Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 641 Post-war arrangements, spiritual objects obtained!

Chapter 641 Post-war arrangements, spiritual objects obtained!

Liu Yu looked indifferent and waved her left palm gently.


The next moment, countless cyan flames fell from the palms and floated to the sky and the earth, flying or walking all kinds of monsters.


The shrill roars of beasts often suddenly stop falling before they even fully rise.

The Qingyang Demonic Fire that has reached the second level, even if it is just a trace of power, is enough to turn them into ashes in half a breath.

Flesh, flesh and spirit become the fuel for the growth of the demonic fire.

Facing a golden elixir monk and a second-grade spiritual fire, the cruel reality is too despairing for low-level monsters.

Even if you resist desperately, you can't change the final result.

Cyan flames continued to wave out from the palms, and after absorbing the fuel, they grew stronger and returned to the palms from all directions.

Confirming that the surrounding area of ​​Lingwu City was temporarily safe, Liu Yu did not hesitate at all and flew past without leaving any survivors!

All monsters within sight turned into fuel for the demonic fire!

However, he has many competitors.

Some flexible Jindan monks also want to take this opportunity to hunt some monsters so that they can return to Daqian in exchange for some resources.

After all, all their property was taken away from them when they became prisoners.

Even though he was later rescued by the Zhang family and given a magic weapon conditionally, he was still penniless.

At this time, apart from a magic weapon, there is only a storage bag and a few spiritual stones. You must find a way to obtain resources.

The surviving low-level monsters are a very good choice. They are absolutely crushed in terms of strength, and there is no need to worry about revenge from the monsters at this time.

After all, you have to pat your butt and leave soon.


The black wind wings vibrated slightly, Liu Yu quickly shuttled around Lingwu City, and countless low-level monsters were wiped out in a wave of his palm.

Although there are many competitors, his status as "captain" and his record of destroying key nodes first are there.

Therefore, except for people of the same level, most Jindan monks stayed away.

The collection of fuel, although not as fast as expected, was generally smooth.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the cyan light flashed at the east gate of Lingwu City.

"Ten thousand degrees."

The egg-sized flame beat slightly in the palm of his hand. Liu Yu sensed it slightly and figured out the growth of the Qingyang Demonic Fire at this time.

"We have reached the peak of the second level. The next step is to collect a third level spiritual fire."

After passing through this thought, he collected the Qingyang Demonic Fire into his Dantian. He couldn't help but nodded lightly, feeling quite satisfied.

The Demonic Fire has met the basic requirements for promotion. If it continues to harvest fuel, its power can still be improved a lot.

But compared to before, it’s half the result with half the effort.

Often only by collecting fifth-level fuel can the effect of the previous one-level be achieved, and as long as it is not truly promoted to the third level, the power will not be greatly improved.

His spiritual consciousness swept around Lingwu City. Under the hunting of more than a dozen Jindan monks, there were not many low-level monsters left. Continuing to hunt would be a drop in the bucket.

Therefore, Liu Yu's escape light turned and fell straight into Lingwu City, not intending to continue taking action.

The demon clan is only retreating temporarily and cannot give up Lingwu City easily. Once enough strength is accumulated, a counterattack may come at any time.

He didn't want to stay here too long and experience another life-and-death battle.

"Both the Divine Lord of Transformation and the True Lord of Nascent Soul have appeared. They have already exceeded the level of Jindan. We still need to reduce contact with high-level monks."

Liu Yu flashed this idea, let go of Zhuo Mengzhen, and led the woman to fly towards Lingwu City.

With the defeat of the Fire Phoenix Tribe's Avatar, the battle in Lingwu City has officially come to an end, and all fighting has stopped.

The fourth-level demon king and the Nascent Soul Lord both died, and all the third-level demon cultivators who were too late to evacuate have been killed.

As for the Jindan monks hunting low-level monsters, it was a complete massacre and could not be regarded as a battle.


Liu Yu and Zhuo Mengzhen landed on the ground one after another and walked towards the city lord's mansion together.

The floor paved with bluestone is full of large and small cracks, and it doesn't look like it used to be at all.

Black smoke rises, and flames flicker between the buildings from time to time. Lingwu City now looks more like a city in ruins than an immortal city.

It can be seen that the Zhang family has been prepared for this.

A monk was assigned to "put out fires" everywhere in the city and remove the remaining power of various magic powers.

Under Zhang Tao's arrangements, everything went on in an orderly manner.


There are monks who repeatedly pinched the spells and landed on the array flags they took out. They buried the array flags one by one into the spiritual energy nodes or earth vein nodes, and were already arranging the formations.

There is more than one such monk, and they communicate secretly with each other using their spiritual consciousness.

It is conceivable that the formation is definitely not simple, at least it is level four.

Otherwise, it would not be enough to survive the demon clan's subsequent counterattack.

After all, at this time, the demon clan still dominates the six Annan continents. There are countless low-level demon beasts in the six continents, as well as hundreds, thousands or even more third-level demon cultivators.

The Zhang family only has one city.

Lingwu City must be defended, and only after the Qian Ting reinforcements arrive can it be possible to gradually occupy other fairy cities, regain the six Annan continents one by one, and drive the demon clan forces out of the six Annan continents.

The war has come to an end, but the Zhang family's dozens of golden elixirs have not stopped for a moment.

While recovering his mana, he was also quickly making various preparations, trying to restore Lingwu City to its proper functions as soon as possible and make it stronger.

This unique product of the city is originally unique to the human race and the humanoid race. Even if the demon race holds it in its hands, it cannot have the desired effect.

For example, the rune array engraved on the city wall cannot be used perfectly with the simple thinking of low-level monsters. At best, it can only be used simply.

And the third-level demon cultivators have real third-level combat power. If they were all placed on the city wall, it would be overkill.

But the situation is different for cultivators. Even cultivators in the Qi Refining Stage can, with a little training, exert the effect of the rune array to a great extent and fully utilize the role of the city wall.

The monks in the Qi Refining Stage cooperate with each other to activate the magic circle on a section of the city wall to the extreme. It is possible to resist the attack of the third-level demon cultivator, and even launch a counterattack.

Since the overall strength is far inferior to that of the Six Continents Monster Clan, naturally any advantage must be used, so it is indispensable for the use of the Immortal City itself.

Liu Yu looked around and saw a golden elixir monk in the ruins of the fairy city, busy in front of the collapsed city wall.

Either take out various spiritual materials and rebuild the collapsed city wall; or integrate various spiritual materials into the city wall to strengthen the hardness and spell resistance of the city wall itself.

Or there are array masters who have taken out talisman pens, ink, etc., waving them stroke by stroke on the city wall, carving simple or complex runes, and connecting them into magic circles.

There are also monks who are observing the terrain and flying quickly around Lingwu City without saying a word.

Preparing to find out the location of each spiritual vein and earth vein node, clearing out the remains of the "Nine Heavenly Demon Array", and assisting the formation master in setting up the formation.

All in all, every Zhang family monk was busy after the war.

On the contrary, Liu Yu, Zhuo Mengzhen and other monks who had little involvement with the Zhang family seemed relatively "leisurely" at this moment and were out of tune with this scene.

The speed at which monks can build buildings is naturally far beyond that of ordinary people, let alone the dignified Jindan monks who do it themselves.

Visible to the naked eye, sections of city walls rise up from the ruins, with faint auras flickering on them, and the construction speed is very fast.

It’s just that in the previous battle, too many walls of Lingwu City were damaged.

Even if dozens of Jindan monks work together, it will take a long time to repair or re-establish it.

Whether it can be completed before the demon clan counterattacks is still a matter of two minds.

As for the destroyed buildings in the city, most of them were used by the demon clan during their rule and were not suitable for immortal cultivators.

There was not enough time, so Zhang simply dealt with it and ignored it.


After walking some distance, Liu Yuling felt touched and suddenly turned her head to look towards the southern sky.

I saw hundreds of escaping lights coming quickly from the distant sky.

If you look carefully, you will see that there is a monk on it. It is usually a foundation-building monk controlling a magic weapon, carrying several to a dozen Qi-refining stage monks.

The total number of monks in the hundreds of escaping lights must be at least thousands!

When the city wall is repaired, these low-level monks can just use it to build another line of defense based on the city wall, which can be regarded as a force that cannot be ignored.

I don’t know how the Zhang family contacted the low-level monks.

About half a quarter of an hour after the battle, escaping lights began to appear in all directions in Lingwu City, and low-level monks arrived one after another.

Even the golden elixir monks were mixed in with a dozen people.

"I didn't participate in the battle of Lingwu City. I just want to enjoy the success and leave. I don't have enough strength. I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

Looking at the escaping light in the sky "as slow as a turtle crawling", Liu Yu smiled faintly.

These later monks made no contribution in the battle of Lingwu City. He did not think that the Zhang family would let these monks sit back and enjoy their achievements.

Most likely he will be captured and participate in the subsequent defense battle of Lingwu City. If he is lucky enough to survive, it will be enough to leave by then.

"It seems that everything is going in the expected direction, but soon, a bigger shadow will come."

"I just don't know - who is in charge of the ups and downs?"

Arriving in front of the city lord's mansion, Liu Yu looked back at the bustling Lingwu City with a faint smile on his face.

Zhuo Mengzhen was asked to wait where he was. After the person in front came out, he stepped over the threshold and entered directly.

In the antique hall, there are not too many decorations, and a few simple furnishings exude a solemn and cautious atmosphere.

The hall was shrouded in a solemn atmosphere, making people stop smiling unconsciously.

There is a sense of chilling in every detail, just like the situation Lingwu City is facing at this moment.

In the center of the hall, there is a large four-legged round table with a simple sand table arranged on it.

This sand table has mountains, water and rivers, and is filled with small flags of different colors.

"Lingzhou" "Izhou"

"Fire Bird Clan", "Blood Bat Clan" and "Lava Tiger Clan"

Looking carefully, the sand table was laid out in the general appearance of the six Annan continents. As for the small flags of different colors, the names of the monster groups were written on them.

An old man with white beard and hair was standing in front of the table with his hands behind his back, looking at the sand table and frowning in thought.

"Fellow Taoist from the ancient city is here, please take a seat quickly."

Zhang Tao's expression changed, and he noticed Liu Yu's arrival, and a spring-breathing smile appeared on his face.

In the previous battle, Liu Yu's amazing strength and performance of being the first to break through key nodes have been fully recognized by him.

"He is worthy of being a person who traveled through the Hengduan Mountains. He is really not comparable to ordinary monks."

"What's even more valuable is that he is also a master of alchemy."

"Given time, he may not be able to become a powerful Nascent Soul Lord."

"Even closer, it's not impossible."

Looking at the silent "young monk" in front of him, Zhang Tao commented silently in his heart.

As the person in charge of the Zhang family in the Annan Six Continents, he has a very important position even among the Jindan monks in the entire family. He thinks that his vision is definitely good.

Liu Yu has cultivated to the middle stage of Golden elixir at a young age, has a strength that is close to that of the "real person list", and is also a master of alchemy.

In Zhang Tao's heart, he has already compared him with several top young people in the family.

But I have to admit that, apart from their family background, those young people don't have any advantages.

Even his current strength may not necessarily surpass Liu Yu, let alone his future achievements.

What's more, the other party has already obtained the "Ningying Dan", which is crucial for the broken pill to become a baby!

After hearing this, Liu Yu walked straight to the Taishi chair opposite him and sat down.

After a moment of silence, he gently cupped his hands and spoke directly:

"Fellow Daoist Zhang Tao, the battle in Lingwu City has ended, so what is your family's previous promise?"

Although the words were not finished, Liu Yu's meaning was already self-evident.

It is natural to use money to do things, so his words are justified.

Moreover, every second of delay increases the possibility of the demon clan's counterattack. Now is really not the time to be polite.


Hearing this, Zhang Tao shook his head slightly and smiled heartily, but he didn't mind at all and said calmly:

"Don't worry, fellow Taoist from the ancient city, I, the Zhang family, will keep our word and will naturally not break our word."

"Fellow Taoist performed very well in the previous battle. There will be no shortage of the promised treasures. They have been prepared a long time ago."

"Fellow Taoist, please take a look."

As he spoke, the storage ring in his hand flashed, and a dark jade bottle and a jade slip appeared in his hand instantly.

Immediately, the two objects were controlled by magic power and floated towards Liu Yu.

Looking at the two things that came out of his hands, Zhang Tao felt really painful in his heart, but he had no regrets.

Even the Huashen family, which has been inherited for hundreds of thousands of years, cannot make enemies everywhere, especially when the Zhang family is in such an embarrassing situation.

What's more, when dealing with such a promising Jindan monk, a win-win situation is the best option.

Maybe in the future, when there is still cooperation, there is no need to make a one-time deal.

"Ningying Dan" and "God Refining Pill"

Looking at the two treasures floating towards him, Liu Yuxin's lake couldn't help but ripples, and his breathing was disrupted for a moment.

After all, each of these treasures is the dream of countless golden elixir monks. If he is found to be carrying two of them at the same time, he will probably be remembered day and night!


With a rock-solid will, Liu Yu quickly smoothed the ripples in his heart and steadily caught the two treasures without any politeness or embarrassment.

Taking the risk of appearing in the sight of a fourth- or fifth-level demon cultivator and being slapped to death at any time, he deserves all of this.


Immediately, Liu Yu uncorked the ink-colored jade bottle and poured out the elixir, letting it float steadily above the palm of his hand.

This elixir is about the size of a dragon's eye, is dark purple in color, emits a faint aura, and has four natural mysterious lines on its surface.

As soon as it was exposed to the air, a strange fragrance filled the hall.

When Liu Yu heard it, he felt relaxed and happy, and his soul felt a little light.

Even the golden elixir that had been rotating slowly in the dantian unknowingly accelerated its rotation and became active.

"Four Spirit Patterns"

"With this taste and surface characteristics, it is indeed the "Ningying Dan"!"

As a master of alchemy, Liu Yu naturally has a sufficient understanding of the Three Treasures of the Infant Formation.

He put the purple elixir in front of his eyes and took a few breaths to confirm that it was the Ning Ying Dan.

Only elixirs of the third level and above will produce "spiritual patterns", so they are also called "spiritual elixirs".

Every time you advance to a small level, one more spiritual pattern will be added. "Ningying Dan" is a fourth-level low-grade elixir, so it naturally has four spiritual patterns.

In order to avoid losing the potency of the medicine, Liu Yu quickly put it back into the jade bottle after confirming that the pill was genuine.

Then he picked up the jade slip and put it against his forehead, and a ray of spiritual consciousness penetrated it to read the information.

"Soul Condensation Pill"

In an instant, Liu Yu read the information and knew the basic situation of this god-refining elixir.

This elixir is called "Condensing Soul" and it is a third-level middle-grade spiritual elixir that has the effect of condensing the soul and increasing the soul.

The reason why it is only ranked in the middle grade of the third level is because a single elixir can only condense the soul and increase the soul, but the spiritual herbs and elixirs used to refine this elixir are very rare.

Moreover, two thousand-year-old spiritual herbs are actually used as the main medicine!

It should be noted that under normal circumstances, the fourth-level elixir taken by True Monarch Nascent Soul will only use Millennium Spirit Grass.

The "Soul Condensing Pill" is only a third-level elixir and has no effect on True Lord Nascent Soul.

Under normal circumstances, regarding the competition for the Millennium Spiritual Grass, how can the Golden Elixir monks compete with the Nascent Soul True Monarch?

The effect is extraordinary, but the increase in a single particle is not large. In addition, it requires the use of thousand-year-old spiritual grass, which further increases the difficulty of refining.

Therefore, the "Soul Condensing Pill" seems quite useless in the eyes of the Zhang family.

After all, if there is a thousand-year spiritual grass, of course it must be supplied to the Nascent Soul Lord first.

However, with the Immortal Mansion, as long as the seeds of the spiritual grass are collected, the thousand-year-old spiritual grass can be ripened and the elixir can be refined in large quantities.

Therefore, all the above restrictions are not a problem for Liu Yu.

He attaches great importance to the "soul-condensing" properties of this elixir, which can further condense the soul. Although the growth rate slows down in a short period of time, it will be greatly beneficial in the long run.

Just because the growth of Yuanshen is not only an increase in "quantity", but also requires an improvement in "quality".

And condensing the soul, to a certain extent, is to improve the "quality" of the soul.

This makes it possible that under the same circumstances, one's own soul and consciousness can clearly outperform other monks.

Even for the future transformation of gods, there are unexplainable benefits!

And as long as he collects the spiritual grass, he can continuously refine it and take a large amount of soul-condensing pills, so the growth rate is not a problem.

After reading the information about the "Soul-Condensing Pill", Liu Yu was ecstatic, but her face remained calm, even deliberately showing a hint of dissatisfaction.

But this was indeed a god-refining elixir. Under normal circumstances, the Zhang family did fulfill its promise, so he didn't say anything.

"Fellow Taoist from the ancient city, the difficulty of collecting this elixir is indeed a little higher, but its characteristics."

Keenly aware of the other party's unhappiness, Zhang Tao's face flashed with a hint of uneasiness, but he still opened his mouth to explain, and began to express his feelings and reasons.

The benefits of picking up "soul-condensing pills" as much as possible are mentioned, but the difficulty of collecting spiritual herbs is briefly mentioned.

He knew he was in the wrong, but there was nothing he could do about it. The same thing would happen if he chose again.

Although he had some favorable impressions of Liu Yu and even admired this "young monk", it was still impossible to come up with a normal formula for refining the gods.

Spirit-refining items are rare, and the higher the level, the more valuable they are, especially the elixir, which can be continuously refined once obtained.

The number of high-level elixirs and elixirs is limited. The more monks know about them, the greater the competition. There are also some other disadvantages.

If it were a normal third-level god-refining elixir recipe, the Zhang family would never agree to the conditions. Even if they had made a promise in advance, they would most likely go back on their word.

The interests involved were too great, so Zhang Tao thought of the "Soul Condensing Pill" formula as soon as Liu Yu proposed the conditions.

Because two beads of thousand-year-old spiritual grass are needed, and other spiritual herbs are also quite rare, it is worth the difficulty of refining the fourth-level elixir itself.

Even the Zhang family has not refined any new soul-condensing pills for seven to eight hundred years.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Zhang family, the value of this elixir has been greatly reduced.

But even so, if it weren't for Zhang Tao's appreciation, this prescription would never have fallen into Liu Yu's hands.

"Gu understands."

After listening to the other party's explanation, Liu Yu's expression gradually softened, and she could only "helplessly" accept the reality.

"It's strange. The other party's attitude seems a little too enthusiastic."

"I am just a Jindan cultivator, who can only be considered to be somewhat powerful at best, but behind the opponent is the Huashen family."

"The battle in Lingwu City is over, and the main force of the Zhang family will arrive soon. It seems that the other party does not need to be so polite to me at this time, right?"

Thinking about this, he secretly became more vigilant.

After putting the jade vase and jade slips into the storage ring, Liu Yu stood up and held his hands in his hands, and said neatly:

"Thanks to the respect of fellow Taoist Zhang Tao, Gu was lucky enough to obtain these two treasures. This feeling must be kept in mind."

"Fellow Taoist is busy with business, so I won't disturb you."


After saying that, he didn't wait for the other party to reply, and walked towards the door.

After a long night and many dreams, Liu Yu had already obtained two treasures. Liu Yu had no intention of staying in Lingwu City, a place of right and wrong, for a long time, and planned to leave immediately.

Although according to common sense, the Zhang family has guarded the Annan Protectorate for generations, and as the "Tiannan Envoy", he should be close to the Zhang family.

But Liu Yu only has the realm of golden elixir, and is far from qualified to negotiate terms with the Zhang family, let alone treat them as equals.

What's more, I don't feel safe with the treasure at this time, so it's better to leave early and hide incognito.

As for the sect mission, I don’t know if I can go back or not, so I naturally put it aside for now.

It won't be too late to go to Daqian's "Shenjing" after your level has improved a bit, depending on the situation.


There was a slight sound of footsteps, and Liu Yu walked towards the door calmly and gracefully.

But before he had taken a few steps, an old and deep voice sounded from behind him, causing him to tremble.

"Fellow Taoist, please stay!"

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