of the west, and some moved left and right uncontrollably.

Looking around, I saw that within dozens of miles or even hundreds of miles or even further, there were colorful spiritual energy mists surging in. The scene was quite spectacular.

This scene deeply shocked many monks who met him for the first time. Their hearts were greatly shocked and they could not recover for a long time.

But Liu Yu herself had tried it many times and was already used to it.


"The Zhang family's transformation into gods seems to have the upper hand?"

Still relying on his keen spiritual sense, he clearly felt the flow of spiritual energy in the space.

It seems that as time goes by, more and more spiritual energy flows toward the east in the golden glow.

On the contrary, in the fiery red glow to the west, the spiritual energy flowing in decreases.

And the longer time passes, the more obvious this trend becomes.

As one's cultivation level increases, both the cultivator and other living beings will have a clearer perception of the concept of time.

In the same breath, Liu Yu could only perform one action in the Qi refining stage, but now he can perform twenty movements in the Golden elixir stage.

Then when you reach the realm of divine transformation, this breath may be even "longer", and you can perform a hundred actions and launch more offensives.

In the blink of an eye, ten breaths of time passed.


Terrifying power fluctuations erupted in the distance, and it was not necessary to sense it with the spiritual sense. At this time, it was possible to deduce which side had the upper hand just by observing with the naked eye.

After ten breaths passed, the golden glow clearly overshadowed the red glow, gradually compressing the space of the red light.

Regarding the control of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the golden soul gradually takes up more and more weight, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Zhang family's transformed gods have the upper hand.


Finally, with an unprecedented burst of terrifying power, the golden and red glow dissipated at the same time.

Liu Yu looked back and saw that the Fire Phoenix Yuanshen, which was taller than Lingshan, was knocked back more than ten miles by one blow.

Although it was not damaged at all, it was already at an absolute disadvantage in terms of momentum and was obviously not an opponent.


A few breaths of silence, like the calm before the storm.

Just when some monks thought that there would be a counterattack like a sudden storm, the thousand-foot-tall Fire Phoenix Soul suddenly shrank.

In the end, it turned into a red light and disappeared out of thin air, which was beyond the expectations of many monks.

Obviously, this fire phoenix clan god-incarnation chose to give in temporarily and acquiesced to the fact that Lingwu City changed hands.

The next moment the Fire Phoenix Tribe's incarnation departed, the thousand-foot-tall golden soul also shrank rapidly, turning into a ray of golden light and disappearing, with no intention of talking to the Zhang family monks.

"That's right. With the lifespan of a monk who transforms into gods, even Zhang Tao, who is more than 600 years old, is just a junior. I don't know how many generations have passed between him."

"So it should be considered safe now?"

Liu Yu flashed this idea and gradually slowed down his escape speed, but still did not stop.

At the slightest sign of trouble, he would immediately use the "Yi Qi Qian Kun Talisman" and run away.

Although the Zhang family took advantage of the "imperial affairs", as a force comparable to the Holy Land, the Fire Phoenix Clan has more than one god-transforming demon cultivator, so it is always right to be careful.

When the battle ended, the land was completely changed beyond recognition.

The original beautiful mountains and rivers disappeared, replaced by huge pits and lava lakes.

It is filled with the most powerful aura of fighting between beings in the transformation stage.

Lingwu City is even more miserable. Half of the city has disappeared. There are ruins everywhere in the city, and most of the well-maintained city walls have collapsed.

Where can I still see the appearance of a fairy city at this time? It's more like a secular town swept by natural disasters.

Even some spiritual veins were completely destroyed due to the fight between the two transformed gods, and they no longer exist.

I don’t know if it can be regenerated after many years if repairs are started immediately.

As the terrifying power that filled the space gradually dissipated, Liu Yu quickly saw the scene of Lingwu City clearly because it was not beyond the range of one hundred and twenty miles.

He shook his head slightly and remained silent.

At this time, Liu Yu somewhat understood why there were stipulated rules among the gods, and they were not allowed to act at will.

Such damage to the environment will take an extremely long time to recover even if it is properly dealt with afterwards.

Whether the spiritual veins can be regenerated is still a matter of two minds.

In addition, since the ancient war, the concentration of spiritual energy in the world of immortality has declined overall. If we continue to act without scruples, the entire world of immortality will become increasingly unsuitable for cultivation.

This aspect of the matter may hold the greatest weight and form the customary rules among the Nascent Soul Transformation Gods.

You are not allowed to attack low-level creatures at will, and you are not allowed to destroy the environment at will, especially spiritual veins!

"This effect can be achieved by just transforming into a god, but what about the spiritual treasure that has fully recovered its power?"

"Like the "Lake of Immortal Tears", it can't be restored for hundreds of thousands of years?"

While Liu Yu was thinking, a voice from divine consciousness suddenly sounded in his ears.

"The incarnation of the Fire Phoenix Tribe has been repulsed by my ancestor of the Zhang family."

"Juniors, please don't panic and gather in Lingwu City as soon as possible!"

Before the words were finished, after the two transformed gods left the stage, six Nascent Soul monks headed by Tianling Zhenjun finally appeared in the sky above Lingwu City.

Obviously, they were also afraid of the Fire Phoenix Tribe's incarnation, and they had been afraid to show up in the dark before.

After the sound transmission was sent out, the figures of the six Nascent Soul Lords flashed away and fell into the dilapidated Lingwu City below.

"We are not afraid of a sneak attack by the Fire Phoenix Clan's transformed gods. The Yuanying cultivator of the Zhang family has openly appeared. It should be relatively safe at this time, right?"

After receiving the message, Liu Yudunguang paused.


After all kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, he still held Zhuo Mengzhen in his arms and turned back to escape towards Lingwu City.

Almost half an hour had passed since the incident occurred.

The demon clan reinforcements are probably already on the way, and the fourth-level demon king may still be peeping secretly. It is not necessarily safe to continue to wait and see.

On the contrary, the place where the Zhang family's Yuanying is present is relatively safe.

"I wonder how many of those low-level monsters are still alive at this time, and can they provide enough fuel to meet the needs of Demon Fire's promotion?"

"But it's only two thousand degrees short of reaching the minimum requirement for promotion to the third level. It's not difficult to collect, but there's no need to worry about it."

"It's better to find Zhang Tao as soon as possible to fulfill his promise, and then leave the Annan Six Continents."

"I don't know when the demon clan's counterattack will come. It's not wise to continue to stay here."

While flying away, Liu Yu's thoughts changed rapidly and she made up her mind to leave as soon as possible.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall!

After successive battles, not only the environment within a hundred miles radius was severely damaged, but low-level creatures also had no way to survive.

Liu Yu fled all the way back toward Lingwu City, but he couldn't see a single living thing for more than ten miles.

It wasn't until we were thirty miles away from Lingwu City that we saw some low-level monsters that had escaped from the city.


Sharpening his knife and chopping wood, he immediately used the Qingyang Demonic Fire with his left palm and started killing these "survivors" mercilessly.

After all, the distance was far from the beginning, and since he was the fastest runner, it took more time to return. There were many people who returned to the city before him.

Presumably many monks are queuing up to receive spiritual objects at this time, trying to leave the Six Annan Continents as soon as possible.

For a while, it wasn't Liu Yu's turn yet.

Therefore, he simply didn't rush into the city. He first cleared out the low-level monsters and collected some fuel for the Demonic Fire promotion.


In the blue light, low-level monsters howled and turned into ashes in an instant.

They were lucky enough to survive the battle, but without the protection of high-level demon cultivators, they would only be greeted by death!

PS: If you fail every day, try again tomorrow.

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