Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 700 The Situation in Dongzhou

Chapter 700 The Situation in Dongzhou

Three days later, outside the Hongxiashan mansion, several figures stood facing each other.

Due to the need to keep the mission secret, even though Liu Yu had made many "good friends" in the Zixia Mountains due to his status as an alchemist, he only informed a few people before leaving.

Please ask a few monks with good connections to take care of the Jade Pill Hall during his absence.

If someone deliberately seeks trouble because of interests involved, it can be resolved in time through various relationships.

During this year when the Zixia Mountains were stable, Liu Yu had taken care of all aspects.

There are also connections with the Purple Turban Army, so I asked a few friends to take care of me before leaving. In addition, Zhuo Mengzhen personally took charge of the overall situation, so it was safer.

Don't worry about the backyard catching fire as soon as you step off with your front foot.

"Fellow Taoist from Ancient City, feel free to leave."

"As for the Jade Alchemy Hall, we will pay close attention to it all the time. Any monk who wants to cause trouble must go through this first!"

Outside the gate of the mansion, a member of the Purple Scarf Army Jindan held his hand heavily and vowed.

"With the words of fellow Taoist Wan, Gu is relieved."

Liu Yu smiled heartily, raised his hands and said seriously.

The Purple Scarf Army monks bought elixirs from Jade Pill Hall, but they had a "95% off" discount.

Including third-level elixirs, the prices of various elixirs are much cheaper than those on the market.

"Friendship" may not be reliable, and it can only exist in a matter of thought, but when there is an exchange of interests between the two parties, there is no need to worry that the other party will sit idly by.

General problems are not difficult to solve.

A group of Purple Scarf Army monks have really benefited from the existence of the Jade Pill Hall. As long as the Jade Pill Hall exists, they can always buy elixirs at preferential prices.

The bond of interests is stronger than many relationships!

"Husband, be careful on the road."

"I am waiting for you to come back at the mansion, when the time comes."

Beside him, Zhuo Mengzhen's red lips parted lightly.

The last paragraph was made through the use of divine consciousness, and only the other party knew the content.

After saying that, she held Liu Yu's left hand with a little force, and a rare hint of shyness appeared on her cheeks.

"Ha ha"

Seeing this scene, the few Jin Dan who came to see him off looked at each other and smiled, with ambiguous smiles on their faces that even male cultivators would understand.


Liu Yu didn't speak, just glanced at the woman, rubbed her white and soft little hands carefully a few times, and nodded indifferently.

What needed to be said had been said before when there were only two of them, and now there was nothing to say in public.

It is impossible for some tender words to come from his mouth.

"Fellow Taoist from Ancient City, this time you and I can fight side by side again."

"After hearing that Taoist Fellow Daoist took over this task, the Elder Council specially arranged for Mr. Guo to accompany him to assist."

Walking closer, Guo Poyun smiled and held his hand.

Perhaps because the two of them were familiar with each other, the Purple Turban Army Elders Association specially arranged for this person to assist them, and the two of them went to the eastern part of the Central Region to perform the mission together.

Liu Yu is very powerful and can successfully complete the task every time, and Guo Poyun is also very happy.

It has been some years since he reached the pinnacle of Jindan cultivation. Although he has collected several infant-forming spiritual objects, none of them are at the "Three Treasures of Infant-forming" level.

Because he was not sure enough, Guo Poyun did not dare to attack the birth bottleneck.

I still want to continue to hone my magic power, collect more infant-forming spiritual objects, and wait until my confidence is strong enough to launch an attack again, hoping to succeed in the first try.

The first time a monk attacks a bottleneck is often when the success rate is highest.

Once the attack fails, not only will the spiritual objects be exhausted, but oneself will also be seriously injured, and the success rate of another attack will plummet.

So while there are still decades left in the "golden age" of cultivation, Guo Poyun wants to wait and see.

Although there is a certain opportunity, he has no illusions about trying many times due to limited qualifications and resources.

Strive to break through the bottleneck once and for all, or you will be successful if you don't succeed!

"You and I will work together, and I believe this mission will be successfully completed!"

Liu Yu nodded and said with a smile.

They were already very familiar with each other, so they weren't too polite.


"My two Taoist friends, may you have good luck!"

Standing outside the mansion, chatting for a few words and telling him what to do after he left, Liu Yu didn't hesitate at all and quickly said goodbye.

Several Jindan cultivators who were seeing him off also raised their hands in greeting.

"Let's go."

After removing Zhuo Mengzhen's arm, Liu Yu took one last look at the woman and walked down the mountain without looking back.

Guo Poyun and Zhang Yi were half a step behind, following behind.

Although he is usually informal, he was clearly an assistant this time. Coupled with the huge gap in strength, Guo Poyun knew his position very well and had no "weird" ideas.

He just wanted to catch a ride, successfully complete the mission, get the reward for the mission, and gain more confidence in getting married.

Outside the mansion, until Liu Yu's figure disappeared, Zhuo Mengzhen reluctantly looked away and turned around to enter the empty mansion.

Several other familiar monks also dispersed and returned to their residences.

"I hope this trip goes well and that I can return to the Zixia Mountains to practice as soon as possible."

The spiritual consciousness silently took in everything, Liu Yu thought silently, and walked quickly towards Hongxiafang City.

As a very large gathering place for immortal cultivators, it covers a radius of thousands of miles. There are hundreds of spiritual mountains of all levels. There are more than half a million monks who have lived here for a long time. Naturally, there is more than one city in the Zixia Mountains.

All larger cities have teleportation arrays, so traveling is very convenient.

With the convenience of the teleportation array, immortal cultivators can span long distances. As long as there are enough spiritual stones, it is not impossible to travel across most of the Central Territory in one day.

Hongxia Mountain is a fourth-level spiritual mountain. At the foot of the mountain, there is a large-scale trading market, which contains teleportation arrays leading to all continents in the Central Region.

Although there is no teleportation array that leads directly to the eastern part of the Central Territory, as long as it is teleported to the continent near the eastern part of the Central Territory, it only takes a few transfers on the way.


Along the mountain path, Liu Yu and the others went down.

In the process, he has found an uninhabited place to change his appearance, and used secret techniques to change his body shape, appearance, and magical aura.

The spiritual pressure of Liu Yu and Guo Poyun had dropped to the middle and early stages of the Golden Elixir respectively, making them relatively inconspicuous.

As for Zhang Yi, his cultivation in the middle stage of foundation building was not outstanding, so he simply changed his appearance and body shape.

After changing their appearance, the three of them continued to move forward, and soon Hongxiafang City was in sight.

Entering Fangshi and heading straight to the teleportation hall, Liu Yu saw five foundation builders from a distance, chatting and waiting outside the hall early.

Without exception, all five of them wore a purple ring on their hands, with a small purple sword pattern engraved on it.

This is a token for the middle and lower-level members of the Purple Turban Army, which can prove the identity of the organization members.

As a Jindan monk, it is naturally impossible to do everything by yourself, and you won't be able to accomplish much in that way.

As a result, monks running errands are indispensable.

Except for Guo Poyun as his assistant, these five foundation-building monks were the direct subordinates assigned to Liu Yu by the Purple Turban Army.

You can leave some small things to them.

According to the information, the five people are familiar with the situation in the eastern part of the Central Region. Through the mouths of these five people, Liu Yu can understand some of the actual conditions in the east.

As a radical cultivator organization and one of the most famous, the Purple Turban Army has been fighting against the Qanting Holy Land for a long time. Naturally, it has a complete operating mechanism with no big loopholes.

Generally, before releasing a task, various preparations will be made, such as preparing basic information and so on.

Although the activities of the Purple Turban Army are mainly in the south and west of the Central Region, and their foundation in the east is weak, it is not impossible.

When Liu Yu went there, he didn't need to build an organization from scratch. Most affairs would be handled by middle- and lower-level members.

He is mainly responsible for formulating general development strategies, responding to possible attacks from Qanting Holy Land and sect families, and safeguarding the development of the organization.

Not everything needs to be done by yourself.

Seeing the five people, Liu Yu initially determined their identities based on the tokens, and nodded to Guo Poyun.

Guo Poyun understood and immediately walked straight towards the five members of the Foundation Establishment Stage.

"This senior, I don't know what's going on"

Seeing a strange Jin Dan walking straight towards him, the three women and two men were a little wary, and their expressions changed subtly.

It wasn't until Guo Poyun took out a higher-level token and the two parties confirmed each other's identities that the five people's expressions softened and they bowed and saluted.

"When we go to Dongzhou, we must use the teleportation array, and we have to transit through the fairy city controlled by Qanting Holy Land on the way. We must not reveal our identity."

"Put the token away quickly!"

After both parties confirmed their identities, Guo Poyun looked serious and immediately gave instructions.

"Yes, Senior Guo."

Upon hearing this, the five people immediately put the tokens into their storage bags.

To carry out this mission, none of them wore the iconic purple armbands of the Purple Turban Army, and their attire was not conspicuous.

Therefore, after putting away the token, it will be difficult for other monks to confirm their identity.

The strength of the casual cultivator organization is completely incomparable with Qanting Holy Land, so it is absolutely impossible to directly confront them.

Generally, anonymity is required at all times before launching an attack.

Therefore, all kinds of casual cultivator organizations are very good at hiding their identities. As one of the most famous casual cultivator organizations, the Purple Turban Army naturally has its own tricks.

Even members of the middle and lower classes are good at hiding their identities, and various related secret techniques emerge in endlessly.

The five people in front of them all used a rather subtle secret technique to change their appearance. If Liu Yu's spiritual consciousness and spiritual awareness were not close to the Nascent Soul realm, they might not be able to see through it.

The quality of the middle and lower class members made him nod secretly after seeing them.


The first impression of the five subordinates was not bad. Liu Yu nodded secretly in his heart and immediately stepped forward without hesitation.

Under Guo Poyun's introduction, he and his five subordinates got to know each other.

Immediately, after confirming that there were no obvious flaws, eight people entered the teleportation hall one after another.

In terms of teleportation, the Purple Turban Army has made arrangements. There are no monks in the teleportation hall at this time, ensuring that the group's whereabouts are kept secret.

Soon, Liu Yu and others were standing on the teleportation array, and the teleportation was about to begin.


The entire teleportation array shook slightly, and the array patterns lit up quickly in circles, and the milky white aura became brighter and brighter.

When the spiritual light reached its peak, the "teleportation talismans" in the hands of the eight people burned at the same time, turning into a barrier to wrap the seven people's bodies.

When the spiritual light turned from prosperity to decline, the eight people in the formation had disappeared.

Dongzhou is located in the easternmost part of the Central Region, directly bordering the Hengduan Mountains. It is the frontline that blocks the expansion of the "Golden Crow Tribe".

This continent has a vast territory, one continent is equivalent to the sum of three of the "Annan Six Continents", and the border with the Monster Clan is very long.

However, the overall spiritual energy concentration of heaven and earth is almost the same as the six Annan continents, far lower than the normal continents in the Central Region, and cannot be compared with the "Core Nine Continents".

It's just that "East Continent" borders the territory of the East Wasteland Monster Clan on the outside, and is directly connected to the other seven continents in the Central Region. In addition, the threat of the "Golden Crow Clan" in the East Barren is much higher than that of the monster clan in the other three regions, so this continent Its strategic position is far superior to that of the six Annan continents.

The Holy Land of Qianting attaches great importance to this continent and will never tolerate the interference of demon clan.

Once Dongzhou makes a mistake, the consequences will be disastrous!

In this way, the demon clan can pass through the East Continent and directly attack the other seven continents connected to it, and enter the central domain anytime and anywhere, which will greatly increase the defensive pressure.

By then, the human race will be passive in the entire eastern war situation.

With Dongzhou in hand, the war will be controlled outside Dongzhou, and the defensive pressure will be greatly reduced.

The human race can also go out from Dongzhou and attack the various tribes of the Eastern Wasteland Monster Clan at any time.

The gains and losses of one continent can directly affect the overall situation of the human monster, which shows the importance of Dongzhou.

Therefore, all the immortal dynasties in the Central Region have always deployed heavy troops in Dongzhou all year round. This is the case for Datang, Daliang, and Daqian.

In millions of years of confrontation, this continent has never been completely lost.


On this day, in a small border town in Dongzhou, a teleportation array in the teleportation hall suddenly lit up.

Eight figures of five men, three women, instantly appeared on the teleportation array.

The leader was a tall man wearing a black robe, with an evil look looming between his brows.

His muscles bulged under his black robe, his skin was bronze, and he exuded an awe-inspiring aura. You could tell at a glance that he was not someone to be trifled with.

This person is Liu Yu!

But the golden elixir guard in the palace only glanced at it and then looked away.

At present, the situation in Dongzhou is becoming increasingly tense, and both the human and demon tribes are constantly adding troops to the border.

Officials in Daqian tried their best to encourage monks to come to East Continent to resist the demon clan. Every time a demon beast or demon cultivator was killed, they could receive a subsidy based on the corpse, which was considered as part of the extra income.

Qian Ting hopes that in this way, he can attract monks from some internal continents to reduce some of the defensive pressure on the front line.

After all, the "Golden Crow Clan" lives up to its name, and its bloodline is even more powerful than the "Fire Phoenix Clan" and "Jiaolong Clan", standing at the pinnacle of the spirit demon bloodline.

The slightly more outstanding demon cultivators of the Golden Crow clan have qualifications comparable to those of "Tianlinggen" cultivators, and their abilities are extremely outstanding.

Except for the Daqian royal family and descendants of the Holy Land, as well as some monks from sects and aristocratic families with profound foundations, it is difficult for monks of the same level to defeat him.

It is a common thing for the smaller the realm, the lower the level and the higher.

In addition, the Golden Crow tribe has countless subsidiary races that can be driven, including many races with the spirit demon bloodline.

Third-level demon generals and fourth-level demon kings emerge one after another.

Under this circumstance, Dongzhou is far away from the core Jiuzhou, and the defensive pressure it faces can be imagined. No amount of preparation is too much.

There is nothing trivial about Dongzhou, so Qian Ting's "subsidy" is very considerable.

It has indeed attracted many monks from small sects and small families, and of course the majority are casual cultivators.

After all, small sects and small families have limited resources for cultivating immortals, and the welfare of their disciples is far from being comparable to that of large sects and large families.

In this case, it is impossible to meet the consumption of daily cultivation, and each generation can often only focus on training a few people.

Ordinary sect family monks who want to be promoted naturally have to find another way out.

Taking advantage of this time, it would be a good choice to come to Dongzhou to hunt monsters.

Although the risks are far greater than before, the returns are also far beyond ordinary times!

There are many monks who dare to risk their lives for the sake of the road.

Even if there is only one person among a hundred people, it is still very, very impressive based on the huge base of monks in the Central Realm.

Therefore, during this period of tense situation in Dongzhou, as soon as Daqian's policy of encouraging monster hunting came out, countless monks flocked to it.

It ranges from refining qi to entering the path of immortality, to establishing the foundation and entering the palace, and to the golden elixir which has a lot of heat.

Every day, monks with different levels of cultivation come to Dongzhou through teleportation.

Some monks choose to go alone, some work in groups to hunt monsters, and there are all kinds of monks.

Over time, guards guarding the teleportation hall have become commonplace.

When they saw Liu Yu and the others at this time, they just thought they were a demon hunting group and didn't find it strange.

Liu Yu suddenly woke up and quietly walked down the teleportation array to observe the surroundings, waiting for Guo Poyun and others to get rid of the negative state caused by the teleportation.

"Is this "Dongzhou"?"

"Sure enough, as in the data, the concentration of spiritual energy is almost the same as that of the six Annan continents."

After stepping off the teleportation array, he looked around and thought silently in his heart.

After a breath, Guo Poyun recovered, and Zhang Yi and other foundation members also woke up one after another.

During this process, the teleportation array not far away lit up with spiritual light from time to time.

Monks wearing monastic robes and possessing sophisticated magical weapons kept appearing from the teleportation array.

It seems that they are a team of monks who came to Dongzhou to hunt monsters in response to Qian Ting's policy.

"The number of team monks far exceeds that of lone rangers."

"But that's right. Demonic beasts of the same level have very strong vitality. It is extremely difficult for a single monk to kill them quickly."

“It’s easier to rely on teamwork.”

Silently watching the various monks coming down from the teleportation array, Liu Yu secretly thought in his heart.

After Zhang Yi and the other six people came to their senses, he called everyone to go outside the hall.


"Fellow Taoist, please show your identification."

When they reached the gate, the Jindan guard made a sound and blocked the way with a spear in his hand.

"Fellow Taoist, we have responded to the Immortal Court's call and are preparing to go to the front lines to hunt monsters."

Liu Yu looked calm and said very naturally.

As he spoke, he held up his hand, took out the identity document he had prepared, and handed it over in a hurry.

There was no trace of panic in his every move.

Just looking at the surface, it would be hard for others to imagine that he was the "evil cultivator" jointly wanted by Qanting Holy Land.

During the operation in the Black Mountain Immortal Prison, the identity of "Ancient City" was exposed, and he was jointly wanted by Qanting Holy Land afterwards.

Of course, the crime of indiscriminate killing of innocent people and heinous crimes is inevitable.

However, the Purple Scarf Army monks have long been accustomed to these.

As one of the most radical cultivator organizations, all members whose identities are exposed will be wanted and charged with various crimes.

When I came to Dongzhou this time, I had already prepared a "clean" identity, so it was almost impossible for problems to arise.

"excuse me."

After taking the identity document and checking it, there was nothing wrong with it, and the Jindan guard quickly handed it back.

"At this time, it is a good time for us to show our talents. I wish fellow Taoists a fruitful return from this trip."

"It is our unshirkable responsibility as monks to defend the dignity of the human race!"

"Serve the Immortal Court, protect the family and the country, now!"

Standing with a spear in hand, the golden elixir guard who looked like a middle-aged man said with a solemn expression.

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