Pursuing Longevity With an Immortal Mansion

Chapter 701: Guidance at night?

Chapter 701: Guidance at night?

"What my fellow Taoist said is very true, and I deeply believe it."

"Therefore, as soon as the Immortal Court policy came out, we came quickly with all our comrades."

Liu Yu said with a smile after taking back the identity document.

Taking advantage of the short time to check his identity, he chatted with the Jindan guards and quietly inquired about some information.

Through communication, Liu Yu learned that the guard's name was "Tang Wanshan". He was from a small sect in the Central Region and was a monk who practiced both law and body.

The situation in Dongzhou was as he expected, and the current situation was very complicated.

Outside the long border, the number of low-level monsters continues to increase, and there is a tendency to sweep into the continent. The figures of third-order and fourth-order monster cultivators appear frequently.

On the human side, the number of monks in the border fairy cities is also increasing to prepare for possible attacks by monsters.

The atmosphere in Dongzhou becomes heavier every day.

"I wish fellow Taoist good luck on this trip."

After checking the identities of the eight people, middle-aged man Tang Wanshan handed them over.


Liu Yu returned the greeting with cupped hands, motioning for Guo Poyun, Zhang Yi and others to follow them and walked out of the teleportation hall and onto the streets of Immortal City.

It was originally an ordinary fairy city, but due to the tense situation, the number of monks who came to Dongzhou continued to increase, and it achieved short-term prosperity.

Looking around, the streets are bustling with people, and the proportion of high-level monks is higher than expected.

Almost every fifty people have a golden elixir cultivator.

Various stalls can be seen everywhere, and many monks are actively preparing here, sharpening their swords, preparing to go out to hunt monsters, and take advantage of this opportunity to make a lot of money.

The demon clan is indeed powerful, but this is the Central Territory!

No monk would think that the situation would worsen. The Central Domain monks have the pride of the Central Domain monks.

Instead, I feel that this is an opportunity to earn spiritual stones, and I want to show some color to the demon clan!

So at a glance, Liu Yu saw that although the atmosphere in the fairy city was depressing, the attitude of the monks was not pessimistic, and most of them were actively making preparations.

He brought seven people with him and walked slowly around the fairy city, quietly feeling the atmosphere of Dongzhou at this time.

"Senior Hong, do you want to go to your destination immediately?"

Seeing that the time was almost up, a female foundation-building cultivator arranged by the Purple Turban Army suddenly spoke.

This woman has soft facial features, a slender figure, healthy wheat-colored skin, a slim waist that can’t be grasped, and light green pupils full of exotic charm.

Her head is wrapped in a scarf and she is dressed coolly. There is a large landscape looming in front and behind her. She is in line with the dress of a local female cultivator in Dongzhou, and her accent is very close to that of a local monk.

This woman's name is Tian Xiaoyu, her cultivation level is in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and she is the one with the highest cultivation level among the five Foundation Establishment subordinates.

When she was still in the Qi refining stage, she came to Donghuang for activities, and in a blink of an eye she was one of the important leaders of the Dongzhou branch.

I received the order this time, so I went to meet Liu Yu and his party.

Since the development focus of the Purple Turban Army is mainly in the south and west of the Central Region, there are few Golden Elixir monks in the entire east, and there are no Golden Elixir monks in the East Continent Branch.

Therefore, Tian Xiaoyu successfully stood out with his late-stage foundation building cultivation and excellent abilities, and has become one of the important leaders of the branch.

"Well, lead the way."

After the observation was almost complete, Liu Yu nodded gently.

The identity of "Gucheng" has been exposed, so naturally he can no longer use it. For daily operations, he began to use the pseudonym "Hong Hao" again.


"Senior Hong, please."

Tian Xiaoyu accepted the order and walked ahead to lead the way.


Under the leadership of this woman, everyone swerved away from the crowd and gradually reached a remote part of the fairy city.

In a house outside an alley, Liu Yu successfully met the stewards of the Dongzhou branch of the Purple Turban Army. They had received the order long ago, so they had been waiting here early.

As soon as the "rudder" takes office and gives the order, he will start taking action immediately.


Tian Xiaoyu confirmed each other's identities through the jade token, and then the monks in the house opened the formation and the door opened.

The moment Liu Yu appeared, pairs of eyes looked over.

"I've met Master Hong!"

A middle-level and high-level steward of the helm bowed down and saluted.

As early as when the news spread that a helmsman was about to take office, they heard that the new helmsman was very powerful.

How powerful it is, I don’t know yet, but the etiquette is always right.

Entering the room, Liu Yu glanced casually, and all the stewards bent down and lowered their heads.

"Get up."

He said calmly, doing his job and sitting on the main seat.

Immediately, Liu Yu's scrutinizing gaze kept scanning over a steward, familiar with the situation in Dongzhou.

I was originally thinking about killing the chicken to scare the monkeys and finding someone to stand out and establish authority.

Since these people were so sensible, Liu Yu skipped this step.

Although the "helmmaster" of the Purple Turban Army's branch may not sound famous, he has the power of rewards and punishments for a continent's branch. In special times, he can be killed first and then punished.

The power of the immortal cultivator belongs to himself. As the most powerful person in the Dongzhou branch at this time, he does not need to worry that his authority will be shaken.

There is a saying: The master of the Ming Dynasty can only guide and control his ministers with two handles.

Those with two handles are punishment virtues.

What is criminal virtue? Said: Killing is called punishment, celebrating and rewarding is called virtue.

Those who serve as ministers are afraid of punishment but benefit and reward. Therefore, if the master himself uses his punishment virtue, then the ministers will fear his power and return to his advantage.

The so-called Xing De refers to the power of reward and punishment.

With Liu Yu's strength and unshakable power of rewards and punishments, it was only a matter of time before he fully took over the helm.

Those who work hard will be rewarded, and those who do not do well will be punished.

In this case, it is easy for him to control the overall situation of the helm, and there is no need for intrigue at all.

After all, how many people in the world are not afraid of death?

A few hours later, Liu Yu already knew the information of each steward, and through the mouths of these monks, he also understood the general situation of Dongzhou.

"Master Hong, the situation in Dongzhou is tense right now. Many fellow cultivators have come to Dongzhou. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"Shall we take action immediately and start developing members quickly?"

After reporting the situation, Tian Xiaoyu asked for orders.

She has reached the late stage of foundation building and is about to face the bottleneck of forming a pill, so she is eager to make a contribution in order to be rewarded with a "gold forming pill" by the organization.

Even in the Central Territory, Golden Pill monks have a good status, so "Golden Pill" is still an important strategic resource that is difficult to obtain through ordinary monks' channels.

For the vast majority of ordinary monks, the best way is to join a force in order to obtain the opportunity to form an elixir.

If you try to obtain the "Golden Pill" through purchase, auction, etc., you must not only be careful of encountering "black shops", but also be careful of being chased by monks from all sides.

After all, competitors are also people who encounter bottlenecks. The vital spiritual object is right in front of them, so how can they give up so easily?

What's more, for most monks, it is already extremely difficult to collect a large amount of spiritual stones to purchase spiritual elixirs.

"Fellow Daoist Guo, what do you think?"

Liu Yu did not rush to make a decision and asked Guo Poyun instead.

This person will make adequate preparations before every action. He may know the situation better than himself, so he wants to hear the other person's perspective.

Regarding how to develop members, the Purple Turban Army has already had countless mature methods.

This point does not require Liu Yu to work hard, the people below will naturally know how to do it.

When the members usually stayed anonymous, they made friends with many local monks and learned which monks could try to issue invitations.

As long as he gives an order, countless low-level members will take action!

So the difference is nothing more than taking risks and being radical, or being prudent and conservative. Choose one of the two options.

Both options have their own characteristics.

The former plan will undoubtedly have a more significant effect in developing members, and it can achieve the mission goal faster, and it may be possible to return to the Zixia Mountains soon.

But the shortcomings are also very obvious. The speed is so fast that it is naturally impossible to carefully examine every monk. If the news is leaked, there is a risk that Qian Ting will pursue him.

There is even a possibility of spies sneaking in.

The latter option develops members more slowly, but it is safer and the risk is much lower than the former.

It's just that if you want to return to the Zixia Mountains to practice, it will undoubtedly take longer.

"Guo thinks it's better to be on the safe side."

Guo Poyun was silent for a moment and said slowly.

Then he explained:

"Although the situation is tense at the moment, a large number of monks from all continents have poured in, causing some confusion in the management of Qianting."

"But on the other hand, Qian Ting also sent various armies to the East Continent, and its strength in this continent is unprecedentedly strong."

"It's too radical at this time. If the news leaks, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"It's better to wait until the war breaks out and Qian Ting's energy is affected by the demon clan. I'll take active action."

Even so, standing on the commanding heights of ethnic justice will indeed lead to criticism from some monks.

However, given the strength gap between the casual cultivators, the Qianting Holy Land, and the sect families, it is almost impossible to change the current pattern of the cultivating world without the help of external forces.

Therefore, some extreme radical monks believe that if they want to overthrow Qanting Holy Land, they must cooperate with the demon clan, and they are already taking action.

The left wing is infinitely divisible, while the right wing is monolithic.

Even if they have the same goal of overthrowing Qanting Holy Land and changing the structure of the world of immortality, it is difficult for some casual cultivators to unite together because of the different philosophies of each organization.

The so-called "conservatives" and "radicals" are just general divisions. In fact, the various casual cultivating schools are much more than that.

The differences in ideas are difficult to bridge, and the strength cannot be condensed in one place, further widening the gap in strength.

"Fellow Daoist Guo's words make sense, so let's do it."

"At present, war has not broken out, so we should act more cautiously. It is better to be slow than to make mistakes."

"Afterwards, depending on how the situation changes, I will adjust my strategy."

With all kinds of thoughts flashing in his mind, Liu Yu thought about it and felt that Guo Poyun's words made sense, so he immediately made a decision and issued the order.

As he said, the war has not officially started yet. Although the situation is a little chaotic, Qian Ting's strength in Dongzhou has reached an unprecedented level.

It is better to act with caution at this time.

Moreover, after Liu Yu completed his mission, he still had to stay in the Zixia Mountains to practice, so he was destined not to be too frivolous.

If there are too many spies, especially high-level spies, he will not be able to be quiet while practicing in the Zixia Mountains.

"I'll obey!"

After receiving the order, Tian Xiaoyu and other foundation management officials responded one after another.

"Currently, the priority is to be prudent. Don't be greedy for credit and rush into anything. Be careful not to leak any information."

"If not necessary, members should still use a single line of communication."

"Nothing special. Just retreat and arrange action immediately."

Liu Yu warned lightly.

"Yes, helmsman!"

"I'll take my leave."

Except for Tian Xiaoyu, one of the famous foundation building stewards resigned one after another and left the room to go to various places in Dongzhou.

Soon, only Liu Yu, Guo Poyun, Zhang Yi, and Tian Xiaoyu were left in the room.

"The helmsman and co-ruler are tired from traveling all the way. They must be a little tired at this time."

"The accommodation of the two of you has been arranged by the helmsman. Do you want to go there immediately?"

Tian Xiaoyu asked for instructions.

"In that case, let's go to the residence first and have a look."

Liu Yu stood up and nodded slightly.

With the power of the "Star True Body", it was transmitted all the way, but he didn't feel anything.

However, Guo Poyun and Zhang Yi had never practiced physical training together before, and the fatigue on their faces was already somewhat obvious at this time.

No matter how anxious you are, don't act in a hurry, otherwise mistakes may easily occur, so it's better to rest first.

So after a few breaths, the four of them walked out one after another.

On the way, Tian Xiaoyu directed a member of the Qi Refining Stage to lead Zhang Yi to his residence.

There are many inns in the fairy city. Under the influence of the formation, the concentration of spiritual energy in each room or attic is different.

It is generally divided into upper chamber, middle chamber and lower chamber.

Corresponding to the three realms of golden elixir, foundation building and qi refining respectively.

The fees charged for each level of room are different, and the aura gap between them is also huge.

As for the Nascent Soul monks, the Immortal City has a special inn to accommodate them. Not only does the concentration of spiritual energy reach the fourth level, but they also provide free accommodation without charging any fees.

Those who have cultivated themselves in the Nascent Soul stage are already in the upper echelons of the Central Realm and can enjoy various privileges.


Walking through the streets, under the leadership of Tian Xiaoyu, Liu and Yu soon arrived at an inn that occupied an extremely large area.


Liu Yu looked up and saw clearly the three characters on the plaque.

Although this Hermitage is an inn, it is not a loft, but composed of many lofts. Each loft is a unit and is leased to Jindan monks.

There are antique attics surrounded by green grass. They are actually no different from ordinary inns, except that the courtyard needs to be shared with other monks.

But the rent is relatively cheaper.

"Fellow Daoist Hong, see you tomorrow."

Showing the rental token, the three of them entered the large courtyard smoothly. They first passed Guo Poyun's attic, and the man quickly disappeared as soon as he handed over his hand.

Liu and Yu continued to move forward, and soon stopped in front of a relatively exquisite attic.

"Headmaster, this is the residence prepared by the organization for you."

"This is the token to control the attic formation."

With that said, Tian Xiaoyu took out a red token and handed it over.

Then, a bit of hesitation flashed in her eyes, and she spoke hesitantly:

"The accommodation is simple, I hope the helmsman doesn't mind."

"The focus of the organization has always been on the south and west, and it has not paid much attention to the east."

"As for Dongzhou, there has never been a helmsman before, and funds have always been tight, so..."

Tian Xiaoyu spoke softly, slowly explaining the difficulties of splitting the helm, and explained clearly the reasons why he did not choose to stay alone.

"It doesn't matter."

"It's just a temporary place to stay. Anyway, I won't be able to stay here for long."

After taking the token and scanning the attic up and down, Liu Yu said calmly.

After understanding the situation of dividing the helm, he could understand the difficulty, so he had no intention of pursuing it.

After all, there is still no spirit stone.

"Thank you, Captain Haihan!"

Seeing that Liu Yu had no intention of pursuing the matter, Tian Xiaoyu was relieved and a joyful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then, she didn't know what she thought of, a blush appeared on her face, and she spoke hesitantly again:

"If so. If the helmsman feels that the attic is too deserted, Xiaoyu can arrange for two maids to come and serve him."

"I heard that the helmsman is very advanced and powerful. He is one of the best in the organization."

"If the helmsman has time and doesn't mind, I would like to ask the helmsman to give me some advice on some cultivation problems this evening."

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